Here wee goo! I'm actually really excited that you guys wanted more so I hope I don't disappoint!I'm also apologizing in advance for any future parts of this story with paramore song names. You guys don't understand how in love I am with their new CD. I've had to wait four years so...if that doesn't make you want to go buy it i don't know what will!

"I don't mind, letting you down easy but just give me time. If it don't hurt now but just wait, just wait a while. You're not the big fish in the pond no more, you're what they're feeding on. So what are you gonna do when the world don't orbit around you? So what are you gonna do when the world don't orbit around you?" I tilted my head back and my hair blew around my face, my left arm was sticking out my rolled down window and Beca and I had the top down on my Comet. It was the first day of summer and it was sunny and perfect.

Beca joined in the song laughing as the wind twisted her hair in every direction, "Ain't it fun? Living in the real world. Ain't it good? Being all alone. Where you from? You might be the one-" I looked around at the sudden quiet, "What'd you do that for?" I shouted over the roar of the wind.

"My dad just texted me...He said your gonna be graduating with me?" she yelled back with a big smile on her face.

"Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you! Now you don't have to wait a year for me to finish up so we can go to California together!" I slowed down at the stop light and looked over at her.

"AMBER POSEN, THANK THE ACA-GODS YOU'RE SUCH AN OVER ACHIEVER!" I jumped back at her yelling, I guess she was really excited. "This is great, oh my gosh there's no way I'm not gonna be famous in a year after we get there with you as my manager!" she leaned her seat back and smiled up at the sun. I laughed at her before proceeding through the green light.

A few minutes later we pulled up in front of Dr. Mitchell's big house and climbed out grabbing a box each from the back seat. "Hey, dad, we're here!" we stepped into the cool air and made our way up the steps to Beca's room to drop off our stuff. We had decided we'd just share a room instead of me taking one of the guest rooms.

"We're in the kitchen, girls!" Sheila yelled from downstairs. We clambered back down the stairs and walked into the kitchen to find all three of the Mitchells. Dr. Mitchell and Sheila were eating lunch and Collin was eating dry cheerios at his high chair. "Look it's our two juniors!" Sheila smiled as we walked in, she had grown on Beca since her freshman year, and I'd loved her since I met her. She stood up to give both of us a hug.

"Hey," Beca walked over to her baby brother who started squealing and pounding on his high chair when he saw his big sister. "Collin! Look at you eating cheerios like a big boy!" she unbuckled him and lifted him in the air before she started to tickle him and then planted a big kiss on the top of his head.

He was laughing like a maniac as she blew raspberries at him. "B, B, B!" he shouted joyously as she pulled him in close to her and took a seat at the table next to her dad. He started playing with her hair and bracelets.

"So what are you two girls up to?" her dad asked us as I took a seat next to Sheila. "Got any summer plans in store for today?"

"We just came to drop off our stuff. I think we're going to the beach tomorrow right, Amber?" at the sound of my name Collin's head shot up and he looked around for me then waved his arms in my direction when he spotted me. I reached across the table and grabbed him.

"Amby! Amby!" he nuzzled down into my arms and started to play with my hair.

"Yeah I think Bree and Chlo have to work when we thought we were gonna go, so we're going this week," Collin looked up at me and smiled, he only had 6 teeth it was adorable.

"What beach are you guys going to?" Sheila asked.

"Myrtle. Amber and Aubrey are driving down then Chlo and Aubrey are coming home after a week and Amber and I are going to see my mom," Sheila nodded at our plans.

"Well have fun, and be safe, and be a careful driver, you," Dr. Mitchell smiled across the table at me.

"When am I not?" I laughed, seriously though, I've got a clean record. "But, we'll call you every once and awhile to let you know we're still alive!"

Beca looked down at her phone that was buzzing constantly and sighed, "Hey, sorry to cut this short but Chloe's blowing up my phone. Aubrey's freaking out because we're not packed yet." She glanced up from her phone, "Your sister is a menace. Well we'll see you in like 2 weeks then! Bye, dad, Sheila. I love you, Collie," she stood up and kissed her dad gave Sheila a hug and tweaked Collin on the nose. I kissed him on the head before handing him off to Beca.

"Seriously you two, I want you back here in one piece. You got that, one piece!" Dr. Mitchell hugged me as he looked at us both sternly.

"We're gonna be in two pieces if we don't get over to Aubrey and Chloe's soon," Beca pointed out.

"Alright, girls, have fun!" Sheila took Collin from Beca as we left the kitchen.

"Girls, you need to pack right now!"

"She pulled out the 'girls' out on us, Ambular," Beca said in her mock valley girl accent as she walked to the fridge.

"She like totally just did, Becky," I said in my own as I joined her in searching the fridge. "Damn, bitches, you ain't got no food."

Beca stood up and looked at me with her eyebrows raised, "Amber, you fuck up, you can't just start with Valley girl and end with ghetto!" she abandoned the fridge and started searching through the cabinets.

"Are you two even gonna start packing yet?" Aubrey glared at us as we jumped up on the counter to eat the nutella that Beca had found. She got a spoon out the drawer and ate some then gave me the spoon.

"Fuck yeah nutella!" Beca smiled at me with it all in her teeth, I burst out laughing.

"You are beautiful...and your teeth are amazing," I choked out at her.

"You two aren't answering me!" Aubrey tapped her foot impatiently on the ground.

I jumped off the counter and tackled her to the ground where I pinned her arms down with my knees, "Aubrey, it's summer! Lighten up a bit! I don't want to go to the beach with a tight ass alright!" She glared at me as she struggled to get out from under me, finally she gave up and just laid there.

"Hold on a second, you mean Freshman year I could have gotten her to listen to me by tackling her and pinning her down? Why didn't I think of that?" Beca laughed as she shoveled more nutella into her mouth.

I looked over at her nodding and then Aubrey tried to escape again, "Hey, no escaping, Bree Bree!" I pretended like I was gonna lick her.

"Mother of God how old are you, Amber?" she stretched her neck to get her face away from my tongue. "And, Beca, stop putting that spoon back in that jar it's disgusting!"

"I am 18 years and 362 days old!" I grabbed her head and licked the whole right side of her face. She screamed and finally managed to knock me off her. Clutching a stitch in my side I managed to get out, "The nutella tasted better!" she was at the sink washing her face.

"Oh, Amber, you are home! I heard Aubrey screaming and thought it must be you!" Chloe walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. "Who's ready for the beach?" she jumped up and down excitedly while she hugged me. She was obviously in the same spirit as Beca and me.

"Not these two! They haven't packed yet," Aubrey was rubbing the right side of her face with a towel. Chloe looked at her with her eyebrows raised, "My sister licked me."

I got a high five from Chloe while she was laughing, "You didn't mind when I did that last night," I doubled over laughing at the look on Aubrey's face. Chloe winked then went back into the bathroom.

I walked back over to Beca and took the spoonful of Nutella she offered me. "Seriously, you guys, just pack please, or we're not gonna be able to leave on time."

"Aubrey, it's gonna be fine! Don't worry!" right then the door opened and Jesse and Lincoln walked in laughing, "Ooh boyfriends!" I ran over to Lincoln and he picked me up before he kissed me.

"Ugh, you guys are never gonna get packed with these two here!" she stomped back to her room. "And Beca stop eating the nutella!" Jesse slowly pulled the spoon out of his mouth and handed it guiltily back to Beca.

"We'll help them pack, Aubrey, don't worry!" Lincoln said and he carried me off to Chloe's room which was now Beca's and mine for when we were over there.

Lincoln and I were folding my clothes around Beca and Jesse on the bed so we could pack them in a little. The other two had yet to stop making out and start packing since we walked in 20 minutes ago. "So you're still gonna be here when we get back?"

"Yeah, I'm staying with Jeremy until we leave for California," Lincoln smiled. "You'll come see us when you come back right?" he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him so he could kiss me.

"Yep! I love Jerm I don't think I could go too long this summer without seeing him," I went back to packing. "Oh, and I guess I'd miss you too. Jesse when are you leaving for Tennessee?"


"That's my favorite day of the week, you lucky boy."

He pulled himself away from Beca for a fraction of a second to say tomorrow before he started kissing her again. Lincoln helped me put all the clothes I had laid out on the bed in my suitcases and then zip them up. "Success!" we high fived. "Aubrey, I'm done packing!" I yelled through the wall to her bedroom. "Beca, start now or she's gonna kill you," reluctantly Beca sat up and detached herself from Jesse.

"Why are we leaving at 4 in the morning, it's just the beach?" Chloe stumbled out of the apartment clutching a blanket as she dragged herself into Aubrey's beamer.

"Because I don't want to get there with half the day over!" Aubrey walked out with her hair pulled up before she got in the driver's seat.

I walked over to her rolled down window to talk to her, "We're gonna get there at like 11 if Atlanta traffic is good...which is never so count on 12." Beca looked worse than Chloe as she shuffled out to my car and struggled to open the door, finally she got in and curled up into a ball in the seat. "You ready?" I looked down at Bree she nodded and gave me a kiss. "Be careful."

Lincoln pulled up right before I was about to step into my car, "Hey, baby, have fun. Don't miss me too much." He smiled as he kissed me. "i'll see you in two weeks, promise?" he stuck his pinky out and I locked it with mine laughing.

Aubrey honked her horn impatiently, "ugh well I got to go, I love you!" I got in the car and kissed him one more time while he shut my door for me.

"I love you too." I pulled out of the parking lot and we were off to the beach!

Well there you have it, Chapter 1! I hope you liked it please comment and give me feedback! (: