"Let me get this straight. You're dragging us halfway across the friggin country to go investigate a teenaged ghost hero? Ghosts, I can understand, but you really expect me to believe these people have a ghost superhero?" Dean Winchester had listened to his brother in disbelief. The pair had seen one whole hell (and sometimes literally Hell) of a lot of weird things, but a ghost superhero? That was going a bit too far with it.

"I know, it sounds crazy, but that's what the whole town believes. That, and we are kinda due for our trip to the Fenton's for the decade." Right. The Fenton's. Some of the old family friends who where also bat shit crazy.

"Sam, don't you think if I actually wanted to see the Fenton's we'd visit more than once a decade? The whole town's crazy, why the hell can't we leave it at that?" It would figure that the Fenton family would end up in a town full of people who were apparently just as crazy as they'd always been.

"Look, they called us in personally and I, quite frankly, don't want to deal with listening to Maddie complaining about us never coming to visit. This way we can appease them and work a case at the same time." That was the logic Sam was using to keep himself from backing out, he could only hope it would do the same for Dean.

"Fine, but as soon as we find any reason to believe it might really just be that the whole damn town is just crazy, we're leaving." Well, it wasn't what Sam was hoping for, but it was admittedly also likely to be the best he was going to get out of his brother.

Danny Fenton/Phantom, AKA Invisobill, ghost hero, wimp, piece of ectoplasmic scum, ghost enemy number one, geek, savior of the Ghost Zone… You get the point. Anyway, Danny was walking home as was his normal routine with his two best friends Sam (don't call her Samantha, just don't do it. You'll live longer…) Manson and Tucker Foley. Danny was keeping a close eye on his surroundings waiting for today's attack. There was one everyday on the way home from school without fail. If there ever was a change in routine, it just meant that he was about to have a pile of shit up to his ears to clean up soon.

Sam and Tucker were dropped off at their respective home and a block from the Fenton home, Danny felt a chill go up his spine and sighed before running to go transform in the nearby alley. A rather annoyingly familiar "BEWARE!" rang out and Danny face-palmed in annoyance. This idiot? Again? Didn't he just get shoved in the damn thermos an hour ago? He seriously needed to learn just how the hell the Box Ghost kept getting out of the thermos so easily.

Then, he was going to fix that bug and lock said ghost in a thermos for a while and only let him out when Danny seriously needed some misplaced aggression.

Maybe that would finally teach the idiot. Doubtful, yes, but it was worth a shot. It was as good a plan as any for getting rid of the annoyance.

Three minutes till curfew, Danny walked through his front door on time for the first time in months. His parents would only have three things to yell at him about tonight: his grades, skipping classes, and, of course, his chores. Admittedly, the last was probably more avoidable than the first two, but every kid, ghost hero or not, deserved to be able to slack off just a little!

Though Jack and Maddie Fenton probably found his slacking to be more than just a little...not that that was his fault.

Danny sat down on the couch, waiting for his parent's the realize he as home and begin their nightly ranting about how irresponsible he was. If only they knew what he did for this town, occasionally the world, on a daily basis. What surprised him was not how all the lights were still on upon his arrival, or the fact that his mom was on the phone (though if that was Vlad, he was just asking to get his ass kicked again), or even that his dad seemed to be rushing to get something ready.

No, what caught his attention was the fact that when his parents finally settled down, they didn't start yelling at him but instead informed him that his room was much too messy for guests to be seeing and he needed to get it cleaned now. Danny just nodded, trying to remember whether or not he'd been informed of guests before now, but came up blank, though as often as he was rushing out of the house, it was not unlikely that he just hadn't actually been listening when he was told.

Halfway up the stairs, the doorbell rang. Great, now he wouldn't even get to ask Jazz who it was and determine the threat level before he had to deal with whoever it was. Danny sighed before turning to head back down the stairs, knowing he'd be called here in a minute anyway. So much for cleaning his room (and making sure there was nothing incriminating for prying eyes to see) before guests arrived.

"Sam and Dean! It's so nice to see you again!" Danny inwardly winced at his mom's enthusiasm. On the bright side, it probably wasn't as bad as what Jack was likely to pull.

"Good to see you too, Maddie," came the less than happy reply, followed by a grunt that Danny easily recognized as a sign that someone had just gotten elbowed in the side.

"It's nice of you to let us stay here." The second man, the more friendly looking of the pair, managed to fake a good mood better than what Danny assumed to be his brother had. The hybrid could only hope this meant they would be here for only a short visit, rather than the week-long trips Vlad seemed to wiggle himself into.

Danny was about to try sneaking back upstairs, thinking that maybe he would be ignored for now, but his father stopped him. "Danny! Come say hi to the Winchesters." The ghost boy winced, then started walking slowly to the living room, deciding against throwing the missing Jazz under the bus. She did enough for him that the least he could do was let her try hiding out in her library of a room (at least that's what it looked like to Danny, Jazz swore she only had a small collection though) for as long as she could get away with it.

"Hi." Danny just stood there awkwardly while something nagged at his mind that he had met these two before. They didn't look too pleased about being here, with or without the fake smile, so it wasn't out of the question for Danny to have met the Winchesters when he was younger.

The hybrid gasped, then groaned and nearly hit his head on the wall. Another ghost? Now? Great. "I'm going upstairs," he said as he started up the stairs.

"Danny! At least help them with their bags first!" Well...at least she wasn't trying to force him to sit down and socialize while some ghost or another made life hell for the town.

"There's really no need, Maddie. We can get our own things." Danny sent a thankful smile towards Sam, the less grumpy of the two, before taking off upstairs and transforming just as his bedroom door closed behind him.

New laptop, meaning I can write during lunch now rather than just completely screwing off. ^_^

I'm planning on updating this every other week. For anyone reading my Avatar crossover, this will update every week that doesn't.

Comments and feedback are welcome! :D

Invisible One