Hey guys, so I decided I'm going to continue Co-Ed! I just took a very long break. I don't know exactly where this is going or what I'm going to do with it, but I'm hoping I can at least get 5 or 10 more chapters out of this story. But I do need your help. Honestly, I really want to hear your ideas, they help so much! I wish I could buy you something for everyone who gives me an idea! You are all amazing, and I hope I don't disappoint. I'm hoping to update once a week, but I'm also going to start a divergent fan-fic and a The fault in our stars fan-fic, also I'm trying to read 100 books this year. I kinda slacked in January and only read one book, so now I need to read 9 books a month and I want to do NaNoWriMo this year so I probably won't be able to read that much that month either. SO, now that I have rambled on enough let me get to the point. The more ideas and more responses I get from you guys(and girls) the faster I'll update! Now on to the thing you really want, the next chapter.

The Story has been fixed, now there is John (Clary's brother) and Jonathan (Instead of the second Sebation) and the coach is Mr. Morgenstern instead of Mr. Stray If you want I can do a full Cast list next chapter. And if you are one of the crazy editors, don't just comment and say I have a ton of errors, do me a favor and tell me them.

Oh and this is just a little filler chapter most my chapters should be 2,500 words to 3,000 words, this one is a little of a disappointment being about 300 shy of 2,000.


Jace had me blindfolded with a blue handkerchief. I knew we were going to his car, I've been to his house many times and know where the garage is. I know the Lightwoods house almost as well as I know my own house. Once I get into the car all I hear is the rumble of the engine and my heart pounding in my chest. I had never been on a date before, let alone on a date with the Jace Wayland the heartbreaker, soccer star. Wait, why am I acting like this? C'mon Clary, you are the soccer star that put all those stereotypical boys in their rightful place. Okay deep breaths. I hear a voice try to cut in, great now I'm even crazier! I have two voices in my head instead of one, awesome. After a few seconds I begin to realize that it wasn't my voice, or a voice in my head it was Jace trying to talk to me, and that the car had stopped. That must mean were here, wherever here is.

I hear his door open and close and I'm reaching for the door just in time for him to open in and take my arm to help me out. It would have been a much nicer gesture if I could see, but it still made some butterflies start fluttering around in my stomach. I have no clue where we are but it smells really good. Its a very indescribable smell, except good, and maybe you could describe it as clean, but not like after rain type of clean. But it's is overwhelming and makes me even more nervous.

He starts to try to guide me to where we are going, but when I'm not in sports, I'm very clumsy. So I was tripping over my feet every one or two steps, luckily Jace kept catching me, none the less it was very embarrassing. But I could tell his aggravation as we were walking and I fell yet again. So with a squeal from my mouth, he just picked me up and started to carry me towards our destination. I'm not going to lie, I was enjoying it just a little bit. But I was also having way too much blood flow to my face due to how embarrassed I was. He carried me for just a couple more minutes until he finally set me down on something that felt like wood. The minute he sat me down I felt alone because of the heat that was now absent, that was radiating off of his body. He cleared his throat and I heard his footsteps behind me, then felt little tugs on the handkerchief that was still tied around my eyes. The moment it flew away from my face I didn't really see anything, my vision was dark and needed to adjust to the lighting. Luckily, there was very little lighting. Once my eyes started to adjust, I finally got to see where he took me. I was right when I said he sat me down on wood, I was sitting on the gazebo that we shared a kiss in not over a week ago. I loved this platform, it was just hidden enough that you could have privacy but it was also still giving a great view of the world in front of you. I took a deep breath of the night air. I hadn't realized how late it had gotten while Izzy was getting me ready. I was just looking outside of the beams dreamily when a little firefly caught my attention. I was in a daze seeing where the little guy's path was, it was up and over near me. I ended up losing the firefly and was a little sad when he was gone, but I detected a faint yellowish gold light from behind me. I quickly turned to see if it was my newly found buddy but it ended up to be lights that were strung around the gazebo and there he was standing at the other side of the structure smirking out at the tree line, but I also detected a little bit of emotion that I think was uncertainty or nervousness. I had to smile at him, he did this all for me. I want to feel, at least for tonight, that I am the only one he has brought here and done this with. So I get up from my spot on one of the front steps and turn around to walk towards him. I walked over and stood next to him, but I don't think he sensed my presence.

"This is beautiful." I breathed, it really was.

Jace just smiled and looked over at me. "Well you know something that is almost as amazing as this?"

I gave him a little head nod to that. "The amazing food I prepared for us." He said smiling and that made a huge smile find it's way onto my face, I would expect nothing less of him.

"Well I for one don't like it when food goes to waste." I said.

"I am not one to stop you from not letting your food go to waste." He walked over to the middle of the circular room and sat on a blanked, I followed in suit. He reached across the gazebo and pulled out a picnic basket.

"What's on the menu?" I asked in an elegant voice while sitting down with my legs to the side of me and my body resting on my right hand.

"We have steak, shrimp, cod fish, salmon, and ribs." He said in his best posh accent and a corny smile on his face. "What would you like madame?"

"Hmm, what you recommend my fine sir?"

"The steak is medium rare and delicious."

"I guess I will take that for my meal then."

"I'm sorry I just got news that we just ran out of it."

I little part of me was hoping we could have some steak, but most of me knew that wasn't going to happen. "Ah," I faked my best devastated look, "I guess I must ask about your salmon then."

"It is to die for."

"Well then that sounds magnificent."

"I'm sorry we just sold the last piece, if you couldn't tell we are overflowing tonight." As he gestured to the empty park surrounding us. "My sincerest apologies."

"Do you have any seafood left?" I ask in a spectacle tone.

"Let me check," Jace started to rifle through the picnic basket that sat right behind him. "I'm sorry to inform you but none of the fish were biting." He said with his head still submerged in the basket.

"Well then I guess I should be leaving then." I spoke devilishly while I was sliding onto my knees to start to stand up. His eyes glazed over to see me starting to pick myself up off the floor and you could see his movements speed up and he became more crazed while digging through the picnic basket. Aligning myself to stand up straight and brushing off my skirt just made his movements just get a little tenser and a little faster. But I wasn't done bugging him, so I turned in the direction to leave the platform and started to walk. This is where Jace gave up on civilized movements and just started throwing the food out of the basket in a frenzy. I knew because I was hit with ammo of a bag of carrots.

"But why would you leave when you could have an amazing, homemade, peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" He spit all the words out of his mouth in a rush like if he didn't the world would explode. A huge grin spread over my face, it was my luck that he couldn't see it because my back was to him.

"I was really craving some see food." I said, unmoving, hoping he would catch on to my 'see' food comment. After a little while when he didn't respond I felt bad for playing with him so I turned around to face his sad face. "Well I can see that that sandwich isn't going to eat itself." and I turned to go sit by him again.

"Very funny." He said very unamused, and we ate our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in silence. When I was done, I didn't check to see if Jace was done, instead I just had the urge to walk out of the gazebo. I walked out and just stared at the stars, they were beautiful. I was in a trance staring at the stars until a hand on my shoulder shook me out.

I heard music in the background that wasn't there earlier. "Care to dance?" Jace asked me. I just gave him a smile and took his hands. The song we were listening to was one of my favorite songs, fall for you (link on my website fanfiction) Jace and I started with a slow dance to the beginning of the song. Once the words 'bring me' finally got there we sped up and ended up kinda skipping around still holding each others arms, and then he made me start spinning. One of the time he made me spin a little to fast, and I ended up falling on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Jace asked with a huge grin on his face. He put out his hand to help me get up but I ended just pulling him down with me. We laid there for a minute before he pointed out a constellation in the sky. We stayed like that for a few hours, just sitting, talking, laughing. It was amazing. But then the music player thing Jace had ran out of battery and we took that as a sign that we should probably head home. We rode home in silence and I gave him a thanks and a peck on the cheek when I got out of the car. I laid in my bed and thought of how perfect that night was, until I succumbed to sleep.