A/N: Suzanne Collins owns everything, I just play a little with her characters. Additional notes at end of chapter.

Chapter Eighteen

Peeta POV

It's been two long weeks since I was released from the hospital, and if I thought the first few hours she left me were bad, these were down right unbearable. Now that life is relatively back to normal, I've felt Katniss' absence in every aspect of my life. I'm still struggling to understand how someone who was in my life for less than three months could make such a huge impact. It's like my life was divided into two parts: before Katniss and after Katniss.

"You're grinding your teeth again." Rue says plainly, disrupting my descent into self pity.

"Thanks," I grumble.

"So, we finally have neighbors." Rue hooks her thumb to the building sharing the wall to the bakery. The space has been vacant for a while, so it's nice to hear that someone finally is putting it to good use. It also might bring in some additional foot traffic.

"Really?" I inquire. I sound more interested than I really am; I'm just grateful for something else to think about besides my Katniss dilemma.

"Yeah, it's going to be some boutique or something. I met the owner yesterday, she's super nice and is really excited to be in the downtown area. Apparently her father is the mayor, so if you make nice, maybe we can start doing jobs for the local government." Her eyes are big at the possibility, and I have to admit, so are mine. I've been looking for a chance like this, and with renovations starting in a few weeks, the place will look as good as my inventions taste. Rue continues, "Did I mention how pretty she is…?"

"Stop right there." I hold out my hands. "I see what you're doing, and I'm not interested." I chuckle lightly, but I hope she understands my undertone, as this is something I clearly don't want.

"C'mon boss, it's been a few weeks and Katniss won't return your calls or texts. Don't get me wrong, I really like the girl, but maybe you should move on…I mean, it sounds like she has." Rue says softly.

I give her a slight frown, successfully ending the conversation. In reality, I know exactly how Katniss is doing…Finnick keeps me dutifully informed. At first, I was incredibly jealous of him, to the point it almost ended our friendship. Having such a charmed life, he seemed to get out of this whole thing unscathed. Actually, better than unscathed - he is now living with the love of his life, while I ended up with less than nothing. He said he'd keep an eye on Katniss, but I had to stop being bitter and envious of him…I reluctantly agreed.

From his daily reports I get each night, it's fair to say she's having a hard time with all this as well. She rarely leaves her room and the house has gotten used to waking up to her screaming nightmares. Prim, who was originally going to crash on the couch for the summer, has taken to Katniss' room in order to help her out, but it doesn't seem to be doing much good. I almost want him to stop the updates each day, as they just depress me more. I want to be there to comfort her and make her feel better, but instead ... fucking Gale is there.

I tear off my apron and mumble something about taking a break before stomping out the back door to take a breather. Gale. Fucking Gale Hawthorne. Just his name turns my face hot with rage. I try to remind myself of that day in the hospital, sitting next to Katniss' bed, her face flush with emotion. She had all but said she still loved me - I believe her exact words were "I never loved him the way I love…"" I know she was going to end it by saying "you"…at least I tell myself that daily. It's what I cling to, what I use as my beacon of hope that there is still a future for us.

But Gale ... he's less than ten feet away from her. He can offer that shoulder to cry on, and in her weakened state, anything could happen. Ugh! I kick a pebble next to my shoe, watching it ping off the brick walls in the tiny alley behind the bakery. I keep kicking small objects - violently - hoping it will curb my desire to put my fist through the wall, or more realistically, break my hand and do absolutely nothing to the wall.

Before I have a chance to start visualizing him trying to sneak a kiss from her soft, plump lips - a thought that has caused handfuls of my hair to be extracted by my clenched fists - a saccharine sweet voice draws my attention.

"I'm not disturbing you am I?" A perky blonde stands a few feet away, her golden hair up in a neat, tight bun atop her head. Because of her height and modest clothing, she would appear almost juvenile, if it weren't for her ample breasts straining her button-up shirt.

I clear my throat, "um, no. No, I was just taking a break."

"Oh ok. I'm Madge. I'm the new owner of the boutique next to this bakery." She points to my building. She's soft-spoken, almost as much as Annie, except she doesn't seem as timid. She takes a few steps closer, her dark blue eyes growing large as she looks me up and down. Rue was right: she is pretty.

"Hi, I'm Peeta. Peeta Mellark. I own the bakery." I realize it's the first time I've said 'own' in relation to the bakery and it's the truth; it's all mine now, and the thought brings an immediate grin to my face. "I think you met one of my employees, Rue, yesterday?"

"Oh yes! She's a spitfire, that one!" Madge giggles. I open my mouth to agree, when my cell phone rings. I check the screen, and see that it's Finnick.

"Can you hold on a minute? I have to take this." She gives me a sheepish nod and I turn slightly as I answer. "Hey Fin, what's up?"

"You sound awfully chipper." His usual melodic swagger is mixed with mirth. "You got some chick going down on you or something?"

I scoff, his vulgar personality never ceases to make me blush. "No asshole. I just met the owner of the new boutique going in next door to the bakery."

"Oh, well great! Invite them along! Annie and I are hosting a bar-b-que this weekend as a house warming. You have to come!" I can hear Annie quietly urging Finnick to make sure I attend. I have successfully avoided their new house for the last two weeks, having Annie and Fin come to my house when they wanted to visit. But with Madge standing right there, I can't list all the reasons why it would be a bad idea; he knows he has me trapped.

"Yeah, I'll go. Can I bring anything?" I muster all the enthusiasm I can.

"Nope, just your handsome self and any hotties you want to bring." I hear Annie slap his arm - at least I hope it was his arm - as he barks out laughter before the call disconnects.

I turn to Madge, who is playing with an invisible string on her blouse. Since she was privy to the conversation, I feel guilty not inviting her. "So…you want to go to a bar-b-que this weekend? My buddy and his girlfriend just moved in together, and they are having a house warming."

"Sure!" She gleefully replies. She must think she responded too boldly, because she quickly adds. "I mean, yea. Here's my card." She hands me a purple card with her name and number, along with the name of the new boutique, before bouncing off.

I walk back inside. Rue is in the back room mixing up some ingredients for bread we'll bake tomorrow. "You look better." She smiles.

"Oh yea, I met the new owner, Madge, and Finnick invited me to a bar-b-que this weekend. Madge is coming too. Do you want to come?" I pull my apron over my head and make my way to the other side of the table to help her prep for tomorrow.

"Nah, I don't want to be a third wheel on your date." She snickers.

"Date? This isn't a date, she was standing in front of me when he called so I had to invite her." I exclaim. Oh God, does Madge think this is a date? My palms are starting to sweat.

"Uh huh." Rue wrinkles her nose while tilting her eyebrow up.

"No, seriously Rue. My heart is still broken in tiny, itty bitty pieces, there's no way I can even think about dating right now." My voice sounds thin and panicked.

"But you think she's pretty, right?" She pushes.

"Well yes, but anyone can appreciate her beauty…it's obvious. I'm more into the dark, mysterious type." I give a weak smile that I know doesn't reach my eyes. Rue just gives me an understanding nod but never looks up to see the pain etched in my face. "So, you're going, right? Please go, I don't want Madge to think this is a date." I plead.

"Sure, I'll go." She concedes.

"Great! I'll pick you at at six thirty." I exhale a sigh of relief and get back to my work at hand.

I don't know why I'm so nervous when we swing by to pick up Madge. I made sure to pick up Rue first so she sat up front with me leaving Madge the back seat…hoping she understood the sly maneuver as 'not a date'.

"Hey guys!" She gingerly buckled herself in the back seat, a huge grin accentuating her features.

"Hey Madge." Rue and I answer in unison.

"I have to tell you, I'm pretty excited about this!" She can barely contain the giggles as she fidgets in her seat. Rue and I look at each other quizzically. It was just a silly bar-b-que with people she didn't even know, what was so great about that? Sensing our confusion, she continued. "Um…being the mayor's daughter I never really…uh…got asked to go places. Plus I was kind of shy so people assumed I was stuck up." She finished sadly.

"Well, you're in for a treat, Finnick is not only my best friend, but one of the friendliest guys around. He'll make sure you get introduced to everyone." I try to relay cheerfully. She returns with a determined smirk.

Shortly thereafter we arrived at Finnick's, and the party was in full swing. Thankfully, they just opened the gate to the backyard instead of having us roam through the house to get to the party outside. I don't know if I'm quite ready to go inside just yet. Madge smoothed her skirt - which was surprisingly short compared to what she was wearing the other day - and fluffed up her hair a bit. I hide my smile at her attempt to "primp" herself, knowing Katniss would never do anything so trivial.

We walked around the back, and I immediately spotted Finnick. He waved us over, wearing the same stupid apron and toque from last time. An ominous feeling overcame me; seeing him like that again gave me a sickening sense of deja vu. I pushed the feeling down and trudged ahead, giving him a box of fresh baked chocolate cupcakes.

"I said you didn't have to bring anything!" He chided.

"I know, but you knew I would anyway." I grab a beer out of the cooler next to him. After taking a long swig, I take my time to look around at all the people.

"If you're looking for Kitty Kat, she's still inside. Annie's trying to coax her out, but who knows if that'll work." He rolls his eyes while taking a long pull from his bottle.

"I wasn't looking for anyone in particular." I lie.

"Sure." Finnick rolls his eyes. "So who's the cute blonde you came with?" He wags his eyebrows while licking his lips.

I punch him hard in the arm. "Her name is Madge, she's the new boutique owner I was telling you about."

"Well you should try to hit that, man! I think she likes you - she hasn't taken her eyes off you since you came over here."

"Probably because she doesn't know anyone." I pointed out. Finnick called her over and she practically skipped up next to me. He handed her a beer and introduced himself and a few other people standing nearby.

"So you guys wanna see the house?" he urged.

Immediately I feel my stomach bottom out. For some odd reason, it feels like if I step foot in there, it's all real. The pain, the rejection, the new-start, all summed up inside those walls. I shrug my shoulders and Madge eagerly agrees.

We walk through the sliding door immediately into a dining area. I recognize Katniss' old oak table at once, and my heart takes its first hit. We ate so many wonderful meals at that table, kissed and flirted at that table…this was going to be a lot harder than I originally thought. We make our way to the kitchen directly ahead; I'm relieved to see nothing familiar, and we keep moving into the living room. Finnick is pointing out architectural details here and little antidotes there, but my eyes will only focus on the furniture I know is Katniss'. The couch where we made love, the coffee table where I bumped my knee and she laughed so hard she cried. Suddenly I feel like I want to cry.

Standing in the middle of the living room, Finnick is in the middle of describing how he rigged the sound system when I see her walk from the hallway. Her chocolate brown hair severely straight, hanging loosely around her shoulders. Annie must have straightened or something…and also put makeup on her? I notice how her lips are shimmering, and her usually stunning eyes make my knees go weak as they seem to radiate with whatever Annie did to them. Sure enough, Annie is trotting right behind her, lighting up when she sees me.

"Oh hey Peeta!" She stops short when she sees Madge behind Finnick. "Oh. Hi. I'm Annie." She holds out her hand but looks at me sideways, a disappointed grimace on her face. I feel another stab at my heart: if she thinks I'm here with Madge, then Katniss must think the same thing. I steal a glance at Katniss, and her eyes are narrowed into her legendary scowl.

I gulp thickly and interject quickly. "This is Madge, she owns the space next to the bakery. She doesn't get out much, so Rue and I brought her to introduce her to some people." I rub my palms against my legs, looking helplessly from Annie to Katniss.

"How noble of you." Katniss deadpans.


"He is quite the gentleman." Madge pipes up. Her attempt at kindness is unwittingly making matters worse.

"Yes, well you two make quite the couple." Katniss spits out. Madge gives me a baffled look and before I can deny anything, Katniss is out the sliding glass door slamming it shut behind her.

"Did I say something wrong?" Madge sputtered.

"No, she and I…we…ugh. It's complicated." I scrub my face with my hand. "It has nothing to do with you," I reassure her. "I'm going to go out there…" I don't even finish my sentence before seeing all three of them nod at me approvingly. I hear Finnick tell Madge she has some people he wants to introduce her to.

It doesn't take long for me to spot her. I march up to her with all the confidence I can muster. "Don't be rude to Madge because you're mad at me," I plead.

She almost spits out the gulp she had just taken. Wiping her chin with the back of her hand she lets out a bitter laugh. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to offend your new girlfriend." She waves her Solo cup around, feigning empathy. I wonder for a second what she put in that cup because she's drinking it hastily; from the smell of it, it appears to be straight vodka.

"She's not my girlfriend, Katniss. I can't believe you think I could move on that quickly." I avert my eyes, too ashamed to have her see the tears welling in them. Dammit, pull yourself together Mellark! It's just ... she's so gorgeous and she smells so good…and she's so close.

"I don't know what to think when it comes to you, that's the problem." She laments. "And to think I went through all this trouble to look this way just to have you show up with some bimbo…" she mutters and I can't hear the rest. My head shoots up, a tiny bit of assurance rips through me…so she did dress up for me. I take a step closer to her, boundaries be damned, I'm going to kiss her. As I lean in, she puts the red cup to her lips again and drains the contents.

I'm about to attempt another kiss when I feel a large hand brace my shoulder. "Hey bread boy." His husky voice taunts.

All my muscles tense and I slowly turn around, facing the olive-skinned brute. "Gale. So did you come over to finish what I started at the hospital?" I clench my fists at my side, adrenaline coursing through my veins. Silently I plead to have him hit me first, I want desperately to rid myself of some of these overwhelming feelings. Right now, my body believes the only way I can do that is to fight this man in front of me. Gale takes a step forward, rubbing his hands together; we lock eyes and I know his body is telling him the same thing.

"Stop!" Katniss screeches, holding out her hand to separate us. "Don't fight! That's…that's dumb." We both look at her, shocked that she's already slurring her words and struggling to stand up straight.

"Catnip, this asshole was trying to kiss you. I could spot it all the way across the yard." Gale returns his gaze to me, narrowing his eyes.

"Good! Lettem!" She angrily points her wry little finger at Gale. I stupidly grin; it sure sounded to me like she said 'let him.' "Thiss whole thing is so dumb." She says plainly before plopping on the ground and crossing her legs. "I mean, I lub him…" She hooks her thumb in my direction before continuing, "but it's so messed up." She puts her head in her hands and shakes her head sadly.

Gale looks from her to me then back to Katniss. "You still love him? But I thought ... you and I …"

Katniss slowly drags her hands from her face, and looks up at Gale and tries to focus. "Gale, you and I…you and I are friends. Bess friends. But I lub Peeya." I wish I could take a picture of the horror that washes over Gale's face. Finally his pompous ass got put in place. I fold my arms triumphantly in front of my chest. I feel so validated and refreshed by Katniss' affirmation of love.

The smug feeling is short lived, as I'm knocked to the ground by a fist connecting solidly with my face. "Gale! Gale! Stop it!" I hear Katniss cry before a loud ringing drowns out her voice. That bastard hit me in the ear!

I slowly try to get my bearings, painfully aware of the attention Gale and I have drawn. Thankfully, I catch Annie and another blonde girl with a braid similar to Katniss's, rush her out of the backyard and into the house. I get to my knees, and lift my head slightly to see Gale yelling something at me, but I can't quite make it out.

I put my high school wrestling knowledge to good use and keep myself hunched over. I charge Gale, hitting him hard in his stomach and knocking him backwards. We rumble around the grass, yelling obscenities at each other and letting our fists fly furiously, but hitting the ground more often than each other.

Just as fast as the fight started, it stopped when someone poured frigid water over us, It shocked us just enough to make us pull apart and see where it had come from. There stood Finnick, his normally carefree face etched with anger and disgust. Gale must have noticed the look as well, because he cleared his throat while dusting himself off, putting additional distance between us. "Knock this shit off, right now! Peeta, don't come into my house and disrespect us by fighting him…and Gale! If you do that again, your ass can find a new place to live!" Finnick's voice was icier than the water that saturated my shirt.

"I'm sorry, man. It wont' happen again." I say timidly, shoving my hands into my pockets. Gale murmurs the same sentiment, looking bashfully to the ground.

"You two need to solve whatever it is that is going on. I'm going to go check on Annie and Katniss. When I get back out here, you two better have this shit figured out." His finger was aggressively pointing at us, his seething still evident in his features. I don't look to Gale until I hear the sliding glass door shut, his eyes finding mine as well. The crowd of partygoers had started to disperse, but I can still hear them whispering about our fight and see their disproving looks. I decide to tune everyone else out and focus on the task at hand. We have to get past this, especially if I want a future with Katniss.

"I guess that's it. You win." Gale uttered, a sharp edge in his voice.

"It wasn't about winning though, man, at least not for me." I try to let him see the sincerity in my eyes. "I love her, Gale, and it isn't just because she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, or because of how strong a person she is…but those are factors. It's a million little things, like how she always has to have covers over her before she sleeps, even if it's 100 degrees outside. Or how she never sweetens anything, like tea or coffee; or how she chews on her thumb nail, but only when she's nervous. Or how I've never seen her smile at any stand up comedian, but you show her a cat doing something stupid on the internet and she's beside herself with laughter.

"I didn't want to fall in love with her; it would have made everything so much easier if I was able to just be friends, but what we have is bigger than that. It's bigger than the case I was on, it's bigger than the lies I had to tell, and I know we'll be together again. If it takes her years to forgive me, then so be it, I'll wait. She's it for me." I don't know if the tears started to roll down my cheeks because of the physical agony from taking a beating, or because my heart felt swelled to capacity.

Gale ran his hand through his hair, and then set it on my shoulder. "I get it now. I get it." Was all he said before he slumped to the ground, grabbing his bleeding arm. After releasing what felt like every emotion I had, I joined him on the ground, not able to keep myself up any longer. I heard someone jogging over to us, then a gentle hand caress my leg, right above my knee.

"Are you guys ok?!" Madge exclaimed anxiously. "I was going to come over here sooner but Katniss held me back. She said you guys needed to talk?"

"Katniss was out here?" I ask incredulously.

"Yea, she came out to stop you guys when Finnick went in. She went back inside right after you finished talking, Peeta. That was really beautiful, by the way…what you said about your love for her." Madge smiled. "You're bleeding a little .. did you want me to get you anything?"

"No, no, I'm ok. I think I'm just going to head home. Do you think you can catch a ride with someone? You and Rue?" I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. I'd never felt more embarrassed in my entire life, and Katniss had heard my whole sappy speech. I must have sounded like such a creep.

"I can give you and Rue a ride home." Gale spoke up stiffly. He was still holding his arm close to his abdomen, but he managed a smile. As if just noticing him for the first time, Madge's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. She nodded her head repeatedly while moving from me to Gale to assess his injuries. I hobbled up and limped to my car. I took off like a bat out of hell.

Once I arrived at my apartment, I took some aspirin and sunk into my couch, willing away the humiliation and physical pain I felt. I must have dozed off because I woke to my phone ringing. Growling, I picked it up and barked a hasty hello.

"Yeesh, want me to call back?" Finnick's voice had it's playful tone again.

"No, I just woke up. Listen, I'm really sorry, but I think Gale and I worked it out, so you don't have to worry about us again." I stammered. Now that I was awake, my whole body was sore, and it seemed to take twice as much energy just to talk.

"Yea, it's ok, we're alright. Plus, I think some good came out of it. That blonde hottie you brought was hanging on Gale the rest of the night, and he didn't seem to mind at all…if you know what I mean." I could just picture Finnick wagging his stupid eyebrows.

"Really? That would be good, she said she wanted to make new friends and everything. I hope it works out the way she wants." I meant that, too. Madge was such a sweet girl.

"Plus your little 'love spiel' really had the women swooning. I'm glad Annie didn't hear it, she'd start expecting me to say shit like that." Fin let out a chuckle.

"You heard it?" I wiped my hand over my aching jaw; this was only getting worse.

"No, but everyone was talking about it, and the fight too, of course." He barked out more laughter. Fucking Fin.

"Madge said Katniss was there to witness the 'love spiel' as you call it?" I sighed heavily.

"Yea, she came back in crying, but I don't know how she feels about it. She hasn't left her room since you left the bar-b-que, and Annie won't tell me anything - probably because she knows I'll tell you." I could tell he was smirking on the other end of the line. "Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Your ass got beat pretty bad."

I scoffed at the obvious revelation. "I'm never going to another one of your bar-b-ques again Finnick." I hung up before he could reply.

It was the next Friday, a week after the party, that the bruises on my face finally started to disappear. Rue and I started a game to see who could come up with the most creative story to tell nosy customers asking how I got them. She won with an elaborate story that involved some dog/bear beast that I encountered in the woods, where I go to sketch. The look on the poor woman's face almost had me bursting at the seams.

Since it was Friday, Rue had the day off and I let my other employee go home early, as it was slow and I had plenty of time to do the prep work in between customers. I had just covered the bread to proof for tomorrow's loaves when I heard the familiar ding alerting me to an arriving customer up front. "Be right there!" I yelled as I cleaned my hands on the towel by the sink. Just as I opened the swinging door that separated the kitchen from the storefront, I stopped dead in my tracks. There, standing at the register was the love of my life, Katniss Everdeen.

"Hi!" I spurted enthusiastically.

She moved her weight from one foot to the other, fidgeting nervously and opening her mouth once or twice without saying anything. I tried to calm the horses that were galloping in my stomach, and disguise the deep breaths I had to take to keep my heart from pounding out of my chest. Finally, she spoke. "I'll take a dozen cheese buns please."

My mouth hung slightly; that was it? I tried to recover from my shock by putting the requested buns in a box for her. "Here you go, same discount as always." I wink in an attempt to let her know there were no hard feelings. She promptly scowled at me and slapped a twenty dollar bill on the counter while scooping up her box and marching out the door.

It would have been kinder if she had socked me in the stomach. I spent the next week scrutinizing our encounter, until the next Friday rolled around. Just like last time, right before closing, when I was all alone, she strolled in again. You would think in the thousand ways I dissected the last visit, I would have come up with a plan if she were to come back, but that thought never crossed my mind. I couldn't even manage a simple greeting; her presence jarred every nerve of my body. I mindlessly went about boxing her cheese buns while she glared at me, and it wasn't until I handed her the box that I finally mustered up the courage to speak.

"You, uh, gave me more than they cost last week, so we're good." I shot her my best attempt at a smile, but she seemed unfazed. She turned around and left without saying a word. Not. One. When I looked down, there was another twenty dollar bill sitting on the counter. I crumpled the money in my fist, taking out my frustrations on the innocent tender.

Every Friday was the same: she'd come in, say one or two words…if anything at all, leave twenty bucks and leave. "She's acting like we don't even know each other, Rue!" I whined on a lazy Thursday. I started to hate Thursdays, they were the worst day of the week now, because I knew she'd come in the next day and my stomach would be in knots until she did.

Rue gave me a sympathetic look. "Prim told me her therapist said she needed to start routines again. You know, after everything that happened. She used to come in every Friday and I'd get her cheese buns. Maybe this is part of that? She's starting that routine again. Did you want to switch shifts? I can start working Fridays again…"

I cut her off, "No, I'm not sulking off like some shamed dog. I know I fucked up, but I'm going to keep trying. At least I don't act like a zombie when she gets here now, but as much as I try to strike up a conversation, she won't talk back." I hang my head.

"So you said she acts like she doesn't know you right?" Her eyes sparkle, as she undoubtedly just cooked up some devious plan.

"Yes…" I respond cautiously.

"Then why don't you act like you don't know her as well?" She folds her arms in front of her chest with a firm nod.

"That might just work, Rue!" I exclaim.

Just like clockwork, the next day when it was quiet and slow, I hear the dinging of the door chime and look up to see Katniss. "Good evening Miss, what can I interest you in this evening?" I give her my usual smile reserved for customers, and take the towel I was using to wipe down the counter and stuff it in my apron. Her typically frozen look starts to crack as I see the confusion flash in her eyes. I have a silent party in my head as I realize she's caught off guard and might actually converse with me.

"Ummm," she starts, but I don't want to give her a chance to shoot me down.

"Wait, I'm kind of good at guessing what people like - do you mind?" She shakes her head no, so I continue with my little ploy. "Ok, well I'm going to guess that you don't like sweet things, it's too obvious." She actually smirks at that. "And one of our loaves is too plain. See, you want people to think you like things straight and narrow, but you have a zesty side. Hmmm ..." I tap my finger to my chin like I'm thinking hard about what she might like. "Ah! I got it! How about our cheese buns? They are savory and leave you wanting more, much like your personality, no?" I give her a faint smile and I'm rewarded with one in return.

"I guess?" She chuckles.

I hand her the box. "That'll be $14.00 even." I say cooly. She seems relieved I'm asking her for money this time. She gives me her usual twenty and I give her the change back. She drops it in the tip jar and I laugh at her attempt to still give me the full twenty dollars. "You're giving me a pretty big tip for something I just guessed."

"Well maybe I like the service." She smiles and walks away, and I literally feel like I'm floating.

The entire next week, I drive Rue to insanity by asking her opinion about every little detail of my latest encounter with Katniss. She may be tired of hearing all the specifics, but we both agree on one thing: I have to keep acting like Katniss and I are strangers. Rue thinks, in a way, it gives us a fresh start and Katniss may be less threatened by the charade.

So each week, instead of dreading her next visit, I wait on bated breath for the interaction. I keep things light and uncomplicated, asking her things I already know the answers to, but she plays along and as the weeks go by, she opens up more and more. After almost four weeks of our "pretending," I decide to deviate a bit and dig a little deeper.

"Hey Katniss, the cheese bun lady!" I quip when she enters that Friday. She's already smiling so I feel safe in venturing out a bit. "Do you have someone you share these buns with? A boyfriend perhaps?" I waggle my eyebrows to let her know I'm trying to kid around. Immediately her playful grin turns into a frown as she knits her eyebrows together. I can feel the heat rise to my face. Abort! Abort! I scream inside my head.

"I'll just take the cheese buns please." She quietly mutters.

"Katniss, I'm sorry. Let's just go back to pretending." I anxiously retort. She seems shocked that I actually acknowledged the arrangement. Her cheeks redden and she brings her thumb to her mouth.

"Nevermind, I have to go." She spins around and runs out the door before I can squeak out another word.

I kick the door and curse aloud. All this progress destroyed by a stupid comment. I have to come up with something else. No more pretending, no more playing it safe. I need Katniss like I need air.

I don't go home that night, I stay at the bakery until I come up with a new plan. I need Katniss to confront everything that I've done to her instead of pretending it didn't happen. How do I do that? I only seem to make her angry…then it hits me. When she's mad, she spews her feelings more than any other time. I'll have to make Katniss so pissed at me that she can't help but come at me and give me a piece of her mind…and when she does, I'll be ready.

Thanks again for all the follows/favorites and most important...reviews! This fic is wrapping up, one or two chapters left. I'm starting another fic shortly so hopefully you all will like that one just as much.

You all are the best and thank you so much for reading!