KissMeDeadlyT-T: aASdksdgj I hope everyone had a happy new year and a great Christmas, or whatever you celebrate! Sorry about the hiatus. RoyEd is just not coming to me. I guess it must be the fact I've written over sixty stories for them, eek…

I also wanted to get this out wayyy sooner, like, before Christmas, but I've been so busy and like I said, RoyEd just… I still love it with all of my heart but I jus lately ahjhgdjkghert


Title: And Many More

Rating: T


By the time Ed finally managed to force open his eyelids, the sun was high in the stark, gray sky. It reflected off the thousands of teeny white diamonds of snow piled unusually high in Central this year, shining blindingly in through the second-story window of their shared house. He rolled over, one arm automatically seeking out the warm body beside him. When it came to rest on a warm, solid chest, he felt an involuntary smile tugging at his lips.

"Happy new year, baby," came a deep voice, lazy and groggy from sleep. Ed felt the smile on the crown of his head and felt his own widen, as if on cue.

He pushed himself up so that he had his weight on his forearms and grinned down at his lover beneath him. "You know, if it wasn't today, and you didn't sound so hot saying it, I'd smack you for calling me that."

A small huff of air, breathed out in a short laugh. Black eyes twinkled up at him. "I know." Long fingers came up to brush Ed's shaggy bangs away from his face, tucking them behind his ears, smiling softly. "A whole new year and I still don't understand how you got to be so beautiful."

Ed flushed and let out a long groan despite the stupid smile he couldn't make go away. "You're such a friggin' sap," he moaned, burying his face into Roy's neck. His stubble scratched at Ed's cheek. It made butterflies happen in Ed's stomach – he really did like Roy's early morning stubble. Roy chuckled and wrapped an arm around Ed's neck, cupping his cheek with his other hand to pull him up into a soft kiss. Were it not such a tender, lazy morning, or such a sweet move, Ed might have flushed and moved away – as it was, he let it happen, eyelids fluttering shut for a brief, sweet moment.

When they broke apart, Roy grinned and said, "I'll definitely never get it."


"How you got so beautiful."

"Christ, Roy," Ed groaned, laughing again. "You're a fuckin' sap."

"So I've been told," Roy responded, quirking an eyebrow. He pulled Ed down for another quick kiss, smiling when Ed let out a pleased sigh, "So, how about we get up and I'll make us some breakfast, then we celebrate the New Year with a bang, hm?" He wriggled his eyebrows ridiculously. Ed snorted.

"Sounds like a plan," he said, rolling out of bed. He stretched, raising his arms above his head and arching, letting them fall so he could grab the pants that had been thrown across the room sometime last night – or last year, if you wanted to get cheesy about it. When he looked back, he saw Roy watching him from the bed, propped up on his elbows, hair messy, blanket thrown haphazardly across his hips. Ed felt an involuntary flush creep up his neck and cheeks. "What?"

"Can we just forgo breakfast?"

Ed's flush spread across the bridge of his nose and he turned on his heel, glancing back and sticking his tongue out in a raspberry. "No," he replied. "Get your ass up. We're making waffles, and then I'll think about it."

Roy sighed and got up, but he was smiling. "Still high maintenance."

"It's the New Year, Roy, I'm not a new fuckin' person. Deal with it."

"Still a brat."

"Roy – for fuck's sake, I'm gonna—"

"Still foul-mouthed."

Ed flipped him off. "You know what? Make a New-Year's resolution to not be such a fucking asshole."


KissMeDeadlyT-T: It was really short but I hope it wasn't too bad, it was all I could scrape together tbh. I'll try and update as soon as I can!

Happy New Year guys!