Chapter seventeen

The room felt full of light, and while everyone sat down feeling a little complacent. Everyone kept their eyes on Paul Kellerman. "There will be some follow-up interviews, but this is it." He held a pen out. "Sign it, and you're free to go." He smiled to everyone.

Lily felt nervous about signing the paper, but inhaled placing a pen down on the table. She was done with this bad phase of her life.

"Can I keep the pen?" Fernando asked Paul with a big smile on his face.

Paul laughed, "Sure." He's attention to Alex now. "Also we've located Pam, and she's safe." He turned to Lincoln, "So are Sophia and L.J…"

Lily bit her lip, "Is there a chance you can pop him on a plane home?" Her hand played over her pocket of her jeans.

"He'll be on the first flight availably."

Lincoln nodded, "That's good…"

"Now, last bit of business, um, Bagwell, T-Bag claims he helped find Scylla. He was helpful here in Miami.

He wants exoneration, as well. I can make that happen. I'll leave it up to you." His voice was smooth speaking.

"I say hell no!" Lily held a hand up, "That scumbag wasn't to do ungodly things to me and Sara!"

Sara nodded, "I don't think he had any intention of helping, he was trying to help himself." Sara looked to Michael, "He should be in prison."

"So we say no to freedom for T-bag." Michael glanced over both Lily and Sara's faces. "Guess we should give him the bad news."

Lincoln nodded, "Sounds good man…"

Lily laughed, "Wonder if he'll take a piece of gum…" Her eyes looked over Lincoln's.

"I'll see," Lincoln laughed walking with Michael out of the room.

Sara inhaled, "So what are we going to do now?" She walked over to the window looking out of it, "I mean this is it, no more running."

"No more looking over our shoulder," Fernando added with Benjamin standing beside him.

Alex couldn't help but feel pained, "No more people need to die." He side glanced to Sara with Fernando and Benjamin. Then could see Lily was still sitting staring at her paper work. "You okay?"

Lily's eyes shot up, "It's just strange," Her hand brushed over the papers. "It's finally over."

"Yea," Sara moved closer to Lily, her hand brushed over her shoulder. "Have you thought what you're going to do?"

"Get this red out of my hair, have a relaxing spa day… Oh and a divorce from Michael." She laughed.

"I think that would be a good idea," Sara smiled, her eyes going over everyone. "You're all invited to Michael and my wedding."

"I think I'd be a little pissed if I wasn't," Lily got up to hug Sara. "Congratulations."

Feeling better in everything, Sara now took a relaxing breath. "Well Paul said he can get you and Michael an annulment due to the circumstances of your marriage."

Fernando laughed, "I guess it was good while it lasted." He watched as Michael and Lincoln came back into the room. "Did he take the gum?"

"Spat it out." Michael shrugged, "But we will be interview separately, but after that we're out."

Lily's eyes went to Lincoln, but slowly watched Michael getting close to Sara. She didn't know how to feel, "Let's get this done, so I can get something to eat."

Lily didn't like morning sickness; it made her feel like sleeping in the bathroom. Her hair was fixed; it felt better being blonde again.

"Lil…" The sound of knocking was on the other side of the door. "Do you need anything?"

Lily lifted her face from the floor, "No," Her eyes closed. "But I'll have a shower, and then we have to get ready." Her hand brushed over her face.

Lincoln didn't like not being able to help. He wanted to be enthusiastic about the pregnancy, but thinking it might not even be his baby made it hard on him. "Well I am going to start getting ready." He walked away from the door seeing his suit waiting for him.

Lily closed her eyes; she then took her night shirt off getting into the shower.

Felling clean, she kept hoping to herself that the sickness would pass. This was Michael and Sara's wedding, and it hadn't been the best few weeks.

To Lily it seemed that Sara was looking flawless, not even showing. Even if they both were around eight weeks, Lily just felt bloated and horrible.

Why Sara seemed to be running about, smiling and laughing. Lily just couldn't do anything.

So getting her hair dry Lily knew that Lincoln was sorting the flower arrangements into the van. It was the job she was meant to do, but then strong scent all together made Lily feel dizzy.

"You're looking amazing," Lincoln walked into the bedroom; he could see Lily standing in front of a full length mirror. Moving softly across the room he wrapped his arms around her waist putting his chin on her shoulder. "Are we going to tell anyone soon?"

"Not today," Lily shifted her eyes from the reflection of them in the mirror, to his face. "It's Sara and Michael's day." Her hand lightly tapped his, "Plus my fingers are like German sausages." Her left hand up was held up to his eye level.

Lincoln took it in his hand, "Your hands are tiny." He kissed her fingers.

"You're only saying that because I'm all hormonal crazy." Lily raised her eyebrow. "And we both know who's boss…"

"Is that a smile…?" Lincoln brushed a kiss against her cheek. "But Michael will kill us if we're late."

Lily laughed, "I ain't scared of no one." She tapped on Lincoln's arm. "But we better take a bucket in the van with us just in case."

"Yea," Lincoln wasn't looking forward to the idea of Lily being sick again.

The ceremony was small and tasteful, but then Lily felt good about watching Michael marrying someone he loved. The moment felt right and part of Lily would glance up to Lincoln and worry that he didn't feel the same way he used to about her.

The people who came to the party Lily wanted to push passed her feeling sick, and she wanted to show people that she was fine.

Fernando Felt good spinning Lily into his arms, the music was nice. "Now you're no longer married to Mike, when are you and Linc going to set a date?"

"How do you know?" Lily's eyes snapped to Fernando, but turned to see Michael and Lincoln drinking a beer together.

Fernando took a second to spin Lily again, but he knew it was hard for him to keep a secret. "You be surprised to know what I know..." He stopped seeing the police turning up.

An officer stepped forward, "Sorry to break up the party." One said looking for Sara in the crowd of people.

Sara didn't know how to react, she couldn't believe she was being arrested, and as she was put into a police car, her eyes kept staring to Michael, he had to do something, she couldn't go to prison for murder.

Lily didn't understand either, her hand coming to her mouth before feeling a was of dizziness pulling her to the ground.

Fernando was quick to stop Lily from hitting the ground, he was bewildered to what was happening, how could this be happening to them.

Opening her eyes Lily felt herself focused on the sound of people walking about, then to an IV drop from her hand. The room was oddly bright, and then she could see the silhouette by a window.

"What's going on?" Lily tried to move on the bed, but kept still seeing Lincoln turning around to the sound of her voice. "Linc?"

"Sara's been arrested for murder, and they are going to for the highest sentence, she hasn't even got bail." Lincoln moved closer to the bed, he sat on the side of her that didn't have the IV drips. "Michael is trying to figure a way to get her out."

Lily turned her head to look out the window, "I meant why am I here?"

For a second Lincoln felt bad for forgetting that Lily was in hospital, "You fainted, and the paramedics brought you here as you're seriously dehydrated, and you didn't tell me your morning sickness was that bad." He placed the palm of his hand to her cheek bringing her eyes to meet his. "Why didn't tell me?"

"I didn't think it was bad, I just thought I'd be making a mountain out of a mole hill." Lily bit her bottom lip feeling how intense Lincoln's eyes were on her. "Don't look at me like that?"

Lincoln spoke quickly. "Lil the doctors are worried,"

Lily put a finger to his mouth, "Linc..." She tried to keep calm, "I'm going to be fine, but what the hell is Michael thinking of doing?"

Lincoln glanced around the hospital room, he felt glade they had privacy. "He's going to break her out."

Lily sat up quickly, "What!" She then wanted to get out of the bed, "What in the name of God is he thinking?" She tried to think of how to get out of the bed.

Lincoln was quick to hold his hands on Lily's shoulders, "You are staying right here!" He couldn't believe he was shouting at her, but he could see the quick flash of fear in her eyes. "Lil, you need to think of the baby."

"I am thinking of your brother doing something stupid!" Lily felt Lincoln's hands still holding her still, but his face looked dead set on her. "Lincoln, this has to be the stupidest thing ever!"

"She's not safe inside, and we need to get her out, the plan is already in motion." He stood up, "I just need to know you're safe." He reach down kissing her forehead.

The time seemed to have slowed down, and Lily knew that she was being watched, she knew when police were keeping an eye on her. She wasn't even in any trouble, but then she could tell they had a big hunch on Michael's plan.

The IV drip was still in her hand and the medicine was working and she was finally keeping food down, and she knew it was a matter of time before she would be discharged, and she was going to have to work out what was going on with Michael.

She couldn't think of a good reason to stay around, why did she think that after getting exonerated that life would be normal. Lily just had a feeling that thins wasn't going to be the end, and as she was staring out the window she could see the door to her room open.

Fernando found it way too easy to slip into the room, he could see the shocked look on Lily's face. "Hey..."

Lily felt her hand come to her face, "What the hell!"

"I'm here to get you out." Fernando felt lost, "We need to go!" He pointed out, he knew everything was time sensitive. "We need to go."

"Well..." Lily glanced to the outside to see that no one had checked on her, "I can't just slip out." She took the time to look over him, "Doctor coat?"

"I thought it was worth trying." He stepped closer to the bed, "But we need to go like now!"

Lily held her hand up, "You see this!" She got his attention, "I am not even going to start on how I am not going to leave."

Fernando sighed, "Linc said this would be a problem." He then turned back to the door, "We're going to have Sara, she can help you."

Lily grunted, she felt her body move from the bed, "Give me a second." She found herself gathering things, she then glanced over to Fernando, "I'm going to need your help." She found what she could use for now.

"What do I need to do?" Fernando moved to be closer to her, but he could see she was starting to look serious. "I don't have to..."

Lily grabbed his hand, she put some tissue into his hand, "Just hold it onto the IV, I am going to pull it out, you're going to put pressure on it to stop it bleeding out." Lily's eyes locked on his. "I can't walk out of a hospital with an IV drip in my hand." She sighed, "Look once it's out you can tape it down."

Fernando felt lost, but it was too late as he was watching Lily pulling the IV from her hand. Her face scrunched up in pain, but she reached over grabbing tape that was still in her bag from helping Lincoln. "How?"

"I was a nurse..." Lily then found herself looking for her clothes, "Well if we gotta go, you better help me get myself into clothes."

Lily felt weird sitting on a boat again, she and Fernando managed to get out of the hospital, and while he wasn't going to join them, she knew he was going back to his daughter.

She sat on the boat, and while she could tell that she wouldn't be alone long, she could feel movement, and then Sara.

"Where's Michael?" Lily spoke softly getting to her feet, she could feel the boat was starting to move, but she didn't know what was happening.

Sara's eyes were wide, and she slowly sat down next to Lily, "He..." She couldn't get the words out. "He didn't even hesitate."

Lily's face went white, and she wanted to beat Sara, she was feeling herself wanting to be sick. "He didn't hesitate with what?!?!" Her voice raised up, and it was hard for her to not hit her. "What happened?"

Sara was starting to feel scared of Lily, and the feeling of the boat moving made her nervous for herself. "I didn't want him to do it, I had no control..." Her hands went down to her stomach, she wanted to show Lily that she was as upset as she was.

Lily tried to relax down, but he heart was hurting badly, she didn't know why she couldn't believe that Michael was really dead, it wasn't like him to just give up. The pain wasn't going to go away, and so Lily tried to relax, her hands holding onto her own stomach. "Why?"

"I don't know," Sara kept a safe distance from Lily. "He just..." Her voice dropped when she saw Lincoln joining them with a DVD.

"Michael wanted us to watch this." He went over to the TV turning it on.

The sat and watched Michael's face, and when he spoke they all paid attention.

Lily felt her hands in her lap, her eyes couldn't look up, but she did and a part of her started to pay attention, she knew him. Her eyes going wide, but she didn't want to say anything, she couldn't believe him.

Sara and Lincoln were too busy giving into the sadness, but it was Lily who would stare blankly at the TV screen. With Michael telling them to always love each other, a part of her didn't believe he was gone.