Hello everyone and welcome to my brand new fanfic, The Fearless Ferret. This, obviously, is an AU retelling of Ron's endeavors of being the Ferret. However, not only did I take plot elements from the episode it's based off of (which, in my opinion, was one of the show's best), but also from other elements of the show that I'm not going to DARE as much to reveal. So, without further ado, here is Chapter 1 of The Fearless Ferret. Enjoy!
Kim Possible and all related media is owned by Disney
Today was the day. The calendar was cleared, except for one important notice. It had been exactly two years since they had actually interacted, and thus it was on this day that they would finally rekindle their friendship.
Today, Ron Stoppable was finally going to talk to Kim Possible.
Ron had known Kim since they were in pre-k, and had been very close friends ever since. It wasn't until sometime late in their freshman year of high school when the two started drifting apart, to the point where Ron began to think that Kim probably didn't even know if he even existed anymore.
For the two were on completely different sides of the high school food chain. Kim was one of the top dogs; cheerleader, popularity, you name it. Ron, on the other hand, was lower on the food chain, if not the lowest. He was shy, not that bright, the opposite of athletic, and was overall considered the all-time loser of Middleton High.
Each day, Ron wished that his life could back to the way it used to be; where he and Kim were the best of friends and he wasn't the complete laughing stock of the school.
And with any luck, that day would be today.
Roaming through the suburbs, Ron came onto the school grounds. As he entered the school, he began scanning the area for his old friend. Nothing today was going to stand in his way of getting his best friend back.
That is, except for his own fear.
As Ron rounded the corner of the hallway, he saw Kim pulling her books from her locker. This was it, no turning back, no shortcuts, just him and her. But as he drew closer to her locker, she shut it to find Josh Mankey leaning against the locker beside her.
Josh and Kim had been going out since last year, but Ron never understood what she saw in him. So he was an artist, he was a pretty boy, big wup!
But for one reason or another, this caused Ron to stop dead in his tracks, for the one thing he wasn't necessarily counting on had caused his fears to go into overdrive. There was no way he could face Kim now, especially if she's carrying her egotistical boyfriend on her arm.
Kim then walked down the hallway with Josh to her next class, but looked back at the area of the hall where Ron was standing, to notice the space was empty. Confused, she turned her attention back to Josh as the two continued down the hall.
Unbeknownst to them, the janitor's closet opened up as Ron popped his head out to see if the coast was clear. He then slowly exited the closet, closing it on his way out. With his head hanging low and his mission failed, Ron sulked his way to his locker to grab his books.
"My one shot, Rufus. My one shot to finally acknowledge to Kim that I still exist, and I blow it." Ron complained to his pet naked mole rat, which was busy cleaning his owner's tray of food. "If only Monkey boy hadn't been there, then Kim and I would be having lunch together right now."
Ron fiddled with his hands as he heard the door open and Kim walked into the restaurant, with an obvious look of sadness on her face. Ron watched as she sulked up to the front and ordered her meal.
"Ok, Ron, calm down, Kim is just here to have lunch, it's not like she's here to have lunch with you." Ron muttered to himself nervously as Kim grabbed her tray and slumped into the booth in front of Ron, who peered out from his to get a good look at Kim. She truly was a sight to behold, with her long flowing red hair and sparkling green eyes, it was almost impossible to deny such beauty.
"That is, unless, you want to make the first move." Ron muttered to himself again. "Oh, who am I kidding, I can't even show my face around Kim without some sort of embarrassment! For goodness sakes, I'm the laughing stock of school. I mean…"
As Ron continued to mumble to himself, Kim slowly started eyeing Ron from her booth, who had froze the instant he saw her staring at him. Ron sheepishly smiled at the red-head smiling at him.
"He, he. No need to pay any attention here." Ron finally answered. "I'm just sitting here, being very idiotic."
Kim smirked and replied, "Don't worry; I seem to be very used to idiotic stuff right now."
Ron raised an eyebrow. "Really? More idiotic than a guy sitting in a booth talking to himself." Kim grabbed her tray and moved into Ron's booth as the two continued talking.
"Close, I guess you could say." Kim answered. "If you count your boyfriend caring more for his art than his girlfriend."
Ron rubbed the back of his neck. "Huh, I knew Mankey could be shallow sometimes, but wow."
Kim eyed her new acquaintance. "How do you know I'm dating Josh Mankey?"
"Who doesn't know?" Ron replied, "You two are like Middleton High's star couple."
Kim smirked, "Star couple. If only." Kim's eyes wandered until she noticed a pink rodent eating all of Ron's food.
Ron's eyes wandered as well as he groaned at the sight of his almost finished meal. "Aw, Rufus, I was going to eat that." Rufus belched and squeaked a simple "Sorry."
"He's yours?" Kim finally spoke up.
"Yeah; Naked Mole Rat, I know," Ron groaned as he picked up Rufus and putting Rufus on his shoulder, "Gross, right?"
"No, no! It's actually kind of cool." Kim replied. "It's kind of unique."
Ron smiled at his rodent buddy. "Unique, huh?" Both Ron and Rufus snickered a bit before turning back to Kim, who was looking out the window with fear-stricken eyes.
"What is it?" Ron asked before looking out the window himself to see Josh and his posse walking toward the restaurant, and he didn't look happy. "Oh, this isn't going to be good." Ron muttered to himself as Josh entered the restaurant.
"Kim! What do think you're doing?" Josh asked as the two exited the booth.
"Josh, we just talking. No big!" Kim answered.
"With this loser? Highly doubt it!" Josh bellowed, pointing at Ron, who was backing away slowly.
"Look, Josh," Ron wheezed, "I don't want any trouble."
"Wait a sec," Josh pressed on. "Stoppable, right?"
Kim stood perplexed. 'Stoppable?' She thought, 'Where have I heard that name before?'
"Middleton High's bottom feeder is trying to hit on my girl?" Josh continued.
"No, no hitting!" Ron replied, "Just a friendly conversation. No hitting required, from her or you."
Kim's eyes then widened as memories of her childhood friend rushed back to her. "Ron!" She gasped in realisation.
"Vinnie, Big Mike, grab him!" Josh ordered as his posse darted after Ron, who began running before the pretty boy barked.
"Ron, wait!" Kim called after him, only to be blocked by Josh.
Ron was running as fast as his legs could carry him. He round the corner of an alleyway, hoping that he lost his chasers. He ran as fast as he could, until he was faced with a dead end. He turned back to see the two teens coming closer to him, both cracking their knuckles.
"Just when you think things are going your way, this has to happen." Ron muttered to himself as he braced for the impact of the beating that the bullies soon gave him.
And that concludes Chapter 1. Why do I, for some reason, love picking on Ron so much? Oh well, creates good stories and character development so I guess I really can't complain there. Anyway, thanks for reading and, as always, feel free to comment (No Trolling!) and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!