Chapter 3:


It was bright and sunny on Solaria, everyone was happy and enjoying their time, in the middle of the valley there's a palace where you can here a little princess laughing all the time and being cheerful she has a great taste when it comes to fashion, she was sliding down the slide in the garden.

"Princess Stella, it's time for dinner," said Roesabella. Roesabella is Stella's favorite nanny in the whole palace, because she is a kind and warm-hearted always listen to her new collection of fashion that she picks out for herself, and Roesabella would agree to it all because Stella is always adorable for what she picks.

"I'm coming," said Stella as she was going off the swing and running towards her nanny, she grabbed her hand and they headed inside.

"How was the meeting Radius, I hope it went well," Luna said.

"Indeed my dear the meeting went very well, we had all agree of how we will benefit Solaria for the up coming events," Radius said, as he put down his fork and reached for his glass of wine and sipped from it.

"So how was your evening dear I hope you had enjoyed it as I did,"Radius asked.

"I enjoyed today I first began to set up tomorrow's celebration on the rare that occurs every decade after that I sat with Queen Emily of Linphea this afternoon we talked about the up coming galas theres going to be that we should attend together".

"Good". Radius looked at his younger daughter sat there eating quietly than usually she would really talk a lot but for some reason she quite today.

"Stella is something wrong your quite today I haven't heard you talk ever since you came to dinner," Radius asked his daughter looking at her.

"Nothing is wrong daddy, why do you ask," Stella lied hoping that they would by it.

"We're just worried that you might not be feeling well, do you want to tell us what's bothering you, you know you can tell us anything," Luna said.

" play...with...Musa," Stella cringed.


"Calm down Radius," then she turned her head to Stella. "Stella you know we are forbidden to see, or talk to anyone that's from Melody you could play with other princesses like Aisha, Bloom, Crystal or any other friend that you know, but Musa," Luna said in a clam voice.

"But all of my friends talk to's just not fair to me, you know what I'm going up to my room, and I'm will not talk to you," Stella took off running all the way to her room leaving her parents in the dining room. Stella slammed the door and sat there on floor crying.

"What are we going to do with this girl Luna." He looked at her and she sighed. "Well Radius I really don't know what to say you done this whole mess with the other kingdoms, the children don't understand what's not to do or what to do they just want to what they please but we took it away from them, now I'm going to go to Stella she seems really upset for what happened I want to makes sure she is alright." Luna left the dining room and headed to stella's room.

Radius look at his food his appetite was gone, so he left the dinning room and went to his bedroom. Luna made it to Stella's and knocked on the door, "Stella honey can you open the door for me." Stella opened the door and hugged her mom she has tears all over her face "shhh it's will be ok let's go in side and sit on your bed and talk," Luna closed the door behind her and they sat on the bed.

"I don't get it mom why I'm forbidden to play with her she not a bad girl she's really nice and I like how she sing she has an amazing voice all of my friends talk to her and plays too why daddy won't let me play or talk to her." Stella looked at her mom pleading for the answer.

"Well darling" trying to come up with an excuse "well...because they took our secret sun scroll, it's very important magic that keeps this planet in balance and we need it back but the king of Melody refuse to give it back so your father had forbidden anyone from us to go play with anyone from Melody until they give us the sun scroll you can be a friend of Musa."

After dinner Stella went to her room and Luna followed her.

"Until they give it back to us, I get to be Musa's friend,"Stella said.

"Of course honey, now let me tuck you in bed," Luna opened Stella's bed and Stella jumped in.

"Good night Stella," Luna said and placed a kiss on her forehead, and she headed out to the door, "good night mom," Luna closed the door behind her.

When she made it to her she saw Radius on the bed and he asked her "so how did it went."

Luna glared at him"well I lied to her because of you and the other planet's monarch you shouldn't do this it's neither good for us or for them it should stop you all should agree on what's best you should all list your ideas into one, you know what I really be involved in this forget what I said it's all down frustrating to handle.

"Your right, but what I don't agree on is deciding one thing and to agree on, because the other monarch of every realm won't agree with it, so it causes damage and war and who ever wins this whole thing will get to set up all the rules and no matter what the other realms would say they have to follow the rules."

"Good night Luna."

"Good night Radius."

They turned from each other in opposite directions and slept through the night.

The next morning after breakfast Stella headed out into the gardens very quickly and almost bumped into Roesabella. "Princess why are you in such a rush today,"Roesabella asked.

"Because my friend Claire is coming over to play with me we're going to play a tea party with our dolls and it's a perfect day to play outside,"Stella answered.

"I'll bring you all the dolls that you need for your tea party ok."

"I'll be next to the fountain to the left as usual where we play it's my favorite area to play." (Because next to the outside palace garden there is a secret tunnel where stella would go and sneak off and nobody knows of it...).

"Hi princess Stella," said Claire, Claire was a fair girl with long blond hair and blue sparkling eyes she was wearing a cute pink dress that suits her with dark pink laces tided up on the sides of her waist and dark pink flats.

"Hey Claire." They ran to each other and hugged.

"It's been a while since we haven't seen each other, the last time since we saw each other it was you birthday which was last month how's it been with EVERYTHING I want to know," Claire said.

"Well I know a secret tunnel that no one knows of and we could go to Melody with out being caught by the guards...Stella was cut by Claire "what about your father Stella you know will get into big trouble though," Claire said.

"I don't care what my dad said I still want to see Musa and you won't get in trouble because it's my idea."

Roesabella came with the dolls that stella wants "I've got all your dolls here princess Stella do you need anything else."

"Thank you, and no I do not need anything else I'm fine." They maid bow and returned back to her duty.

"So what's the plan now Stella, whispered Claire trying not to be over heard by somebody.

"I'll tell you what's the plan we play with the dolls for at least an hour and when we make sure that no one here we will cast a spell on our selfs to duplicate, and we make sure that the guards aren't near the gates than we run all the way to the tunnels than I'll use my ring to teleport to Melody and we get to see Musa,"

"Great plan Stella."

An hour later no one was seen so they duplicate them and headed to the gate to escape so they can teleport to Melody. So they passed the gate and started to run quickly to the tunnel they made it inside and they turned around to see if anyone saw them or followed them.

"Did anyone follow us," Stella said while taking a big breath after all that running.

"Nope, no sign of anyone."

"Ok," Stella took off her ring and threw it into the air and it transformed into a scepter "now let's go see Musa," they teleported to Melody.

On Melody Musa was with her parents watching the great singing whales their tune is wonderful it keeps their planet in balance and in harmony.

After the when it was over her parents left and went inside the house. "How beautiful when they sing the song of Melody," Musa mumbled.

"Indeed they are, they're beautiful creatures that sing and keeps the whole planet in balance," princess Galatea. Musa turned her head and saw Princess Galatea "Oh I didn't see you princess," Musa bowed.

"You don't have to bow to me it's ok, I love hearing their songs it's an amazing feeling." Galatea.

"Ya, they're amazing creatures," Musa said.

"I want to show you something, but I need to get it from my father I'll be back in five minutes," Galatea said.

"I'll just be here," Musa said as she saw the princess running to her parents, "Hey, Musa." Stella called.

"Stella, Claire what are you guys doing here," Musa gasped. "Well I thought we could just drop in," Stella answered.

"Stella you better leave princess Galatea is here and if she knows who you and Claire are I'll be in huge trouble and by my parents and who knows what…." Stella cut off Musa.

"Well they don't know who I am so it's perfect," Stella said.

"I'm back Musa look at the musical notes it's a special note do you want to hear," Galatea.

Galatea turned her head and saw to girls with blond hair and asked Musa "who are they do you know them."

"Ummmm... yes, I know them there my friends, this is Stella, Musa pointed to the right, and this is Claire she pointed to the left."

"Nice to meet you Stella and Claire." Galatea said.

"Nice to meet you too princess." they both said.

Then out of no where a bunch of theifs running until the deck and they want to use claire as their bait to get away from the police. Then he grabbed the girl and before the police came, "leave my friend alone,"Stella said "ugh Stella you shouldn't because we might be caught and look over there the police there on there way," Claire said Musa looked at them both. "You better leave her alone..." Stella was cut off by the thief "or you'll do what?" Stella took off her ring and tossed it up in the air and the ring transformed into a scepter "solar wind" tossing the thieves into the ocean.

"Thank you Stella," Galatea said.

"No problem."

"You have to leave now my parents and Galatea's parents are coming, and if they see you here they will probably ground and you'll get into serious of trouble."

"I can't believe that girl beat us come on let's show her who's boss."said the second thief.

"Better not look who's coming."

The royal family of Melody are approaching to their daughter, "are you alright honey," Malina asked.

"Yes, mom I'm fine really," Galatea said and hugged her mother.

"Where are the criminals that harmed you," Martian asked Galatea.

"They jumped in to the water and probably still there, look over there they are on the shore." Galatea said.

"Guards arrest them," said the angry king.

The guards did as they were told and arrested them "It all because of that light fairy what ever she is and her friend I hate them it's their fault, I'm going to kill that girl when we escape from prison," said the thief in low voice trying not to be over heard (failing to not be overheard) the king heard them whispering and said "There are no light fairies in this realm the only realm that there are light fairies are in Solaria unless they're here tell me who are these girls," the king demanded.

"Well the two girls are about the same height there age are no more than six or seven years old, long blonde hair, one of them have hazel eyes, and the other has blue eyes and the blue eyed girl was wearing a pink dress and the other was I couldn't remember what she was wearing, but your daughter was talking with them and I don't think she knows who they are, I think the blue haired girl knows them." the thief said.

"Thank you very much for this information," the king said I better report this to king Radius and find out what's going on the king thought.

"Who were the other two girls that you were talking two," Malina asked her daughter.

"Their Musa friends, their names are Stella and Claire,"Galatea said.

"So their names are Stella and Claire huh?"Martian said.

"Ya, why is there something wrong dad?"

"Yes, you shouldn't be friends with them at all there from a different and when I mean different realm I mean SOLARIA."

"What I didn't know that Musa mentioned them, maybe because they were friends before this whole thing happened," Galatea

"That could be true, now let's leave," So they left and the guards followed them behind with the thieves to toss them in jail.

"Musa darling are you alright," Ho-Boe asked worriedly if they harmed his daughter.

"Yes, dad I'm fine," Musa answered hugging her father.

"What happened here Musa," asked Matlin.

"Those guys over there attacked us they appeared out of nowhere but the guards came and arrest them and now I think they're going to jail haha..."

"They got what they deserved, now let's go home," Ho-boe said, then all three of them hold hands and left.

"Looks like we're going to in trouble when we get back unless if we don't get caught by our duplicate self when we get back we'll reverse the spell and no one will even notice a thing," Stella said.

"We, it was your idea in the first place I told you not to, but if we get caught by reversing the spell or if they see out duplicate selfs we'll be in serious amount of trouble," Claire said.

Meanwhile back at palace Melody king Martian was on the phone with king Radius talking to him about what happened today.

"Today I was told that Stella and her friend Claire were here today, they were told by my daughter that her friend musa knew there names now what a coincidence isn't your daughter's name is Stella and her friend is Claire and what I like to know is why they are here for what need necessary,"king Martian said.

"That's impossible first of all Stella and Claire are here in the palace's garden where I could see them in front of me and I have to say they never left the palace's garden. I don't know who told you this, but your wrong." King Radius said.

"Have it your way Radius then you'll see what will happen," Martin said.

Radius turned off his phone and headed off out to the garden to talk to Stella and Claire and on his way there he saw Luna then Luna asked him, "Radius where are you going of to now."

"Going to talk to the girls,"he answered.

"Why? What did they do wrong?" Luna questioned.

"Well king Martian suspected that Stella and Claire were there,"Radius said.

"What?! How?" Luna said in shock.

"I don't know that's why I'm heading out I'm going to asked them what really happened,"Radius said.

By the time that Stella and Claire went to the palace garden and saw their duplicates they reversed the spell and the duplicate disappeared king Radius and queen Luna we're already out in the garden. They headed toward their way.

"Let's act natural," Stella whispered into Claire's ear, and she nodded, then they got the dolls and started to play tea party.

"Stella...were you playing in gardens all day today?" Radius asked curiously.

"Yes, why are you asking me that daddy," Stella said nervously.

"Are you sure sweetie because your dad got a call from king Martian and do know who is king Martian." Luna said.

"Yes, I do know who he is, but we did not go right Claire."Stella answered and turned herself to Claire.

Now the king and queen turned their attention to Claire, and she was panicking from the inside but did not show it, she wants to tell the truth because she can't take it anymore.

"Yes, we did go Stella look I can't lie about this, this is getting nowhere but more question,"Claire said and she was ashamed for what they did.

The king and queen turned their attention back to Stella and they said "are you lying Stella," "Ok fine we did go, your happy now," Stella turned and crossed her arms on her chest.

"I know that was a bad thing but you should stop all this nonsense it doesn't mean anything, and I don't get it why can't we see each other,"Stella said. Then Luna glared at Radius "you know it's your fault or you do not know that."

"Come on girls let go inside for now, so what time is your mom picking you up," Luna asked.

"She'll be picking me up in an hour," Claire answered.

Later that night in Stella's room...

"I can't believe Musa's princess friend told on me it's not fair why?" Stella questioned.

"I can't believe I'm talking to my teddy bear, I hate my life, and I hate you musa, thanks for telling." Stella said sleepily.

"I'm going to sleep good night teddy."

On Melody that night in Musa's room...

"You got me in big trouble Stella from my parents and from the king and queen, and I told you get out of here but you won't listen your so stubborn you always get what you want and get some else in trouble, and now I'm grounded for five days because of you...ugh I hate you Stella." Musa said to her favorite doll.

"I'm going to Sleep I'm so tired good night maggie (the doll)".