3rd person P.O.V.

Somewhere in the Village hidden in the Clouds, in a little none-ninja town, in a little bar there were two women.

One of the women had blond hair that reached her mid-back and it had two low ponytails, she had brow eyes and had a diamond on her forehead. She wears a grass-green haori, underneath she wears a grey blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants. Her blouse is closed quite low, revealing her fairly large chest. She wears sandals with high heels.

The other woman has red long hair that goes around her face a little and covers her right eye, her eyes are green, she wears a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that falls just below the knees, and is kept open on the front-right side from the waist down. Underneath, she wears a mesh armor. She also wears shorts in the same color as her dress, underneath those, mesh leggings reaching down over her knees. Around her waist, she wears a belt with high-heeled sandals.

"And then he fell over his own feet and face planted the ground!"



The two Hokage's laughed drinking sake.

"Great story Tsunade, I can't believe we didn't do this sooner!" the fifth Mizukage said, the fifth Hokage nodded.

"Me neither, were having such a great time, the other Kage's should follow our lead and become friends, it would help with the peace between our Nations" the Hokage said.

"Yeah, we should take the lead and show them how to do it, you know like a contract that can't be broken so easily." The Mizukage said.

"I think I have an idea Mei" Tsunade said, Mei looked at Tsunade.

"What is it?" she asked, Tsunade smiled with pride.

"A marriage!" she said, Mei blinked.

"I'm sorry Tsunade but I won't marry you, I have a Village to run." Mei said, Tsunde got a vain on her head, very short tempered.

"Not me! We should arrange a marriage to bond our Villages and avoid one of us betraying the other!" Mei thought about it.

"That's not a bad idea…" Tsunade smiled.

"Of course it's not a bad idea! It's a great idea!" Mei sweat dropped, Confident much?

"So, who did you have on your mind?" Mei asked Tsunade.

"Of course one of our finest ninja's!" Mei thought about it, she had Amaya but it would be risky.

"And who did you have on your mind from your Village? Not Naruto Uzumaki, right?" Mei asked, Tsunade sweat dropped.

"No, he would be… I don't know how it would be but I don't want to chaise away the girl…" Tsunade said, Mei sweat dropped.

"Well…. I have one ninja, but… it would be risky" Mei said, Tsunade looked at her with slightly narrowed eyes.

"And why?" she asked her, Mei sighed.

"She hates Konoha." Tsunade's eyes narrowed immediately.

"And why is that?" Mei sighed deeply and looked at the glass of sake in her hands.

"Her clan was killed, she used to live in Konohagakure. She saw the killer and the elders wouldn't believe her, so she ran away and now she's in my Village, my best ninja." Tsunade looked at Mei a little confused.

"From what Clan is she?" Mei looked at her.

"Her mother was from the Sukiru clan" Tsunade's eyes widened.

"Weren't they-"

"Massacred? Yes but she survived, the clan was killed because of her." Tsunade's eyes widened.

"Why?" Mei looked at Tsunade, then it hit her.

"She knew who killed her clan… who did it and why?" Mei sighed.

"Before I tell you that I want to know who you choose from your Village" Tsunade sighed, she really wanted to know.

"Sasuke Uchiha" Mei face palmed.

"Out of all the guys in the Village, you choose him" Tsunade narrowed her eyes.

"Hey, he said he would stay and won't kill anyone and he's under surveillance!" Mei nodded.

"I know, I have confidence in your security but it's the Uchiha that you chose for this that I'm worried." Tsunade sighed.

"Just tell me about the girl" Mei sighed.

"Her mother is from the Sukiru clan, her father is from the… Uchiha clan" Tsunade's eyes widened.

"She's an Uchiha?! Why didn't you tell me earlier or the previous Hokage?!" Mei sighed.

"It was Ayame's wish to not let anyone know, she's very touchy about this subject, you could get her mad really quick" Tsunade sighed.

"And what does this have to do with Sasuke? She's an Uchiha, he should know that there is another" Mei looked at Tsunde with a serious expression.

"He has something to do with this because of the killer of her clan"

"Then who killed her clan?" Tsunde asked, Mei looked down and then looked at Tsunde with a very serious expression.

"Fugaku Uchiha…-" Tsunade's eyes widened as she knew who it was "-Sasuke Uchiha's father." This coughed Tsunde off guard, anyone, but him?!

"He heard that one of his Uchiha's had a child with a Sukiru, the two clan's were on bad terms and they had a child together, a Sukiru and a Uchiha. The Sukiru seemed to accept it but the Uchiha's didn't so he killed her clan she was 5 back then and nobody believed her. She said that she went to the academy a little while and made some friends like Naruto Uzumaki and some others bur she kept her distance during the war, so nobody would recognize her, but she was hoping that someone would. She told the elders who it was and they didn't believe her, she got mad and ran away." Tsunade's eyes were still wide, she couldn't believe thins.

"That's why she hates the Village?" she asked Mei, Mei nodded.

"Yes, when she finished the academy I trained her for a while, she finished after 6 months, she was stronger than the others, she was still 5, she was trained by the seven swordsmen of the Mist along with Zabuza before he became a rouge. She respected them and when she found out who killed Zabuza she was furious. The copy cat should be on his guard, she's not someone to be underestimated. She trained day and almost all night too, she sometimes trained till she passed out, she was very determine to reach her goal" Tsuned narrowed her eyes.

"And what is her goal?" Mei looked at her sake again.

"To kill every last Uchiha" Tsunade looked at her with still narrowed eyes.

"You're right it will be risky, she might kill the only male Uchiha left and then the Clan will we wiped out completely. But she's an Uchiha herself, she can't kill herself… right?" Mei looked at her without any word, Tsunade's eyes widened "She's gonna kill herself when she kills him" Mei nodded.

"I tried to talk her out of it a lot of times, but she didn't want to listen, she's very smart and hot headed and does everything with a reason, she's also a fighter. When she found out about us meeting I had to send almost a whole army to stop her from following us, she probably beating up guard now" Mei laughed.

-Meantime in the Village Hidden in the Mist-

"Ow, stop it Ayame!" Ayame was beating up guards.

"No! I want to go, I can still make it, let go of me!" she shouted jumping up and kicking the guards that all knew her, she's the best and would never hurt them, but she would beat them up pretty bad.

"Ayame, the Mizukage will be back soon and you don't know where she is!" Ayame stopped, the guards sighed relieved.

"I'm from the Sukiru clan, were know for our speed, strength and chakra control, I can sense her from here if I wanted to" the guards eyes widened as they attacked her again.

"Get off of me!"

-Back in the bar-

"Does she do that a lot?"

"Only if you get her mad" Mei laughed more "She's a fun one though, she's a great fighter and very good with helping with my paperwork! I have so much free time when she helps me, that's why I had the time to meet with you today, because she helped me and I don't have any paperwork!" Tsunde looked a little jealous, she wants' someone o help her with the paperwork too!

"Then It's decided! We will bring the two Uchiha's together and I hope to see little Uchiha's running around in my Village again!" Mei looked at her with wide eyes.

"Didn't you just hear that she might kill him?!" Tsunade smirked.

"That will only make it a challenge for him to make her fall in love with him!" Mei sweat dropped.

"You just want her to do your paperwork don't you?" Tsunde smiled sheepishly.

"Maybe, but anyways she a member from the Village, she has to come back eventually and she's an Uchiha, she's perfect! When will we let them meet? Mei sighed.

"Let's say in a week, that gives me the time to prepare my funeral when she tries to kill me" Tsunade laughed.

"I like her already!" Mei rose a eyebrow.

"We will see about that, she's a lot like you, your personalities might clash and if that happens there might be a fifth war comin." Tsunde laughed more.

"Perfect, I want to see Sasuke have his problems with her, and I will have to rise the security to not lose him if she tries to kill him." Mei smiled lightly.

"You don't have to worry about that, she won't kill him openly she will try it but stop at the last second. She also beats up my guards but get's along with them well, she follows orders but she can annoy you, and don't let yourself be fooled, she might want to fool you the moment she steps into the village, so I will send you a scroll with all her information, achievements and a picture that's probably the most important thing, you will be surprised at what you will see, that I guarantee you." Tsunade smirked

'I hope so!"

Ayame P.O.V.

I slammed my hand on Mei's desk.


"Your clan is from there and you belong there so you will go there and get married, it will make our bond with the Leaf Village better and we will put up a great example for the other Villages!" she said, I grumbled.

"I will not go!" I grumbled.

"Yes you will!" she said with narrowed eyes, we had a glare down for a while, I growled.

"I swear I will kill him!" she smirked.

"I knew you will go!" she said smiling happily, I glared damn swords, daggers, shuriken, kunai and more at her, she's the only one who can survive my death glare "Now, stop glaring and go pack, you will be aviated there in a week and the way is long, so say you goodbyes and pack you will leave in 5 day's" I growled.

"So, you just want to get rid of me ey?" she looked up from her work glaring at me.

"I would never do that! You're my best ninja and like a little sister to me, I just want the best for you!" I glared at her.

"By sending me away to marry a guy you won't even tell me about?! Is that the best for me?! Is that what sisters do?!" I shouted at her, she stood up from her chair.

"I care for you, don't you think it hurts me to send you away?! It's killing me to send my little sister away! I want the best for you and right now that is the best for you! You will begin a new life and you will be able to see your old friends back." She said, I shook my head.

"I don't have friends there! If they were friends they would have recognized me during the war, but they didn't!" I said.

"They didn't because you were gone for years and you were 5 back then! You were wearing your ANBU mask, who could recognize you? Nobody!"

"Not even one Mei, not even one" she looked at me with sympathy, I missed my former friends but I was still mad at the Village and the elders, I want to get rid of that annoying last Uchiha and then finish it completely.

"I know, I'm sorry" she said walking around her table to me and hugging me, I hugged back, I didn't cry, I never cry.

"Now go there and show them the great ninja you are and show the elders that they made a big mistake by not believing you" she said with a smile, I smiled up at her but it fell fast.

"I will still test them, and I still don't want to marry the guy!" she sighed.

"It will make the bond between Villages better and she's your new Kage now, show her what she's messing with" Mei said with a smirk, I smirked back.

"This is not over yet". her smirk grew.

"I didn't expect it to bee."

Tsunade P.O.V.

I send a ninja to get Sasuke, I will tell him about the marriage but not that she's an Uchiha, I will keep that a surprise.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I looked up from my paperwork "Come in" I said and the door opened, Sasuke and Naruto walked inside, I gave Naruto the mission to watch Sasuke, he has to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

"You wanted to see me?" he asked, I nodded.

"Yes, I have something to tell you" I said, he kept quiet, I took that as I sigh to keep talking, Naruto looked very interested.

"I have made an arrangement with the Mizukage, to build more trust between the two Hidden Villages and make an example for the other Villages"

"What king of arrangements?!" Narruto asked very curiously, I smiled.

"A arranged marriage!" I said with pride.

"What?!" Naruto shouted, Sasuke's eyes widened.

"You will marry a girl from Kirigakure who was born here but moved there. She's a remarkably good ninja and she's from a strong clan, her clan was killed when she was five and she will arrive here next week. The Mizukage told me that she can be very smart and dangerous and that you should be on your guard, she might kill you the moment she sees you." I said with a smile, his eyes were still wide, he was processing the information I gave him, then they narrowed.

"And why will she try to kill me?" he asked, Naruto nodded.

"Yeah, why?!" he asked, is sighed.

"Let's just say she's not a fan of the Uchiha or you, so be on your guard and start training because she's a prodigy and not afraid to kill."

"Hn" My eye twitched, I might kill him before she gets the chance.

"Now, go home and prepare your house for your fiancé." I said, he grumbled and walked away, Naruto followed him, I smirked.

'I can't wait till she gets here!'

First chapter of IWMYSILY damn that's long let's just call it ILY =D

I hope you like the first chapter! =D

I don't own Naruto sadly TT^TT

I'm having a Sasuke moment so almost all of my stories are about him, but don't worry, I have more ideas for other stories =D

Anyways, read, vote, comment/ review!


BloodyMoonX XD