2P!England x Reader: Kidnapping A Birthday Present

Third Person P. O. V.

The girl sat down ,hugging her knees, rocking herself back and forth in the dark room. "I should be safe here. This room was barely used anyway," she considered.

"No..." The memories of slashes.

"I must be dreaming RIGHT? It's one of those weird dreams I have. It has to be." The colour red was everywhere.

Her eyes widened, her body trembled with shock and fear as her head dropped to her knees. Words formed in her mouth escaped incoherently as she repeatedly whispered them out. Her hands shot out immediately, covering her ears as though trying to block out noises.


Reader's P. O. V.

The full moon shone brightly through the Victorian-styled window. One of the reason why you preferred not to fall asleep at the moment.

"A hundred and ….seventy-six sheep..."

"A hundred… and… seventy-seven sheep…"

"A hundred… and…"

You turned your head to your left slowly upon hearing the 178th sheep count faded out. You wait for it to finish but it never did.

"Oliver...?" you called out softly, afraid that he was already asleep. Oliver who was supposed to help you to fall sleep, had fallen asleep. You sit up, leaving the cosy blanket slipped off your shoulders. Picking up your phone from the side drawer, you unlock the screen with the signature finger swipe that you guaranteed that no one can copy.

You stared at the date showing on your phone, sighing at the bright light flashing on your features.

"It has been three months, huh?" The voice in your head piped up.

"Yeah, three months…" You acknowledged that fact. It had been three months ever since you got "kidnapped" and somehow ended up living in your kidnapper's house.

"It totally screams Stockholm syndrome," the voice replied.

"Enough is enough... Stockholm or not, I think I want to stay with Oliver forev-"

Before you could finish, you were surprised with yourself. "So I am falling for him..."

"As if that is not obvious," the voice deadpanned in your head.

After you settled down in Oliver's house, you and Oliver got into a daily yet cosy routine where the day starts off with him waking you up for breakfast and a kiss on your cheek, or your soft lips if he gets the chance. The day would continue with baking sessions which is a must; you once tried to make Oliver to not bake for the entire day but you failed miserably, resulting a very strange depression. Once, he tried to teach you baking but it turned out really bad, the pastry smelled like burnt rubber.

Sometimes, you would laze around while Oliver planted more and more of those blue fusion geraniums around the house which was like a mansion instead. For the first week, you got awfully lost and almost ended up at the floor where you got locked up. Thank goodness, Matt came out from one of the rooms there and took you back to Oliver whose eyes were filled with tears by the time you returned to his side.

Days were spent happily there, if not content, as the strawberry blonde showered you with love and joy every day. Random surprises were given to you out of nowhere, like that plump ginger cat that wore a blue bow tie as well. He even bought you clothes, ignoring the fact that you can go back to that cheap flat and pack your own clothes; saying "It will be much better to leave your past there. Alfie mentioned to me that it was horrid. Was it, _(name)_?"

There were times where you would have picnic with the rest at the rose garden that Oliver tended to most of his time. He always teased you in front of the others, making you blush and giggle as he whispered sweet words in your ears. The outside world was long forgotten as you never received such attention before, your thoughts only filled of him. The things he did for you were simple and sweet, all out from his honest heart. You felt loved and you really want to return and share that feeling to the world. Your past was loveless- you walked out of your parents who never seemed to understand you or even bother to try and left the cold place you would no longer call home.

And there is someone now, here in front of you, giving his everything just for you. Yes, you do, in some way, felt a fool falling for a guy because he gave you a lot of his attention, but how can you not obliged and be happy?

"Three months is a short time," you replied. "But the days ahead of me, I can only see myself being with Oliver now."

You laid back down to the bed, snuggling into Oliver's side and resigned to a dreamless sleep.

Oliver's P. O. V.

Upon hearing the staircase creak, I knew _(name)_ was already awake. I turn around with a smile as she entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, poppet~"

"Morning, Olly..." she replied, rubbing those tired eyes of hers as she sat on a nearby tall stool.

"Well, you are up early today! Did you get a good night rest?" I said, giving her a smile as I placed a cup of her favorite tea on the table along with a banoffee cupcake which was served in a glass cup.

"Today's special, banoffee cupcake~"

She smiled and thanked in return; oh how my heart fluttered as I see her beautiful smile. I looked at her, feeling glad that I bought the blue dress she is wearing now. It fitted her perfectly. "How I wish I could make her mine already..." Embarrassed at my own thoughts, I quickly returned to icing the cupcakes that were already turning cold.

"Ever since the day I set eyes on her, I knew she was the one. Oh, at times, how I wished I could just comfort her of her sorrow and loneliness." I continued icing the cupcakes with the purple icing, wondering how long will my love be one-sided. It is not fair as to how my beloved is right in front of me, yet I have to control my urges. Though, the fact of her showing no intentions of leaving me does comfort me slightly.

Feeling her gaze on me, I waited for her to speak. She had been awfully quiet there, most mornings she would be chattering away. "Hey..."

"Oliver, you know, I..."

"Yes, dear?" I turned to face her, only to encounter her flustered face. Her eyes wide and face blushing red, she stuttered out a never mind. "Oh, isn't she the most adorable, flustering and stuttering like that~"

Curious, I walked over to her, wiping my hand at my apron and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Er... " Her gaze drops to the banoffee cupcake. "C-can you teach me how to make this awesome bane-coffee thing?"

"Sure... why not?" I chuckled at her. "Such a cutie..."

"By the way, since it is a mixture of banana and coffee,it is called banoffee, poppet, not bane-coffee." I added. "One of those recipes you could use, if your bananas become too ripe."

I looked down at her and noticed that she was doing it again. From now and then, I realized that _(name)_ will look completely spaced out and suddenly her expressions changes as though she was talking to someone. She does it the most when she was alone, which makes it even funnier to watch her. It is entirely strange as to how one can suddenly spaced out like that while in a conversation with another. That's why it is enjoyable to tease her at times like that, making her going all panicky.

I placed my hands on her cheeks and held her head higher, still no response to that. "Oh well~" I thought aloud and squeezed her cheeks.

"Huh... Oliver...? Wha-arh-yuh-doin?" _(name)_ asked, looking really confused which made me smirk.

"Oh,darling, how adorable can you get?" I let go and hugged her around the waist with one arm and the another running down her _(hair colour)_ locks. I felt her hands tugging at my waist and said something.

I thought I heard wrong. It may be soft but I heard it. I pulled her away, her gaze avoiding my eyes. "Poppet... I think I did not hear you properly."

"I think I like you."

That very moment, I knew the time has finally arrived. Oh what joy~

Reader's P. O. V.

You looked up at him. His eyes were really round that you feared that his eyes may fall out for a second there. Regret flowing into your mind, replacing the anxiety which came along with your confession. You did not like the expression on his face. It honestly scared you. Is he alright?

"This is not supposed to happen right?! I did not say anything wrong, did I?!"

You gasped as he hugged you again, this time tightly and possessively. "Really, poppet?"

You managed a soft "yes."

Oliver laughed out heartily as he pulled you away and held your hands tightly, which then he twirled you around and led you into a dance. Moments later, both, out of breath, collapsed onto the ground.

"So... what now, Oliver?" you asked, hoping to bring the friendship into a whole new level.

He stood up, patting imaginary dirt off his cream-coloured pants and straightened his bow tie before holding out his hand to you, which you gracefully accepted.

"Hmmm... _(name)_, let's play a game, shall we?"

Part 5: END~

A/N: What kind of college course did I just signed up...?! The next 3 weeks I got test, mock exam then the actual paper. I know you guys don't really care about this fact... though I hope you guys like this chapter~

Beta'd by Kev the Butler, Cait Miao and Elynn "Fish" as usual..

Disclaimers: Only the plot is mine, character belongs to respective owner. (Felt like writing something different here..)