Hey everybody! Since I try to update as much as possible, I decided to start on this story today just for you guys ^ - ^
Yami: Yay.
Ice: Sorry folks, they're still a bit bummed after their conversation about the story The Way I See You. I don't think they liked it at all…
Yugi: Oh no, no, no, the problem was we both liked it but one of us liked it too much.
Yami: How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?
Yugi: Until there's no more yaoi left in the world and I doubt that will ever happen -_-
Ice: Whoa, whoa, whoa. No one messes with my yaoi O_O L'emme just lighten the mood with the story k? Yugi do the disclaimer.
Yugi: Yami, me, and Yu-gi-oh! Do not belong to YamiNoIcexIcuo; do not sue them.
Yami: Nice disclaimer.
Yugi: Thanks.
Ice: ok then o-o this story is in the first person perspective of Yami Yugi, please review!
I sat alone in my soul room staring at just about anything that would get my mind to focus on something other than my partner. But not even the Egyptian hieroglyphs upon the walls were complex enough to get my mind off of the shame that I felt.
It had been 2 years or so since the ceremonial duel, of which I decided to never go to the afterlife, so that I could stay with my Aibou. We'd acted as if we were brothers, two half's of the same soul. It used to make me feel special when he laughed and smiled at me. But ever since this past week, when I kissed him without thinking, his laughs turned timid and his smiles more cautious than before.
Had I been wrong to do so? I didn't know. I twirled the end of one of my bangs in frustration. I'd looked at everything in the room and nothing was helping. Looking at any part of my hair made it worse; it all reminded me of Yugi.
The puzzle around my neck began to glow with rays of golden light; kind of like the sun. Maybe a duel will get the kiss off of my mind. I thought, knowing the only reason I ever came out of my soul room was for duels and homework.
At the last minute when I opened the door to my soul room to get to the outside world, I remembered when Yugi made me come out for a date with Tea. Oh Ra, please don't let it be one of those times. I said to myself rolling my crimson eyes.
My surroundings began to dissolve from the ground up, like turning a light off. No turning back now, I suppose. I thought as Yugi's room came into focus. Ok it's not a duel…maybe homework? I quickly glanced at the clock. 10:26 P.M. What in Osiris' name am I doing here at 10 o'clock at night? I ask myself before taking a glimpse out the window.
"Pharoh…"a tiny voice came from the bed on my left. I turned half of my body toward the voice just to stop and let my eyes widen. Yugi lie flat on his back with his head turned just enough to look me in the eyes. His index finger was intimately propped at the edge of his mouth and he made puppy eyes at me. His hair was sway across his face very sexy like, his shirt was slightly open and his pants sagged a bit.
"Yugi?" I asked, getting a sense he wasn't himself right now. I guardedly stepped toward him. He sat up half way and watched me. "Yami I know you're surprised at the hour of the night but…" he inquired shyly.
I froze; he'd guessed right about my feelings about the hour of night it was and my purpose for being here. "But...?" I urged him to continue in my regular mono toned voice. I stood my ground as he got out of his bed and reared in front of me. He placed his right hand lightly onto my shoulder and proceeded to do the same with his left hand. "Yami…will you…"he continued with a blush on his face.
"Spit it out Hikari!" I said finally getting g frustrated with the pauses in his speech. He made another puppy face and put his index finger at the corner of his lips. "Will you sleep with me Yami?" He asked coyly. At the time I had no Idea what he was asking me. I blanked out briefly staring off into space.
"Yami…Are you ok?" He asked softly. "Your nose is bleeding Moi Hitori no Boku…" He said fretting over my bloody nose. I shook my head and wiped the blood with my sleeve. "Can you repeat what you said…I don't think I heard you right." I said quietly.
"I asked if you'd sleep with me tonight." He said again. I was starting to see what he meant then. "Oh, like by your side for the night? I can do that." I said while leading him back to his bed, holding his hand in mine.
Yugi looked embarrassed. "You don't have a problem with this, right…?" He asked me while climbing back into his twin sized bed. I glanced down at him and gave him a smirk. You underestimate my opinions of you Aibou…I thought begrudgingly. He looked up at me again patiently.
"Of course I don't have a problem with it, you're like a little brother to me and I need to take care of you." I said lying through my teeth with ease.
Yugi smiled up at me and raised his arms in a hugging manner. I back away a bit, declining. "Sorry little one but I must get the proper attire on, so that you may rest easy that is."
Yugi's arms lowered, slowly falling back to his side. "I understand…hurry up and get dressed in your pajamas then *baka! I want my hug." He complained.
I smirked at his whining. "Sound's boring…just giving you a hug. But if that's what you want, who am I to complain?" I said with my sarcasm from my past days etching into my speech.
Yugi looked up at me curiously. "Well what else is there, Yami?" He asked me while playing with one of the blonde bangs that framed his face.
The flashback of the kiss I shared with him came flooding back and I blushed. I covered my face with my hand as if I was thinking and looked away from him.
I abruptly turned on my heels hiding my blush and walked towards the dresser. "Never mind that, turn away while I get dressed for bed." I said beginning to strip away my dueling attire.
"Ok, Yami, but hurry up." Yugi said Yawning in the middle of his sentence.
I was now down to my boxer shorts. They were blue with a deck of darks sewn into the side as decoration. "Ok, I'm trying my best…hold on a second." I said looking through the drawer for some bottoms.
"Yami…help." He whined with a frightened tone.
"I'm trying to…wait…" I said as the gears began to run in my head. I turned around bit by bit with my pajamas pants half way on.
My eyes widen at what I see in front of me.
"How the fuck did you two get in here!?"I shouted in anger.
Hahaha cliff hanger! }:} Baka= Japanese for stupid, idiot, moron, etc.
Yami: What the hell…
Yugi: Why did I suddenly get cut out of the story? Where'd I go? TT_TT
Yami: -Looks at the next chapter- Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me –goes season 0 ballistic-
Ice: Hey! That's not finished no touchie! D:
Yugi: Yami are you…ok?
Yami: I don't know…you tell me –looks at you both with mischievous eyes-