He went back.

Normally, not something he did, when the world was save and goodbyes had been said, and Clara was now safe in the TARDIS, waiting for him to return.

But this time, he went back. Around a corner, two lefts, one right, and one 95 degree turn to the left, working in autopilot. Sharing his memories had not been pleasant, nor an effect that went away quickly. His mind felt a bit muzzy, a bit...well, emotional, having remembered thing much better left tucked away.

So he went back, because she'd looked so upset. After the shine had been rubbed, the tarnish of a happy ending worn thin to see the holes, the pitfalls, the sacrifices. The loss of her precious few memories of her mum. And he had known, at the stall, (and if he really looks in to himself, in front of the 'God') that the glasses, Her glasses, would've been such an acceptable sacrifice.

They were sent back in time. No one have more 'could have beens' then they have. Had. Will have. Won't have had.

He holds them clumsily in his hand, and, without so many words, tells the sales woman he'd like to make a trade. She looks awfully confused- the glasses having more attachment than Clara's ring had. Two hearts, after all, can love twice as much. The sales woman is excited now, and retrieves the ring with little trouble, barking rapidly in her joy. She holds out the ring, and waits for the return offer.

The Doctor looks down at the glasses once more, and brings them to his lips. A kiss, to them. To days long passed, memories now cherished. To red hair and roman soldiers, crumbs on his console and cracks on the walls.

A kiss goodbye.

She looks impatient, now, if a little understanding, so he hands them over. He watches her hold them, as one would hold a rare antique, priceless and unmeasurably precious. She nods thanks, and the Doctor nods back, his mind still not quite working properly. Shock, maybe, for having parted with them. Or maybe just a raw ache, where Amy and Rory had been.

But he needs to say goodbye, now.

"They wanted you to have it." He lies, through his teeth. He's surprised she didn't catch it. They hadn't known she'd given up her ring. No one had, save him. He hands her the ring, and can not help but feel that it's something of a proposal. He's made his goodbye, so here's to the future. Hello, Clara. Hello, Clara Oswin Oswald, impossible woman.

Let's have an adventure.

a/n It didn't quite add up to me that the Doctor just managed to get Clara's ring back. So yeah. Have this. xx