Hey all.. thanks for continuing to read.. I have some ideas I've brainstormed and I am including a bunch of what people have given me in the comments for Under the Crimson Moon. Thanks for all the input.. it makes it fun to go back & forth a little! :) Hope u like part 3.

Chapter 1

Esme found herself worrying unnecessarily most days that Carlisle went to work. The anxiety was still lingering from her brief moment of thinking he might have been dead. He had worked double shifts for seven strait days since their return. On the opposite spectrum, she found herself absorbed with happiness from the now calm demeanor of their lives. She soaked up every single moment of the day with Alexandra, aside from the occasional few minutes that Rosalie found a way to steal her away. Things were starting to feel perfect. The young love that beamed from Masen and Leah since their recent engagement aided in the carefree, upbeat mood that hung in their air.

Summer was still in full bloom and almost every day that week there had been sunny days with a thunderstorm rolling in later in the day. Emmett had been attempting to get as many baseball games in as he could, teaching Michael the ins and outs of the game, and glowing with pride as William began knocking the ball around almost as far as the rest of them. The three of them spent many of their evenings down at e open field with others of the family making their way down on occasion.

Esme loved being around Emmett in the times when her nervous thoughts got the best of her. He had a knack for making her laugh. She would have sworn he had the same abilities as Jasper. His interaction, alone, with his son was enough to make Esme feel good inside.

Masen had been spending a lot of time at Leah's house. Over the course of the week he had gradually eased himself away from their house and only had been returning to hunt and say his occasional 'hellos'. Esme let them be, not wanting to pry into her son's life in his earliest stages of engagement. She found herself feeling a little bad for Renesme and Jacob. Renesme seemed to give Jacob those eyes as if to say, 'when will it be our turn?'

Edward found halfhearted amusement in the issue, from what he expressed, though Esme sensed he felt bad for Jacob for being put on the spot several times since their return to Forks. Everyone knew their love was as strong as anyone's, and so when the time was right, it would happen. Esme, herself, thought Masen was very quick in his proposal but there was no use in fighting it. They, too, would be together forever so it didn't make much if a difference when they made things 'official'. Unlike human pairings, imprinting and vampire couples provided a bond for all of eternity without question. The engagement and wedding were simply another way to express it, yet important all the same.

Alice had been in Esme's ear nonstop about wedding details. She was the most excited of all of them, as always, for these events. There was nothing she enjoyed more than planning weddings and parties.

Currently, Esme sat with Alexandra in her lap, partway beneathe the blankets of her bed. An episode of Dancing with the Stars had begun, and she glanced over toward the digital clock on her nightstand. It read 8:03. In the last week, she had called Carlisle throughout the day, and several times just before he left the hospital. It was about the time he'd be leaving to come home, and Esme finally decided she had to stop with the obsessive checking in. As bad as she wanted to, she instead left her phone sitting next to the clock.

Alexandra's facial expressions began to appear more developed and little smiles crossed her face at the sound of Esme's voice as she spoke lovingly to her newborn daughter. She wished the baby stage would last so much longer than it did, but that was a concern she welcomed. If it was at the top of her worry list, she knew life was good.

"Are you being good for Mommy?" Alice asked, passing by the open door.

"Yes I am," Esme answered for her, moving Alexandra's arms around.

Alice smiled and waved her baseball hat in the air, "Going to join the boys."

"Have fun."

The sky was very dark for only eight o'clock in August. Loud claps of thunder rang through the house every so often and made Alexandra twitch or jump. Esme smiled, though frequently told her baby it was alright and calmed her nerves with her voice.

It wasn't long before Esme heard Carlisle's car roll up the driveway. She heard him singing to himself as he made his way into the house, and it made her giggle to herself. Despite his long hours at the hospital, he'd been in a great mood since they'd returned and it rubbed off on her, like everyone else's did.

"No call for the ride home today?" he asked with a smile as he loosened his tie and entered the room. He immediately yanked Alexandra from her arms and held her up to his face before plopping down on his back at the foot of the bed.

Esme smiled as he held their daughter above his head and brought her down close to him then back up again. "I thought you were probably getting sick of my obsessiveness," she told him with a laugh.

Carlisle continued what he was doing, kissing Alexandra on the cheeks before he set her down on his chest and looked over, "I don't mind."

Esme grinned, "I know. I just have to get back to normal and stop thinking so... crazy."

"Give yourself a break, it's only been a week."

She nodded, "I know. I guess my nerves are just still settling down."

Carlisle handed Alexandra to Esme, then crawled across the bed on his hands and knees and kissed her. "You could call me two hundred times and I wouldn't mind."

Esme smiled as his lips continued to linger close to hers, "I don't want you to get sick of me."

Carlisle kissed her again, "Impossible." He leapt off the bed, changed out of his work clothes and into some mesh shorts before joining her under the covers. Esme allowed him to have their daughter in his posession again before she slouched down onto his chest to watch the remainder of her television show.