Crystal Snow sat next to Jack Frost on the branch of a huge oak tree, the touch of their feet and hands on the bark made it freeze and frost over, creating imprints of it. The two of them had become the best of friends after she had asked him to help her reach her deadline with the frost in Europe. They were both winter sprites after all, and they did share many things in common. However, she thought the reason they became such good friends was because they both felt lonely. They had spent most of their lives up until now in the shadows, with no one to talk to, and if they did talk, nobody would hear them.

Jack put his hand gently over hers, and they both looked at each other, not saying a word. Blue eyes affixed on gray, speaking in the language of the snow, the frost, the spirit of winter. Sometimes it is best to just listen to the sounds instead of making your own.

They were not alone anymore, now that they had each other, and they would never be alone again.

"The person with whom you share your silence with is the most important person in your life."