My first Pitch Perfect fanfic, a series of oneshots featuring Beca and Jesse and everything else along the way, in no particular order. Read and review, please!

Molly Claire Swanson was the epitome of perfection, the perfect mix of her mother and her father. In looks, people assumed she was a mini Beca, but her parents knew they had a mixture. Beca's hair, Jesse's eyes. Beca's adoration for music, Jesse's passion for movies ("She's going to be movicated from day one, Bec. I almost got you too late, there's no way I'm going to go through that again" "You weirdo"). The sarcasm of her mother (which, at two, Jesse didn't even think was possible) and the fun loving nature of her father. Named after the movie that had essentially tore her parents apart before bringing them back together, The Breakfast Club had a lot to answer for, in her mother's eyes.

And the proof that the Bellas oath had been broken (something Aubrey had never failed not to point out- even at their wedding. It took Chloe, Fat Amy, Stacey and Benji to calm the bride after Aubrey cheerfully made that announcement). Proof that drunken, eighteen year old Jesse Swanson, who had predicted aca-children on hood night of their freshman year, had been right. And proof that no matter the rivalry between the two aca pella groups, they could gather together to be awesome aca-aunts and aca-uncles for little Molly.

Yes, Molly Claire was perfect. Something Beca Swanson, nee Mitchell, had never imagined her life to be. She was the DJ with an earspike, and Jesse was the nerd at the radio station. But eight years later- the longest and the shortest years all at the same time- her life was perfect. She married the nerd of her dreams (after serenading him at the aca pella finals, something she didn't think would ever happen in this lifetime, or any other for that matter), and they had a little girl they called their own.

She loed everything about him. She loved how gentle he was with Molly, how his eyes sparkled whenever he saw her, and how his goofy grin could still make her feel like she was eighteen again. He was her rock, the one constant in her life. he had never given up on her.

Not even on that ridiculous movication, which haunted her to that day ("BEC-A! how is it possible that you have not seen The Shawshank Redemption?" "I don't know, Jess". "I mean, seriously? I thought not seeing The Breakfast Club was bad!" "Do you want to watch the freaking movie or not? And stop hogging all the popcorn!").

She was just an aca pella girl, and he was just and aca pella boy. And they had their aca pella child.

Because it was inevitable.