It was the perfect plan.
He'd storm to Chor-gom tell those Rhinos what he really thought of them and all the mental agony they caused, maybe throw a couple of punches, and get back to the Jade Palace before Shifu even noticed he was gone, absolutely perfect. But in foresight maybe he shouldn't have eaten so many of Ling's special Moon cakes before leaving.
Now he was standing at the thread of hope which was still unrepaired and in his current hazy mind he couldn't figure out a way to get across so he stood screaming slurred obscenities and insults at the mountain side stopping only to catch his breath before he continued his verbal onslaught.
Suddenly his vision started shifting and he stumbled backwards, bright colors exploded over the mountains face and onto the snow below starting a strange dance, spinning rapidly and merging together only separate seconds later, it was too much movement and it was making him dizzy.
Taking a seat in the snow that once was pure white but was now a spectrum of colors, blue, green, pink and purple, he breathed deeply through his mouth, his head felt like and odd fuzzy ball was bouncing around inside, ugh this couldn't be good and what was that odd pink thing that was inching closer to him?
"Mm?" he mumbled quietly to the pink blob that shivered closer to him.
"Tai Lung!" the blob yelled angrily.
Tai lung blinked slowly huh, the blob sounded at lot Shifu funny "What?"
"Why are you out here?" The blob demanded it's shape beginning to take a familiar form.
"Shifu?" The snow leopard slurred, rubbing his eyes "I... dunno"
Shifu shook his head in frustration "get up, we're going home."
"Mm Kay." Tai Lung said grinning lazily, the red panda's words not actually registering in his mind and he remained in the snow poking at the swirling colors on its cold surface.
Shifu sighed deeply pulling his son's arm gently until he rolled onto his knees and eventually stood clumsily to his feet.
"What did you get into?" The red panda asked unperturbed.
Tai Lung's head bobbed airily swinging his arm above his head "Moon cakes."
Shifu kneaded his forehead, urging the snow leopard forward he would worry himself with his son's whereabouts after he got him back to the palace.

A Young Pallas cat skipped cheerfully into a darkened hut "Hey Ling!" she called in the darkness "Got any more Moon cakes?"
A cream Rabbit with purple and pink dyed ears poked her head out from behind a wall " Ren! what a surprise" she cried "No seems I'm fresh out, but no worry I'm getting a shipment soon"
"Oh, okay I see" Ren said quietly, looking down at her hoofs "I'll come back later then..."
Ling waved slowly watching as the goat trotted out the door "Yes, make sure you do"
Odd affect those pastry's had on some animals, but they sure made her a pretty

A/N. Hmm well I'm not so sure about this one but its been floating around for a while and I had to get it out, as always Please review :) I got the prison name right this time yay!