Author Introduction: Hello. This is just another small Pinsty one shot which came into my head. It's a little mushy, but who cares? I've tried to keep it as dark as possible. :) Hope you enjoy! ~ Laura

His Beautiful Soul

Had his weary eyes been deceiving him? Had the blinding light which bathed the hospital room been distorting the very human girl who had stood in his vicinity, at his mercy and begging for leniency?

The Prince of Pain had not been aware that the deity the humans worshipped could make such a creature.

With the beauty she possessed she must have been an angel for he had never seen anyone like her in all the time he had been reaping souls from earth.

A quick telepathic scan of her thoughts had revealed her name to him.


That was her name. It suited her. It suited her well.

Through the many years they had encountered one another, his obsession grew. And it had been growing since their first encounter in that monotonous hospital room nearly two decades before.

He wasn't sure as to why this one particular soul had enraptured him so, or why he had to have her. She was human, he was a Cenobite. Humans meant nothing more to him than the flesh he would strive to explore. Why was she so different? Why was she so special? It confused him. And after she had bargained her escapee Uncle for her own soul, he yearned to turn it down for her soul was much more interesting than Frank Cotton's.

He had travelled far and wide in his missions to Earth from the Labyrinth in the decades he had been delving in his experimentation with human endurance, and no other was quite like Kirsty. That determined, stubborn attitude made him want her all the more. She was truly a rarity among humans, and he would gladly give up the soul of another to have her by his side for all eternity.

But no. She had been afraid of the words he spoke, feared the world from which he came. She denied his claim on her soul, fought back against him and sent him back from whence he came; angering him, but also fuelling his hunger for her all the more. The games between them had only just begun in that instant. Years on, she was grown and much more beautiful, and he still desired her flesh...he desired her.

He would never utter to any other that he found her beautiful, a rare jewel amongst humans. He would see her through his dreams, such torturous dreams in which she would yield to him and be his alone. When everything would eventually fade away for her, there would be nothing left but illusions. Then they would be one.

But for now, whilst they dwell in different dimensions, he must admire her, and lust her soul...from afar. He hoped that one day he could keep her tucked away with him, locked away where no one else would touch her. He would settle for no other, and he would allow no other to possess her.

For Kirsty Cotton was his, and his alone; his one beautiful soul...

The End...