Hello people. This is my new story so please tell me what you think of it and also I planned the first 5-6 chapters so I hope to upload fast but maybe once a week. Check out my other story, Pitch Perfect.

I dont own anything but the plot (Its all mine, mine, mine!) :D

Enjoy :)

Chapter 1


"Edward, I'm leaving." I said to my newest boy toy. He was a pathetic excuse of a vampire. The fact that he couldn't figure out that I was not a human showed how stupid he could be. And he was suppose to be one hundred year old vampire with amazing memory. The fact that he was also a virgin said a lot about him.

When I came to Forks and found out about the Cullen, I decided that I was going to play the human card again. I hadn't played it for a long, long time. I dressed horrible just to blend in and don't bring attention to myself. So when I met them and saw that there was one free I decided to play a little game. He immediately fall for my innocence act and fell in love with me. The fact that my kind smelt 'delicious', as one Cold one expressed himself, helped my case. I quickly figured out their 'gifts'. I knew Edward wouldn't be able to read my mind but it was fun to see him try.

You see, I'm other kind of vampire. The original one. The one that burns in the sun, dies with stake in the heart and all that. The one that created the Cold ones must have been so dumb. I've never met him in person but if I did, I would surely stop him before he made the mistake of creating these things. I mean, they fucking sparkle! The only lethal thing in them was the venom and even that couldn't hurt my kind. Well when they bite you it could sting like a bitch but other than that, nothing important.

I planned my trip to Mystic Falls, where my real father is, and I only had to get rid of my 'fake' dad, Charlie, and the Cullens. The father was easy, just a little compulsion and its done. The Cullens were easy too. I only had to send false visions to that little minion, Alice and I would be good. They wouldn't even think twice that I was lying to them because the girl they thought I was couldn't lie. Well first I had to tell them that I was leaving. Oh, they would surely bring me a headache with all the 'Be careful' and surely Edward would want to come with me. Well not gonna happen.

"What! Where? Are you breaking up with me?" Edward started panicking. I worked hard not to laugh in his face but months of practice with him and I was master at it. Well I laughed at him when he was gone but that's not the point now.

"Calm down. I'm not breaking up with you. I'm simply going to visit my mother and Phil in Jacksonville." I tried calming him down. He was such a paranoiac… and overprotective idiot.

"Do you want me to come with you? That way you could be safe." He suggested. Like I couldn't look out for myself! What, like I was suppose to wait a thousand years for him to be born and protect me. Oh, I was sitting in my dark dungeon waiting for my sparkly prince to come… yeah right.

"I will be fine, Edward. And after all you couldn't go there because its too sunny. Someone will see for sure." I said quietly and with sadness in my voice like I was too sad he wouldn't come.

"Well I can stay inside. No one will see me." Edward tried.

"I said no, Edward." Ops, that sounded too sharp. "I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl." I said now more calmly.

"As you wish, love." He said and pecked me on the lips. I tried deepening the kiss but of course the prude wouldn't let me.

"Stop, love. You know I can't control myself." He said. Well maybe if you haven't stayed a virgin for a hundred years he would have learned some control. "And I can hurt you, you know that." If he only knew what I had done and with whom, he wouldn't be so sure in 'hurting' me.

On the next day I was finally free of them and man did it feel good. They saw me off on the airport and I took a turn right and was on the right flight. The first thing I did when I got on the plane and it took off, was to rid myself from the wig and the contacts. I was a complete copy of my father. Blond hair, blue eyes, true heartbreaker… literally. By the time I got back in my seat I was one hot chick. The guy that was sitting next to me, a cute one, couldn't get his eyes away from me. What can say… family charm.

Four hours later and two humans, I was in Mystic Falls. Of course, I didn't forget gather information on the way. If father was here then something interesting was going on. I learned all about the citizens in Mystic Falls and from what I gathered there was more supernatural going on than I thought.

The first place I went was The Grill as I couldn't find any other bars around. It was a cozy place. I went to the bar and ordered tequila. The bartender took one look at me and immediately lost his speech. Of course, I didn't paid for the drink. The cutie behind the bar said it was on the house. Ha, and I didn't even have to compel.

I looked around and spotted my victims. Let me check, doppelganger, a witch, wolf, three vampires. Oh, and two humans. That's called variety. One of the vamps, the one with blue eyes and raven hair saw me checking him out and started walking my way, smirk planted on his face. I bet he was thinking I was an easy victim. Let the games begin.

I turned and made myself blush. Oh, I was so good at acting innocent and naïve.

"What is a beautiful lady like yourself drinking alone at the bar?" He said 'charmingly'. I looked at him and answered

"Well, maybe I'm waiting for my prince to take me away on his white horse and love me forever."

"Then I'm the guy." He said smirking.

"No offence but you don't look like the prince I was looking for." I said and turned away. Actually I would prefer exactly the opposite.

"Ouch. Can I at least know your name?" Hm, what should I tell him? Oh I know. My favorite fake name.

"Helena. And yours might be…?"

"Damon. Damon Salvatore." He introduced himself. So this is Damon. Well, I expected more. After all one of my closest friends praised him like no tomorrow. She said he could work his charm on anyone. She was wrong. He couldn't fool me.

"So Damon, wont you introduce me to your friends?" I asked him sweetly. I did the face that no male could resist. It worked like a charm every time and this wasn't any different.

"Of course. Everything for a beautiful lady like you." He said and led me to their table. Oh, so easy. All conversations stopped when we reached the table. I was met with curious expressions and a suspicious one coming from what I'm assuming is Damon's brother, Stefan. I knew it was him because they looked alike. Oh and the fact that I dated him a long time ago. Of course, he doesn't remember anything now but it was still a little strange.

"Have we met?" Stefan asked. I decided to use one of my uncles lines.

"I have met a lot of people and you don't particularly stand out." I said. Damon looked shocked, maybe because of my thick British accent that I was hiding till now.

"Nice one." Damon whispered to me. He was already in love with me. I could see it. "So this is Tyler, Caroline, Bonny, Matt, my brother Stefan, his girlfriend Elena and her brother Jeremy. And everyone, this is Helena." He said pointing them out then me. My turn.

"So let me guess. A wolf, vampire, witch, human, vamp, human and of course we have the famous doppelganger." I pointed at each of them and when I finished with Elena, everyone panicked.

"How do you know about the doppelganger?" Damon asked now suspiciously. Uu, I sense some protectiveness from him towards the doppelganger. Oh, is that love in his eyes? This is so good.

"Of course I know about her. Everyone knows about her. Its not like a big secret. Its just her whereabouts that a lot don't know. I am wondering if Klaus knows you're here. Do you even know about Klaus?" I asked them. Now if that they don't know, they were too easy victims. It wouldn't be so much fun as planned.

"Yes we know. He only tried killing Elena and all of us at least once. Some more than once." Damon answered sarcastically. Well, he has been doing his job. Good.

"Oh and do you have any idea how to kill him?" I asked them. I wonder how much they knew about him and the originals.

"White oak stake into the heart should do the trick." Tyler answered. Good. Keep spilling your plan.

"And do you have one. I heard they were all gone." I acted innocent and naïve. They seemed to believe me.

"We have plenty. It turns out that the old Wickery bridge was build with white oak wood. All of it." Elena explained. I really didn't like her. The old one was so much funnier than that one. So the bridge was all white oak wood. I would take care of it later.

"One stake is needed and we are free from that monster." Bonny spoke up. Stupid witch. Who is calling a monster!

"Plotting against me, are we?" Called a voice with thick British accent. I turned around and grinned happily. I heard their frightened whispering 'Klaus'. I never thought he was freighting them so much. Nah, I'm just kidding.

"Daddy!" I yelled happily and went to hug him. He grinned at me and enveloped me in a bear hug.

"Hello princess." He smiled a big smile at me and kissed my forehead.

"Daddy!?" The other yelled shocked.

"Daddy." Confirmed Klaus with a smirk.

Hope you liked it and the song for this fanfiction is The Heavy - How you like me now?

And if you leave a review I would very much love it :D