Here's an update after a really long writers block.

Go check out my other fics: Savage Breast: A Fifth Year Musical and Freakish


Hermione had been helping Draco the past few days with his studies to keep him from failing. Hermione was also helping Ron to keep him focus. Harry and Ginny had been too close to notice Ron's behavior and Hermione's new friend, Draco. Draco was also helping Hermione deal with her family situation. Her aunt had been writing to her to keep her updated on her mom's condition. Apparently, her mom is still a bit ..sick.

"Draco?" The two had also been calling each other by their first name. They were at the library doing their homework for Potions.

"Yes?" Draco asked lifting his head.

"Aren't you scared?" Hermione asked with a curious look.

"About what?" Draco continued to write on his parcment.

"On what your father might do to you.." She asked in a silent voice.

"Hm." Draco stopped and thought for a moment. The answer was obvious, he was scared. Where would he go when his family disowns him? "I don't know.."

"Oh.." Hermione replied a bit disappointed.

"I guess I am.." Draco whispered. "I wouldn't know what to do."

"Don't worry. You're pretty smart, you'll get somewhere even without the Malfoy inheritance." Hermione said trying to comfort him.

"Yeah, but...I dunno. I just..I don't want to think about it." Draco replied fighting hard not to hit the table.

"Oh, okay." Hermione and Draco went back to their studies then Ginny arrived.

"Hey!" Ginny greeted enthusiastically.

Draco tried to ignore the Weasley, but it was just too hard with her glaring at him as if she was burning him.

"What are you glaring at, Weasel?" Draco asked in a cold voice. Hermione gave him a sort of look to don't tease her.

"Your ugly face getting uglier by the second." Ginny spat back turning her head to Hermione. "Anyway," Ginny remarked ignoring Draco's pouting, "have you heard the news?" Ginny asked in a very jumpy expression.

"Hm...What news?" Hermione asked dryly.

"Dumbledore is hosting a winter dance here in Hogwarts for all the staying students!" Ginny shrieked.

"Er..That's great?" Hermione replied with uncertainity.

"It is! I can't belive it! Harry is staying..I'm staying. We get to go together!" Draco watched Ginny a bit perplexed. "You should go with Ron! He'd love that."

"No thanks, but I think you're brother is still recovering from the trauma of your relationship with Harry." Hermione replied sarcastically. "Besides, it's completely stupid. I'd rather spend my Holidays studying than waste a day of it at some stupid social event."

"But, you have to go!" Ginny begged.

"No, I don't. I have lots of work to do."

Ginny let out a disappointed sigh. "Fine, fine. Oh yeah, have you noticed a git sitting across you?"

"Yeah, we're working of Head Boy/Head Girl stuff."

"Oh, right." Ginny skipped her way out, but Madam Pince made her stop because she was causing too much noise.

"So, you're not going?" Draco asked turning to Hermione, who was now buried in her work again.

"Huh? Of course, I'm not going. The whole idea is just stupid. Now everyone would want to stay. There goes my quiet Holiday." Hermione rolled her eyes. "Are YOU going?"

"Hm. I don't think so. I bet you Parkinson is going to ask me.." Draco groaned. "I just can't stand her anymore."

"Hm..Yeah." Hermione gave a sort of nod.

They all sunk back to their work till it was time for dinner where everyone enthusiastically chat about the Winter Dance. Well, except for Ron of course. He felt more miserable than ever. He just can't imagine his friend and sister dancing..Slow dancing.

"Ohhh," Ron groaned rather loudly. "I can't take it. I have to watch out for my sister. "

"You don't have to, Ron. You can trust, Harry." Hermione reassured for the hundreth time.

"But, what if something happens? You know.." Ron whispered. Hermione gave a disgusted look.

"Ron, eew. Stop making me think about it! God, if you want to spt on your sister and ruin her life, fine! But I don't want to get involved." Hermione stood up disgusted on Ron's thoughts.

"Hermione!" Ron's voice just fainted in the air as Hermione exited the Great Hall.

Outside Draco was leaning at the wall. He was playing with some kind of ball on his hand.Draco raised his head as Hermione exited. They both stared at each other, both with perplexed look on their faces.

"Um..What are you doing out here?" Hermione asked walking towards him.

Draco stood up straight and put the ball thing on his pocket. "McGonogall wanted to talk to us. She'll be out in a minute."

"Hm..Okay." Hermione leaned next to Draco.

"Hm..If we're supposedly the Head Boy and Head Girl why didn't anyone tell us about the Winter Dance?" Hermione asked.

"You've got a point..." Just when Hermione was about to speak again McGonogall strode towards them from the Great Hall.

"Good evening Professor." Hermione greeted, standing up straight.

"Good evening.." Draco muttered.

"Yes, good evening Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Granger." Professor greeted walking up the stairs with the two following her.

"What is it that you wanted to talk to us about, Professor?" Hermione asked getting off the staircase.

They went into McGonogall's classroom. "Ah..The Headmaster decided to hold a Winted Ball this holiday." Both, Hermione and Draco tried to act surprise. "It's rather unusual, but the Headmaster said that it would be a good way to spend the Holidays." McGonogall gave a sort exasparated sigh.

"Does this mean we have to go?" Draco asked.

"Yes, as Head Boy and Head Girl, you two are required to act as chaperones." Hermione now looked REALLY surprised.

"But, we don't have any proper robes..I don't think we were informed at the beginning of the year." Hermione protested.

"Don't worry about that , Ms. Granger. You two have dress robes courtesy of Hogwarts." McGonogall summoned two boxes from the corner. "This is for you," She handed a brown,rectangular box to Hermione. "this is for you." Draco got the same shaped box.

"So we really have to go?" Draco asked putting the box at a desk.

"Yes, I'm afraid so." McGonogall replied.

Hermione just gave a disappointed sigh and held the box. "When is it?" Hermione asked.

"It's on Christmas Eve. I expect a lot of students to stay this season.."

"Oh.." They left McGonogall's room clutching the brown box on their arms.

Hermione groaned on their way back to their common room. "I don't want to go. I was planning to visit my mum.."

"Yeah well, life is cruel we can't do anything about it." Draco said in a who-cares tone.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked as they reached the painting of a little witch, Gwendolyn.

"Frosted Fizzies." Draco called out and the painting opened up.

"Yeah, I'm fine.." Draco replied going to his room. "G'night.." Draco slammed his door leaving Hermione alone at their common room.

Hermione sat at the couch and warmed up for a moment, when a gray barn owl started to tap at the window. Hermione curiously opened up the window and the barn owl swoop inside.

Hermione caught the owl and took off the parchment from its leg. She reached out for a piece of treat she snuck into her pocket for Crookshanks and gave it to the barn owl. It hooted affectionately and flew out the window. She opened the parchment curiously and sat back at the couch.


It's me your Aunt Martha. I've been trying to get hold of this owl things for a long time and finally came across one from the last news you sent me. I'm glad that you're making friends with your enemies..What's his name? Malfoy? Ah..Yes, how's your old friends? That Harry from the train station last year. How are you? Are your studies okay? I hope they are..I don't want you to fail now. Your mum had been getting worst by the day. And your no-good gay father keeps visiting with that guy..Oh, it's terrible. I've tried to drive them away from your mum as much as possible. You see, your mum just goes more crazy at the sight of your father. I've recently took your mum to the doctor and they said that she'll be okay with rest and these drugs that they gave me. I honestly don't belive them. Your mum would be delighted to see you this Holidays! Send me back at owl when for a reply. Is there any way you think I can get myself my own owl? I've been having trouble catching the owls. Happy Holidays, in advance, dear! Hope to see you soon! Take care of yourself now and study hard!

Lots of love, Aunt Martha

Hermione had a smile on her face, finally hearing from her aunt. Was her mom really that sick? She wanted to finish Hogwarts as soon as possible and take care of her mum. Her father sure didn't do much of a good job at it..She was greatful for having her Aunt Martha. She went to her room and threw the box at her bed and placed the letter at her desk. She changed into her night gown and washed her face.

It was almost 11 and Hermione was still up reading a book called Witches and Wizards Who Made a Difference. It was a new book that she took out from the library. Hermione placed her book on her lap and stared at the box at her desk lying there. She wondered what kind of dress robes was inside...She stood up and walked to her desk. She opened up a lamp and opened a box. The dress robe glimmered in the moonlight. It was baby blue made out of silk. She ran her hands at the dress robe and felt its smoothness. It felt like the smooth running water. It was the most amzing thing Hermione had ever seen. Inside the box was a matching blue comb with sapphire in it. Her jaw hung open in awe. Also inside was a letter from the school.

Dear Ms. Granger,

As Head Girl you are required to go at the upcoming Winter Dance on Christmas Eve. You are to wear the dress robe and may choose not to wear the comb. The dress robe and comb is yours to keep after this event. Also, your partner for chaperoning the dance would be Mr. Malfoy, the Head Boy. If you have any questions regarding the dance please talk to me about it.

Professor Minerva McGonogall

(Deputy Headmistress)

'Malfoy?! My partner!' Hermione placed the dress robe inside the box and climbe to her bed. Her eyes were wide-open in disbelief. She was to go to a dance with Draco Malfoy. Not that he's bad anymore or anything..But... She fell asleep rather disturbed that night.

The next morning when she woke up , she was in utter cold sweat. Hermione just had the weirdest and possibly scariest dream she had in years...She kissed Draco Malfoy in the lips and actually liked it...


Yes, the story is now getting stupider. Thanks for the review anyways! Love ya all! Please review my other fanfics too. Hahaha a bit plugging.Anyway I'll try to update ASAP.