Castiel heard the call and dropped everything. Dean hadn't called him in a few nights, and hadn't called him like this in months. Castiel thought Dean was getting better but at the sound of his human Castiel halted everything. He knew this was different. He feared the worst as he disappeared without a word to those around him.

He appeared behind Dean, blade in hand and he threw it, imbedding it in the creature's arm. Sam and Dean were both tied to chair and Dean was straining against his bindings to try to get to Sam. The creature looked like a plain woman, very average, except for the black claws she had run across Sam's chest and the serpentine teeth she now hissed at Cas with.

"I'm sorry, Cas,I'm sorry she was killing him…" Cas barely heard Dean as he moved across the room and removed his blade from the creature's shoulder as she started to turn green and grow scales.

"Cas, there are two!" Sam groaned. Castiel culdn't heed his words, the creature clawed at Cas and raked her claws across Cas' stomach. He jumped back and snarled and jumped back into the other creature's waiting arms. It grabbed his wrist that held the blade and grabbed him around the chest. She was stronger than her human form made her seem because she was able to knock Cas off his balance as he tried to pull his wrist loose.

The one with the shoulder wound flicked her tongue out and licked his wound. It was only as it flickered against her tongue that he realized her claws had hit his grace. He struggled but she bit into his side.

"Cas! Oh God no, Cas!" Dean screamed and Cas surged forward, pulling the second creature with him as he yanked his hand down and slammed the blade into the side of the first one's neck. She screamed and the second one raked her claws down Castiel's back. He dropped the blade and his legs buckled. His blade was pulled out of his grasp and the creature let go of him and he collapsed, unsure what was going on until he was pulled to his feet by a familiar blonde.

"Now, Cassie." Bathazar's thick accent filled the room, "Come on, stand up. We have to get you help, come now."

Balthazar reached over and touched Dean's head and in a blink he was standing and staring at Bobby who looked about as shocked as he felt. In the next moment Balthazar was standing beside Bobby holding up Cas as Sam slumped into the cot that was in Bobby's office.

"I need to take him with me so if you will excuse us." The angels were gone. Dean moved over to Sam.

"He's going to need some stitches on his chest and on his arm… the thing tried to torture him to get to me…" Dean muttered as he started to wipe up the blood and completely shut down as he numbly worked on helping Sam and not worrying about Cas as much as he wanted to.

When he had stitched Sam up and gotten him the best medicated they could for him, dean stood up and went to wash himself up and change into some clothes he knew he had left here.

"I have to go get the car, anyone around I can have come with me to drive the truck back?" He muttered.

"Dean, just go to sleep for a few, boy. Leave the address and we will get the impala back here safe and sound. Wait for news on Cas." Bobby patted his shoulder he was about to protest but bobby shook his head so he went and lay down.

Dean didn't realize he had fallen asleep until he woke up screaming and searching the darkness frantically. He bit the inside of his cheek to resist calling out to Castiel who he knew was too hurt to come this time. Castiel had gotten hurt, come at once as soon as Dean called, had dropped everything and was probably dying.

Dean whimpered and hugged his legs. He calmed down as he Bobby's footfalls coming down the hall. He jumped when the door slammed open, "It's okay." He held his hands up, "Just a nightmare…"

Bobby lowered his gun and sat at the foot of dean's bed, "They will both be alright, Kid."

Dean nodded and took a deep breath. He couldn't live if even oone of them was gone. He just couldn't do it. He closed his eyes and lay to the side. Bobby touched his foot and left him alone. This time, he didn't sleep.

Blathazar appeared to Sam when he called in the night. Sam was sitting alone on the cot he had been left to get better on. He looked up, "Thank you for coming... The other day even though you could have died. I didn't know who else to call."

"It's no problem. Anything to help Cassie... those things were killing him." Balthazar saidin a very uncharacteristically affectionate voice.

"How is he doing?" Sam muttered.

"He didn't wake up so we aren't sure the extent of the damage n both his Grace and vessel alike. I will tell you more when I know more. Ta." He seemed to be getting... was that emotional? Sam couldn't tell in the dark and how fast the angel left. He hoped Cas would be okay.

Sorry this took so long guys! But here it is! Next chapter! Enjoy!