Okay, here is the sequel to Tortured! I really hope this gets as many reviews as Tortured did! So I think you can guess how this story is gonna go by the title but with a few extra surprises along the way. Like Pitch will be punished by being… Gah! I have said too much! Where is that duct tape? Oh yeah, cupcakes to all! Ah here it is! Okay, on with the chapter and I hope it pleases you! *gets duct tape and sticks it over mouth*
It was now the middle of Winter and Christmas was coming. Not only that, the Guardians had all been called for a meeting about the progress of their believers. In Canada, a certain Bunny was racing through the lands and he was looking over his shoulder as if something was after him.
The land was icy which didn't make it very easy for the Pooka but he picked up his pace as he felt a strong brush of wind slice at his heels. His lungs were bursting with energy as he raced further and the icy touch was killing his feet. Time for a short cut! Bunny slid to a halt and tapped on the ground so a tunnel appeared. Another howl made him look up in a panic as he then retreated down his hole and to the Pole.
"Come on, you can't be caught out!" Bunny said to himself as he was getting close to his destination. Finally reaching his goal after five minutes, Bunny burst up through the surface to come with the familiar sight of the yeti's in the workshop. Bunny felt victorious but when then dismayed to feel the icy touch wrap around him. "Not again" Bunny said looking up at the globe.
There on the top, was the Winter spirit Jack Frost with a few snowflakes falling around him. "Yep, again! You're slacking Kangaroo!" Jack said and Bunny growled at the nickname.
Bunny's shoulder's slumped and North came out of his office followed by Sandy and Tooth. "Jack beat you again? That is the fifth time this month!" North exclaimed in amusement as he watched Jack slip down off the globe and landing on his feet.
"He still has a bad shoulder so why does he keep beating me? It must be luck" Bunny said looking at Jack who laughed.
It had been five months since the… incident and Jack had made good progress. His broken leg had healed, his other leg was better but sometimes it did jinx a bit. The bruise from his head had gone, his stomach wound had closed up nicely and one of his shoulder's had healed up completely. However, his left shoulder which had been the worst one hadn't healed yet and was still a bit painful but it should be healed in another two months. Jack had coped really well but he hadn't said anything for three weeks but now he was back to being mischievous once again.
"Luck has nothing to do with it" Jack said cockily but he winced a little when his shoulder burned. North saw this immediately.
"Jack, are you okay?" he asked and Jack nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine" he said although he was really lying. It had been burning a lot lately which was odd since his other wounds were fine.
North looked as if he didn't believe him but if it happened again, he would have answers. "Well! I have made special cake for us all and no elf has touched it" North said with a promising look.
Sandy rubbed his hands together eagerly, Tooth and Bunny smiled warmly and Jack did too. He felt like eating something with a bit of sweetness. North led them all to his office where the big fruitcake sat with no elf in sight.
Jack always loved North's workshop since it was full of cool toys and Bunny was admiring them too. Tooth got some plates from the cupboard and Sandy crafted some dream sand chairs. Jack watched patiently and North let out a booming laugh.
"Okay, who wants first piece?" he asked and Sandy stuck his hand up in the air eagerly as did Bunny. Jack was about to stick his hand up until North pulled a sharp knife from the draw. The sunlight that shone through the window made the knife gleam as if it was mocking Jack.
Slice the blade deeply across your shoulder…
Pitch's voice vibrated through Jack's head as he recalled of his first deadly task.
Simple as that…
The word 'simple' seemed to be laughing at Jack for he knew that the task wasn't simple. Even though he wasn't here, Pitch's voice was taunting him, mocking him.
The pain of the injury burned into his skull and it spread down his body and he suddenly felt weak. Pitch was now laughing inside his head and Jack almost screamed out loud to make him shut up. "Uh… I gotta go to the bathroom" Jack said stuttering and before North could say anything else, Jack was out of the door in flash.
Bunny raised an eyebrow, "What's with him?" he asked and Tooth sighed.
"You know what's wrong Bunny. It is his wounds that are playing up" she said and North nodded.
"Tooth is right. We are here for Jack but he needs his space" North said, not wanting to remember as Jack's screams had been in his head for weeks. Sandy however, wasn't so sure. He felt guilty seeing as the shoulder wound had been for him and it was still hurting. He would make sure Jack got a sweet dream tonight.
Jack, who was now in the toilet, was bending over and being sick. This was happening quite a lot recently and he was getting skinner and skinner by the day. Whenever he tried to eat, it always came back up. The memories were haunting him wherever he went. Whenever he went round the corner of a corridor, whenever he went flying and even sitting on the roof, it was creeping around him.
Jack was trying his best not to cry. He didn't want to feel like this. He wanted to feel free, happy and… normal. He remembered when Pitch had let him and the others go but he didn't get why he hadn't killed them here and then. It didn't make sense. But as he was hurling up more, he had to try and push the thought from his mind. They wouldn't see Pitch again and he wouldn't hurt him anymore.
He couldn't be more wrong.
So how was it? Was it okay for the first chapter? I had such a bad writer's block when I was writing this but thankfully, someone gave me a really good tip to get rid of the writer's block. I swear, writer's block is a curse. A CURSE I TELL YOU!
Oh E this little message is for you. You said in your review for 'Remember Me' that the Guardian of Cupcakes should have cupcake bombs. Well she actually does if you read the bio about her on my profile and it tells you her name too. I didn't know about the spicy bit so thanks! By the way, do you have a fanfic account?
Okay, that it for now so can I have… seven reviews please? Cupcakes to all in the next chapter!