
Broken Wands

Chapter 8


Turning to his godfather he gaped before exclaiming "What?!" as his father began growling angrily.

"Dumbledore sent a letter stating that once a student has accepted going to Hogwarts then they aren't allowed to transfer to another school, drop out, or do anything that involve them not attending Hogwarts unless they're expelled." Remus said frantically.

"I think we should invite the Malfoys over," his father said, a mischievous gleam in the old wand maker's eye "and your new friends as well…Dumbledore broke his own School Motto.".

"What Motto is that?" he asked confused as Remus ran over to the floo to call the group over.

"Never tickle a sleeping dragon," his father lectured "and that's basically what Dumbledore has just done.".

"There's someone else who we need here though." he said with a grin as he whistled for Vulcan before writing out a letter which read:

Headmistress Evianna Legend,

I was offered a full scholarship to your academy but have found a problem as the Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore has declared that I am forbidden from withdrawing my acceptance to Hogwarts in favor of Chiaroscuro. I am unsure if Albus Dumbledore's decree that I am forbidden from un-enrolling is actually permitted or if there is anything that can be done about it. I am humbly requesting for your aid, or the aide of another professor from your Academy in this matter.

Thank you for your time,
Harry Potter

Rolling up the letter he handed it to Vulcan who quickly flamed away just as the fireplace burst into emerald flames and Eris and Khione both charged out of it, barreling into him as they clutched onto him as if afraid that he was about to vanish if they let go. "Where is he?" another voice growled as Draco stepped out of the fireplace with his parents after Hecate, Dalen, Octavian, and their mother. "I'll fry him!".

As Draco raged and roared against Dumbledore the blonde's hair began to stand on end and lightning arced between his friend's fingers, crackling and snapping with a fury that matched their master. "Calm down Draco," Lucius said with a tone that was cold enough to make him shiver "you never received such a letter which shows that Dumbledore is making a power play by trying to force Harry to attend Hogwarts, either for having prestige or to try and make Harry more…subservient. Perhaps both. But we will stop him.".

"That is a good deduction Lord Malfoy," a new voice said causing him to jump in fright before turning to see a woman leaning against the wall with Vulcan perched on her shoulder and his letter in her hand "that is quite likely what is going on.".

"Headmistress Legend?" he asked cautiously, getting a nod in return as he took the time to more carefully examine his new Headmistress. She was surprisingly tall and had leaf green hair with strange yellow streaks that matched her eyes that were as green as her hair with flecks of yellow scattered throughout the iris.

"No Headmaster of any school has the authority to stop a student from un-enrolling but that's isn't to say that Albus Dumbledore couldn't make things very difficult for you to not only transfer out but with your life in general should you simply ignore his 'decision'. Luckily we can make him meet with us to 'negotiate' the problem.".

"And by negotiate do you mean letting me pump him full of lightning?" Draco asked hopefully, his friend's lighting crackling merrily at the thought.

"No my young pupil," the Headmistress said with a soft laugh "but that doesn't mean we can't…mislead the dear Headmaster of Hogwarts. Now I've already sent him a letter stating that he is to meet with us about the matter and pointing out that he doesn't have the full authority to do what he is attempting and if he doesn't want us to simply ignore him he is to meet with us at the Leaky Cauldron in a private room one hour from now.".

"I'm guessing you wish to use that hour to come up with a plan?" Lucius Malfoy asked with a raised eyebrow which got a nod from the woman as the group quickly got to work on laying ironing out a plan.

-Leaky Cauldron: Private Room-

Sitting in between Eris and Khione, his two self-appointed girlfriends using him as a pillow, he gazed somewhat nervously around the room before the door opened and the ancient Headmaster of Hogwarts walked in along with two teachers he recognized as Minerva McGonagall, who had been over to the Potter manner frequently even if he hadn't been allowed to interact with her, and Severus Snape, who was recognizable enough from even the simplest of descriptions.

"Headmaster Dumbledore," Headmistress Legend said stiffly "I see you decided to show up.".

"Headmistress Legend," Albus Dumbledore responded somewhat coldly "I see you don't know when to mind your own business.", causing McGonagall to look at her boss in surprise.

"It is my business when you try to illegally prevent my students from attending my academy Dumbledore." Legend said with a glare "You know you have no ground to prevent a student from un-enrolling from Hogwarts to attend a different school.".

"I am the Headmaster of Hogwarts," Dumbledore said angrily "it is my decision and my decision alone how my school is run. Added to that I am the Chief Warlock of the Wizenagamot and the Supreme Mugwump of the ICW.".

"Oh please," Legend said rolling her eyes "those titles may sound all big and grand but all it actually grants you is an extra vote in proceedings, the authority to lead any meeting, and if you're leading a trial to select a punishment from the allotted choices. And while you have the right to run your school the way you see fit, assuming you break no laws in doing so, you still can't prevent students from un-enrolling.".

"What, exactly, is going on here?" McGonagall demanded before Dumbledore could retort "Albus wouldn't explain the situation before we left.".

"I'm not surprised," Legend said with a derisive snort, ignoring the glare she received from Dumbledore "here's the situation. Our school always sends out our letters on the same day of the year for our potential students, the children at this table being some of those that Chiaroscuro is accepting this year. Young Harry had received a letter a few days previous to ours from Hogwarts and, thinking it was his only option, he accepted. When my letter came to him he sent your Headmaster a new letter stating that he was retracting his acceptance in favor of attending Chiaroscuro. Dumbledore then decided that it was within his right to declare Harry ineligible to un-enroll.".

"Albus was merely enforcing the contract then," McGonagall said with a shrug "all students who send in a letter stating that they accept coming to Hogwarts are placed under the effect of a magically binding contract requiring them to attend unless released by myself or the Headmaster.".

"And what gives you the right to place such a contract without our permission?!" his father thundered, startling the Transfiguration Mistress "you have no right to bind children in such a contract without their parent's consent Minerva McGonagall!".

"It matters little," Dumbledore said with a shrug "the contract is in place and I have no intentions of releasing it.".

"I'm going to give you two choices Dumbledore," Legend said coldly to the British Headmaster "option one is this, you sign a new contract with me where the children attend Hogwarts for two weeks and, at the end of those two weeks, if they feel less than satisfied with your school then they may transfer to Chiaroscuro, which starts later than Hogwarts, and you WILL release them from the contract. Added to that is that during those two weeks the contract will wipe your memories of the deal so you will treat them as if the contract didn't exist to prevent you from 'catering' to them to make them want to stay. Your other option is that I drag your sorry ass in front of the ICW for illegally forcing dozens if not hundreds of minors into magically binding contracts without the knowledge or consent of their parents and have them force you to lift the contract. Your choice.".

"How dare you?!" McGonagall screeched in outrage.

"No," he growled coldly, his magic causing the table to shake with the force of his anger "trying to dictate my life, trying to control me. You go around, acting as if you're superior to everyone around you but you try to control people while keeping them in the dark. Voldemort may have been evil but at least was open about his opinions and the cruel acts that he did. In my eyes you are worse than he was as you perform acts of evil yet call them the decisions of one who is good and try to claim the moral high ground when you're found out.".

"He's right," Lucius said, the head of the House of Malfoy having to keep a firm grip on Draco's shoulder to keep the blonde from frying the three Hogwarts professors with lightning "your oaths have the potential to not only steal the magic from children but their very lives. What if a muggle family moved over a summer to another country and enrolled their child at a magical school there before being able to send you a letter? Your stupid oath would kill that child in one of the most agonizingly painful ways in existence. At least the Dark Lord would kill you quickly once he was done with you.".

"And if you think you could get out of me taking you to court you're wrong Dumbledore," legend added when the Headmaster was about to open his mouth "you're only the Supreme Mugwump because you're the oldest member of the ICW, one wrong move and your seat is gone as there are a great many members of the confederation who would love to see you removed from power.".

"Very well," the Hogwarts Headmaster said angrily "I'll take your deal. But what of the elves, how am I supposed to allow them access to my school?".

"You allowed my godfather, a known werewolf, to attend for seven years without any complaints, even going out of your way to make his life easier but you complain about one elf and one half-elf attending for two weeks. You truly are pathetic, aren't you?" he asked the man with a snort As Remus glared at the Headmaster.

"Besides," Eris said with a roll of her eyes "we have undetectable glamour rings that will make us look human so long as we wear them. We got them for travelling through the muggle world.".

Grumbling at being backed into a corner Dumbledore signed the contract Legend had written up, along with Snape and McGonagall, before there was a flash of magic and the trio left the room mechanically. "Those two weeks are going to be awful…aren't they?" Draco asked with a sigh as Hecate patted his arm reassuringly.

"At least it gives us several opportunities to torment my 'brother' and the Headmaster," he said with a savage grin "I'm sure that my dear godfather and Uncle Sirius would be more than willing to give us whatever we needed to make them miserable for our two week prison sentence.".

"Just be sure to get it out of your system," Legend said with a snort "I wish to avoid you pranking at Chiaroscuro…or at least avoid getting caught.".

"Yes ma'am!" he said cheerfully, along with his friends, before they all began planning the different pranks they would be doing over those two weeks.

AN: I haven't thought of a pairing for Dalen or Octavian yet so I would like you to say in your review if you want me to make OC girls for them or to just use Cannon Hogwarts girls.