Thanks for those who are sticking with me. This is my first travel into AU territory, and my first time writing anything remotely smutty. I'm so embarrassed!

It was Dean who pulled Castiel into the cargo hold, leaning down against his knees to catch his breath.

"You just punched my brother in the face." Castiel said, as if he hadn't been there, as if it hadn't been obvious.

"He was a dick." Dean explained.

"Nobody ever stands up to Lucifer..." He added a silent except Michael.

"Well I am sure he will kill me if he ever sees me again." Dean answered finally straightening.

Castiel moved to Dean, gently cupping his face. "I wish I could heal you somehow."

"That would be a neat trick." Dean said, he hadn't moved from the other man's touch. "But I am fine."

Castiel frowned dropping his hand, he really toxic, causing harm to anyone who came near him.

Dean wiped at his nose until the blood stopped and then looked up to see Cas' frown. He moved in closer and held his hand up to his cheek. He moved in again and placed gentle kissed against the man's lips.

The kiss was more gentle this time, less about two people who needed the comfort of someone, and more about two people who needed the comfort of each other.

Dean gently sucked on Cas' bottom lip, dipping the man down a bit to get a better angle, he trailed kisses down his jaw and down his neck, sucking and nibbling gentle at the collarbone.

Castiel found himself pressed up against the wall, Dean's hot hands gentle trailing over the edges of his coat. Before he knew it Dean had smoothly removed both of their coats and was working on the buttons of Cas's dress shirt.

Each inch of skin he exposed received another kiss. He was very gentle, a harsh contrast to his outer exterior and persona. Each kiss was gentle, almost too gentle. Ghost kisses trailed down his stomach.

Dean pushed Castiel out of his dress shirt before he took off his own shirt.

The moment that skin met skin was electric. Dean's cold skin contrasted with the heat radiating from the other man.

Castiel moved forward turning them to bring the other man to the wall. His hand gently placed where the man's arm met his shoulder, the other hand in a mess of brown hair.

Dean hissed in response to being moved against the wall, his back a little sore from the fight with Castiel's brother. Then the man laid a hand on his arm and it just felt so right, like an instant peace spread through him. He didn't make much time to think before he was caught in another kiss.

Soon Dean was fumbling to undo his pants, and then the other man's. The simple thought of what was about to happen made his breath ragged, "Cas." He moaned finally kicking off his own pants.

They spent the night down there pressed up against each other like it was where they were meant to be.