Chapter 10- Lamp Repairments Can Fix More than Lamps

"Larryboy! Can you hear us?" Archibald asked.

"Yeah I can hear you," Larryboy said spaced out. Dark Crow helped him up. Larryboy looked over at Alvin tied up and all the people below them. "What happened to Alvin?"

"I tied him up," Dark Crow replied, still wondering what happened to Larryboy.

"Great! We can get Officer Olaf and Cheif Crosswell to take him away," Larryboy replied.

"Wait a minute," Archibald said, "I never tried to remind you of any of the police officers..."

Dark Crow looked surprised. He turned to Larryboy. "Larryboy! How do you know me?"

"I met you at Bok Choy's superhero classes," Larryboy replied.

"Yes! Larryboy! Your memory is back!" Dark Crow said excitedly.

Larryboy smiled widely when he realized this. "Thanks guys! I don't I would have ever ended up here without your help!"

Larryboy, Dark Crow, and Archibald climbed down the building, with Dark Crow dragging Awful Alvin and Archibald carrying the pile of Lampy. As soon as everyone saw Larryboy, they all greeted him and excitedly exclaimed they were happy he finally returned.

Alvin was loaded into a police car. "Wait! What about Lampy?!" he screamed, staring at the broken lamp.
"He will need a new bulb," Archibald noted, handing Lampy over to an officer. Alvin yelled as the police car drove off.

After about a two months, Bumblyburg was completly restored like it was before the flood started. The city was saved once again.

One day, Cheif Crosswell sat at his desk when somebody showed up in front of him. He smiled when he saw who it was.

"Hello Larryboy. Can I help you?" he asked.

"I'd like to see Awful Alvin please,"Larryboy replied.

Cheif Crosswell lead Larryboy down hallway of cells, each imprisoning an inmate. Some even tried to reach out at Larryboy or called out his name. Alvin was not the only one wanting revenge.

Larryboy and Cheif Crosswell came to a stop at one of the cells.

"Awful Alvin, someone would like to see you," he said.

Alvin, wearing black and white stripes, Bumblyburg's prison uniform, turned around. His face widened in shock at the sight of Larryboy.

"What does he want?" Alvin asked.

Larryboy pulled out Lampy from behind him. He was all dry and fixed, with a new light bulb and everything. A line of duct tape stretched around his middle.

"Lampy!" Alvin cried out. He ran to the bars of the cell and reached out to grab Lampy.

Alvin looked up at Larryboy. "I still want my turn for revenge though." Then he continued to hug Lampy through the bars. This time Alvin seemed like his normal crazy instead of his violent crazy after Lampy broke. Of course, normal never applied to Alvin in any way either though.

As Larryboy left the prison, he remembered how Alvin said he was nothing without his memory. But after Larryboy defeated Alvin, right before he got his memory back, Alvin's statement was proven wrong. Even without his memory, Larryboy knew he could still be a hero.

As for the memory-eraser, Dark Crow suggested that Larryboy should destroy it. But Larryboy said no, saying he could keep it locked up on display in the Larry-Cave to remind him of what happened. But honestly, Larryboy would only forget this if he lost his memory AGAIN!

As you can see, Larryboy will never forget it all.


So yeah, that's the end. I hope you liked it all!

I got this idea about Larryboy losing his memory a long time ago but I never put it in story. I had a different plan for how this story would end up, but now it ended up better than I was going to write it before!

About the toilet flood: that just came from an idea I had as a kid, which might have came the same time I thought of Larryboy losing his memory. Weird.

Anyway, if you liked this Larryboy story, PLEASE REVIEW! Also, check out my other Larryboy stories! There will be more coming soon! They might be longer than this one (or not) lol we will see!
