It wasn't three more hours though.

Our plane had to land in another state because there were thunderstorms in Florida as well. When I heard the pilot spew that news over the intercom, my body just became that much heavier. Brittany had no problem sleeping on the plane, but I couldn't get comfortable. Not to mention, the turbulence was making me a bit uneasy. As I look out the window, I can see the massive storm clouds below us. I quickly shut the blinds thinking it's probably not a good idea to get myself worked up even more.

I turn my head toward Brittany and notice that she has a tiny sliver of drool running down the side of her chin. I smile to myself before prying my hand out of hers to wipe it away. The loss of contact causes Brittany to stir in her sleep, but then she is readjusting herself in the chair, letting out a sigh in the process before she settles back into slumber.

I should probably wake her up to tell her that our trip will be delayed yet again because she didn't so much as flinch when the pilots voice rang throughout the cabin. I gently shake Brittany's shoulder, trying to lure her out of her deep sleep. It works the first time this time as Brittany startles awake, her eyes darting around the air plane like she has forgotten she is on one, but then realization sets in as she turns her head toward me and smiles softly.

"Was I snoring?" She asks, her voice hoarse from sleep.

"No," I shake my head, "but you did drool on yourself," I point down to the tiny wet spot on her shirt.

Brittany plays with the dampened material for a moment before speaking again, not even phased by the fact that she drooled on herself.

"We landing soon?"

"Yes," I tell her and I see her face light up with excitement, her eyes brighter than just a moment ago. "Don't get too excited," I roll my eyes, letting out a long sigh. "We have to land in Georgia because of more storms."

Brittany's shoulders slack and her lower lip juts out as she takes in the news.

"I just wanna get there," Brittany pouts, taking my hand back in hers.

"You and me both," I tell her through a yawn.


One free meal, a short flight, and a minor delay at the baggage claim later, we are finally in Florida.

The Sunshine state.

And despite earlier happenings, it actually is sunny now.

When we stepped outside, it was like a beautiful relief from all the cold weather we have been having this winter. The sun hit my face and I stood there to let it all soak in for a good five minutes before Brittany was telling me we need to pick up the rental car.

The weather brightened my mood considerably, but it does nothing to quell the burn behind my eyelids as I fight to keep them open. Soon enough I lose the battle, watching the world fade away as my eyelids fall closed one final time.

The next time I wake up is when I hear the car door slam shut. I look around me surprised and expecting to find the seat next to me vacant, but instead I see Brittany's smiling face, holding out a sandwich she must have just bought out in front of me.

"Jesus, that smells good," I say as I take the sandwich in both hands, bringing it up to my nose to savor the smell. "Why are you so perfect?"

"Me or the sandwich?" Brittany laughs.

"Both?" I say after I take a mouthful of the delicious turkey sub into my mouth. Brittany laughs it off as she starts to eat hers too. "Are we almost there, baby?" I ask though a yawn, stretching out my body to help ease some of the soreness from being cooped up all day.

"Few minutes," Brittany answers.

She sets her sandwich down in her lap as she pulls out of the parking lot. I watch out my window as palm tree after palm tree passes us by and the hotels fade from view. I tilt my head to the side when I see that Brittany has pulled up to a small home.

"It's my parents," she says as she unbuckles her seatbelt. "All ours for the next three days," Brittany leans over in her seat to reach in the back for her bag. "I know you are tired," she turns to me, "so we can just sleep right now."

I stretch out my body again, angling my head toward the window so I can sneak a look at the home.

It look cozy. Not too big, but also not too small.

"Shall we," Brittany asks, nodding her head toward the house.

I give her an excited nod and we make our way up to the front porch.

Brittany pulls her keys out from her pocket while she tries to balance all her stuff in her arms without it falling to the ground. Somehow she manages and unlocks the door.

"Wait here," Brittany tells me as she steps inside. I can hear her setting down her things and she is back a moment later, taking my suitcase from me and putting it with her things.

When she steps back outside, she steps in front of me, placing her hands on my hips before pulling me into a kiss. I relax into her lips, my body moving forward on its own to gain as much contact as I can. Brittany's hands move lower, her fingertips pressing into my ass. She giggles when I flinch a little. The next thing I know is my legs are wrapped around Brittany's body and she is carrying me through the door. She manages to get me as far as the chair before setting me down pressing herself closer between my legs.

"Oh!" Brittany pulls away from my lips.

I try to follow her to keep them attached, but she is too quick for me. Brittany hops up to her feet, pulling me with her.

The blood rushes to my head from getting up so fast and I stumble the first few steps.

"Pool," Brittany wiggles her eyebrows, peeling back the curtain on the back window. "And," she pulls it back just a tiny bit more, "hot tub."

"We're using that tonight," I inform Brittany, tugging her closer.

"I was counting on it."

"This is a nice place," I finally look around the room. "Do your parents have a place in every state or something?" I laugh.

"No," Brittany shakes her head. "Just here and Ohio."

Brittany leaves my side, walking through the hallway and into the kitchen. She puts the bag of snacks on the counter before resting both of her hands on the counter and letting out a groan.

"You okay?" I walk over to her and place my hand against the small of her back.

"Yeah," Brittany turns her head slightly to look at me, her face saying what her words aren't.

"You don't look okay."

"I will be," she stretches her body up. "I think I just need to move around a bit."

"Okay," I say softly. "I think I owe you a massage anyway," I wink.


"Glass of wine?" I ask Brittany, not even bothering to wait for her response.

Brittany takes the glass from me, smiling softly before resting her head against the back of the hot tub.

"This feels so good," she sighs.

I take a sip of my wine before setting the glass on the edge of the hot tub.

"Come here," I scoot forward on the edge of my seat and put my legs together so Brittany can sit on them.

She does, adjusting her body so that she can wrap her lets around my back. Brittany locks her hands around my neck and mine come to rest upon her hips.

It's so quiet and beautiful outside tonight. This is the first time in a while that I could look up into the night sky and actually see the stars above us without freezing my ass off.

Brittany left her glass of wine on the other side of the hot tub, so instead of drinking from her own, she reaches behind me to take a sip from mine.

"Hey," I chastise her when she almost drinks the whole glass. "Save some for me."

"Oh, you want some?" Brittany quirks an eyebrow in response.

Brittany tilts the glass so the contents spill out. Some of the wine hits the corner of my mouth, but the rest trickles down my neck.

"Britt!" I squeal.

"Let me get that for you," Brittany feigns innocence.

Brittany kisses the corner of my mouth before she licks up the length of my neck. My body shivers when the cool night air hits my neck, even though the rest of my body is submerged in the hot water.

That's just the effect Brittany has on me and you would think I've grown accustomed to feeling this way when I'm with her, but it still surprises me. Brittany hovers her lips next to my ear, her breath tickling my spine and causing my toes to curl beneath the water. Brittany slips her hand beneath the water's edge as she traces my spine up and down and back up again before she pulls loose the string of my top.

A moan falls from my lips when she starts kissing my neck, her other hand wrapping around to the back of my neck, as she licks and sucks.

My hands grip tighter at her sides, pulling her closer and closer still until her center collides with my abdomen.

"Uh uh-," Brittany shakes her head as she peels my fingers off of her waist.

I stare at her, mouth agape, as my chest rises and falls rapidly.

"Tomorrow is Valentine's Day," Brittany states, reaching for something behind me.

"And?" I say breathlessly.

"It's bad luck to have sex the night before valentine's day."

"What?" I question. "And what are you doing?" Brittany's chest smashes into my face as she reaches further for something.

Not that I am complaining about that.

"I'm trying to-" she grunts, "here," she holds out a little piece of paper to me.

"What's this?" I question, gingerly taking the paper in my fingertips so I don't get it too wet.

Brittany rolls her eyes, "just open it," she tells me.

I carefully unfold the paper, holding it on its corners.

When I get it fully open, my mouth cracks into a wide smile.

At the top of the page, in beautiful calligraphy, are the words Santana's menu. I read down the rest of the page and see that Brittany has made up some dishes for breakfast.

"Berry pancakes?" I laugh out.

"All the berries," Brittany says, biting her lower lip.

"That reminds me of Rachel..." I cringe.

"Well, you can pick whatever you want because I'm going to make you breakfast in bed tomorrow because you are my special Valentine and I love you," Brittany rambles.

"God, you're so cute," I smile so hard my face feels like it's going to stay like that forever.

Brittany leans forward, quickly pressing her lips against mine. The water around us sloshes around at the sudden movement. I hum into Brittany's lips, finding it rather difficult not to press myself into her and start a gentle rocking motion between the two of us.

I feel Brittany's body shiver at the contact, her lips stopping for just a fraction of a second. Brittany pushes herself into me further as she lets out a long exhale through her nose. I wrap one arm around Brittany's back, before I push off the back of the hot tub and flip us around so that Brittany is sitting down and I'm basically kneeling between her legs.

"You sure about that no sex?" I husk out, moving to kiss down Brittany's neck.

She arches her neck back, her hand coming up to tangle in my hair, holding me close.

"It's just superstition anyway," Brittany says between quick breaths.

"Good," I breath out before scraping my teeth along the hallow of a Brittany's neck.

I spread open Brittany's legs a little more, running my hands up the length of her thighs.

"San," Brittany groans when the tips of my fingers ghost the outside of her center.

My motions stop as an evil smirk plays at my lips and I pull back from Brittany's skin, to give her a glance.

"But, ya know," the words seep out of my mouth, "now that you mention it… I wouldn't want anything to ruin our first Valentine's Day."

"It won't," she assures me quickly trying to pull me back down to her, but my hands come up to her chest to stop the momentum.

"Better to be safe than sorry," I tap her nose with my finger before floating to the other side of the hot tub to sip on her glass of wine.

I take a look over to Brittany to find her wearing the most adorable expression. I almost take back my words immediately, but instead I decide to play it out.

It's more fun this way anyway.


"No!" Brittany shouts at me just as I am pulling back the comforter on the king sized bed.

"What?" I freeze, thinking I've done something wrong.

"Lights," She winks, pointing behind me to the wall.

I groan, lifting my knee from where I was about to crawl into bed and walk over to flip the switch. I stick my tongue out at Brittany but then realize that she probably couldn't see that with the lights being out and all.

Brittany pulls the covers back, motioning with her hand for me to come join her as if I was planning on doing something else.

When I finally crawl into bed, Brittany takes the blanket and wraps it around my body before pulling me into her so that my face smashes into her chest. Her very warm and soft and delightfully smelling chest that I love so much, but would rather not have my face smashed into to.

I breathe in through a few giggles, taking in the smell of chlorine from the hot tub on her body.

We should have taken a shower or something before getting into bed, but we are both too tired from traveling all day.

I place a kiss over Brittany's heart before I pull my head back just enough to look into her eyes. Though she is tired, I can see the way that her eyes roam over my face before stopping at my lips.

Before she leans into capture my lips in hers, I put a hand up to stop her.

"Still no sex?" she asks, her tone half playful and half saddened.

"It'll be worth it, babe," I kiss the top of her forehead. "But," I draw out, "that doesn't mean we can't make out," I clarify.

Brittany clasps her hands together behind my back and draws me closer by the waist.

"Like we did on the couch when we got here and like we did in the kitchen when you were making dinner and like we did in the hot tub not twenty minutes ago?"

"Yeah, just like that," I tell her, finally closing the distance between our lips.

Brittany rolls her body on top of mine, just enough so her hair blankets my face, sending us into a tunnel of darkness that blocks out the outside light from the moon.

My hands find their way to the skin that had been hiding beneath Brittany's soft cotton t-shirt. She takes in a sharp breath as my fingers dig into the skin around her hipbone, before I gently squeeze, coercing her further into me.

Suddenly though, Brittany is pulling back, leaving me leaning forward to try and prolong the contact between our lips and with my breath ragged, just from the gentleness of her kiss. Brittany has always had that effect on me. From the very first time we kissed inside the treehouse, to right this very moment. I always seem to lose my breath around her and when she is looking at me like she is now, I can't help the way my breath gets caught in the back of my throat. I can't help the subtle smile that starts to pull at the corners of my lips as Brittany runs her thumb across my cheek. Across my bottom lip and across the bottom of my eyelid.

I hadn't even noticed the little bit of moisture that has spilled from my eyes and now collects itself on the very tip of Brittany's thumb.

And to be honest, I don't really know why all the sudden I have started to cry.

But no words need to be spoken. Brittany just wipes it away, leans forward to press a kiss to my cheek and to the corner of my eye and I have to take a breath to steady myself, even though we are laying down. Brittany stays there a moment, hovered over my face and leaning close, not only my body, but also my heart.

I am sure, with the way her body is pressed against mine that she can feel my heart beating widely in my chest for no other reason than the love I feel for the woman right in front of me.

Brittany pulls back again, this time making sure to lock her eyes with mine as I let out a shaky breath, she lays her head down on my chest, placing her ear right above my heart. I feel a tapping on my arm, right above my wrist and it takes me a moment to realize that Brittany is tapping along to the beat of my heart.

I smile to myself and pull her closer, placing a kiss to the top of her head as I let out a hum of contentment.

"Are you sure about the no sex?" I ask and promptly receive a slap in the arm from Brittany.

She turns her head up slightly, to glare at me.

"You just had to ruin the moment, didn't you?" She smiles. "Besides, you're the one enforcing this now," Brittany reminds me.

"Do you know how we can fix the moment?" I snuggle further down into the blankets.

"If you say what I think you are going to say, you won't be getting any tomorrow either," Brittany states.

"But," I draw out, wrapping my arms around her body and pulling her into my chest, "that would mean no sex for you too, babe," I remind her.

Brittany's body freezes for a moment before she lets out a loud sigh and kisses me hard on the lips. Then it's my body's turn to freeze wondering where that came from, but then Brittany is laughing into my lips.

I pull back slightly, furrowing my eyebrows together, "What?"

"You'll see tomorrow," she tells me, her smile never falling from her face. Even when she closes her eyes and drifts off into sleep.

And again I am left lying there in the dark, wondering what tomorrow will bring, but as with anything that comes along with Brittany, I'm sure it will be good.


"Rise and shine, my beautiful Valentine," I whisper into Brittany's cheek, slightly cringing at the rhyme I just made before kissing the corner of her lips. Brittany stirs, but otherwise doesn't wake up from her sleep. "Baby," I try again, ghosting my fingertips along the underside of her jaw thinking that maybe she is just playing with me. When I still don't get a response, I slightly life the material of her sleep shirt, tickling my fingers along her sider.

This time, she does respond by stretching out her body and rolls away from my fingers until she is blinking her eyes open, one by one. Brittany stretches out one more time before finally smiling up at me.

"Morning, beautiful," I whisper between our lips, before nudging the side of her cheek.

"Mmm," she groans, slowly becoming more and more conscious.

"Happy Valentine's Day," I mumble into the corner of her lips, making sure to kiss across her face and down the slope of her neck until she is arching back so that her skin presses more firmly against my lips.

Brittany fists the hem of my shirt in her hand, balling up the material before she slides her fingertips underneath and across my waist, flattening out her palm and sending a wave of warmth down my spine and out through my toes.

We start rocking together. Moans spill from both of our lips as we relish in the feel of each other's bodies.

"Shoot," Brittany gasps, her hot breath hitting the side of my face.

"What?" I pant out, wondering why she has suddenly stopped.

"I have to make you breakfast," Brittany rolls her body to the side enough for me to slide off and just like that she is making her way toward to bedroom door. She stops briefly, her fingers tapping on the frame before she turns back to me, her eyebrows scrunched together like she is trying to remember something.

"Pancakes with strawberries," I tell her without her having to ask.

"Right," she gives me a determined look before disappearing out the door.

I let out a deep sigh, pulling the blankets back around my body as the chill of the air-conditioned room cools my skin. My body relaxes into the bed, still tired from the long journey here yesterday.

Eventually I roll over, stretching my arm out toward the night stand to retrieve my purse where my gift for Brittany is. Well one of them anyway since the other one is back home.

It's kind of a cheesy gift, but Brittany makes me do and say cheesy things so I figure it's all good.

Brittany returns a few minutes later after I debate with myself over and over about where to leave her gift. I thought about just hiding it behind my back, but it was too lumpy and it was uncomfortable, so I opted for simply setting it on her side of the bed, on top of her pillow. That way I don't have to do any weird, "here is your gift," shit and she can just pick it up and open it.


Brittany smiles at me as she carefully maneuvers over to the bed, her tongue hanging out in the most adorable way as she tries not to spill the contents of the tray.

"Pancakes with strawberries," Brittany happily exclaims as she sets the tray down between the two of us. She then crawls into bed, but not before picking up her gift and studying it with curious eyes. "Do I get to open it?" she finally says after a few moments.

"Of course," I tell her.

Brittany sucks her lips into her mouth before pulling out the newspaper I used to hide her gift in the bag and taking out her gift. She lifts her eyes slowly to lock with mine before pulling me into to an awkward one armed hug over our breakfast.

"Did you read its shirt?" I ask her.

Brittany picks up her Valentine's Day duck and reads it out loud, "Quack if you love your Valentine," she smiles.

"Now press its tummy," I point down to the red duck.

A quack sounds throughout the room, but not just any quack.

"Is that your voice?" Brittany laughs out.

"It is," I smile smugly.

"I love it," Brittany sits up upon her knees and presses a kiss to my cheek.

I smile to myself as I look down at my pancakes, my mouth watering when I take a deep breath to savor the smell.


After we eat breakfast, I decide to take a shower in hopes that it with take away the disgusting feeling on my skin.

It's so humid here.

While I'm in there I get to thinking. What happens if I take Quinn's advice about asking Brittany to move in with me and she decides that she doesn't want to? Or worse… What if Brittany wants to move back home to Lima. I can't really say that would surprise me though, she does seem pretty close to her family.

Especially her mother.

That reminds me of my sister.

I almost forgot that she is coming in town for her spring break. There are so many things I want to do while she is here. Hopefully there is enough time to do them all and hopefully Brittany can get of work long enough to do some of the things with us.

I guess if she can't it wouldn't be the end of the world, but still.

Before I know it, the water is running cold and I have to finish the rest of my shower curled into myself and rushing to get all of the soap off my body.

I blindly grab for the towel, wiping off my face first before wrapping it around my body to warm up.

I start blotting dry the rest of my body and out of the corner of my eye I see something moving in the shower. Out of instinct, I jump back, my back pressing against the door as I try and peer into the shower to see what it was.

But nothing is there.

Confused, I slowly step forward, at a snail's pace, until I can pull back the curtain enough to see that there is in fact nothing in the shower.

Maybe it was just my imagination, I think to myself before turning around to see something moving on the floor of the bathroom.

I freeze in my tracks, my breath held tightly in my chest as I see what appears to be a mouse rummaging through the pile of my clothes on the floor.

"Britt!" I call out, but the words barely leave my throat. The mouse stops its movements momentarily, to take a quick glance at me before burrowing itself into my t-shirt and taking refuge there. "Britt," I call out a bit louder this time and I hear her coming down the hall.

Brittany opens the door to find me standing in the shower, hiding behind the shower curtain.

"What?" Brittany exclaims, her eyes widen as she sees me in my frightened state. I just point down to the pile of clothes. "Marcel!" Brittany says excitedly as the mouse runs into her open hands.

"Marcel?" I question.

"Yeah, I found him here last summer and named him Marcel," she explains to me, "I wonder how he got in here?"

"Marcel?" I question again, slowly stepping out of the shower, but still apprehensive of the small creature in Brittany's hands.

"Yes," Brittany draws out.

"Anymore rodents running around this house?" I ask as I swiftly pick up my clothes.

"Not… that I know of. Hey! Marcel isn't a rodent." She cuddles him into her chest.

"Mouse. Rodent." I state, pulling on my pajama pants. "I don't make the rules, baby."

"He's a good mouse," Brittany gently pets his head.

"I didn't say he wasn't, but he's still a rodent."

Brittany covers his ears.

"Will you stop saying the 'R' word? He finds that offensive."

"He almost attacked me."

"No he didn't," Brittany laughs out, "Marcel wouldn't hurt a fly," she coos down to the small animal. "Hey," she looks back up to me, "do you think I could bring him home and he and Pip could be best friends?"

"Babe," I laugh, "Even if we could bring a live Ro- mouse," I correct myself, "onto the plane, what makes you think that Pip wouldn't try to eat him?"

"Pip wouldn't-"

"You've seen Tom and Jerry. I know you have. You watch it every Saturday morning. What happens every time? Tom chases Jerry and tries to catch him. Pip will do the same. It's the law of nature or something."

"That's make believe, Santana," Brittany tries to reason, her face sinking slightly.

"He seems to be pretty happy here," I tell her, wanting her to feel better. I know how much Brittany likes animals.

"Yeah," she sighs, "I guess you're right. I'm gonna go get him some cheese. He looks famished."

I watch as Brittany walks out the door, gently closing it behind her. I hope I didn't' break her spirit too much with that. But seriously, we can't have a mouse living in our apartment, no matter how adorable the little thing looks now that it is far, far away from me and my clothes. It just wouldn't be practical.

I finish getting ready in the bathroom before heading out into the living room where I see Brittany standing by the window, her phone pressed to her ear.

"Brittany?" I ask, walking up behind her as she stands peering out of the blinds. "What are you doing?" I ask suspiciously, snaking my arms across her waist.

Brittany jumps slightly at my touch, despite the fact that she acknowledged my presence with a slight nod of her head when I called her name.

"God, your hands are freezing," she shivers, trying to break free from my embrace. I wrap my arms tighter around her to keep her in place, but she manages to turn around to face me, her phone pressed in-between our bodies. "What?" She asks as I give her a curious look.

My eyes shift down to the phone in her hands.

"Who you calling?" I ask her.

"No one," she draws out.

"Liar," I lean slightly to place a kiss to the underside of her jaw. I keep kissing until Brittany starts to push me away again, her palm creating distance between the two of us.

"I gotta call Quinn," she tries to explain.

"But… Why?" I whine as I try to get closer to her once more.

"I have to ask her something," Brittany makes a quick dash into the living room, running around the couch so that I can't get to her without a fight.

I stand at the back of the couch, my arms propping my body up as I watch Brittany scroll through her phone. I am assuming so that she can find Quinn's number. Brittany brings the phone up to her ear and I can her the faint sound of the ringing.

After a few rings, Quinn's voice replaces the sound.

And I really should have guessed why Brittany wanted to call Quinn.

"Is Pip there?" Brittany asks and I can't help the small smile that forms on my face or the tiny bit of laughter that escapes my lips as Brittany moves to sit on the edge of the sofa. I hop over the back and to take a seat next to my girlfriend and smile yet again when Brittany laces her fingers through my own before scooting closer to me and hold the phone out so that I can hear too.

Moments later, there is faint meowing down the line as we both hear Quinn rustling with her phone.

"Okay, she's here," Quinn's voice sounds.

"Hey, Pip," Brittany coos down the line and despite the silence, she continues to talk. "It's Brittany and Santana, but you probably already know that. I'm just calling to make sure that Quinn hasn't killed you or anything."


"She's been feeding you right?" silence. "She better be because if she hasn't I'll tell Rachel who really ate her Greek yoghurt that one time."

"I've been taking care of her Britt," Quinn speaks again.

"San, you want to say something?" Brittany looks over to me eagerly.

"Uh…I love you," I say, not being able to come up with anything else.

Brittany smiles before saying her goodbyes to both Quinn and Pip.

Mostly Pip.

"Are you ready for our date?" Brittany asks, settling back in to the couch and pulling me back with her.

"Where we going?"

"To the beach," Brittany's fingers lightly trace the outline of my own.

"I've never been to the beach," I tell her, marveling at the feeling of her light touch.

"Really?" she questions.

"Yeah," I reply.

"Are you excited?"

"Hell yeah," I answer quickly. "What's not to be excited about? You in a bikini. The sun shine. Warmth."

"Go get your stuff then," Brittany pats my arm.


The beach is absolutely beautiful and when we get there, Brittany picks out a spot to sit that is kind of away from everyone else. I am thankful for that because that means we at least have some privacy.

"Here, let me," I take the bottle of sunscreen from Brittany's hands and motion for her to sit in front of me so I can apply it.

"Ah," she shivers as I put the first bit on her. "It's a little cold," she turns her head slightly to look at me.

"Sorry," I lean forward and kiss the patch of skin where I just applied it. I make sure to get every inch of her skin, getting underneath the straps of her bathing suit while I silently enjoying getting to feel up my girlfriend in public, not that I haven't done that before, but the rush never really dissipates.

Brittany turns her body toward me when I finish applying the lotion and gives me a small smirk before nudging her head toward the water.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"Wanna get in?"

"In the ocean?" I ask.

"No, the car..." Brittany rolls her eyes before she pulls me to my feet. Brittany drags me down the beach, her fingers lace with mine as I try to keep up with her quickened pace. "Ready?" She wiggles her eyebrows, dipping the tips of her toes into the water's edge.

"It's chilly," I reply as I do the same.

"That's why you just gotta go for it," Brittany grabs hold of my waist and before I know it, a wave is splashing over my body and I have to catch my breath when I resurface.

"Brittany," I squeal, trying to get the sting out of my eyes.

"What?" Brittany plays innocent.

"Don't what me!" I try to splash her with water, but she dodges it. "What are you doing?" I question as Brittany lunges forward, placing her hands on my shoulders.

I flinch at first, thinking that she might dunk me, but instead she captures my lips in her own.

"I'm sorry, baby," she whispers before setting her forearms atop my shoulders and clasping her hands together behind my neck. "You do look so adorable right now though."

"I love you," I whisper between us, before looking down for a moment. "Is it weird that I feel like I don't say that enough?"

"That you love me?"

"Yeah. I mean, I say it every day, but it just doesn't feel like it's enough."

"It's enough for me, baby," Brittany tries to reassure me, "but I know what you mean. I wanna tell you all the time. But you tell me other ways too. Not just with your words. Like this morning when you woke me up."

"What?" I laugh.

"I mean, the way you woke me up. Caressing my cheek until I woke up all gentle and Santana like. Or like right now, how you're holding onto my arm. That's saying you love me."

I shake my head before replying.

"I love you so fucking much," I lung forward, causing Brittany to stumble a bit in the water.

"I love you too, baby," she answers without missing a beat.

Brittany then grabs hold of my hand and pulling me next to her side before slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"Wouldn't it be amazing to get married here?" I think out loud not even considering the weight of my words. I couldn't help thinking it though. "Not that-" I try to fix what I said, but nothing comes to mind and I don't want to change it anyway.

"It would," Brittany cuts in, squeezing my hand in hers.


We spend the rest of the time at the beach just lounging in our chairs, but we had to leave when Brittany started getting a little too much sun.

I didn't want my girlfriend to fry in the sun, so we make our way back to the car, but not before stopping one last time to enjoy the beautiful ocean view off of a pier.

"We don't really have to go do we?" I ask Brittany as we both watch the waves crash against the shore.

"Leave here? Or Florida?"


"Well, we need to go home sometime," she laughs. "We have to finish school."

"School ruins everything," I groan, throwing my head back.

"Yeah it does. School and money and work." Brittany pauses and I can see out of the corner of my eye l that she is looking at me. "We can come back though," she whispers, "here. And maybe drag Quinn and Rachel along." I let out another groan. "Or not," Brittany laughs.

"But it's so much better when it's just the two of us."

"Yes, it is," she agrees.

When we get back to the car, Brittany sits down gingerly in the seat.

"You okay, babe?" Brittany responds with a groan, holding the small of her back. "Do you want me to drive?" I gently place my hand on hers.

Brittany gives me a slight nod and we switch seats.

When we get back to the house, I have to help Brittany walk up the steps. She barley makes it to the couch before she collapses on its cushions.

I sit on the edge of the sofa, patting her legs so that she drapes them over my lap.

"Did you pull something?" I ask, taking off one of her flip flops before rubbing the heel of her foot.

"I don't know," she responds, her arm draped over her face. "Maybe? Maybe it was the way I twisted to pull my seat belt on."

"Is there anything I can do? A back rub maybe?"

"Please?" Brittany peeks up at me from behind her arm. "In a minute though. I don't wanna move yet," she tells me. I give her a nod, but move her legs off of me so I can get up.

"Want something to eat? We can watch a movie or something," I yell from the kitchen.

"Can we watch Mar-"

"No!" I yell back. "No, no, no," I come back into the living room waving my finger at Brittany. "No." Brittany sits up a little in her place on the couch. "How about something that won't have my girlfriend in tears?"

"Fine," Brittany crosses her arms over her chest. "What about that one with the pig?"



"No, Babe, that's the name of it."

"That's the name of what?" Brittany scrunches her face in confusion.

"Babe, is the name of the movie," I laugh.

"Oh," Brittany giggles slightly.

"I guess we can watch that," I huff.

"Okay, good! It's underneath the tv," Brittany tries to get up, but I quickly walk over to stop her.

"You stay here," I command. "Want ice for your back? A heating pad?"

"Yes," Brittany answers.

"To which one?"

"All of it?"

"A heating pad?"

"That's the one," she smiles up at me.

I go to try and find one upstairs, but stop just before I go up.


"Popcorn," she answers quickly. "And wine!"

"Popcorn and wine it is, baby," I wink before running up the stairs.

I find the heating pad pretty easily and head back down to find my girlfriend, sitting with a huge smile on her face. I slow to a crawling pace as I near the bottom of the steps, looking on with curiosity as I wonder why the warm welcome.

Not that I would expect anything else, just that she was cringing in pain a few minutes ago.

"C'mer," she motions for me to sit down with her hand and so I do, sitting gingerly on the very edge of the couch, my knees slightly turned toward Brittany. "I love you," Brittany starts and the way she says it, with such care and truth, makes my throat grow heavy. "I love you so, so much, Santana," a tiny bit of moisture finds its way to the corner of Brittany's eye. "Uh-," she laughs, "I don't know why I'm crying," she admits. Brittany takes a moment to settle her breathing before she starts speaking again. "Here," Brittany holds out a small package.

I take it from her hands, holding it in my lap for a few moments before she is telling me to open it.

When I do, I find a tiny silver heart necklace. I take it out of the box, to look at it closer and when I turn in over in the palm of my hand I find the word 'yours' engraved into the material.

"My heart is yours," Brittany places her hand over her heart, her voice still a little shaky.

I clasp the necklace around my neck, before pulling Brittany into a hug.

"I love it," I whisper into her neck. "Thank you."

We stay like that for a while, just holding each other before my leg starts to fall asleep from being in the same position for too long. I get up to put the movie into the DVD player and plug in Brittany's heating pad.

"Wait," Brittany groans as she adjusts the heating pad behind her, "my parents have a TV in the room. Wanna just watch it up there?"

"Sure," I say, gathering up everything, the popcorn and the wine, before we both head upstairs.

Brittany made it up okay, but she is still walking carefully, like she is still in pain.

We get all settled, popcorn and wine in our hands and I make sure that Brittany can sit up comfortably before I press play.

Half the bottle of wine is gone by the time Brittany doses off into dream land. I should have known she fell asleep when she stopped saying how cute all the animals were. I can't really blame her though, she did get a lot of sun today and her skin looks a little red in some places.

To my surprise, the movie was good enough for me to want to finish it. I had to know what happened to the pig.

I make sure to turn off the heating pad before I myself settle into bed and let sleep take over.


I awake in the morning on my own. No alarm clock or sunrise pulling me from my slumber. Just the sensation that, for once, I got a full nights rest.

What makes it even better is being able to roll over and bury my face into the crook of Brittany's neck and having her pull me closer to her body so I can breathe in the smell of comfort and relaxation.

Neither one of us say anything as I kiss the exposed skin on the slope of her neck. As I move my hand underneath the material of her shirt. As I feel her body arch into my touch and her skin burn the tips of my fingers with its warmth.

Brittany eventually grabs my face, gently placing her hands on my cheeks, bringing our foreheads together before she closes her eyes and lets out a shaky breath as I move on top of her and we start slowly rocking, our thighs between one another's to provide friction and hers hitting just the right spot to cause me to collapse onto her shoulder where my head now rests. Brittany presses her leg up again, pulling a moan from deep within my chest. My breathing becomes ragged as we both start grinding into each other.

Brittany's hands find purchase on my hips, controlling their speed and slowing mine down a bit until I am forced to look up, confused, into her eyes. A glimmer of something shines behind blue, a sparkle that only Brittany seems to have.

An "I love you," is whispered and I can't tell if I was just thinking it or Brittany said it, but it doesn't really matter when our mouths collide, her tongue pushing its way into my mouth. Her hands coming up to tangle in my hair and mine, spreading her legs further apart, so that my stomach is pressed into her core instead of my thigh.

Without even think I move down her body, pushing the hem of her shirt up and kissing my way down and across her abs until I am removing her pants and underwear in the same motion. Brittany uses her feet to speed up the process, twisting and turning until her pants are somewhere on the floor.

I waste no time attaching my mouth to Brittany, my tongue immediately licking through her folds and Brittany's hands pulling me closer as she arches her back off of the bed. I place my hands on her stomach, gently pushing her back down to steady her. I can hear Brittany's breath, ragged and heavy, from above me, begging me to continue and when her stomach starts to quiver beneath my hands, I start flicking my tongue faster until Brittany's body tenses and releases seemingly at the same time. With a kiss to her inner thigh, I move up slightly to rest my head on her hip bone, smiling up and the beautiful woman I have fallen in love with and she lazily smiles back before her head falls back onto the pillow beneath her.


Our last day goes by too quickly, mostly because it was spent packing up all our things, but also because we decided it would be a good idea to avoid said packing by lying in bed. Of course, that lying in bed was filled with sexy times and Brittany and I laughing at each other's stupid jokes, so I guess you could say that it was a completely awesome day, up until now.

"Ready?" Brittany asks, closing the trunk with our luggage in the back.

"No," I let out a deep breath as I take in the surroundings.

It's just so beautiful and warm here and I'm not ready to return to back to reality and school and responsibilities. The good thing is, spring break is right around the corner and I do get to see my sister, but it also seems so far away. Especially knowing that I have to go back to class soon.

Brittany notices the apprehension written on my face as she steps forward to rest her hands on my hips, before she pulls me into a tight embrace.

"I don't wanna go back either," she tells me, her head resting on top of my shoulder. "It's been the perfect weekend with you here."

"It has," I answer back, feeling a smile playing at my lips. "I liked it being just the two of us."

"Me too," Brittany rubs the small of my back causing me to melt further into her embrace. "We better get going though or were gonna miss our flight," she tells me and with that, the two of us break apart and get into the car.

This flight isn't nearly as stressful as the last.

It's actually quite relaxing in an odd way. Even though I was so reluctant to board the plane because I didn't want to return home.

Quinn picks us up from the airport when we arrive later that night.

"How was your trip," Quinn asks with a smile as we load out luggage into the back seat of the car.

"Way too short," Brittany answers, closing the passenger door.

Brittany is about to get into the other side of the back of the car, but I stop her.

"You get the front," I tell her.

"I'm fine back here, San, really."

"Front," I point to the front seat and Brittany rolls her eyes at me, smiling as she takes her place up with Quinn.

The back seat is crammed with all our stuff. Sure we were only gone for a few days, but you never really know what you are going to need. Actually, in all honesty, there isn't that much stuff, the bags are just big.

"What did you two do on your romantic getaway?" Quinn pulls out of the parking lot, wiggling her eyebrows in my direction through the rearview mirror.

"Do you really want to know?" I shoot back.

"Not about that, ew," she responds.

"We went to the beach," Brittany steps in to answer the question.

Brittany and Quinn keep talking about the beach for a few minutes and somewhere during their interaction I completely zone out, finding the passing by of the cars more interesting. I am not pulled out of my trance until the car stops and Brittany and Quinn are getting out of their seats.

That was fast, I think to myself, before unbuckling and meeting them on the sidewalk.

"I thought we were going to our place," I tell Quinn when I notice that we are at Brittany's, "she wanted to see Pip."

"Pip is here," she informs me. "I brought her here cause I knew Britt would want to see the cat and you know."

"Thank you," I whisper sincerely as Brittany pulls out both of out suitcases.

"No problem," she pats my shoulder. "I gotta get back though. I have an early day tomorrow."

"When don't you have an early day?" I scoff.

"The world doesn't sleep like you do, San" she calls as she gets into the driver seat.

Brittany and I watch as Quinn drives off before we head up to the apartment.

When we get in, Rachel is sitting on one end of the sofa wearing a mask over her face and Pip is at the other end, curled up in a ball sleeping.

Brittany pays no mind to Rachel as she scoops Pip up and hugs her to her chest.

I don't even bother to make a snarky comment about Rachel and her mask wearing ways. Its too late for that and I want to see if Brittany's room is finished.

"I'm gonna put the stuff in your room," I tell Brittany.

As I am walking away I can hear Rachel's muffled voice explaining to Brittany that she can't get sick. Brittany probably finally noticed the mask on her face and asked the questions I didn't want to.

I flip on the lights to Brittany's room and can see the faint outline of Quinn's design. I won't be able to really see it until Brittany does and that make it all the more exciting.

I just hope she likes it.

Brittany comes in a few minutes later, after I have gotten some of the contents out of my bag.

"Hey, Pip," I greet the cat as it rubs up against my arm. "What's that," I motion to the food in Brittany's hand.

"I dunno, but it's really good," Brittany tells me over a mouthful of food. "Wanna try?"

"Did Rachel make it?"

Brittany inspects her food once more and shrugs.

"I'm good," I go back to unpacking.

"You don't have to unpack right now, you know. We can do that tomorrow. Its late anyway and I'm tired."

"is that your way of telling me you want to go to bed?" I laugh.

"Yes," Brittany crawls into bed, finishing her last bite of whatever she was eating.

"Okay," I pick up the suitcase and move it to the floor. "Uh, can you turn that lamp on though?"


"Cause I don't wanna stub my toe."

Brittany flips on the small lamp by her bed and I flip of the light.

I crawl into bed with Brittany, Pip finding her way to our feet like she always does and making herself comfortable. Brittany holds open her arm and I nuzzle into her side. Brittany lets out a light sigh, scooting just a little further down the bed, so she is almost lying flat before she closes her eyes.

"Hey, Britt?" I shake her shoulder gently. She hums out a response, not opening her eyes. I move away from her body for a moment, just long enough to turn off the lamp by her bed. "Happy Valentine's Day," I whisper, placing a kiss to her cheek.

"Oh my god," Brittany breathes out. "How did you do this?"

"Quinn," I tell her.

Quinn did a beautiful job. Who knew stickers on a ceiling could take your breath away. I'll have to remember to thank her again for doing this.

"Just like my room at home," Brittany speaks again.

"Do you like it?"

"Of course I do," Brittany whispers, giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Good," I smile to myself.

"What gave you this idea?"

"I was just thinking about your room back home and how much I liked it," I confess.

"I love you so much," Brittany yawns.

Thanks for reading :)

I apologize again for the huge delay with this chapter.