Aqua: ne~ I just made this new story without Lumen's consent~ please don't tell Lumen~

Akari-chan: ...Hey, Aqua dragged me here, again.

Aqua: Ne~ But, there is Aka-chan's OC too in here :p

Akari-chan: Never mind...

DISCLAIMER: Durarara! belongs to Ryohgo Narita, the OCs belongs to Aqua and Akari-chan~ no profits are made from this story.



"The Mystery Revealed"

'Attention please, the train to Narita Airport will be departing soon. All passengers please alight immediately. I repeat—'

"Rinya-san!" shouted a raven haired boy, he was panting hard as he ran to the platform.

Rinya turned the head slightly, just enough so half of Rinya's face was visible to the boy.


"Please wait!"

Rinya's head inclined to the side, but the person's back still facing the raven boy. The trains door already closed and start to departing. Wind blows softly in the train's platform.

"...Can I help you, Mikado-kun?"

"Are you leaving?" the raven who was mentioned as Mikado asked.

"...Not really now, I knew someone or something would keep me for awhile in this platform. So, I checked in early."

"...Are you the one who end it all?"

"And if I say yes?" Rinya asked back, now Ryuugamine Mikado is face to face with the person who can answer all his quetions.


"Remember Mikado-kun, you are not the only founder of the Dollars." Recognition flashed through his eyes "...Mi...Mitsuru-san..."

"I was the one who started it, so I must be the one who end it." Rinya said.

It's all makes sense now, all the pieces are in place, but—

"Did Orihara-san knows?"

Rinya grinned an empty grin, "Who do you think gave him all the information about Dollars?"

Aqua: Complicated and confusing ne~

Akari-chan: Of course, this is actually the Epilogue..

Aqua: Hey, don't tell them!

Akari-chan: Make it least confusing *shrug*

Aqua: *sigh*...Then, please R&R everyone! Tell me what do you think! Also, the person who knows who Rinya is gets a kiss from me~