"Shit, shit, shit, shit! You've gotta be fucking kidding me!"
Danny had left school half-way through the day, no doubt on ghost business, and those were the first words out of his mouth when Sam and Tucker finally met up with him again.
"He's a fucking frootloop! Why the hell did he think it would be a good idea to try this crazy stunt again when he nearly got killed the last time? Vlad Fucking Masters has a goddamned death wish!"
"Danny, what's going on?"
"Yeah, dude. Why are you so riled up?"
"Plasmius was stupid enough to go after the Ring of Rage and the Crown of Fire again."
"You have got to be kidding me," both his friends droned in unison.
"Apparently, I should have coated that damn sarcophagus in superglue," Danny mumbled. "Now, I've gotta deal with Pariah Dark again, a civil war in the ghost zone, Plasmius, and the hunters at home.
"Kill me.
"You'll get through it, Danny. Just like always," Sam said.
"Who knows, maybe the hunters will help like Valerie did last time," Tucker piped up.
"Or, they could take up Valerie's favorite past time of trying to kill me!"
"Well, at least there isn't any room for Vlad to stay this time."
"You underestimate him, Tuck."
He dropped the technogeek and Goth off at their respective homes before slowly making his way to his own.
"Here's to hoping my parents don't know I skipped most of the day," Danny muttered, knowing his chances were next to nothing.
He walked through the door, a part of him surprised to get through it without setting off any alarms. As he expected, Vlad was comfortably sitting on the couch, though no one else was in sight.
"Of course. You fuck up and I get to clean up your mess while you sit here drinking tea and getting all cozy. Do you even care that this is the second time you've let that damn king out? I've always known you were an asshole, but I thought you at least thought shit through!"
What Danny hadn't realized was that both Sam and Dean were in the other room listening to every word Danny shouted out in his frustration.
"Everything okay in here," Sam asked?
That smooth, charming voice that fooled nearly everyone came on. "Everything's fine, Samuel. Daniel and I just had a minor disagreement."
"Sure, because it didn't sound like he was about ready to bit your head off," Dean said.
Danny really didn't have an answer for that right off the top of his head, and while it looked like Vlad might have had something to say, the words never made it out of his mouth as alarms started blaring. Jack and Maddie bounded into the room, fully outfitted in their HAZMAT suits and armed with their latest technology.
"What the hell is that?!" Dean asked.
"The Ecto Exodus Alarm!" Maddie shouted.
"It only goes off when there's about to be a lot of ghosts coming through the portal!" Jack chimed in.
"Gee. I wonder whose fault that could be," Danny muttered.
"What was that?" Sam asked.
"Nothing. It's nothing." Danny sent a glare at Vlad. "I'll just be in my room, staying away from the ghosts, as usual."
"Alright Danny. It's probably best you avoid any farther contamination anyway," Maddie said.
Danny darted up the stairs to his room, locking the door behind him and transforming before phasing down to the basement. "Let's see what we're up against this time," Danny said to himself. A part of him then regretted dropping Sam and Tucker off at their homes. They wouldn't be safe anywhere, but at least if they were with him, he could keep an eye on them.
They came in a rush, the first one yelling for Danny to get out of the way before darting. Danny really couldn't do much more than stare at the waves of ghosts as they poured into the real world. After that first ghost demanded he move, not one other even acknowledged Danny's existence.
His parents didn't make it down to investigate the portal themselves, their hunter friends in tow, until the last ghost had already escaped. To them, it looked like the nuisance Phantom was keeping the portal open and inviting the ghosts into their world.
"Freeze, ghost!" Jack and Maddie shouted in unison.
Danny threw up his arms. "Believe it or not, those ghosts aren't my fault!"
"Ha! Like we'd believe a word you say!" Jack said.
"And this day just keeps getting better," Danny mumbled.
Surprisingly, the hunters he'd been worried about were the ones to jump to his rescue. "Give the ghost kid a chance, Maddie. He hasn't done anything wrong, at least not yet," Sam said
"He kidnapped the mayor!" Jack and Maddie shouted.
"For the last time I was framed! Half the town was overshadowed, including him!"
"You fired at us!" Maddie retorted.
"I thought you guys were overshadowed too!"
"You and your ghost friends have destroyed countless buildings!"
"If they were my friends they wouldn't be trying to destroy me! Look, there's a much bigger problem right now than your grudge against me."
"Like what, ghost?" Jack questioned.
"There was a civil war in the Ghost Zone and every ghost just fled. They aren't going to stop their war now, so where do you think their going to fight it?"
"Jack, Maddie, maybe you should listen to what he has to say." Honestly, Dean didn't know what to make of their accusations, but if the boy was telling the truth about the other ghosts, then he really was the least of their problems right now.
"Thank you! Some one with some sense!"
"Don't push it. I don't trust you."
"And I'll take my leave, before the weapon fire starts." Danny phased through the floor, a part of him wondering why the hell he hadn't just done that in the first place. For all the experience he had fighting ghosts and getting out of tight situations, he still amazed himself with his ability to make stupid mistakes.
So...updates...yeah... God, I need to get back to writing more...
Anyway... I have a Tumblr now with the same username, invisible0one. There's a link to that on my profile.
Also, I need money, so... I've got an EBay store up now with fandom inspired stuff. I don't have much up now, but suggestions are more than welcome! That too is under my usual username and the link is at the bottom of my profile. :D
Anyway, comments and feedback are as welcome as always! :D
Invisible One