
 Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!  :\  This is the revised version of the really not-so-good-fanfic's first chapter!!!!  Ha ha!!!  {They're coming to take me away!!}

Anyway, I'm thanking my beta-reader {alpha, beta, gamma, delta...} Melissa for this, although she changed some things that I needed to change back. .

A lazy soul I am, ain't I?  ^--------^


Want to sleep?  Let me shatter your dreams!

Ginny could barley keep her eyes open.  She wanted nothing more then to just go into her dorm and take a long nap.  She fought to keep her eyes open as Professor McGonagall explained how to transfigure animals into plants and then back again.

It didn't help that ever since she started her fourth year at Hogwarts, she had the feeling that something big was coming.  She didn't know quite yet what it was, but the feeling had stayed with her, and she didn't like it.


Tom made his way aimlessly around the castle.  It was lunch and he didn't feel much like eating so he decided to take a walk.  Normally students weren't authorized in the hallways during lunch, but Tom could get away with almost anything because was favored by every teacher.  Well... almost.  One was missing.

Professor Dumbledore.  The Transfiguration teacher.  Tom got the feeling he never really trusted him, but that didn't matter anymore.  He smiled a twisted smile and walked a bit faster, turning towards the Great Hall, deciding it would be better if he listened to the rules.


Ginny put her books from Transfiguration back into her bag.  Luckily she only had one more class for the day and no homework due tomorrow, so she could sleep peacefully.  The worst thing that would happen was she would be overly hungry at breakfast and look like a pig while she shoveled food into her mouth.

"Miss. Weasley," Professor McGonagall called before she left, "I would like to speak with you for a moment."

Ginny sighed with despair.  I wanna sleep...  Ginny had a feeling that the 'big event' -as she became accustomed to calling it- would happen today – and soon.  Under her blankets and asleep was her preferred place and situation to in be when it happened.  She had enough dark things happen to her to last a lifetime.

"Yes, Professor?"  She asked, walking up to McGonagall's desk.

Professor McGonagall was busy rummaging around for something in her desk drawers and didn't answer Ginny until she pulled out a small object.  "Professor Dumbledore told me to ask for your help.  He also told me to give you that," she handed her a small sand-clock. 

When Ginny had time to look it over she raised her eyebrows slightly with question.

McGonagall said "This is a time turner," and did not say anything further.  Then she searched in the pockets of her robe and pulled out two letters.  They were both folded in half.  The only apparent difference was one was green and one was blue.  "The green one has your first set of directions.  Follow them carefully.  The blue one holds your second set and some explanations.  Professor Dumbledore said not to look in the blue until everything in the green is completed."

"Are you...?"  Ginny move a bit uncomfortably, what if she didn't do it right?

The professor nodded.  "I'm positive; Dumbledore and I both believe you are the only one fit for this job."


"Please do exactly the things that are written."

Ginny nodded nervously, what McGonagall said didn't help her confidence one bit.

McGonagall let a small smile to show on her features.  "The headmaster is counting on you."

Ginny smiled shakily.  Well so much for going to bed early.  She thought gloomily. Maybe she couldn't avoid the 'big event' after all.


Tom cursed quietly when the potions teacher looked at him.  She was the head of Slytherin, but she never trusted him completely with making potions.  Most of the time he did excellent, but he had melted his cauldron three times and this made the professor nervous and not trusting him like she used to.

He hadn't done anything wrong, he was talking to a Ravenclaw, but he was just suggesting putting in a little more Wolfsbane to help him with the potion.

A few minutes later he cleared his throat, "Professor, I'm done."

The professor smiled as she said, "Could you bring it to me to see?"  Tom grabbed a vial and let some of his potion flow into it and brought it up to her.  "Good, Tom," her smile widened.  "Five points.  Keep it up."

He raged.  He boiled.  He was angry, but he just smiled back and answered, "Thank you, Professor."

Inside, though, he thought, who cares about Slytherin's house points?! 


Ginny opened the green letter, the one that told her what to do.

"1. Wait till midnight."

Ginny looked at her watch.  It was just past three.  She decided to go to her dorm and finish a book she had been reading to help pass the time.

Ginny had been engrossed in her book and had forgotten to check her watch.  It was 11:45.  She pulled out the green note and made sure no one was paying attention.  She saw that her first direction had disappeared and in its place sat:  "2.  Go to the hall in front of the Astronomy Tower."

She shoved the letter back in her pocket and quickly scrambled out of the door, not paying attention to the weird looks Ron sent her from his seat.

She arrived at the Astronomy Tower with a minute to spare.  She pulled the green piece of paper out and looked for her next direction.

"3. Take out the time turner and turn it five times.  Then, break it."

Ginny looked doubtfully at the time turner.  Break it?  She slowly turned it five times and then broke it.  The sand that was spilled from it started to glow dimly for a moment, and then stopped.

And then the glow started again.

She felt that the ground was taken away from her feet, or that her feet were taken away from the ground.

She fell with a thud in...

The same place?...


Tom went with one of his friends, Malcolm, to the Astronomy Tower for their weekly lesson.  Malcolm muttered quietly about crazy teachers that don't let their students sleep at night.  Tom couldn't care less.  If he could learn quickly and be the best, he will be able to get away from the muggles.

When they arrived, Tom let Malcolm to climb the ladder first, and he followed close behind.  Either they were very late or very early because no one else that took Astronomy was there.

He was in the middle of the ladder when he heard a disrupted and an unclear shriek.  He turned back and saw a girl in a heap on the ground with fiery red hair.  She pulled herself up and seemed to be confused.  Like she should be somewhere else...


Ginny searched with her eyes the sand and the remains of the time turner.  She could almost cry.  It was gone.

Then she saw a shadow on the floor and raised her head, expecting to see one of the first year students that had Astronomy that day.  Instead, she saw a familiar figure, and paled.




I'm back, and I'm hyper...:)!!!

So, review if you want the continuation {I wrote it!  I wrote it!  I wrote it correctly!!!}...:/


To Be Continued...  {Maybe, maybe not...}

Disclaimer: I no own Harry Potter!  Haha, hihi, hoho!!!