
It was a cold, dreary day on Saibogu. Heavy, dark clouds rolled above the castle, home to the Queen of the cyborgs. Not much activity was going on outside of the castle, nor inside of it. The cold weather had a rather negative effect on some of the older model cyborgs. It caused their joints to ache and in some cases, freeze up. In worse case scenarios, a cyborg could possibly have a limb removed due to not properly taking care of themselves in the harsh weather.

In a dark room in the the corner of the castle sat the queen, glaring at the outside through a large window. She hated winter, because it slowed her down. It slowed them all down... If only it were spring... They fought their best in warmer weathers, but spring was still several weeks away... She would have to wait a little while longer.

Eighteen let out a small hiss between her clenched teeth. She was always waiting on something! Seventeen had told her to wait and to be patient when it came to Suchiro, a planet filled with metal that they could easily conquer. He told her to be patient when it came to attacking the Saiyans because they were stronger than them... But Eighteen knew they could be stronger! Her and Seventeen had fought to where they were... They wouldn't let anyone take it from them.

Once, a long time ago, they had been humans. Humans that had lived such a simple, ordinary life, but everything changed when they thought they had won some special trip to an unknown planet. There was nothing special about it, since it was clearly a trap set for the both of them.

Gero had been an alien from a far away planet before he turned himself into the monster he was. His planet was full of weak creatures, much like how he was, until one day he decided to change that. He learned robotics and engineering. He was genius and a quick learner, and soon, he was able to not only creature cyborgs but he even turn himself into one. His goal was to have a powerful empire, one that could not be easily taken down.

Gero was an old man by the time he captured Seventeen and Eighteen. Although he had elements of an Android, his hair was whitening and his face was covered in wrinkles. He worked day and night on Seventeen and Eighteen, determined to make them his best invention yet... and they would be, he was sure of it.

When Eighteen woke up from her transformation, Seventeen was already awake and waiting. Her mind worked faster and better than ever before. She knew things that she had never even thought of, and her vision was spectacular. She gained so much knowledge and power, but the price was her memories. She had a name once, an actual human name, but she had been 'Eighteen' for so long that her old name was so faint in memories that she couldn't even recall it.

As soon as she and Seventeen were recovered from the transformation, Gero began his plans. He used them both to create his empire on Saibogu. They conquered and destroyed several planets. The number of cyborgs grew as did Gero's greed. Soon he didn't just want an empire, but the whole galaxy. The only problem standing in his way at the time was the tyrant Frieza, who had the Saiyans- the ultimate warrior race, in his scaly palms.

The day Gero raised his hand and struck Eighteen for the first time, was also his last time. He had demanded they go undercover and take down Freiza that way and when Eighteen called him a fool, he slapped her. For a few seconds there had been a tensed silence... That is, before Seventeen ripped Gero apart, piece by piece.

As Gero's pieces laid on the ground, Eighteen and Seventeen realized... They were free of him. Now, they were the ones in charge and they refused to be under anyone else ever again. That's when their plan first began to hatch... Eighteen would take the throne and Seventeen would go to earth, gaining their trust. Earth didn't have any power when it came to strength but their technology... Their technology surpassed all others around. To establish the trust even more, Eighteen even married a nobleman from earth...

Krillin was a good man, honestly he was. But Eighteen didn't love him, not the way she loved someone else. When she became pregnant, Krillin had truly believed that the child was his. But when she gave birth to twins, one of them looking strikingly similar to their father, she knew she couldn't keep him. She sent the baby away with a maid, with orders for him to be delivered to his father. She named the girl, Marron, who thankfully favored her.

Marron was cute, Eighteen had to admit, and she knew if she put her effort into, by the time Marron was a woman she would be stunning. It was just a few hours after Marron's birth that Eighteen remembered that she would be signing a peace treaty with Vegeta-Sei within the next few weeks after Marron's birth... and Vegeta-Sei had a little Prince, not too much older than Marron.

It had taken the cyborgs two decades to get to where they had been at. Seventeen had the Earth's trust completely, him being the adviser to the King. She had Vegeta-Sei right where she wanted them, with Marron being engaged to the future King. All they had to do was wait for the perfect opportunity, and then Earth and Vegeta-Sei would have been there's. But what had taken decades to build, crumpled in just a few short years!

Eighteen was still very much infuriated by what had happened. Marron was suppose to be the future queen of Vegeta-Sei, not that brat from earth! Seventeen was suppose to have married her off before she even turned 18! Eighteen was sure that if Pan had never met Trunks, then things would have gone as planned for them.

With a low hiss, Eighteen pulled herself away from her thoughts and memories. There was no way she could change the past , no matter how hard she wished. But those Saiyans had to pay! Especially that wrench named Pan!

Seventeen had told her to be patient and to trust him, since he had a plan, but she was tired of waiting! She had already waited long enough! It was time for Saibogu to shine the brightest.

Taking a deep breath, Eighteen straightened her dress before calmly walking out of the throne room towards the spacepods. She was going to make Pan suffer, and since Pan was a mother... Eighteen knew just what she needed to do.

"He's drooling all over my chest," Pan chuckled as she looked down at the sleeping Takehiko nestled against her.

"Awh, but he's so cute," Marron grinned from her spot on the couch beside Pan. "But you're right... he sure is drooling," she laughed softly.

"He's cutting his first tooth, that's why," Pan stated proudly. "Look!" She reached up and pulled Takehiko's bottom lip down so Marron could see the prodding tooth.

"Oh my goodness!" Marron cooed. "That's so cute! It doesn't feel like he should be old enough to have a tooth yet..."

"I know," Pan let out a small sigh. "But he turned six months just last week."

"Wow..." Marron shook her head slowly. "Time sure does fly..."

"Mhm," Pan nodded in agreement. So much had happened in just the last year and a half... She got pregnant with Takehiko, and had given birth to him. Then there was the fight with Frieza. Pan was just thankful that everything was finally at peace.

Carefully, she got up from the couch and held Takehiko securely. "I'm going to go lay him down and then I'll be back," she told Marron, who gave her a nod.

Pan exited the room and walked across the hall to her and Trunks' room. She was thankful that Trunks' study was just across the way. She'd be able to hear Takehiko no problem if he were to wake up.

The door opened quietly, and Pan stepped in, careful not to make too much movement so the baby snoozing against her wouldn't wake. She glanced around the room fondly... It had changed from the first time she had seen it years ago when she Trunks brought her to Vegeta-Sei for a visit. Still, Trunks has his swords hanging on his wall proudly, but it wasn't as barren as it used to be. There were now several more dressers, a couch, a tv, Takehiko's crib was at the foot of the bed and his toys scattered about all over the floor. A small smile curled onto her lips as she walked over to the crib and gently laid Takehiko down.

She stayed with him for a minute, humming a soft tune as she patted his bottom gently, making sure that he stayed asleep as his tail curled around his waist. When she saw that he wouldn't be waking, she smiled, stroking his soft hair before quietly leaving the room. She left the door creaked open and when she entered the study, she left the door open as well.

"He must have been tired," Marron smiled at Pan when she came back.

"He probably was," Pan nodded in agreement as she sat back down. "He was fussy last night because of the tooth."

The two conversed for a while, chatting about little things. Pan, as always, was eager to know how Marron was doing when it came to Gohan. The blonde blushed as she told her friend that her and Gohan weren't dating, but she did finally confess to liking him. Pan was just happy that they both had found someone they could truly be happy with. She saw the way Gohan glanced at Marron, and the way Marron glanced at him.

They had just started talking about how Spring would be arriving shortly when Pan felt it. It was like something had sucked the breath out of her and a cold chill ran down her spine. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and goosebumps ran down her arms.

"Pan?" Marron asked, noting how Pan's dark eyes widened and she paled.

Pan swallowed thickly as she stood up and clutched her stomach. Why was she feeling like this? Something just didn't feel right... "Something is wrong," she told Marron. "I need to go check on Take!" She rushed out of the room and Marron was quick to jump up and follow her.

Pan grabbed the door to the room and pushed it open and she rushed inside, but the sight she saw made her stop so fast that she stumbled on her feet. She heard Marron gasping behind her as she straightened herself, glaring straight at Eighteen, who was holding a wide awake Takehiko.

He must have felt his mother's presence, because his lips formed a pout as he began to whine. Instantly, Pan took a step towards him.

"Nuh-uh," Eighteen spoke, glaring at Pan.

Pan gritted her teeth as she watched Eighteen stroke Takehiko's back, as if trying to comfort him. Her fist clenched in anger and she began to shake. She didn't know what Eighteen was doing with her son in her arms, but Pan knew that the cyborg had best put him down...and quick.

"Put him down," she spoke in a low, serious tone. She could feel something inside of her beginning to snap and crackle.

"Or what?" Eighteen raised a blonde brow in a challenge.

"Mother," Marron spoke, taking a step beside Pan. "Don't do this..."

"Shut your mouth!" Eighteen snapped loudly, making Takehiko cry. "Oh shut up!" She hissed, picking him up from under his arms. She went to shake him, but was suddenly pushed by someone as he was snatched from her arms.

When Eighteen caught herself and stood up, her icy eyes were blazing. Standing in front of her was her daughter, a frown on her face and her arms stretched out to her sides. Behind her stood Pan, who was glaring at Eighteen as she consoled the baby.

"You must have lost your mind," Eighteen hissed towards Marron. "Just who do you think you are, thinking you could do that to me?"

"I haven't lost my mind!" Marron snapped, "I think that's you, Mother! What's going on? Why are you in this room? What were you going to do with Takehiko?!" She demanded angrily.

"She took everything from you, and now you're defending her?!" Eighteen pointed a finger at Pan as she screeched. "She ruined our chance to become the best empire and for that she must pay!"

Eighteen went to reach around Marron, but the younger Cybrog quickly grabbed her arm and spun her around before throwing her against the other wall.

"You took Dad away from me, I'm not letting you take away anyone else!" Marron yelled, determined.

Eighteen let out a huff as she got herself out of the wall. "So this is how it will be, huh...? He wasn't even your real father!" She spat harshly, causing Marron to gasp loudly. "But you miss him so much, Princess? You can join him!" She sneered, raising her hand and shooting a blast Marron.

Pan just barely dodged the blast as she quickly ducked down. Takehiko was crying loudly in her arms, obviously stressed by the commotion. Honestly, she was too. This was beyond crazy... Eighteen was still mad at her for falling in love with Trunks, and now Marron was paying the price.

The walls were shaking, and there was no doubt in Pan's mind that the everyone else had felt the impact of the blast. They would all be here soon, and then Eighteen would be arrested and charged.

Holding Takehiko close to her chest, Pan stood up straight and gasped at what she saw. Eighteen had Marron on the floor, her hands wrapped around her neck tightly as she laughed evilly. Something bubbled up in Pan at the sight... Marron... Her dear friend who had done so much already to keep her and Takehiko safe was in danger. She gritted her teeth, it was as if an electric current ran through her body just then. She could feel Trunks' ki getting closer, along with everyone else's, but she had to do something now!

Marron gapped for air, her nails clawing her mother's hands wrapped around her neck. She couldn't breathe at all... Her head was pounding... her vision becoming splotchy. Please, just make sure Pan and Takehiko get out safely, she sent a prayer to Kami.

"M-Mo-Moth-" she gasped, her blue eyes wide and pooled with tears.

Eighteen's cold blue ones stared at her, her grip tightening around Marron's neck. Truthfully, she had loved her daughter, though she had become somewhat of a disappointment to her the last few years. She was still her flesh and blood, a part of her and him. But... Marron shouldn't have taken the enemies side. Love hurt.

"Go to sleep, Princess," Eighteen cooed.

There was a sudden scream. "GET OFF OF HER!"

Eighteen barely had time to look as Pan appeared, an electric blue aura surrounding her as the room trembled. Electricity surrounded her in angry sparks and with a yell, Pan shoved Eighteen, sending her flying into a wall with a blast of electricity. The cyborg screamed, her nails digging into the skin on her face as the electric sparks seeped under her skin and into her circuits. She shook violently and screamed before she gasped, clutching the spot where her heart used be. With a heavy thud, she fell out of the wall and onto her knees, before her head banged to the ground, lifeless...

Pan was too busy in shock, trying to understand what was happening that she didn't even realize that Trunks had finally gotten there. He was holding her shoulders, trying to get her to talk to him. His voice echoed in her mind as she glanced around the room, her vision seemed slowed and blurred.

Gohan had gathered Marron up in his arms before he rushed out of the room with her. Several soldiers were at Eighteen's body, making sure she really was dead... Bulla had picked up Takehiko from his crib, where Pan had laid him at before she...

"Pan!" Trunks grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him. "Are you okay?" His eyes were wide and filled with worry as he cupped her cheeks.

Slowly, Pan let out a small gasp, her sight focusing on Trunks. "Oh my god..." she whispered. "OH MY GOD!" She suddenly shrieked with a sob. "I... She was going to kidnap Take, and then she was strangling Marron... I..." She gasped, her body shaking. "I KILLED HER TRUNKS!"

Trunks pressed her against him tightly, holding her as she sobbed. He wrapped his tail around her waist, trying to give her the best comfort he could at the moment.

"Get that fucking thing out of here!" He snapped at the soldiers who were still prodding Eighteen's body.

Quickly, they gathered up her body before rushing out of the room with it.

Bulla walked over to Trunks, a now sniffing Takehiko in her arms. "You saved Marron, Pan," she told her friend softly. "Gohan took her to the medical wing."

Pan glanced up, just enough to see Takehiko, who immediately reached for her. She took him from Bulla before nestling him between her and Trunks, who still had his arms and tail around her soothingly. Takehiko's tail came up, wrapping around her arm as he sniffed and leaned against Trunks, who was now rubbing his son's head. She held her child close, thankful that she had that gut feeling that told her something wasn't right. Trunks rubbed her back as her father came over and gave her head a gentle pat.

"Panny," Goku spoke gently. "I'm sorry we weren't here sooner..."

Him and the other guys had been all the way on the other side of the palace training when they first felt something weird... They weren't sure if it was a blast or not, and even if it were a blast, where could it have came from. It wasn't until Pan's ki started to spike like it did that they all knew something was terribly wrong...

"You saved our baby, Pandora," Trunks told her softly, pressing a kiss to her head. "And you saved Marron."

"I would just like to know what went through that damn cyborgs mind," Vegeta was huffing as he crossed his arms. "What a crazy bitch she was... Trying to kidnap my grandson!" He was hissing as he stormed out of the room. "CRAZY BITCH!" They heard his yell as he stomped off.

"Will you go check on Marron?" Pan's weak voice asked Bulla and Goten.

"Of course," Goten told her. He glanced up at Trunks, who gave him a small nod, in which he returned. Goten grabbed Bulla's hand, and in silence, they walked out of the room towards the hospital wing.

"I'm going to go tell your mom what happened, okay, Panny?" Goku spoke quietly. "If you need anything, tell us..." he gave her head a gentle pat before walking out of the room as well.

Trunks continued to hold Pan in silence as he glanced around the room. One wall was blazing from a ki blast, another two had huge dents in it that was making the paneling fall off. Another wall, was sizzling. And the floor was scuffed and dented. The room would need some serious remodeling and Trunks was close to being livid.

Livid because Eighteen actually tried to kidnap his son, harm his wife and kill his friend! Honestly, if he had known that this is the way things would have turned out, he would have killed her long ago. Slowly, he took a deep breath and placed his hands on Pan's arms, pulling her back. He could still see the anger in her eyes, but with it was regret.

"Pandora," he spoke softly. "It's okay..."

She sniffed, blinking her tears away. "I didn't mean to kill her," her voice shook with a whisper. "She just...and I..."

"I know," Trunks reassured her. He kissed her forehead with a sigh. "I know..." he pulled her close again, and as Takehiko was cradled between them, her face buried into his shirt.

"What if Marron hates me?" Pan muffled weakly.

"She won't," Trunks told her confidently. "You saved her life."

"I killed her mother," Pan said hoarsely.

"To save her," Trunks reminded her sternly. "Pandora, she won't hate you, I know it."

Pan sniffed, and leaned against Trunks as she held onto Takehiko. What Eighteen had did was wrong, but Pan still felt guilty for killing her. She had just meant to push her off of Marron, not electrocute her... She would have to live with the guilt, because she couldn't undo the past. She had killed someone... She just hoped that Marron would one day forgive her.

Seventeen stared at the corpse in front of him with dead eyes. His heart, if he still had one that is, felt heavy. His sister had been his partner in crime for so long and now she was dead because of her own foolishness. If only she had listened to him! He had a plan, and now it was crushed because of her insolence.

"My Lord..." a servant spoke, bowing their head lowly as they approached Seventeen. "You called?"

"Yes," he spoke clearly.

Thanks to Eighteen's rash decision, he was now the King, but he couldn't possibly become the King- then the Saiyans would find out who he was and that couldn't happen... At least, not yet. Honestly, he was surprised that they even sent her body back to Saibogu instead of destroying it... He was even more surprised that they hadn't declared war, but Seventeen figured it was a smart move on their part. No need to shout war at a planet for something stupid their now dead Queen had done.

Seventeen took a deep breath, his cold eyes glancing at the servant who was shaking in fear. "Have my sister's flesh burned and her parts destroyed," he ordered. There were no telling what kind of creeps could come after her parts once they discovered she was dead.

"Yes, my Lord," the servant bowed.

Seventeen turned on his heels and began walking to the door. He stopped and turned, looking at the servant as he got to the doorway.

"One more thing," he spoke clearly. "Summon Prince Kage... It's finally time for him to take his throne."

"She was not fragile like a flower; she was fragile like a bomb."

A/N, please for the love of Kami read this:

First A/N-

Okay, I feel bad that I'm having to write this, but I feel like I need to. Guys, this story is an AU, meaning Alternate Universe. It is NOT canon, in anyway to dbz.

If you don't like Seventeen and Eighteen in this story then yay! I have done my job as an author and portrayed them good enough as the villains. Please do not make this story change your judgement of them in canon, and please do NOT comment anything about how they are horrible characters in the anime / manga. You are more than welcome though, to comment about how they are in this story... Just make sure it is about the story!

I would also just like to say that I personally looove Eighteen and Seventeen. I made them the bad guys because well, I loved them as the villains in their Android saga in dbz.

The Seventeen and Eighteen in this story are NOTHING like canon Seventeen and Eighteen. They both have grown so so much and I am so proud of how far they've come. I think Eighteen is a wonderful mother to Marron, and that being said, it was very hard to write that scene... But for this story it was necessary to show just how crazy (more or less) Eighteen has become.

Second A/N-

Hi you guys! I hope you're liking the story! I do have some slightly bad news... I know I just recently started updating again, but this story probably won't be updated until a few months... The reason being because I am going through it and editing. I know some of you don't like the fact that I've been editing my stories and changing things. Just please try to remember that these are stories that I have written- not you. They are works of fiction and I am not getting paid. The least I can do is be happy with what I write.

The plotlines of Vegeta-sei and earth not getting along, Frieza, and the Androids will still be there and the same. I'm just adding a few extra things to make the story more interesting and to build up for the final fight. Also, there won't be as many chapters because I will be conjoining some of the shorter chapters together :)

That being said, I hope you all continue to be patient with me. I will be updating 'Traveling Connections' frequently so there's that to look forward to as you wait! :)

I wonder who this Prince Kage is and who is his and just who is Marron's real father... hmmmmmm