Chapter 3

In another part of the virtual world, a strawberry blond nation with ruby eyes darted from tree branch to tree branch, a small purple bat fluttering after him. Below him, on the forest floor, a light brown haired man with green eyes was chasing after him, "Vlad! Vladimir Dimitri! Get back here this instant! Farfetch'd use Gust!" A small brown bird with a green stalk flew up in front of the ruby eyed man and gave a squall before blowing him out of the tree with powerful flaps of its wings.

"Ugh," the blond commented as he thumped heavily to the ground. It wasn't a very long fall, but that didn't mean it didn't sting like a devil. He sat up rubbing his head and adjusting his hat to be askew atop his head. The brunette approached him darkly and the blond scooted back nervously, "C-come on now Nikola… No hard feelings, right?"

"You better believe there are some hard feelings," the brunette scowled, "Farfetch'd, use Poison Jab!"

"Zubat use Bite then follow up with Leech Life!" Vlad hissed, abnormally long canines reflecting in the light of the setting sun. The blond was the nation representative of Romania, while the brunette was Bulgaria's representation. A purple bat with no eyes flew out from the leafy canopy and attacked Nikola's bird with brute force. The bird screeched in pain as sharp fangs pierced its body and the onion stalk fell out of the bird's grasp. It panicked and flailed around, trying to reach its stalk. "That's enough Zubat, let's go!" Vlad called to the bat and ran off into the growing darkness, the bat fluttering after him easily.

"Farfetch'd…" Nikola watched his partner Pokémon get up and retrieve its stalk, then hopping back over to its trainer, "I'm sorry…" It squawked at him before flapping up clumsily into Nikola's arms.

A new voice spoke, "You too, huh?" From the tall shadows emerged another blond with somewhat messy hair and blazing green eyes. "Don't worry; I'm not here to hurt you. Let me help you out, actually." The freckled blond pulled out a yellow berry from his trainer bag and held it out with an open hand. Cautiously, Nikola walked over and took the berry, feeding it to Farfetch'd. The Pokémon perked right back up after finishing the berry and the blond smiled, "See, he feels much better now that he has his energy back. I'm Owen, by the way. I represent Wales so I don't attend world summits that often." The Welsh nation held out a hand.

"Nikola, Bulgaria's persona," the brunette balanced Farfetch'd in one arm before shaking Owen's hand. "Traveling alone? I thought for sure you'd be traveling with one of your siblings."

He blinked, "Who Alastair and Caley? We don't really get along. Besides, Sentret doesn't like Mareep or Minccino. I would never do anything to cause him discomfort. So anyway, you're after the vampire too?"

"Oh no, Vlad isn't a vampire, but I have some scores to settle with him," Nikola sighed. Owen just nodded and gave a soft grin.

"What do you say we team up to get back at him? I owe him a few well aimed swings as well," the blond offered.

Nikola looked thoughtful before he shrugged, "I don't see why not."

"Let's get started then! Sentret?" Owen called out. A tiny ferret like Pokémon with a bushy tail scurried out from the bushes and cocked its head, "Start tracking the vampire!" Before Nikola could protest, the Welshman turned and grinned at him, "Oh and one more thing, Nikola?"

"Yeah?" the brunette replied.

"Don't let my cute face fool you."

Nikola snorted, "Oh believe me, I won't. I already picked up the feeling of you being nothing more than a devious little brat."

"Come on, come on! Hurry up you two!" Veniziano chirped, bouncing around ahead of his traveling companions. The Plusle at his side jumped around with him, both radiating absolutely positive energy.

"Please slow down, Italia… It's getting dark and we should consider making a camp for the night," Ludwig sighed. He was honestly becoming tired, which was a rare thing for him. "The sooner we make camp the sooner we can log out and have pasta."

A small blue lion cub-like creature with a four point star shape on its tail gave a little spark, "Shinx!" Veniziano's Plusle hopped over and grabbed the cub's front paws before spinning him around playfully.

Kiku was the last to catch up, panting from the steep climb up the hill. He watched the two electric-types playing and tapped Ludwig's shoulder, "I do not feel it is wise to only have our partners. We all have electric-type partners and it would be terrible if we were to run into a ground- or rock-type Pokémon."

"Well while you two slow pokes were dilly-dallying around, Plusle and I caught a Cherubi!" Veniziano puffed his chest out proudly and gave a bright grin.

The German and Japanese men exchanged shocked glances. Their usually weak-willed, lazy, crybaby Italian ally did something on his own for once? And neither of them had witnessed it?! Kiku didn't let that throw him off for much longer than a minute though, "Yes. Cherubi are very common in these parts. I may have taken the longest but Pikachu and I managed to add Seedot to our team."

"A Seedot? Those are so…meek," Ludwig commented.

"Yes but when they become Shiftry they are very powerful and quick!" The black haired man protested.

"Ve~ Did you add another Pokémon to your team yet?" Veniziano asked, bouncing over to Ludwig.

"Well yes but you'll meet him when the time comes." Ludwig sniffed. The second Poke ball on his belt suddenly burst open and a Croagunk stood slouched at the German's side. The blond sighed, "Never mind."

"Whoa way cool Ludwig!" The auburn gawked at the poison- and fighting-type. He pulled out his Pokedex, "I want to scan in Seedot too, Kiku!" The Japanese man sent out the acorn looking Pokémon as Veniziano scanned in Croagunk.

'Croagunk, the Toxic Mouth Pokémon. Croagunk has poison in its cheek sacs and fingers. In the wild it only fights for survival and well trained ones can be used to help lower back pains.'

'Seedot, the Acorn Pokémon. Seedot look like acorns when hanging from tree branches for a food source. They enjoy surprising those walking under it by dropping down from the branch.'

'Shinx, the Flash Pokémon. Its fur sparks when it feels threatened. Shinx can generate sparks and blinding light by moving its muscles.'

'Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon. And the evolved form of Pichu. Pikachu store electricity in the pouches on their cheeks. When they raised their tails to check their surroundings, they may be struck by lightning.'

"Was it really necessary to scan Shinx and Pikachu?" Ludwig muttered, "Honestly, Italia…"

"Well I want to fill my Pokedex! And if you two want to as well you'd do the same. And you'd scan Cherubi and Plusle!" He pouted and crossed his arms.

"Next time; for now we should focus on sleeping and logging out," Ludwig promised and patted Veniziano's shoulder. The trio then continued puttering around for another half an hour before settling down for the night.

"How strange," Kiku commented, "I can't seem to log out. Tapping the writing utensil to the journal page should bring up a box asking if we want to save and continue or save and log out. Nothing is happening…"

"It seems I'm not the only one with this problem then," Ludwig was tapping his pen to the paper in his journal with similar results to Kiku.

Veniziano wailed, "Does that mean we're stuck in the game?"

"I'm sure we might just have a slow connection in this area. Maybe when we reach the next city we'll be able to log out," the raven haired man sighed and placed the book and pen back into his backpack. "Hopefully this isn't a regional problem or worse."

"Or worse? What could be worse?" Veniziano trembled, scooting closer to Ludwig.

"It could end up that no matter what region we travel to we can't log out. A glitch in the game that prevents log out…such a problem could cause a variety of serious effects on our bodies in the real world from lack of nutrition and rest."

The Italian was shivering and clutching Ludwig's arm tightly now. The blond sighed and pried him off, "That isn't the case, Italia. Kiku had beta testers before this and there was no such problem. Now calm down and get some rest." The Japanese male and the German male then lay down to try and sleep, leaving Veniziano feeling very alone.

"For how long..? Will we be unable to log out until we reach the end of the game..? Erk…a game that doesn't let you log out…"

AN:/ Hello lovely readers! I'm sorry I was gone for so long! I was caught up with final exams since the end of the last chapter, then I was lazy, then I went to Europe for 10 days and gained back some inspiration! My 16th birthday was also July 4th so duh I won't be doing much on my birthday besides eating cake. Also generation 6 has made me hyper to pick this up again! Dude I am so hype for Gen 6. I called dibs on Pokémon X and the fire-type starter so the rest of you can bug off. MINEEE. Ahem...

So this chapter introduces Owen (Wales) and Nikola (Bulgaria) as a new team with Sentret and Farfetch'd as their partners. Seems like Vlad (Romania) and his Zubat were up to no good prior to their teaming up. ;)

This chapter also reunites the Axis Powers as a team with Ludwig (Germany) with a Shinx for his partner and a Croagunk on his team, Kiku (Japan) with Pikachu for his partner and Seedot as a teammate, and last but certainly not least, Veniziano (North Italy) has a Plusle for his partner and Cherubi for a team player.

A wild PLOT has appeared!

Let me know what you think! Feedback is much appreciated~ Until next chapter

Love, Alex

P.S. If you're into Warrior cats check out my Warriors/Hetalia crossover fic titled "Cloudstep's Journey", which features your favorite Hetalia characters in the Warriors world~