(A/N) : Hey everyone, sorry for the delay. I've been really busy these past few months, Just when I think things are going to get easy or better, life just likes to remind me that it's not by kicking me in the balls. To start things off, the first reason is at my new job I mentioned last time, there was a huge project my team was assigned to do, however since we were a small team, we needed to do mandatory overtime to get the project done in time by the client's deadline. Second reason is due to the fact I have gotten a lot of requests / challenges to write. Thankfully most of those people were happy with just one shots. I think have about over thirty written and some more left I haven't done. A lot these were more like rough drafts, so I won't be publishing any of them until I get feedback from the requesters to finish editing and make any changes that they want and if I'm satisfied with the final draft.. The third reason, I have some side stories that I have written for Celestial Rebirth. Technically these side stories are actually cut content from this chapter that didn't really tie in much with the main events in the chapter due to a few times skips in between I decided to just to make a compilation chapter of the cut content and other events / side stories, occurring between Issei's first year all the way up to when his third year / canon story begins. And the last reason is due to family and medical reasons, I won't go into too much detail, since it wasn't life threatening, but as some of you all were aware for about 2 weeks I left a note on my profile that I was in the hospital. It's all good now. So you all don't have to worry about it.
Also the Poll results are in with 427 for YES, 239 for MAYBE, and 2 for NO. Not Sure if trolling or serious. My gut says trolls for the two. Anyway that was an unexpected landslide, last time I checked maybe was winning. But then again that was the third month after publishing the previous chapter. Also kinda funny that all the YES and MAYBE when added together equal 666. I don't know if I should take that as a good or bad sign. Since this a story about devils I guess it's a good sign, but then again that number stands for Trihexa.
Also, if any of you all have read Volume 21 of Highschool DxD, something happen to a specific character that is similar to what I just did last chapter a month before it was released. I was so surprise when I got to that part in the light novel.
Alright I had a lot to say today, and I'm gonna just shut up now so we can move on to the actual chapter.
Anyway this chapter has a total word count of over 14,000
Disclaimer: I don't own Highschool DxD or any of it's characters featured in this chapter. Except for my OCs, and some unique items/abilities.
Without further ado enjoy the chapter.
Issei's Room, Sunday, March 19th, 1:47 PM
Issei was laying on his bed, wearing a pair of earbuds, listening to some music from his smartphone. Today was the first time in a while that Issei had the opportunity to sit back and relax.
For the past month now Issei has made a name for himself as bounty hunter working any job available to him. It didn't matter if it came from Heaven, Hell or any other faction, as long as it paid well and gave Issei a challenge, he would take it. Issei became well known for the fact that he completed jobs at record speeds, and the fact that he wielded the Longinus Class, Scared Gear; the Boosted Gear made him the target of many. Whether it was gifts to win his favor, offering him a place among their ranks, contracts of servitude or even attempts of kidnapping. Issei face them all and rejected them all. And he did all of this under the alias of Vali, the Sekiryuutei.
As Issei continues to lay on his bed, his mind begins to wander. He begins to look back at all that has occurred in the past eight years. Issei thinks back at everything he succeeded so far, and then he begins to think about the failures and what ifs that could have occurred. Eventually Issei begins to think back to his life before entering the gate. As he continues to sort through his thoughts and memories, he feels something wet on his cheeks. Issei opens his eyes and begins to wipe away the tears.
(Hey Issei, Are you alright?) Asked Ddraig.
"I'm fine, it's nothing." Replied Issei.
(It doesn't seem like it. Issei what's on your mind?) Asked Albion.
Realizing that Albion and Ddraig weren't going to stop asking until he told them the truth, Issei began to speak.
"I was just thinking about everyone and… my life…" Before Issei could finish, Ddraig replied.
(Your life before we entered the gate?) Asked Ddraig
"Y… Yeah." Replied Issei hesitantly.
(Partner, you know we had no choice, if we…) Before Ddraig could finished, Issei interrupted him.
"I know, if we hadn't it would've been the end of the world. Every time I think about it, I just wish I could've done more, maybe try a different approach to stop it." Said Issei.
(Issei, I know we kind of rushed you into making that decision but you have to understand, that because of the size of the Chronos-Nexus gate, we had only minutes do something or else everything would have been erased with no way of it ever being restored. We were already out of options the moment that gate appeared.) Said Albion.
"Even though my mind knows that our choice was the most logical and best option, however my heart says otherwise, that I'm a coward, I abandoned them, I…" Before Issei could say anything more, his right arm moved on its own and slap him in the face.
(Listening you, whine and complain about the past, is starting to annoy me. Issei you need to face reality, whether you like or not, what's done is done. All you can do is try to do the best you can, to obtain that life once more, even if it isn't exactly the same. Besides you're not the only one that had to abandon everything important to them in that world.) Says Albion
Realizing the truth in Albion's words, Issei felt like a fool, all this time Issei was clouded by sorrow in the back of his mind, but now he has opened his eyes to the answers that will heal the wound in his heart. All this time there was someone else that felt the same pain he had and had moved forward, accepting the choices they made. Albion understood Issei's pain, because he did the same thing when he left Vali. Issei understood that it may take time to get these thoughts out of his head. All Issei needs to do is follow Albion's lead or he would never get over this and move forward. Making things right in this world is the only way to atone for the wrongs Issei did in the last. Even if no one else remembers, he will, and do everything he can so that they can have a better life.
"Thank you, Albion." Says Issei, before Issei and Albion could say anything else, Ddraig begins to speak.
(Issei, was the reason that made you start thinking of all this because of Rias?) Asked Ddraig.
"..." Issei remains silent, giving no reply to Ddraig's question, but that was all Ddraig needed to confirm it.
(Partner, I know that it's been eight years since you last saw her. However you shouldn't have to worry too much, It's not like her personality is going to be a complete one-eighty to the one you know in your old life.) Said Ddraig.
"I know, but I can't help but worry a bit, I don't know what to say to her or how to act in front of her, to her it be our first encounter, but to me it means more than that, especially since it's only two weeks from now til the new school year starts." Said Issei.
(Well, all I can say is be yourself, she did fall in love with a perverted idiot, so you had to have done something right.) Said Albion.
"Thanks for the backhanded compliment Albion." Said an annoyed Issei.
(Hey, I'm just stating facts, you can't be angry when you know it's true.) Said Albion.
Before Issei could saying anything else. His phone began to ring, it was a notification alert. Issei picks up his phone and begins to read the job request.
(So what kind of job do we have this time Partner?) Asked Ddraig.
"Well it doesn't say other than to come to specific location and then be informed of the job itself. And the reward is 100 billion yen."
((100 billion yen!?)) Cried Albion and Ddraig in unison.
"Yeah, and the request is from a... devil." Said Issei.
(Well, what are we waiting for let's go!) Yelled Albion.
"That's the problem it's tonight, here in Kuoh Town." Replied Issei. Albion and Ddraig fell silent, the two of them were fully aware what this meant.
(Issei, you know there are only two devils in Kuoh town at this point with that kind of money, the question is which one?) Said Ddraig.
"Yeah I know, we got a fifty-fifty shot at guessing who it is, but even then won't know unless we go and found out ourselves." Said Issei.
(Well we got a the over eight hours until then. Let's not worry about it and enjoy this much needed day off.) Said Albion.
"Oh yeah I need to call Le Fay today and see how they're doing, it been about three days since we last spoke," Said Issei as he grab his phone and set a text to Le Fay, to see if she was available. Issei decides to laid back down and wait, going back to listening to his music.
Kuoh Town, Sunday, March 19th, 11:58 PM
Issei is walking along a trail which eventually leads to an abandon building. Issei recognizes the building it was the place the angel Metatron would live in sometime later on. Issei stops at the entrance to the building and notices a person to his right walking out from behind the lone tree near the building. The Mysterious person's appearance was hidden by the dense shadow of the tree.
"I'm glad you came, I was starting to think you wouldn't show up."Said the unknown woman.
"With that that kind of money be set out as the reward, I think anyone would be hesitant to show up if it was a hoax." Said Issei.
The mysterious woman then gave a gesture which cause another woman hiding behind the tree to reveal herself. This new woman had multiple large suitcases with her..
"Trust me, the reward is no bluff, after all I plan to make a deal with you; Vali, the Sekiryuutei." Said the Mysterious woman as she step out of the shadows into the moonlight revealing herself. Issei instantly recognized her as Sona Sitri. which meant the other woman was her queen, Tsubaki Shinra. Issei closes his eyes and begins a conversation with Albion and Ddraig
"I'm so glad it was Sona and not Rias, finally the knot in my stomach is going away." Said Issei.
(Not to mention that you also got you're face concealed, so she won't recognize you later on, when you're at school.) Said Ddraig.
(However with that amount of cash I wonder what sort of deal she wants to make, it is well known that you're an A-class Magician under your alias. It could be a contract or does she want you to join her peerage?) Asked Albion.
"I'd say that it's most likely about joining her peerage, given the fact that almost all her servants were younger than her and from Kuoh academy, she doesn't have anyone but Tsubaki at the moment." Replied Issei.
(If it is about joining her peerage, at her current ability there's no way she could make us her servant. As we are now and how the evil pieces work, it's completely impossible.) Said Ddraig.
(Indeed, since you can only use the same type of evil pieces the highest combination that could be done is a double rook setup which would equal ten pawns but even that wouldn't be enough.) Said Albion.
"Well, because I'm the wielder of both of you, I wouldn't be surprise if it takes the equivalent of sixteen pawns to make me into a devil. Anyway let's just get this over with." Said Issei. As he opened his eyes leaving the instantaneous conversation.
"So what kind of deal does the heiress of the Sitri clan want to make with me?" Asked Issei.
"Well, my childhood friend and rival is about to make your enemy the Hakuryuukou her servant. Replied Sona.
"And so you decide to go after me and hope that I would show up and not go after the Hakuryuukou even though you know where he is and could tried to persuade him to be your servant instead." Said Issei.
"Well even if I did, I wouldn't stand a chance since her queen was a childhood friend of the Hakuryuukou, He would listen to her than a complete stranger like me. And that's where you come in Vali. What I am offering you is a chance to have multiple opportunities to fight him and prove your superiority. This also benefits me with a chance to one up her. All you have to be is become my servant." Said Sona as she extended her hand out for a handshake.
"I refuse." Replied Issei, as he begins to turn around and walk away.
Sona could only stare in shocked. She was speechless for a moment, until her queen Tsubaki snapped her out of it, and returned her attention to the receding form of the Sekiryuutei.
"Why? There must be more to your reason for your answer and I wish to hear it, please tell me Vali." Cried Sona. Issei stops walking and began to speak without looking back at Sona.
"As I am right now there are matters that I must complete, that can only be done as a human, also my current level of power in comparison to your own, the difference is so vast it would be impossible. If you attempted to make me your servant you will fail. This doesn't just apply to myself, it also applies to Hakuryuukou, I already fought him once, and he also won't be able to become a servant if the difference in power is similar. Anyway I'm leaving, you can keep the money." Said Issei as he casted a spell and teleported himself back to his house.
Kuoh Academy, Monday, April 3rd, 8:22 AM
Issei is walking through the hallways on his way to his classroom. So far everything was exactly like his first day at Kuoh Academy in his previous life. Same old boring opening ceremony, seeing familiar faces, and meeting new ones. Issei should already be at his desk at this point, however some of the other guys from the other classes pulled Issei into their group conversation, it was very interesting to find out that most of the guys were either good looking or were an ace at the sport or talent of their choice. The Gremory clan did their best to pick the cream of crop, to make sure that the results are the best for this co-ed experiment.
As Issei continues walking through the hallway some of the girls are staring at him and began whispering and giggling. It didn't surprise Issei that he would have some fans or that they knew his name and face, especially since his continue famed as the national kendo champion in both the elementary and junior divisions for every year he participated, with a total of five consecutive wins.
Issei turned the corner, and saw the door to his classroom, as Issei reached out his hand to open the door, another hand also reach out towards the door. Their hands touch, snapping both of them out of their train of thought. Issei turned to his left while the girl turned to her right. The girl had long brown hair in multiple curls, it was none other than Kiyome Abe. Issei had completely forgotten that she was in the same class as Rias and Akeno.
"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings." Said Issei
"It's alright, I'm at fault as well, I was thinking of something and I didn't notice you." Replied Kiyome.
Issei grabbed the door and opened and then gestured to Kiyome before replying.
"After you." Said Issei, Kiyome nodded and walked through the door with Issei right behind her. Immediately after entering the classroom, every girl there turn their attention to Issei. The teacher had not yet arrived and a few seats were also vacant. After Kiyome had finished looking at the sheet with the seating arrangement, Issei picked it up and began to find his name.
While Issei was looking through the list he didn't notice the two girls that had just entered. The rest of the class were staring at them in awe of their beauty. One had long black hair, that was tied in a ponytail with a orange ribbon, the other girl had long crimson hair. Issei just found his name on the list and was about to turn around and head towards his seat, but stopped when he heard someone call out his name.
"Ise...Issei Hyoudou, is that you?" Said a familiar voice.
Issei immediately turned to his right and saw two faces he could never forget, Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima. In Issei's mind he was overjoyed to finally be with them again after so long.
"Akeno… Akeno Himejima, it's been a while. " Replied Issei. As soon as Issei said her name, Akeno ran up to Issei and wrap her arms around him. This resulted in the majority of class staring at Akeno with eyes envy, due to the close relationship she had with Issei and her stunning beauty. Rias steps forwards and begins to speak.
"Akeno I get that he's your childhood friend, but you should let him go, or you're going end having part of the class as your enemy." Said Rias jokingly.
"Ara ara, I don't mind, as long as I get to be with Ise that's all that matters." Replied Akeno as she giggled.
Before Rias or Issei could reply, the bell rang, and the teacher walked in.
"Hmm? Well what do we have here, it's the first day of the new school year and we already have a couple." Said the teacher.
"I wouldn't call it that just yet sensei, at this point it's a reunion between childhood friends." Said Rias.
"Fair enough, anyway why don't you three head to your seats so we can get the introductions started." Said the teacher.
The three quickly went to their seats while the teacher welcome the class to their first day. One by one everyone stood up and gave their introduction. After that was completed the teacher gave a short lecture for the remainder of the class.
Kuoh Academy, 11:31 AM
The bell marking the end of classes and the beginning of lunch had just rang. Before Issei can even get out of his seat he is surrounded by girls from his class asking him to have lunch with them. Issei is just about fed up with this situation, throughout the day during every break between classes, Issei has not had the opportunity to speak with Akeno or Rias at all, at least they understood his annoyance since they were also getting surrounded by their fellow classmates.
Issei stands up and begins to speak.
"Sorry girls, I appreciate the offer but I already have plans actually." Said Issei as he turned to his right and walked up to Akeno's desk. Some of the girls at Akeno's desk moved aside for Issei to get through. Akeno was sitting listening to some of the girls while smiling at them. To most people Akeno's smile would look normal. However from his experience with Akeno in his old life and their time together as kids, Issei could see that she was actually giving them a wryly smile. This is the smile Akeno gave to someone if they were annoying her.
"Akeno." Said Issei, Akeno quickly turned to her left before replying.
"Yes, Ise, what is it?" Asked Akeno, her mood had completely changed the moment Issei spoke.
"Do you want to go have lunch with me?" Asked Issei. Akeno immediately got up from her seat and hugged Issei's right arm.
"Yes, I would love to." Replied Akeno. Issei could have sworn that Akeno's eyes were sparkling and that she began to glow, like an aura had suddenly surrounded her. The two began to walk towards the door, when they notice Rias and Kiyome were standing next to it.
"Well looks like you two are ready, I know a nice private place for us, shall we get going?" Asked Rias. Issei and Akeno nodded, the two of them along with Kiyome followed Rias through the school building and out onto the school grounds. As the four continued walking, Issei could see their destination in the distance, the old schoolhouse, an abandoned dormitory that will soon be use for the occult research club.
The four of them eventually reach a set of stone stairs. Upon inspection the stairs seemed a bit worn out and dilapidated, some of the stones look like that they may fall out or move from their positioning,
"Be careful everyone, some parts of this area are still being renovated, since it hasn't been used in a while. So watch your … " Before Rias could finish her sentence one of the stones she step on gave in and she began to fall backwards. Issei immediately position himself right behind her, and caught Rias and held her in a princess carry.
"Are you alright?" Asked Issei. Rias embarrassed by the situation began to blush until her face was the same color as her hair. Rias gave a simple nod, letting Issei know to let her down. Rias lead them the rest of the way in silence as she continue to blush. Akeno was giggling due to fact that she has never seen her best friend been that embarrassed before and also began to feel a little jealous and wished she had been in Rias's place, while blushing a little at the thought of how amazing Issei has become.
The group continue walking and entered the the old schoolhouse, Rias lead them through a dark hallway until they reached a double door. Rias opens the doors revealing the same old club room that Issei remembered. Most of the furniture had already been place, Rias hadn't finishing unpacking which would explain the assortment of boxes that still remained unopened.
"Welcome to the Occult Research Club! I apologize for the mess we're still unpacking at the moment, Anyway please have a seat you two." Said Rias as she gestured at Issei and Kiyome to have a seat on the sofa. The two of them complied with Rias's request and took a seat. Rias had taken a seat on the sofa that was on the opposite side, while Akeno had went off to make tea and grab the bentos that they had been prepared.
"I assume both of you know why you are here." Said Rias, Issei and Kiyome give a quick nod at her statement.
"Excellent, let's get started right away, as both are well aware this town is owned by devils, however I just became the recent owner of this town from a devil of another house, unfortunately there has been little documentation of the supernatural beings in this town. Which is why I have like both of you to please fill out some documents for our records." Said Rias as she waved her hand causing two magic circles to appear, each summoning a stack of papers.
Issei just stared in shock at the stack of papers, due to the fact that the stack was about six inches tall. Kiyome began to look through it, while he continued to stared at it, until he looked back up at Rias and began to speak.
"I highly doubt that the Underworld's registration process would require this much paper. What is actually in here, that I also need to fill out?" Asked Issei as he picks up some of the forms.
"Well in the case of Kiyome Abe, because she is a beast tamer, she just has the registration forms printed out multiple times for herself and all the monsters she has tamed, since she just recently moved here. However in your case Issei Hyoudou, about a third of that is for you which includes some legal documents due to violations as a human with supernatural abilities and not being registered or affiliated with any faction, even though you have lived in this town all your life. As for the rest of the it, that's for Vali the Sekiryuutei." Said Rias.
"Wait, why are giving me his paperwork?" Asked Issei.
"That's because I heard a rumor from Grigori, that the Hakuryuukou and Sekiryuutei live in the same town, and since Akeno was from here and she was the childhood friends with you Issei Hyoudou, the current Hakuryuukou, I would like you to track him down and give this to him, I'm sure that you have probably encounter him already so you should be able to get this done." Said Rias as she smiled at him, Issei feels a chill run his spine as he realizes the smile she is giving right now is the same one he always get before he got punished if he failed at his contracts.
Issei closes his eyes and begins to talk with Albion and Ddraig
"FUCK! If I had know I would be stuck with all this paperwork, I wouldn't have been a bounty hunter in the first place! The next time I see Azazel, I'm going to kill that loudmouth bastard!" Shouted Issei, while Albion and Ddraig were laughing at his misfortunes again.
"Would the the two of you just the stop laughing at me and let me think this through clearly or at least help me!" Yelled an irritated Issei. The two dragons stopped laughing for a moment while Issei waited through the silence hoping that they would help this time and then they gave their reply.
((NO.)) Said Albion and Ddraig in unison, and the dragons continued their laughter, and began laughing harder when they saw the disappointment on Issei's face.
"I really hate the two of you right now." Said Issei
(Sorry, partner but you set yourself up for that, besides the look on your face was priceless, I haven't laughed like this in ages.) Said Ddraig
(To be honest with you Issei, you should just ask Rias if there is another option, but yeah that was hilarious watching your face light up with joy and then instantly became disappointed.) Said Albion
"One of these days I'm gonna get payback on you two." Said Issei, before Albion or Ddraig could reply Issei ended the conversation and open his eyes and looked at Rias.
"Is there anyway to be pardon from those violations? Asked Issei.
"Well there is one way, in order to be pardon you must become the servant of the devil that owns this town. In other words, Issei Hyoudou, you must become a devil and join my peerage. Do you accept my offer?" Asked Rias.
"Well the thing is, I literally know nothing about your world or what it means to be a devil, in fact if I didn't have Albion with me I wouldn't even believe anything you just said." Replied Issei as he raised his right arm which was enveloped in a sapphire blue flame. The three girls stare at the gauntlet in awe for a moment, Rias snapped out her trance and began to speak.
"So what you're telling me, is that you haven't really encounter other supernatural beings and didn't know anything about this at all." Said Rias
"Right, before today the only supernatural beings I have encountered are Akeno and Vali, the first time my Sacred Gear activated was when I saved Akeno and myself from falling to our deaths as kids. Before that that day I was just a normal human being. I know some general information about the supernatural world thanks to Albion, but that's about it." Said Issei, hoping Rias would believe his lie.
Rias closes her eyes and begins to ponder on what to do with her predicament, she had hoped that Issei might be the one to resolve her issue. But hearing his statement has made her skeptical.
"He may not know much about the supernatural, however he is an expert in swordsmanship and possesses a Longinus class Sacred Gear, not to mention it's been active for about six years. If he has obtained Balance Breaker not even Riser would stand a chance against him." Said Rias.
As she continued to think through her possible options, suddenly Rias feels a tap on her shoulder. Rias was brought out of her thoughts, she turned to her left and looked up and saw her queen and best friend Akeno holding a cup of tea for her, Rias takes the cup and takes a sip.
"Let's not worry too much about the details, after all we could always show Issei what it's like to be a devil by having him follow us on a few jobs and contracts." Said Akeno as she sat down next to Rias.
"You're right, maybe I am overthinking things, anyway Issei would a week of shadowing us be enough time for you to make a decision?" Asked Rias.
"A week, would be all the time I need to get all my questions answered and make my decision." Replied Issei as he continued his deception.
"Excellent, starting today you will come here with us, after school everyday, as for the weekend we can work that out later. Anyway, Kiyome Abe would you like to join us as well? Asked Rias as she turned her attention to the beast tamer. Kiyome placed her cup of tea down, and shook her head before replying.
"I appreciate the offer but I will have to politely decline it, I have no interest in being a devil." Said Kiyome while filling out some of the forms.
"Ara ara, now that's all settle why don't you two enjoy the lunch Rias and I have prepared for you, think of it as a token of appreciation for taking the time to talk with us." Said Akeno as she brought the four bentos onto the table for them.
Issei did his best to contain his composure, he didn't want them to see his mouth watering or his excitement, due to the fact that it has been years since he last had anything that was made by them. The four of them began eating their meal, they had some interesting conversations to get to know each other as they ate.
After finishing his meal Issei leaned back against the sofa, with a smile on his face.
"Wow that was delicious, I don't think I've ever had anything that tasted as amazing as that before." Said Issei, as he thinks back to all the lunch bentos the girls had made him in the past.
"I'm glad you liked it, Akeno spent the whole morning making sure that it was perfect, we were so busy that we were almost late for school." Said Rias
"Ara ara, you make it sound like you didn't enjoy helping me Rias, even though you got excited and immediately volunteer to help me when you found out I what I was making." Said Akeno, giggling at her best friend. Rias lower her head in defeat, she was too embarrassed to admit to being a japanophile. Kiyome began giggling as well as she watched the two of them tease each other. Issei smiled as he watched on, until he notice something and began to speak.
"Hey Rias." Said Issei
"What's the …" Before Rias could finish her sentence she felt Issei's left hand on her right cheek. Rias went into a daze and began to blush once more. Akeno and Kiyome stared on with looks of astonishment at the situation, Rias quickly snapped out of her trance and raise her right hand.
"What are you doing!?" Cried Rias, as she attempted to slap Issei but failed when Issei brought up his forearm to block her, as he pulled back and sat back down in his seat.
"Ara ara, Ise I didn't expect you to make a move on Rias, I didn't know that she was your type." Said Akeno as she smiled at Issei, however the tone of her speech and the atmosphere around her gave a feeling of anger and jealousy.
"Pervert." Was all Kiyome could say about the incident that just occurred
"For the record, what I just did was because of this was on Rias's right cheek." Said Issei, as he turned his hand to show the girls the piece of rice on his finger, Issei then brought his fingers to lips and ate the rice. The three girls began to blush in embarrassment for misjudging him. Issei begins to continue drinking his tea as he patiently waits to see what they will do.
The girls began apologizing to him for their mistake, Issei forgave them for the misunderstanding. After all was said and done Akeno began to speak.
"Wait a second, Rias, how did that rice get stuck on your face, you always had very proper dining etiquette." Said Akeno as she ponder on the issue.
"I guess I was so caught up in the conversation I didn't notice it." Said Rias, trying to laugh it off. When in reality she knew that she had put it there on purpose but she had completely forgotten about it.
"Is that so, was it really an accident or was it on purpose? Asked Akeno as she looked over at Rias, with her eyes closed, smiling at her.
As Issei continued to watch the scene before him, Issei remembers something that can let him tease Rias a bit more.
"Hmm… This is just speculation, from what I've heard and seen so far. It seems to me that Rias is an otaku." Said Issei. As soon as he said that Rias immediately looked over at him, The look on her face said it all, she was extremely upset at the remark Issei made.
"I'M NOT AN OTAKU! Yelled Rias. Akeno and Kiyome were startled by Rias's sudden outburst, as for Issei, he was surprised that her reaction was stronger compared to the one she had in his old life.
"You say that, but I don't believe you. Especially since that little scenario you set up definitely came from an anime or manga." Said Issei, while Rias simply lowered her head.
"Though the reason I called you an otaku is not out of hate or disgust but one of respect and admiration." Said Issei as he begins to stand up and walks over to Rias. While Rias looked up at Issei confused by his statement.
"I know the word otaku has some stigma with it. However I was using it with the just the base meaning, after all I think it's interesting see someone that's wants to experience all there is to a particular culture. I also notice that you been speaking in Japanese very fluently without the help of any magic spells or devil abilities. The fact that your Japanese is on par with native speakers shows how dedicated and interested you are about Japanese culture. Said Issei, he pauses for a moment and sits down next to Rias before continuing.
"In all honesty if we did include the stigma as part of the actual definition of the word, then thats makes me and a decent percentage of the population in Japan otakus as well. So don't take it the wrong way I never meant to insult you, and I apologize if it seem like that." Said Issei as he looked at Rias. Rias was moved by Issei's statement and the sincerity of his words, she gave him a heartwarming smile as she made eye contact with him before replying.
"Thank you Issei, and I forgive you. I had always know that my fascination with Japanese culture can be a bit obsessive. Hearing you say all that has made me feel better and I'm glad that I'm not the only otaku in the room." Said Rias giggling.
"Well to finish things off I have a gift for you Rias would you like to have it?" Asked Issei.
"A gift? And just what is this…" Before Rias could finish her statement, Issei leaned closer to her and kissed her on the cheek. Rias was completely caught off guard by Issei's kiss and began to blush. As Issei pulled back, Rias slowly turned her head towards him as he was about to speak.
"Well how was it? Did you enjoy your first experience of Japanese romance? After all that was what you had originally intended to happen with that piece of rice, am I right?" Asked Issei with a smile on his face. Rias smiled and gave a slight nod. Issei had figured everything out, and even gave her what she wanted. She didn't mind that Issei was the guy that did it, especially after hearing all about him about from Akeno had made her curious about him. After meeting him in person, she could see that Akeno was right. Issei was without a doubt a modern day knight in shining armor, Rias had found her prince charming, the one that will save her from her fate.
While Rias was in a state of bliss, Issei leaned back and saw that Akeno was in a state of depression. Issei has seen Akeno actually in that state twice. To his knowledge, there have only been three times this has happened. The first time occurred when everyone thought he had died and all that was left was his evil pieces. The second time happened when he took a bath with Grayfia, and the third time occurred when Rossweisse asked him to be her boyfriend and go on a date.
Issei, understanding why she was acting this way. He closed his eyes and began to think about what to do.
(Well you got yourself into a wonderful situation.) Said Albion.
"She's upset because she believes that I have completely fallen for Rias. The old Akeno accepted the fact that Rias and I were already in love with each other when she started to fall in love with me, however because I made her my childhood friend and she fell in love with me first. Akeno doesn't just want to be just a mistress rather she wants to be the legal wife."
(So how are you going to fix this, partner?) Asked Ddraig
"I have an idea." Replied Issei as he open his eyes and got up from his seat and walked behind the sofa. Issei leans forward towards Akeno and wrap his arms around her. This brought Akeno out of her thoughts, as she started to turn around to face Issei, she felt something briefly brush against her left cheek. Akeno turned a bit more and realize that it was Issei' check that had just she had just felt. There was barely an inch between them. Akeno began t o blush and move her head to opposite direction before she began to speak.
"Why are you here with me? Shouldn't you be sitting over there with Rias." Said Akeno in a displeased tone.
"And why would I do that? I'm not her boyfriend." Replied Issei.
"Oh really, cause it look like the complete opposite of that just now." Retorted Akeno,
Realizing it's gonna take everything he's got to convince Akeno, Issei quickly glanced over at Rias who was deep in thought unaware of what going on right next to her. Issei let out a sigh before he begins to speak.
"Akeno, I did that because as an apology to Rias, I didn't know that she had hated that word so strongly the least I could do was give her what she originally planned to happen. And besides our first kiss we had when we were younger was more intimate than what I gave Rias." Said Issei as he whisper in Akeno's ear. Akeno blushed as she began to think back to that day.
"But then again it has been a while since then." Said Issei as he lean closer to Akeno and kissed her on the cheek. Akeno began to blush profusely from Issei's sudden action. She turned her head and made eye contact with Issei who was smiling at her. She smiled back and the two of them gaze at each other for a while until the sound of something hitting the table, bringing everyone's attention to the source of the sound, Kiyome Abe.
"Kiyome, you're still here." Said a surprised Rias.
"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Replied Kiyome in an irritated tone, while her face was bright red.
"Well you were so quiet and I thought you had left when …" Said Akeno but was cut off by Kiyome before she could finish.
"When the three of you started acting all lovey-dovey. I would have but I decided to stay. Said Kiyome
"Did you want to join in? Asked Issei Jokingly.
"HELL NO, Why would I join in with a complete stranger! If I didn't you all probably wouldn't have notice the time." Said Kiyome as she pointed at the clock. The three of them turned their heads to the clock in the room, as soon as they did the three of them were in disbelief, they was only four minutes left til lunch ended and the next class began.
In a panic the three of them began assessing the school building for an empty spot to teleport to and make it back to class in time. Luckily the school rooftop was empty. After Issei casted a teleportation spell the four were able to make in time with a minute to spare. And with that they continued through their remaining classes for the rest of the day.
Kuoh Town, 3:48 PM
With classes now over for the day, Rias and Akeno decided to have Issei give them a tour of the town. Since they still had plenty of time til sunset, before they began their devil work. The three of them were walking towards the center of town.
"So where do you girls want to go?" Asked Issei.
"Well are they any popular places that people go to around here?" Replied Rias.
"Well there is the town plaza it's the center of all of sorts of things from restaurants, bookstores, a karaoke bar, an arcade, and there's even a shopping mall not too from there." Said Issei
"Ara ara, that sounds wonderful, we haven't had much time to actually go sightseeing just yet. Replied Akeno as she moved closer and held onto Issei's right arm. Issei could feel his arm being press up against Akeno's breasts. Issei closes his eyes and begins to savor the feeling.
"Ah, Akeno being so bold right now and I love it!" Exclaimed Issei, while Albion sighs in defeat.
(Well, Albion did your best for these last eight years, however Issei is a super pervert, you might be able to repress his nature, but he will always go back to his perverted ways.) Said Ddraig.
"Hey, at least I have more self control than my previous life, back then I would stare and peep at any attractive girl I saw. Of course I was a virgin back then, well technically I still am physically but not mentally. My perspective has changed, and while some of those girls are still great eye candy, however my attention is solely on the girls in my harem. Replied Issei.
(Once a pervert always a pervert, it is true that you have improve your behavior and you're not getting exciting at every beautiful girl you see, all that effort I put into helping control yourself didn't go in vain, very well a promise is a promise, I can't say anything to you or your current thoughts and actions since we did agree that as long as it's the girls that loved you.. However if you acting up at unnecessary times there will be punishment.) Said Albion.
"Thanks Albion, I will keep that in mind." Said Issei as he ended the conversation and opened his eyes and saw Rias staring at Akeno with a jealous look on her face, she immediately began to mimic Akeno and grabbed Issei's left arm.
"Whoa! Rias too, this day just keeps on getting better and better!" Exclaimed Issei.
"Akeno, you weren't planning on ditching me to be alone with Issei were you?' Asked Rias as she glared at Akeno who was giggling before she replied.
"Ara, ara, and what makes you believe that I would do that to my master and best friend, I'm not that cruel Rias." Said Akeno as she stared back at Rias. Issei could a faint shock of electricity coursing through his right arm and a weak burning sensation on his left arm.
"Considering the fact that you hate men and yet your attitude is the complete opposite with Issei.." Said Rias.
"Don't take my words out of context. While I did say that I also said that Ise is an exception, besides I could say the same thing for you Rias, you're holding onto Ise and yet didn't you say that you weren't interested in men." Replied Akeno.
As their discussion began to take a more hostile turn, Issei already knew where this was going unless he did something, Issei could feel the pain in both of his arms increase as the two girls began to release more demonic energy. Issei gets out of the girls' embrace and takes a step back and looks down at his arms. Rias and Akeno gave their full attention to Issei and could only stare in shock. Burns and scars from their demonic energy cover his arms.
"ISSEI!" The two girls screamed in unison, as they quickly began casting healing spells on his arms.
"I'm so sorry Ise, I didn't realize I was releasing so much energy." Said Akeno with a look of guilt on her face.
"It's okay Akeno, I forgive you, and you as well Rias, I know it wasn't on purpose. And besides with my Human body even just a little bit of energy will hurt if I'm not prepared." Replied Issei. After the spells had subside. Rias notices something is still off.
"Akeno, some Issei's wounds haven't healed at all." Said Rias
"But that was the strongest healing we've learned. Maybe we…" Before Akeno can finish talking, Issei brings his hand in front of her.
"Akeno, Rias, Thank you for healing my injuries, you don't have to worry anymore. I can take care of the rest." Said Issei as he pulls out his cellphone.
Once more Issei is brought into the virtual hallway of obelisks and begins to search for a spell to handle the remaining injuries. Having found the ideal spell Issei places his hand on to his chest and casts the spell onto himself.
Within a few seconds the remaining scars have completely healed.
"Wait a second, Issei how do you know magic? I thought you didn't know any other supernatural beings besides Vali and Akeno." Asked Rias
"Well, there is one other person I forgot to mention. I met a traveling mage here in Kuoh Town, they were just passing through town when I happen to walk past sense my energy and decide to teach me a bit of magic. According to that mage, I am technically a honorary mage of Golden Dawn because of that." Said Issei with his completely false story he just made up.
"That's amazing Ise! You can do use high level magic and you're a very skillful swordsman." Exclaimed Akeno while staring at Issei in awe. Rias nods her head in agreement before replying.
"Indeed, being a person that is very well rounded and can perform any role is extremely rare. Most just stick with one role that works for them. That just makes you more important for me to have you as a servant." Said Rias with a gleam in her eyes, she seems even more determined to make Issei her servant with this new piece of information.
"Well then shall we get going? We spent plenty of time around here." Said Akeno as grabs Issei's arm once again, with Rias grabbing Issei's other arm immediately after her.
"Rias, let go of Ise." Said Akeno, as she stare at Rias with a displeased look on her face.
"As if , you're going to have to make me." Replied Rias. Before the situation could escalate any further Issei decided to speak up.
"Alright stop right there, let's not repeat what just happened a moment ago again." Yelled Issei. While the two girls lowered their heads in embarrassment as they let go of Issei.
"Rias, Akeno, the two of you are best friends, I don't want to be get in between the two of you and cause your relationship to have a fall out." Said Issei as he pauses for a moment as he tries to come up with a solution.
"I know, how about we make this a date." Said Issei, as Akeno and Rias stared at him with a dumbfounded look after hearing his statement.
"So, you're wanting to take us both on a date right now?!" Said Rias still surprised by Issei's sudden proposal.
"Well yeah, it's not like I have a twin brother or a clone to make this a double date." Replied Issei.
"Issei give us a moment." Said Akeno, Issei gave a quick nod to her before she and Rias walk away from Issei and began whispering to each other. After a few minutes to the two girls turned around and walked up to him.
"We have made our decision." Said Rias.
"And we accept your offer Ise." Said Akeno.
"So let's not wasted anymore time and start our date." Said the two of them in unison as they grab his arms and pulled him towards them, and begin walking to the plaza.
Town Plaza, 5:19 PM
"Alright, let's head to the next store." Said Rias as she hands Issei a few shopping bags. As they started to head to the next location, Issei could feel the stares people were giving them. Issei knew that once they arrived at the plaza that they would be the center of attention. Everyone that they passed by gave looks of awe and envy, but then again who could blame them.
At this point Issei has lost count of how many places they been to so far. Their first stop was the shopping mall and that itself has at least one hundred stores. Even though he had to carry all the bags, it was worth it, seeing them try on all those different outfits, from casual wear to formal dresses, even swimsuits and lingerie, that he has never seen them wear before.
After going through every single store in there Issei was once again reminded of the endless amount of money Rias can spend at anytime she wants. Luckily Rias has been teleporting everything that she's purchased back to the club room, that was only after they have accumulated at least ten or more bags and had to find a spot where she could use her magic without being seen.
As the three of them continued to walk down the street to the next store. Issei notice that the store they were heading into was a place he frequently goes to. From the window Issei could see a man in his mid to late thirties reading a book at the checkout counter. A bell chimed as the girls entered the store, The man quickly looked up, and immediately excited at the sight of new customers.
"Welcome!" Said the store owner, as he got up to greet them.
"Is there anything specific you girls are looking for? Ask the owner.
"Not really, we're just here to see what's new." Replied Rias. The owner had a face of disappointment when he realized they were just window shopping. Until he realized there was a third customer in the store behind them. One of his most loyal customers had just walked in.
"Issei Hyoudou, How are you doing today champ, are you here for the usual goods?" Ask the owner. As he gestured at Issei to lean closer so he could whisper to him.
"I got some new doujins in today even one from your favorite artist." Whispered the owner with a wolfish grin.
"Sorry, I'm not buying anything today, I'm actually with those girls." Said Issei whispering to the owner as he point at Rias and Akeno who were already browsing through the store.
"Say no more, I understand, also way to go champ, you don't find girls like that except maybe once in a lifetime." Said the Owner as he patted Issei's back. Issei chuckled at the owner, feeling sorry, since he'll never know about the harem.
Before the two could continue any further. Rias and Akeno return with a few stacks of books, dvds, and cds. In Akeno's stack you could see a lot of the more recent and popular top sellers that appeal to girls their age. While in Rias's stack it was a mixture of documentaries on ancient Japan, as well as an assortment of light novels, manga and anime dvds & cds. As the girls are checking out, Issei decided to have a chat with Albion and Ddraig.
(Well so far so good.) Said Ddraig.
"Yeah, I didn't think this date would even work, I still can't believe they agreed to it." Replied Issei
(Just be glad that they didn't reject the idea, and enjoy it. So what's next?) Asked Albion.
"Well we're going to grab something to eat and maybe go to the arcade. And based off what I know about this version of Rias, I'd say she would definitely want to go." Said Issei.
"So she wasn't this much of an otaku back our old world?" Asked Albion
("Oh no, she was.") Replied Issei and Ddraig in unison.
"The only difference then was she was only interested if it involved ancient japan. However right now it's seems that her interests has broaden to even pop culture." Said Issei.
(So she was a history fanatic hmm, anyway let's leave it at that, enjoy the rest of your date Issei.) Said Albion. Issei opened his eyes and was greeted to the sight of Rias and Akeno walking up to him.
"All done then?" Asked Issei, the girls gave a quick nod and the three walked out of the store.
"So Ise,what's next? Do have anything planned for us?" Asked Akeno as she grabbed onto Issei's arm.
"Well, it's still a little earlier but if you girls are hungry we could go get something to eat. We can also go to the arcade or the karaoke bar." Said Issei.
"I'm not hungry at all, so I say we go to the arcade, and the karaoke bar would be a bad choice since we are going to hunt a stray devil tonight." Said Rias.
"I agree with Rias, since we're both focus on magic, we sometimes use certain spells that require us to chant in order to use it. If we get done early we could still go there." Said Akeno
"Alright fair enough, the arcade it is, let's go." Said Issei, as the two girls held onto one of his arms.
Arcade, 6:10 PM
It had been almost an hour since the three of them entered the arcade. Since it was their first time being at one, Rias and Akeno were willing to try everything. It was interesting watching them and teaching them the different games, from shooters, to fighting, racing, music, and even cockpit simulators . They're skill was mediocre, since they almost rarely played video games. As far as he could recall the only ones that were actually into video games in his previous life, were Irina and himself. Kiba and Xenovia who would also play occasionally.
The three of them had gone through most of the arcade, except for one section. Rias began to speak, as they walked towards the ufo catchers.
"Issei, do you have anyone more coins?" Asked Rias.
" Yeah I got a few more, which one do you want?" Asked Issei as he show Rias the remaining coins he had in his cup. Rias began to look around trying to find something that she wanted. Rias continued to walked down the aisle, passing by each machine, most of them had some amazing things but they were either something that she could easily get somewhere else or didn't interest her. They moved through the next aisle until Rias suddenly stopped,
"That's the one I want." Said Rias as she pointed at the machine to her left, while Akeno walk up to it to get a closer look.
"These are so cute, I want one as well Ise. Said Akeno who had gotten really excited after seeing the prize.
"Sure.. which color do you want?" Asked Issei hesitantly, as he look at the the machine in disbelief, due to the fact that it was filled with dragon plushies.
"I want that red one right there" Replied Rias.
"I would... like the white one in the back." Said Akeno with a light blush on her face.
Leave it … to me, I'll... get them." Said Issei as did his best to maintain his composure after hearing their choices.
Lucky the two plushies were in separate sections, since the machine was a double ufo catcher this meant he could try to get both at the same time. Issei quickly looked at the price and realized he only had enough coins to try to get both of them once. Issei has always been good with ufo catchers in past since that's how he got a lot of expensive figurines during his perverted trio days. However Issei has never done two at once. As Issei looks over both plushies and ponders over his options, after thinking it over he decides to go for it.
With a smile on his face, Issei puts the cup down and grabs the remain coins and loads them into both machines. He starts by pressing one button on the first machine waiting for the position to be right, before switching to the other button and start on the second machine. With everything in place he lets go of the second button of the first machine as it begins to grab the plushie. He now diverts all his attention to the second machine as he finishes getting the grabber in place. Once more he lets go and let the machine do the rest.
Issei looks over back to the first machine seeing the grabber now dropping the plush into the shoot. With one down He looks back at the second grabber and sees the plushie is starting to slip. Unlike the first plushie which was in a easy spot to grab, this one was completely surrounded leaving only the tail as the best option to get it. The plushie is now dangling by the tip of its tail, a just another second and it will make it. The plushie falls out of the grabber lucky though the head is now above the shoot, and due to its size the grabber ends up pushing the plushie giving it just the right amount of force to fall in. The girls grabbed their prizes and Issei breaths a sigh of relief.
"That was amazing Ise, I can't believe you were able to get the two at the same time! Exclaimed Akeno.
"I was worried a little bit, when I saw Akeno's dragon dangling like that, I thought it was gonna be a fail." Said Rias.
"I thought I had messed up there when I saw that as well, I'm just glad it was big enough that the grabber help us." Said Issei.
"Hey Rias, what are you gonna name use for this one?" Asked Akeno.
"I don't know I haven't thought of one yet. Replied Rias as she hed up the plushie and looked at its face, pondering over possible names.
"Why don't you name it Ddraig and it will be a matching set with Akeno's plushie." Said Issei.
"What do you mean by that Issei?" Asked Rais.
"Well Akeno is gonna name her's Albion after the dragon in my Divine Dividing, might as well name yours after the dragon in the Boosted Gear, and then you'll have created the Two Heavenly Dragons plushie set." Replied Issei with a smile. As the three of them began laughing at how silly the name of the made up set was.
"I think you should use Ise's idea and name yours Ddraig, since Ise figured out my whole plan already." Said Akeno, while Rias gave a nod, agreeing with idea.
"Well the moment you said you wanted the one white one I kinda figured it would represent myself." Said Issei.
"At least I now have something to remind me of you even if you are somewhere else." Replied Akeno as she hugged her plushie.
The three them were now heading out of the arcade and were began deciding on which restaurant they should go to. Issei closed his eyes and decided to have one more chat with Albion and Ddraig.
(Partner, how dare you, you betray us.) Said Ddraig slightly hurt by what just happen. While Issei was laughing.
(Issei, we have our pride as being some of the strongest dragons in existence, you can't just use some cutesy dragon toy and named it after us, that's not right at all, it's insultful.) Said Albion.
"Oh come on guys it's just those two, it's not like this whole thing has any of them named, they're basically generic teddy bears. At least it's not the Oppai Dragon and Oshiri Dragon toy lines from the old world.) Replied Issei, as soon as he said that Albion and Ddraig went silent. After waiting for a bit they began to speak again.
(Alright you made your point partner.) Said Ddraig.
(We'll let this one slide, Issei.) Said Albion.
Issei was glad that that argument ended before it got any worse. If there's one thing Ddraig and Albion hate about the old world above everything else, it's their perverted nicknames, The two have been so happy no one remembers those names at all.
"Though I'm not a believer of karma, but that incident with those plushies is making me think otherwise, especially since we're now even from early today.) Said Issei as he end the conversation and started looking around to get some food.
Town Park, 11:01 PM
The three of them just finished their job, to kill a stray devil. After chasing the stray devil around town they finally eliminated it at the park.
"Well that was pretty easy." Said Issei as he pulled out his phone to check the time.
"Obviously, we do have the Hakuryuukou on our side." Replied Rias as she was finishing her report on stray devil.
"Hey Ise do we still have time to go to that Karaoke bar you mention? Asked Akeno as she hugged Issei.
"We might be able to, they close around 2 AM so we should be able to get at least an hour. Replied Issei, while Akeno had released Issei, and walk over to Rias.
As Issei looks over at them, as he about to take a step, the girls vanished. It wasn't just them everything was gone, His surroundings had become a black abyss. The only thing that he could see was what look like stars, billions of them in the distance. As for the ground, it felt as though he was walking on some sort of pavement with about a centimeter of water covering turns around and notices a grassy hill with a single tree.
"I gotta bad feeling about this." Said Issei.
(Partner, get ready to fight, this isn't an artificial space like last time.) Replied Ddraig
"Then where are we?" Asked Issei as he get into a combat stance.
(There no time to explain Issei, behind you!) Yelled Albion.
Issei immediately turn around hoping to either block or at least make contact on his opponent with the Divine Dividing. However there was no one there. Issei suddenly felt an intense killing intent, directly behind him. With no time to avoid it, Issei turned around and saw a fist coming straight for his upper torso. He brought both of his arms and blocked it, The punch was so strong Issei almost lost his footing. Before Issei could even counter attack, another punch was going for his stomach.
Luckily Issei has just made contact with his attacker and Divine Dividing kicked in, weakening the attack . However the punch still connected and flung Issei back.
"Damn, that hurt."Said Issei.
(Are you ok Issei?) Asked Albion.
"Yeah I'm fine, though I'm probably gonna feel that in the morning." Said Issei Jokingly.
(Now is not the time for jokes partner, we're in the Crossroads, this the Judges' territory.) Replied Ddraig.
"Crossroads? And what exactly is the place for?" Asked Issei.
(Remember when Qlippoth tried to enter the other world. That world was just simply the closest world to our own, but in reality that was not the only one, the stars you see in the distance Issei, are worlds as well.) Said Albion, Issei speechless, to think there so many more worlds out there, He could barely comprehend it.
(The Crossroads is a place that connects all these worlds together, without it these worlds would be isolated. It's existence has created a multiverse with an infinite number of worlds. Some similar to our own and others completely different.) Said Ddraig.
(Though I have to admit, while we are in a really horrible situation. You are really lucky to see this Issei. The multiverse is something almost no one knows about, even most of the gods don't even know about it.) Said Albion.
"Wait, seriously?! Azazel and the four Satans don't know anything about this!?" Exclaimed Issei.
(That's correct, the only ones besides Albion and I that know about the multiverse are Great Red, Ophis and few of other beings that are consider the ten strongest beings in existence. Beelzebub probably has theorized the existence of it. But he would have no proof of it.) Said Ddraig.
"Then how do you guys know about all of this?" Asked Issei.
(That's easy, we been here before. At that time I was seeking an opponent that could match my power. I had left the world travelling the Dimensional Gap. It was there that I discover that it was more than just a void. It was a doorway to enter the Crossroads. Ddraig also came to the Crossroads around the same time while I traveled on one half, he was on other half of the multiverse. As we were both returning to our original world, it then that we met, and our first battle began. Time does not pass in the Crossroads for it doesn't exist here. And thanks to that, our first battle lasted an eternity, as the battle raged on we were able to achieve the powers of Boost and Divide. Our battle was cut short by the Ethereal Judges. It took their entire army to fight us. In the end they had captured us and sent us back to our world, we immediately began to seek each other out to finish our battle. The rest you already know Issei.) Said Albion. Issei was astonished, the place he was in was were it all started the birthplace of boost and divide.
"That explains how the Judges know so much and why they are targeting me, anyway let's get back to the fight and kick their asses." Said Issei as he open his eyes ending his conversation. He picked himself back up and got a good look at this attacker.
"So it was you guys again, are you here for round two?" Said Issei as he looked at the Ethereal Judge.
"Unfortunately for you things will be different. Here in the Crossroads our full potential can be unleashed." Said the brawler. As Issie looks around and tries to locate the other judges.
"Where are the others?" Asked Issei.
"They're not here, nor do they know about this. This is just between you and I. This is payback for the humiliation I suffered after that fight!" Yelled the brawler as he charged at Issei. Issei sidesteps at the last second and raises his left arm.
"Ddraig!"Yelled Issei as a emerald flame enveloped his arm.
Issei weakened the brawler once more with the Divine Dividing, just before landing his punch that was amplified by the Boosted Gear. The brawler attempted to counter attack however Issei anticipated it and casted a spell
Issei vanished from the brawler's vision and distance himself from the brawler to strategize a plan.
"If I didn't have Albion and the Divine Dividing with me, that first punch would have broken a few ribs and maybe cause some internal bleeding." Said Issei.
(So what do you planned to do? The Excaliburs are a no-go since this guy right now could chatter them, and the Infinity Armory is in recharge mode, since you were only able to give just ten percent of the required energy into it and that's all used up.) Said Albion.
"Well, I could always make a deal with the two of you." Replied Issei.
(Are you insane Issei?! As human you will barely survive one deal let alone two! The deal literally takes away not only the physical body part you sacrifice but your life force as well. Any means of immortality in your possession would be useless since they focus on the body not the soul!) Yelled Ddraig.
"We've been in worse life-threatening situations before this is nothing compared to those incidents. Trust me on this one, Ddraig." Said Issei
(If he wants to go ahead and make the deal then just let him do it, I believe he can do it. We made it this far with crazy high risk situations, this is no different.) Said Albion.
(Alright… since you guys are in this as well I might as well go ahead and do it, you better not die, are we clear partner.) Said Ddraig
"Loud and clear Ddraig, let's do this! I will give my right arm to the Divine Dividing and my left arm to the Boosted Gear. That is my deal do you accept it." Said Issei
(We accept this offer. Our full power is yours.) Replied the two dragons in unison.
From both arms a sudden surge of energy and pain envelops Issei. The pain of the process is so excruciating, Issei has fallen to his knees and is on all fours as he tries to bear through it. The process is complete, both arms have transform into that of a dragon's, one is red, the other is white. Where there was once skin, scales have replaced them. Issei gets back up with a smirk on his face.
"What did you just do boy, answer me!" Yelled the brawler.
"For an enforcer of the multiverse you sure don't do much research on your opponents even though you probably all sorts of info about me." Said Issei as chuckled.
"Let's go Albion!" Yelled Issei As he raised his left arm up.
Issei's entire body is enveloped by a brilliant light. The light dissipates, revealing Issei wearing a white dragon armor with sapphire jewels that cover the armor with a pair of energy wings.
"So this is what the Divine Dividing's Scale Mail feels like, it's not that different from the Boosted Gear's Scale Mail. Since it looked so different the outside I thought it would feel different when I wore it." Said Issei as he readies himself.
The brawler charges once more at Issei, Issei extends his right arm forward and begins to weakens the brawler once more.
Issei dodges the charge then extends his left arm forward with an open palm as he begins to charge his magic. As the brawler turns around, he sees Issei left forearm suddenly change color turning red.
Issei lands a direct hit on the brawler's torso. The attack creates an explosion making it difficult to see. Issei flies above the smoke and readies another attack. The brawler jumps out of the smoke and begins searching for Issei, but itr was too late.
Issei fired six more shots down below. The distance was much further this time, giving the brawler a chance to escape. The brawler was able to muliple the gravity around making him also weightless and dodge the attack. Issei had a feeling this would happen which why he had another attack ready.
Issei enter the the endless virtual hallway once more scanning for any spells within the obelisks that would help him. He found three that would be of use at this point.
An ice wall completely surrounds the brawler, before he can break free, Issei cast another spell.
The brawler becomes immobile from the sudden change in gravity pushing him down. As Issei prepares his last two spells.
Lighting sparks from Issei's hand forming a spear. Issei throws the spear at the brawler the impact creates an explosion that destroys the ice wall. Issei lands on the ground waiting for the smoke to dissipate as his Balance Breaker ends, Issei raises his left arm and prepares to end this fight with everything he's got.
Issei's entire body is enveloped by a brilliant light once more. The light dissipates, revealing Issei wearing a red dragon armor with emerald jewels that cover the armor with a new pair of energy wings identical in shape to the Divine Dividing. The smoke finally clears revealing the brawler still standing. The brawler begins to yell out a defining roar. The brawler is no longer relying on his mind to fight, just his instinct and his blind rage. The Brawler runs at Issei again, while Issei's right forearm turns white. Issei goes for a straight jab with his right to start things off. The battle would continue as the two trade blows, Issei would alternate between boost and divide with every punch. Then all of a sudden chains appeared and wrapped around the brawler and pulled the brawler away from him and held the brawler down. Issei exhausted from the fight, begins scanning the area to find the source of the chains and then he turned to the hill with the tree and saw the the mage and thief Ethereal Judges standing there.
"I had heard from him that he did this on his own. I'm assuming you two are here to capture him." Said Issei.
"That's correct, thought I would rather just kill him if he is just going to continue slowing us down." Said the thief.
"We are also here for you as well, we haven't forgotten about what happen last time. Now deactivate your sacred gears at once, Said the mage.
"And why would I do that? You came here for him not me, I have no worth right now as Vir stated other than personal revenge." Replied Issei.
"You will do as I say, because of this." As the mage finished her statement she raised her staff and tapped it against the ground revealing two beings that were magically concealed.
"Issei!" Cried to two the beings. Issei had a look of horror when he saw their faces.
Rias and Akeno were bound by the same magical chains that the brawler had. They were covered in cuts and bruises across their arms and legs, it looks like they tried to fight the judges but failed.
"These two have been here the entire time watching this whole fight. Now that you understand the position you're in. Do as we say or else we'll hurt more than just their arms and legs." Said the thief as she put a dagger near Rias's cheek. Seeing the thief do that made Issei blood boil with rage.
"Don't' you dare touch her!" Yelled Issei.
"Then what are you waiting for? Deactivate your sacred gears now, or they die." Said the mage.
Issei clenches his fist trying to control himself. He closes his eyes and begins to speak with Albion and Ddraig for a plan.
"Ddraig how much longer until the time limit is up?" Asked Issei.
(Well since we are in the crossroads time doesn't matter, it more about stamina at this point, and you are just about out partner.) Replied Ddraig.
"Damm it! Is there anything else we can do?" Asked Issei.
(Well we could you Excalibur Rapidly to close the gap and rescue them.) Replied Albion
"Even if we do that my balance breaker would end we would be defenseless with nowhere to escape. I have no choice but to accept their demands. I can't lose them again" Said Issei as tears began to fall.
(No, partner don't do it!) Cried Ddraig
(If you give in then everything we have done will be for nothing don't surrender Issei! ...) Before Issei could here the rest of what Albion and Ddraig had to say Issei ended their conversation and regain his composure and deactivated his sacred gears.
"Good now then …" Before the thief could finish, the sound of chains breaking was heard. Issei turned around, only to be punch in the torso and sent flying. Before Issei could react, the brawler appeared beside him and continue his onslaught knocking him in every direction until the brawler sent Issei falling to the ground. Issei collide with the surface so hard that a crater was made. Every bone in his body was broken as a pool of blood was forming around him.
"I guess this was my limit I held on this much, but I can't do it anymore. I tried Vali but it looks you and I won't get to see that world." Said Issei as he began to close his eyes.
Akeno and Rias could only watch in horror as the look at Issei's lifeless body.
"No, It can't be, he can't be dead, the is all just a dream, a nightmare!" Screamed Akeno as she began to call out yelling Issei's name.
"Issei wasn't just the Hakuryuukou but also the Sekiryuutei, someone with that kind of power just doesn't die like that. Akeno right this isn't real, there's no way this is possible." After going through her thoughts, Rias began to cry with Akeno and call out to Issei screaming his name. But they weren't the only ones Albion and Ddraig were doing the same in Issei's mind.
The brawler was approaching Issei about to give once more strike to make sure he was dead. But before the brawler could land a hit. A greatsword appear smacking him with the flat side of the blade. While a shadow appear by Rias and Akeno breaking their chains. As the berserker battled the brawler. Vir shield bashed the thief knocking her unconscious, he then pointed his blade at the mage.
"What is the meaning of this? Do you plan to betray us as well!?" Yelled Vir.
"No that's not it, we had capture Odi, and we were just about to capture the Tenryuukotei as well, when all of a sudden he broke free..." Before the mage could say anything else, Vir stab into the tree right next to her head and began to speak.
"Don't lie to me you know as well as I do that Odi could never break these chain, you weaken them for him to make it look like he did it himself. Leave before I kill both of you myself ." Said Vir as the mage quick grab the unconscious thief and teleport away.
Vir then diverted his attention to Rias and Akeno and place a healing spell on the two of them.
"Why… why are you helping us, you belong to the same group as them. Said Rias as tears continue to fall.
"Because our views are different, we need Issei to be alive not dead, some of don't understand that, their to low of a rank to be given that knowledge and have acted on their own. Nevertheless I apologize for getting you two involved. For now you two stay here until this fight is over I'll send you two and Issei back to where you three were at before coming here. Said Vir as he ran up to join the berserker.
Crossroads, Time: Unknown
Issei opens his and sees a black void all around him as he falls slowly.
"Where... am.. I? Am I... dead? that's … right I was fighting… against that judge. But then.. what happened? There was a... person… no… there were two. Akeno and Rias… I surrender to keep them safe… and then I died." As Issei continue to fall and collect his though as his soul continued to fade away, he began to hear what was going on around him.
"Rias and Akeno… their crying, their calling my name... I need to go back… however… my body won't respond... it feels like .. I cross the point of no return.
(Well then, why don't I help you then.) Said an Unknown Voice.
"Who.. are you?" Asked Issei.
(Unfortunately I can't tell you my name, but I am a god, let me heal you and show you a bit of the power that lies within you Tenryuukotei.) Replied the Unknown Voice.
"What do… you want in … exchange?" Asked Issei.
(Nothing right now, I'll contact you later when that time comes. Do we have a deal?) Said the Unknown Voice.
"Yes, it's a deal." Said Issei.
(Then get up Issei Hyoudou! Stand up and show and unleash the power of the Tenryuukotei, S you can protect them!) Yelled the Unknown Voice.
Issei body began to glow in a shining gold color all of his wounds were healed even the pool of blood was gone. Issei picked himself back up. Rias and Akeno immediately became overjoyed as Issei stood back up, Vir and the berserker back off and turn their attention at Issei, Odi, still blinded by rage also turned to look at the unusual light.
"Ddraig, Albion." Said Issei as he summon his two sacred gears
His arms were engulf in a emerald and sapphire flames. Revealing the red and white gauntlets once more. Issei closes his eyes and begins to bring the gauntlets up in front of his torso, and has them touch each at the wrist. He begins to charge his energy until he has gather enough, as his gauntlets begin to glow in a rainbow of colors. Issei opens his eyes and yells out.
In that instant massive surge of energy surrounds Issei, making it impossible for anyone to see from the outside. When the energy dissipates, what it reveals shocks everyone. What now stands there is a person with a perfect balance of white and red plates; each piece has a gold trim, all across his entire armor. Instead of blue or green jewels spread across the armor, a mix of the two colors, teal jewels take their place. But what surprises the people the most is the appearance of the armor resembles something more futuristic. The suit still possess dragon like details, such as sharp claws on the hands and feet however they were not as prominent as before.
Odi rushes at Issei once more, trying to finish what he had started. Issei extends his left arm and catches the attack. The brawler is unable to get out of Issei's grip. Issei begins to use his sacred gear abilities
Issei had just performed and insane amount of his abilities from his left arm. Odi tried once more to escape. However Issei had stop him by plunging his right arm into his torso. Odi yelled in pain, unfortunately it was just the start. Issei then began to tug and pull with his left arm until he had completely ripped the judge's right arm from his body. The judge screamed in agony, Issei wasn't done with him yet, in his right hand was an orb of energy.
Issei fired his attack from within the judge's body. As a hole, it was large enough that you can see through to the other side. Issei pulls his hand out of Judge's lifeless body. Issei then turns his attention to Vir and the berserker. As he begins to walk over the two judges ready themselves. Issei suddenly stops. The armor begins to crack until it shatter to pieces. Issei falls to the ground and is caught by the berserker, while Vir gestures to the girls to come over.
"As promised I will be sending you three back to your world. After Issei has began to finally show the powers of the Tenryuukotei. Unfortunately he cannot control it, by releasing him he will have the opportunity to grow and surpass his limits. I hope that I can trust you two in helping him. Said Vir, as the girls gave a nod as their response.
Vir then casted a spell and teleported the three away.
Town Park, 1:28 AM
The three had returned to the town park, Issei was lying on the ground still unconscious, while the Rias and Akeno sat next to him on opposite sides. The two girls looked at each confused and in shock at what they had witness, Issei Hyoudou the current Hakuryuukou was also Vali, the Sekiryuutei. Issei had displayed some powerful spells they had never seen before, along with martial arts and mastery of both sacred gear's balance breakers. It was a lot for the girls to take in as they sat there in silence.
The first to speak was Akeno.
"Rias, do you believe we can trust that man? When Issei turned his attention to him it seemed like they had fought before. It's just a feeling I have. Said Akeno.
"At this point, Akeno I don't know who to believe. I rather get the truth from Issei instead. Come on let's take him home. Said Rias, as the two of them grab Issei, they notice something is off.
"Akeno Something isn't right, Issei right, he's not breathing!" Yelled Rias. Akeno quickly laid her head on Issei chest to listen for a heartbeat while checking the pulse on his neck, to her horror there was none.
"Rias did bring any of your evil pieces with you?!" Cried Akeno frantically.
"All I have are my eight pawns, it the highest combination we can make with what evil pieces I have left." Said Rias as she placed her evil pieces on his chest. Rias begins to chant the spell to turn Issei into her servant.
[I, Rias Gremory, hereby Order you]
[Heed me, Issei Hyoudou]
[Bring your soul back to this world]
[And become my servant demon]
[You shall become my pawn]
[And rejoice in your newfound life]
As Rias completed her chant but all of the sudden the magic circle disappear and the evil pieces remain on top of Issei's body. Rain begins to fall, as Rias realizes Issei is far too powerful for her to turn him into a servant. Rias and Akeno begin to break down. Just when all hope is lost they hear a voice.
[Rias Gremory, Do not give, you can still do this, I am Y Ddraig Goch, the Welsh Dragon, I will help you amplify your power to save my partner.] Said Ddraig as Issei's left arm is engulf in an emerald flame before revealing the red gauntlet.
[Akeno Himejima, Do not cry, you can still save Issei, pour your own magic energy into Rias. I am Albion Gwiber, the Vanishing Dragon and I will weaken Issei temporary to allow the evil pieces to turn him into a devil.] Said Albion as Issei's right arm is engulf in an sapphire flame before revealing the white gauntlet.
"Let's give this one more shot Akeno!" Exclaimed Rias.
"Absolutely, with the four of us we should be able to do this." Said Akeno joyfully.
Akeno and Rias extend their arms over Issei and locked hands as Akeno began transfer her magic to Rias. while Albion and Ddraig began to use Divide and Boost respectively.
[DIVIDE X100] [Absorb]
[BOOST X100] [Transfer]
With the massive amount of energy that enter Rias she began the chant once more. After the chant was complete the pieces remained their, Rias and Akeno were confused think that everything they did was not enough, All of a sudden cracks began to appear on the evil pieces. The girls began to panic think that they had over did it. The evil pieces then completely crumble to dust then all of a sudden the dust began spin around eight flames that sudden appeared, the dust harden transforming into glass four red and four white, the pieces had gold engravings with green and blue flames burning inside their respective pieces. The pieces then enter Issei's body completing the revival as the rain ended. Rias and Akeno hugged each in joy as they realized they did it, they save Issei. As the girls continue to celebrate, Ddraig interrupts them.
[Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima, Thank you for saving our partner, is there anything we can do to reward you?] Asked Ddraig.
"Tell me everything that you know about what has happened tonight. That will be my reward." Replied Rias., there is a pause as Rias wait for Ddraig's response. The one to replied is not Ddraig but Albion instead.
[Very well, we shall tell, but not just of tonight instead we will tell you everything.] Said Albion.
(A/N) :Well everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter. Anyway let's go ahead and recap Issei's abilities since it has been a while.
So right now I'm sure most of you are probably freaking out at what just happened in that fight. What you just witness in the battle segment of this chapter was based on the original free write I made which started this whole story, the Double Balance Breaker is the reason I gave Issei ownership of the Divine Dividing. Double Balance Breaker is an ability that allows Issei to combine two scared gears as long as he has meet the requirements to obtain the balance breaker of both sacred gears. There is a more specific reason on how Issei can do this but that will be explained at a later chapter. Double Balance Breaker does not replace the original balance breaker of either sacred gears that are used, meaning Issei still has access to the Scale Mail of each sacred gear. The power level of this form isn't just the combine level of the two sacred gears, instead it's squared.
So for example if regular Scale Mail is Level One, Illegal Move Triaina is Level Two, Juggernaut Drive & Crimson Cardinal Promotion is Level Three, and Diablos Dragon is Level Five Then using basic mathematics, we can conclude Double Balance breaker would be Level Four, however the form you just saw is incomplete so it's more like a three than an actual four right now. Once Double Balance Breaker ends the two sacred gears revert back as they were. Also Double Balance Breaker's appearance,movement and actions are based off of Zero Mythos (Megaman) and the ARS from Vanquish (Kudos for anyone else who has played that amazing video game.)
Also in regards to the Infinity Armory, and Cyber Magic, both of them are just items that Issei is in possession of. There are in the same category as the Excaliburs. Since they are not linked or bound to him physically or spiritually like the sacred gears it does not increase or affect his required amount of pieces to be a servant. The only other factors that would affect the amount of evil pieces needed for Issei besides the sacred gears is, his physical strength and his enhanced magic ability and potential he has gained from Vali.
Also, if any of you are wondering what the Infinity Armory can replicate, One of the things I'm using for reference is a Wikipedia page called "List of Mythological Objects". Of course some of those things you guys can disregard as options since the either make no sense or are impossible to replicate. The Infinity Armory's main purpose is replicate weapons and armor but it can replicate other things. I do have other references but this one already list most of them and it gives you all a better understanding of what the the Infinity Armory can and can't do. Also anything in that list that is already a sacred gear, the Infinity Armory will be unable to copy it.
An as for how Issei became a devil with just eight evil pieces again. The full explanation will be in the next chapter, from the creator of the system himself.
Also sorry if the romance felt a bit rushed, I had help from one of my close friends, I asked her for advice since she was a fellow fanfic writer, also because she has a similar experience/relationship with her husband. They were childhood friends that moved away, years later his family moves back to town into the new neighborhood she lived in at the time, and within a week after our high school freshman year started they started dating and then been together since then and just got married two months ago. I sort of used them for reference for how I wanted the relationship Issei and Akeno have when they were reunited in this chapter. I didn't want the romance to be too slow paced to develop.
The reason why I made Rias more of an otaku, than just a Japanophile / History Fanatic, is because I wanted to make her more realistic and more relatable, I mean seriously, this girl is so obsessed with anything related to Japan. Realistically, she should be at least slightly interested in it's pop / modern culture.
Also I made her already interested in Issei from the start since Akeno would mention or thought about him in the time they spent growing up together in the underworld. It made transitioning from simple school girl crush to being her servant and lover easier, as well getting the first lemon of the story done. Not mention it would mean Rias would be more ok with a harem. However she is still gonna need some persuading before she says yes. Again using my friend as reference since she has watch and read more harem anime and manga then I have. In fact she was the one that got me into Highschool DxD. (And encase you were wondering, my friend didn't care if the harem protagonist was a guy or a girl, she would still watch and read it.)
There is on last scene that is not in the chapter that I have left out, I'm actually still writing it, as soon as I'm done I'll add it at the end of the chapter. Because that's where it's suppose to be. ( I'll update on my profile when that will be done. Also it's a lemon scene.)
Anyway let's move onto other news.
Major announcement: I'm in looking for a Beta Reader.
I'm sure you all are aware I'm not best writer out there, I try my best but, I'll be honest I was fairly average when it came to english in school, which why I'm an engineer and not an english major. That's why I need the help, I want to improve myself so I can make better chapters and maybe new stories.
Anyway if you want to know all the details of how to become my beta reader full explanation is on my profile, so go check it out if you're interested. If you have any specific questions just PM me.
Next Chapter of Celestial Rebirth is titled Chapter 6 : Dragon X Daily Life. It will be the Side Story/Special Compilation I mention at the top A/N.
Anyway see you all next time. (Whenever that may be.)