A/N: Important!

I just want to make things very clear. This Ryan, Ryan C (You'll understand the C later) is not supposed to be the real life Cry. I'm not claiming Cry to be depressed, suicidal, or any of the other things portrayed in this story. Think of him as... Sad!Cry perhaps. A character like Mad! and Virus!, based around him, but given a certain aspect that focuses on him, in this case being homosexuality and depression. Hence Sad!Cry. Not real Ryan, Ryan C. Different. Based on the real Cry, but not the real Cry. Am I making sense? I hope so...

So, this is Scars version 2.1 if you will, changed severely over the past months and most certainly for the better. I hope it lives up to your expectations ^_^ God, it's hard to believe it's been seven months since I could last do what I love... Ah anyway, enough of me blathering. BTW, if you notice the number change, as it has as of right now, it means I've gone back and done some minor editing. Say, spelling error or just a new sentace or too, so don't get too worried. If a big change happens I'll say, and it'll be version 3 :P

Quick warning: Contains Male X Male relations of a sexual nature, very depressing topics that might be touchy/ a trigger for some people, and a lot of Smut and Lemons. Seriously, a lot. So no kids at all are allowed here. Kay. Have fun. Translations down the bottom as always. And I don't care if it's how you weird American's speak, but as an Australian I am bound to write proper English. Where the hell you people got "Mom" from I just don't even... so, don't get upset when I say Mum like the rest of the english speaking world...

Ch 1

Ryan's POV

Ryan clicked the mouse button furiously, swinging his steel crowbar at the table someone had just spawned before him. Big holes were appearing in its wooden surface, splintering off with a loud snap as the table began to shatter down the centre. The person above Ryan's character yelled into his microphone, trying to make him stop breaking it. Without much luck Ryan might add. His voice was shrill and almost effeminate as he shouted, but it was soft and warm at the same time. It was a voice Ryan knew better than his own, better than anyone's. Pewdiepie...

"Get. Off. My. TABLE!" Pewds dropped a milk carton on his head, as if this would somehow prevent Ryan from destroying the wood before him. Smiling as he did so, Ryan shouted "Never!" and smashed it to smithereens. Pewds gasped in horror as he fell to the ground, standing in the remains of his broken table. Ryan tried not to snicker as he heard Pewdie gape and choke as he stood there, staring at the wreckage that was once furniture. The character looked at the spot where the table once stood and crouched with a deep, long sigh.

"…We are here today to mourn the death of Rodregus the table," Pewdie said solemnly. Ryan let out a tiny giggle as Pewdie continued.

"He was loved by his all friends and family, and will be dearly missed...especially by his wife and children, the Gonzalo's"

Ryan couldn't help himself. He cracked up and laughed like a crazed hyena into the microphone at his desk. He knew the pickup would be terrible as he laughed into the microphone, but he really couldn't care a bit at the moment. This was just too funny to even bother trying to control himself. He cackled like a maniac as Pewdie's character just turned to look at him, and slowly shook his head.

"No respect for the dead Cry…" Pewds sighed. He sounded so damn serious, it just made Ryan laugh harder. Tears streamed down his face as the crowd of computer people around him began to write messages into the chat, mourning the loss of the furniture.






Ryan cracked up again as he read the last one. Even Pewds began to giggle, his resolve to remain all mournful wavering. Someone spawned a donut and laid it upon the wooden splinters.


Ryan redoubled into laughter, smacking his head against his desk as he practically cried. Even Pewdiepie was laughing like a mad man as the character spawned another donut and laid it on the burial site. Eventually all of the people that had been following them began putting random objects down. A chair, a pot, a traffic cone, a box. It was ridiculous! It took awhile, but Ryan finally got a hold of himself and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"You sound like your dying there Cry" Pewdie said. Ryan could almost see his warm beaming smile. A little flutter ran through him.

"I'm ok, I'm ok" He breathed.

"You sure? It sounded like you just smashed something" Pewds laughed.

"Nah man, my head's just fine. Only a little bump" Ryan said, trying not to giggle again.

"Well, at least there's not much to damage in there in the first place" Pewdie snickered. Cry gasped in fake shock and betrayal.

"How…how could you… I thought we were friend's man!" Ryan deliberately made his voice crack, as if he were on the verge of tears.

"I could never be friends with a table murderer!" Pewdie snarled in a very non-threatening way.

"I-I-I can change Pewds! I swear I can change! I'll even have the operation and everything!" Ryan begged with a great big grin on his face.

"I don't believe-Wait WHAT?!" Pewdie's voice broke into a very manly squeak as Ryan began to giggle madly again. A man ran past Ryan and stared at him, listening to him die of laughter very stoically. Putting on his best British accent, Ryan smiled at his screen and cleared his throat.

"Why hello there sir, are you here for the funeral? That is very kind of you Mr. Mob boss, the families will appreciate it greatly. As you can plainly see, here there is where you put the money for the grieving families. I do believe the profits go towards little Timmy's treatment, as he has a very serious blood disease and is terribly ill if I do remember rightly. Five hundred dollars should just about suffice I think. Now Mr. Mob boss if you would do the honours it would be very much appreciated my dear friend" Ryan spoke very sincerely as Pewdie snickered.

The man stared at Cry a few seconds longer, not replying. Not even a little typing bubble appeared over his head. Had he even heard him? Ryan opened his mouth to say something more when the mob boss moved. Before he even saw it coming, the man pulled a gun and blasted straight through Ryan's character, killing him instantly. Ryan cried out in shock as his character fell limply to the ground and his screen turned crimson.

"CRY NOOO!" Pewds crouched next to the body of Cry and stared at the killer accusingly.

"Why would you do this!? Why would you kill him!?" he fake sobbed.

"Remember me...as I lived..." Ryan croaked. Pewds continued to fake sob a few seconds more, crouching over Ryan's dead body, before another bang sounded behind Ryan's red screen.

"Oh, I'm dead" Pewdie said, not really caring. Ryan laughed as they both re-spawned a few seconds later on top of a building. A message popped up saying WaFfLeMaN69 has been arrested for 200 seconds.

"Was that the guy who killed us?" Ryan asked.

"Yep" Pewdie's character jumped in response. Ryan ran over to the edge of the roof they were standing on and watched from a distance as all the people from the funeral began to whack the donuts with their crowbars.

"Well, he got what he deserved, the table hater. Little Timmy will be so disappointed ...urg, should we wrap this up here or keep going?" Ryan asked.

"Finish up I guess. I have to go do something soon anyway. Alrighty Bro's, we're going to give up trying now, so give us a like and favourite if you enjoyed and want to see more playthroughs like this. Subscribe to become a Bro today and while you're at it you should go check out Cry's channel because he's awesome and does stuff too. Cry wanna do the outro?" Pewds asked politely. Pewdie didn't really have to ask.

Ryan remained completely silent, just staring at Pewdie's default character without moving or saying a single word. He was smiling like an idiot as Pewdie looked at him in confusion.

"Umm…Cry?" He asked as Ryan just continued to stand there staring.


Ryan stepped off the roof and plummeted to the ground, killing his character instantly. Pewdie began to cackle loudly into his microphone, hurting Ryan's ears slightly through the headset. Instead of clicking the button to respawn, he just let his screen stay that same red splash as Pewds laughed himself out.

"Ah, ahah, where the hell are you Cry?" Pewdie asked. Ryan didn't reply. Smiling as he thought about what to do, Ryan pressed a couple of buttons on his keyboard to change his voice then made a telephone noise.

"Hahah, hallo?" Ryan knew Pewdie had just put the mouse to his face like a phone.

"Uh hello? I don't know where I am. Everything's black and weird… and I can't feel my brain…can you come get me out? I-it's dark down here I don't like it" Ryan's voice echoed.

"No" Pewdiepie said.

"Oh ok then...I, I'll just stay here then... wait, there's a light! Oh it's really pretty…and I think I can see something white on the other side… should I go into it?" Ryan asked, faking timocity.

"Yes, I think you should" Pewds said very seriously. Geez…

"O-ok then, I'm going for it! I think I can get out but… huh? I-I can't move! The light's disappearing, what's going on! Everything's going red and-" He then growled into the microphone like the single most evil demon he could manage. "Wait, what the hell was tha- AHHH NO GOD AHHHHHHHH-!" Ryan cut the mic off. Pewdie laughed into the computer loudly.

"Hahaha, oh god, well then, it appears Cry had been murdered by a bear so... I guess that it for me then"

"That was not a bear you uncultured swine it was a demon!" Ryan shouted indignantly.

"Shut up Cry, you're dead!" Pewds laughed.

"Sorry...I'll be dead again now" Ryan put on his sad voice, since a sad face wouldn't really show.

"Ok then, good. Bro day everyday! Stay awesome Bro's. BA-HAII!"

Ryan knew Pewdie had just brofisted the screen and did it too, even though no one would ever see it. He just liked to do it. It was nice, almost comforting. And besides, it was the closet he could get to touching the Swede over the computer. There was a soft click, and Pewdie sighed. Cry logged off the game but kept Skype open to talk to Felix a little longer. Now the camera was off they could call each other by their proper names.

"Uhg, what time is it over there?" Felix asked.

"Urmm...2:45 in the morning" Ryan checked his clock.

"Do you mind if I keep you up just a bit longer Ryan?"

"Na I'm good, been up later than this before"

"Good, well, I was wondering...do…uhg, kom igen, var inte en fegis ...do you wanna come visit sometime?" Felix asked nervously. Ryan didn't understand the Swedish…but he wasn't too sure he understood the English just then either…

"Huh? Visit? You mean, go over to Italy and see you?" Ryan asked, not quite understanding what Felix was suggesting.

"Yeah man, it'd be great! I have to stay in Italy a few more months until we're allowed to go back to England so I thought it would be nice to see you or something!" Felix beamed. Ryan was shocked.

"You being serious?" he asked. Ryan hoped this wasn't a joke.

"Seriously, unless you already have plans of something, I just thought it would be cool if you came over here a little while for a visit. Marzia's fine with it too" Felix said cheerfully. Ryan felt himself begin to turn a very light shade of red. He was glad he was wearing his mask.

"I-I don't really have a lot of money..." His voice trailed off.

"Oh, that's ok. I'll get you over, no problem" Felix smiled brightly.

"You don't need to do that Felix, I'll be fine. I'll see if I can scrap around for some cash" Ryan muttered shyly.

"No seriously, it's no big deal, planes don't cost that much" He insisted. Planes don't cost much to him maybe. Felix got paid a lot for the whole YouTube thing, Ryan wasn't so lucky. He got maybe one hundred- two hundred bucks maximum each week for the whole YouTube gig, and most of that went straight to paying bills and buying food just to stay alive so... He didn't really care much of course, he only made videos for fun, but his actual job didn't pay all that much.

"But I'll feel bad though, I don't like taking people's money"

"You won't feel bad once your here, when you free?" Felix asked again.

Ryan couldn't believe how generous Felix was being. Ryan knew Felix was kinda loose with his money, but still! To pay for him to go on probably two planes just to see him was a pretty big thing to do. It was ridiculous, Ryan couldn't let him waste all his money on him. No one does that, he didn't deserve it. But… to see Felix in the flesh, not just an image over a stupid screen… Hadn't that been what he's always wanted? But he could just be stirring him…there's no way Felix could be serious about this. Why the hell would he want to see Ryan of all people? Hadn't Ken become his new gaming partner? The guy he always played two player games with? If Felix just wanted to see his gaming partner, surely he would have just called up Ken. But, as Ryan gazed into Felix's soft blue eyes, the same colour as a shattered shard of ice, he couldn't find any trace of joking-ness or lies. He really wanted him to go… but…he'd been so sure that Cry was now second best to CinnamonToastKen in the Co-op game. Lately, the only time he ever really got to even talk to Felix was when Minx had asked him to join a four player thing with them all, and even that had been lingering lately. Freaking Sp00n had become more of an active friend than Felix had. So why in the hell was he gonna spring this on Ryan now? Just as he'd been beginning to accept being a secondary friend. Just as he'd finally been able to move on and do other things with his life. Just as his feelings had been beginning to subside…

Ryan was silent for the longest of times, trying to figure out what he even wanted. He wanted to be Felix's best friend again, that was for sure. But…if he went over there… what would happen? Would Felix force Ryan to show him his real face? Because Ryan knew that would just destroy their already thin bond. Would his feelings get the better or him? Because that would probably be even worse. Rejection was ten times worse than being a background friend… but…maybe…just maybe… it was a risk Ryan was willing to take. He finally caved in.

"Uh… fine…" Ryan muttered.

"Sorry what?" Felix asked, not quite having caught Ryan's tiny whisper of a voice.

"Alright Felix, I'll come"

"Oh my god that's great! I was really hoping you'd say yes! Oh, I'm really happy now" Felix sighed happily with relief. Wow really? He was really happy to see Ryan? Why?

"When are you free!" Felix chirped happily.

"Oh, uh, I'm free most times I guess. I'll just call work and tell them I'm going away for awhile. Do you have a certain time in mind?"

"You have a job?" Felix blinked his amazingly blue eyes in surprise.

"Of course I do man, I'm not mister rich and famous Youtuber who can afford to buy a house of gold you know" Ryan laughed.

"I do not have a house of gold you butt! I'm in a fucking kitchen at the moment to record this shit! I admit I do have a nice amount of money-" "In other words rich" Ryan cut in. Felix pursed his lips slightly. He hated to be interrupted and Ryan knew it.

"…Some people could see it that way I guess, but I think I just have enough to live life comfortably" Felix finished.

"Yeah, in cashmere" Ryan chuckled.

"Hey I do NOT wear cashmere, I wear normal cloths…Marzia has some kinda expensive clothing sure, but I don't. I don't really care about all that kinda thing"

"Sure sure…" Ryan snickered.

"…Well anyway, times...how about next week? If that's ok with you that is, I'm fine with any time"

Wow…so soon? Why is he so freaking eager? Shouldn't I be the one who's eager with all these… ugh stop it brain…

"Sure, sounds fine...should I make a vid and tell the fans their dreams have finally come true?" Ryan grinned behind his mask, thinking of all those "Pewdiecry" story's he'd seen and read.

"Hmmm...No. Let's surprise them. How about we wait until your here and then we can make one together" Felix suggested, tilting his head slightly to one side. Ryan hesitated.

"You don't have to be in the shot, you can keep your mystery. You can be camera man or something" Felix ran his fingers through his soft hair. Ryan once again imagined what it would be like running his fingers through his friend's soft blondy brown hair... Ryan mentally shook himself.

"Oh all right. Send me the info and I'll get ready. My mum'll take care of AK while I'm gone. Just get details and I'll be fine" Ryan finally gave in, he could never say no to Felix... for long anyway

"Alrighty then! I wish I could stay a bit longer, but I have to meet up with Marzia's parents in like forty minutes and it takes twenty to get there. Talk to you tomorrow then?" Felix asked.

"Yep, see you tomorrow. Have fun at your thing" Ryan sighed. They used to spend nearly hours talking to each other before…

"Ok, bye...wait, what was that... oh ok. Marzia says hi" Felix returned his gaze to the screen.

"Hi Marzia. Ok, night Felix" Ryan tried to keep the disappointment of their early departure out of his voice.

"Night" With a click the screen changed back to his desktop. With a long sigh Ryan flopped back in his chair. After a moment, a wide smile broke out under the mask. It was actually going to happen. He was actually going to see Felix! In real life, not just over a stupid screen. His heart fluttered as he allowed himself to imagine things he had tried not to think of in months. Were his hands rough or soft? Was he muscly or lanky? Tall or short? Perfect or... Ryan shook his head free from those traitorous thoughts and switched off the computer. He watched his cat AK stretch luxuriously from his perch beside Ryan's seat and padded after him as he staggered through his apartment.

Ryan's apartment wasn't very big, just enough room to house maybe two or three people and a cat. He lived alone, except for AK, so the place was plenty big enough. His apartment consisted of a lounge room type thing, were his computer was currently situated until the power point in his room had been fixed, a tiny little kitchen thing which would defiantly be cramped in he had a room mate, with a little table to the side of the counter, a spare room for his brother whenever he came around, a simple little bathroom, and of course, his bedroom. The place was a mess at the moment, but not as messy as it usually was. He hadn't been in a real "Cleaning up after yourself" mood lately, so there were empty packets and cups everywhere. Quite a few empty glass bottles covered the counter as he went into his fridge to find something to drink. Cold water, a half gone bottle of vodka, a single can of Monster, two Dr Peppers, a bottle of coke and some cordial. Well…if I have any hope at all sleeping tonight, it'll have to be water…and maybe just a taste of the vodka. Fuck it, I'm having cordial!

Ryan pulled out a clean glass and filled it with orange cordial, then slid out the cold bottle of alcohol. AK mrrowed impatiently at Ryan's feet as he unscrewed the lid and poured in a tiny amount.

"Just a minute, I'll have a little drink then we can go to bed ok?" Ryan told the brown dappled cat. AK snuffed impatiently and padded back to the armchair. Ryan shook his head at the animal and took his glass off the counter. He flopped down on the chair beside it with a huff of exhaustion. God what a long day… first work, then editing, then recording with Felix…

Ryan took a little sip at the orange mix, rubbing his thumb between AK's ears. It burned dully down his throat, but he'd only put in a tiny amount so it wasn't that bad. He'd gotten used to the feeling of the burning alcohol long ago. He'd drunk it straight for years in the hopes it would burn his memories just as much as it did his body. No such luck there… AK purred softly and pressed his head further into Ryan's pale hand. He smiled as the cat nuzzled him fondly. He took another, much larger gulp of the drink and stared off into space, lost in thought.

When had Felix suddenly decided to care about him again? For a while it had seemed as if Felix no longer had an interest in playing with him, unless Ken and Minx were there. It had almost seemed like he didn't even like Cry anymore…or at least that's what Ryan's stupid brain had told him. Maybe he'd been wrong? Wouldn't be the first time. Ryan was often wrong about things like this. So maybe he'd been wrong again this time. Maybe... Maybe Felix had never replaced him with Ken, that was just stupid. Cry would always be Pewdiepie's best friend, Ryan had been stupid to ever doubt that… Ryan bit his lips in shame as he realized how much he had tortured himself over nothing…

Ryan jumped when something rough and wet brushed the inside of his wrist. He clenched his fist as the little pricks of pain it gave him and drew it away from his nosey cat. It was looking at him with big round worried eyes as it nosed Ryan. He knew AK hated seeing them, for a cat he got very emotional sometimes. AK hated seeing Ryan hurt or upset and would often just sit there with him through his bad days. Ryan smiled behind his mask and gave him another little rub on the chin.

"I know, I know. You don't like it. I know. But I'm alright now. Well…I think I will be. Did you hear him invite me over?" Ryan asked the brown cat. AK twitched his ear in acknowledgement, which Ryan took for a yes.

"Well, I'm gonna go and see him at last. I don't know what that means for me, but I hope something good will come out of it. Not what I want, but I can still have fun right? You know what I mean?"

AK let out a little mrrow and plopped into his lap, curling up and gazing at him with his big intelligent brown eyes. Ok, Ryan knew it was weird to talk to a cat like this, but AK really understood him. He knew what Ryan had to go through most days, and Ryan could swear to god he could understand every word he said.

"Of course you do. Well, as much as I hope it might happen, I know it never will. But being friends with him is good enough I suppose. Meeting him in person will probably even be good for me, as long as I don't fuck it up by being me. But don't get me wrong sweetie, I'm really excited for this! It's going to be amazing… even if that means you're gonna have to go stay with Mum for a while" Ryan laughed slightly as AK grumbled.

"Oh come on, I'm sure the dog won't bother you too much this time AK. She's a good girl…when Mum's around… when the hell did I finish this?" Ryan asked himself as he realized he was holding an empty cup now. Ryan put it down on the little table thingy his wallet was currently resting on with a frown. He didn't remember finishing it…

"Oh well, whatever… maybe we should go to bed anyway. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow, and you have a lot of sleeping to do I suppose. I've got to edit this damn video with Felix, upload it, go into work and tell them I'll be going awhile, then get home and record another few videos… oh, and sort out travel arrangements… hah…hahah…I'm going to fucking Italy man… I'm going to Europe! And I'm going to see Felix! Hahah, this is going to be great!" Ryan beamed. AK made a happy little noise and slid off of Ryan's lap, padding along the carpet with his little white feet. Ryan grinned and followed the cat to where it was waiting patiently at the foot of his door. Ryan shouldered the door to his room open and gazed fondly at the space.

The walls of his room were a light creamy colour, the same colour as custard…actually, maybe just a little bit lighter than that, and covered in gaming posters. There were three pokemon ones, a Kingdom Hearts one, a Final Fantasy one, a Minecraft one, and his favourite two posters of the entire room, his Spyro ones. One from Gateway to Glimmer, his favourite of the original games, and one from Dawn of the Dragon. His posters gave the room it's only real interesting colour, lining the walls in a colourful display of nerdism. There was a chest of draws, covered in a few miscellaneous items and models, a small wooden desk his black laptop was seated upon, a small bookshelf packed with nothing but fantasy and what might be considered somewhat dirty books, and his scruffy looking bed with dark bed sheets. His Mario plushie sat on the ground beside his table looking rather abused, seeing as it was AK's favourite plaything, and not just 'friendly' play either. AK had tried to hump that thing so many times it was ridiculous…

AK padded through Ryan's legs and went to curl up in his little bed beside Ryan's. He did that little thing cats always do, circling the spot he was going to sleep, pulling at it with his claws slightly, before curling up into a little ball in the middle. Ryan smiled and reached behind his head to untie the black string that held up his mask. The light immediately hurt his sensitive eyes as he placed the plain white plastic on his bedside table. He really should have worn his glasses for such a long playthrough, but he really couldn't be stuffed to go get them, so now he got to pay the price. It felt sort of nice to have some air on his skin again, no matter how much he hated most of it. Ryan ruffled his shaggy hair and looked over at his clock. 3:23… Might as well crash in now. He'd already uploaded all his day's work, and gone through all his fan messages, no need to stay up any longer. Besides, he was still kinda worn out from the Live Stream with Russ and the others the other night. The sun had been well up when they finally quit…

Ryan was about to turn off his light when a flash of steel caught his eye. It glinting off his bedside table, staring Ryan down, as if trying to tempt him with its bite. Ryan picked it up and studied it. Still feeling slightly giddy at the prospect of meeting Felix, he smiled at the sharp metal. No need for you tonight... With a flick of the wrist Ryan threw it across the room. With a little thunk, the metal hit the wall and stuck. Ryan blinked in surprise and smugness at managing to get it to stick like that, but couldn't be bothered to go pull it out. It'd probably leave a mark…but who cares? No one sees his room other than himself and Nathan, and Nate wouldn't even notice a tiny mark like that. So why bother? Ryan turned off the lights, collapsed on the bed still wearing his favourite hoodie, and savoured the darkness.

It was finally happening. He was finally going to see Felix for the first time. And although Ryan had forbidden himself from think these sorts of thoughts, he still felt a warm, almost giddy feeling well up inside him as he began to drift off. He should hate the glimmer of hope that had flared up inside him, as he knew it would never happen, but just this once, Ryan allowed it. He allowed himself the one moment to actually believe it could happen at last…

That Felix might actually…

Felix POV

"Ok, night Felix" Said the masked person behind the screen. His silky, velvety voice was like melted chocolate. It wasn't hard to see why the fangirls went crazy over him so much. Ryan's voice betrayed a hint of disappointment, but Felix couldn't be too sure… Felix was slightly sad to say goodnight to Ryan so soon, but still smiled and said bye like a good friend should. He wasn't going to make Ryan stay up all night just so he could talk to him, they could always chat tomorrow. Besides, he had family business to take care of… Glädje ...

Before the screen was cut off, Felix had just enough time to study Ryan. Well, the tiny amount of Ryan he could actually see. He was wearing a dark grey hoodie that was slightly baggy in some places, his skin was pale across his hands, the only place you could see skin, and shaggy chocolate brown hair poked out behind the mask. One lock of hair had curled up and stuck out at an odd angle, almost like the one on the Sup Guy, which was ironic in a way. The screen flashed "Call Ended" briefly before Felix turned it off and stared at the blank screen for a few long moments. He had always wondered why Ryan never showed his face, not even to him. It had been a big break through when Felix managed to convince him to video chat, not just audio, but he asked if he could wear his mask. Felix never even realized he actually had a mask until then. He thought it was just a thing he used for his pictures and fan art. But, begrudgingly, Felix agreed to speak with the mask on. It bugged Felix that they had to communicate like this, it made him feel untrusted, but it was up to Cry to decide on his own life, not his. Besides, it was better than nothing.

"So did he say yes?" Marzia's voice echoed down the hall.

"Yep, he said sometime next week" Felix got out of his little kitchen he did all his videos in and went to join her. She was sitting cross-legged on the couch, Maya sitting between her knees, smiling brightly.

"Got everything sorted and ready?" She said while tickling Maya. The little pug snarfed happily, her one good eye filled with a crazy joy. It was weird not seeing Edgar running around the place like a maniac, but they hadn't been able to bring him back from England without having him locked up in quarantine for months. There was no way he was letting his little puggie go through all that. It had stressed Felix enough having Maya come in by plane without them…but, a trusted Bro back in London had offered to take care of him, and he got regular updates on his condition from her, so it should be alright… and her girlfriend…no wait, fiancé was good with animals so Felix trusted his precious dog to them.

"Are you calling me disorganised? I am very good at these sorts of things you know. It's all under control woman, calm your farm" Felix faked shock.

"I am being calm! And yes, you are very disorganised Felix" Marzia smiled brightly at him.

"Well it's all done diddily done so there! He's coming next week whenever he's ready and will stay for... huh, I forgot about that bit... oh well, whenever he really wants to go I guess" Felix leaned back on the couch and stretched, joints popping. "Ahh that's better. I'll call him again tomorrow to get the details"

Pushing the dog to the side Marzia snuggled into Felix's side. He wrapped an arm around her and sighed. He wanted to stay here like this forever, just being able to sit here with Marzia and playing games was enough for Felix. Sure, being internet famous had its perks, but still, this was all he'd ever need. Someone to love, and to love him back, and games… But he had other duties to take care of first unfortunately.

"When do we have to go meet your parents again?" He asked again for the third time that evening.

"Umm, thirty minutes. We better go then" Marzia pulled herself out from under his arm and pranced over to her bag. Felix groaned. He thought he had a bit more time to relax before he had to go see them. He sure had cut it close recording this late…

This was going to be a pain. Felix liked Marzia's parents for sure, they were great people, but it was kinda hard to talk to them. One, they spoke two entirely different languages and two; they don't really understand what he did for a living. They just see him shouting wildly at a screen while making weird faces... which is technically what he did, but not in the way they think.

"Get up lazy bones, let's go already!" Marzia poked him.

"Hold your horse's woman I'm coming" Felix pulled himself to his feet at last. Why couldn't he just stay here and play longer? All he wanted to do right now was talk to Cry some more. It had been so long since their last full conversation… stupid girlfriend's parents and their bad timing… Felix stretched and followed Marzia to the door. She smiled warmly and went on her tippy toes to kiss him briefly. Felix grinned and kissed her back, feeling warmth spreading through his cheeks slightly. He was really lucky to have found a girl like her, a girl who actually understood at least half the stuff he talked about. She giggled and pulled away, much too soon for Felix's liking, and chucked him the keys.

"You drive" She told him.

"Really? I thought you said I was a terrible driver?" Felix grinned wickedly. Marzia rolled her eyes.

"Practice makes perfect, that and I can't be bothered today" Marzia said as she slid into the passenger's seat. Felix cast one last look back at his computer longingly before closing the door and following her to the car. Just a few hours of this, then you can go home and upload… joy…

At least Ryan's gonna come over soon…I really want to see him… Felix felt his heart give a tiny flutter at the thought of his friend actually being close to him…wait, what? His heart did what? Felix blinked in surprise, just as it always did when this happened. Stop being weird heart whenever I think about him! He's one of my best friends! Stop being weird! Felix shook his head at the confusing burst of emotion. He must be seriously messed up… normal people don't have such weird thoughts about their friends like this. Maybe he was just tired… yeah, that's it. He's been working hard and talking to no one but Cry, or course he was going to think of him a bit more than usual. But then…why that kind of thought again… weird…


uhg, kom igen, var inte en fegis = uhg, come on, don't be a coward
Glädje = Joy