before you start reading start this song on youtube it makes the whole reading even better!
breaking benjamin "breath"

Iron. Hard and cold just like an iron dragon slayer, he had walked on this earth in many years as the outsider. The one who no one wanted to come near or wanted to know and he didn't care, he didn't care for anyone more than himself. He once cared for a dragon, the first creature he ever cared about but also the last. Until that day.

The blue hair, the smell of ink and old books could he never forget. The brown eyes that he never manage to drag his attention from, it did not matter how cold and hard he was, she made him feel soft and worm and for that he would protect her into the very end.

Her body trebled when she stood in front of the big gray stone with the rain purring down hiding her tears.
Behind her stood the fire dragon slayer also hiding his tears in the rain holding her tight. The cold air made her blue hair hide her face as she once more read the letters written on the stone.

"Gazille Redfox, forever a dragon slayer forever a nakama"

They could hear the lightning strike above them as she could now feel him tremble even more as the dark black sky lit up and she could hear him roar and collapse in front of the stone.

He trembled and roared once again when the sky roared with him but she was silent. He had protected her, into the very end. She had never left his side and now she would never be able to stay by it again. She could still see him in her hands shaking. Panting hard, soaked in blood and his last words would never leave her heart.

"I'm sorry shrimp, I want you to know that will never forget how I hurt you, but I still want you to know...I love you Levy Mcgarden"

She trembled and sobbed as she remembered how cold he was in her arms, it was nothing she could do. She watched him once again roar with the sky as she too looked up at the black sky feeling her tears blend with the rain, she let out a scream to the heavens hoping he would her her once more. But she knew that she would never hear his voice again.

I hope you all liked my one shot i know it's sad but i wanted to try write something more sad...