Title : Strike a Cord

Author : Madd13

Rating : M for language [maybe more later]

Disclaimer : I do not own Kingdom Hearts or its characters. All credit goes to their various creators/

Summery : In this AU world, Roxas is dragged out to see "the best cover band" ever. Turns out things go better than expected.

Credit : A Change of Pace - War in Your Bedroom, Halestorm - I Get Off.

Roxas sulked as his twin pulled him through the doors of the concert hall. The blond sighed as they finally slowed as they neared the front rail that divided the crowd from the stage. Bright blue eyes drifted over to glare at the same shining orbs. His brother was practically dancing on the spot, vibrating with pure excitement. "This had better be worth it. You know I don't like being crushed by people. If I get shoved into a pit, you will be punched," Roxas stated, entirely serious. He hated being surrounded like this and knowing that it would be hell to even stay in place or retreat to the back of the room to stand against the wall.

Ventus rolled his eyes, brushing his twin's irritable words off. "Just give these guys a chance. They have great original stuff and are fantastic at cover songs. They're so diverse, too." This would be the third time in the past couple of months that Ventus had seen this band and was dying for the show to start. Knowing Roxas', musical preferences, he was sure that these guys would blow him his mind. He had heard them perform a couple of Roxas' favorite songs after all.

A pair of arms slid around Roxas waist as the lights started to dim, making him jump and ready to react violently. However, yet another pair of brilliant azure eyes were grinning back at him. Sora chuckled and let his cousin go. "You guys ready for some awesome?" He chuckled, knowing how close he had been to being hit. Like Ventus, he was a devoted fan of this band, having been to almost all of their shows in the immediate area.

A low bass cord rung through the air, silencing the audience, including the three gripping the rail tight so not to be moved. A short man with slate blue hair let his fingers pick up and down the strings as drums joined in. Sitting behind the kit was another man with blue hair, clearly taller than the first despite being seated. They started a rough rhythm, getting the crowd moving. A blond stepped into the spotlight next, body swaying as he played faster, keeping double time to the other two. He grinned at them as he fell into the beat they had set.

Roxas frowned as the song continued like that for a full minute, clearly waiting for the singer to join them, wanting to get the song on with. Despite all the excitement surrounding him, he wanted the show over with. His gaze started to drift over the crowd, attention drawn to the side as a group of people started to yell. A tall, thin, red head was causing a ruckus, hoisting himself onto some kind of platform to draw attention to himself. He grinned, a microphone raising to his lips as he finally got the song started with. Well, that was an unnecessary display. Roxas thought so anyway. The guy's fire engine red hair was plenty attention getting that he didn't need to cause half a riot away from the stage.

He rolled his eyes and let Sora and Ventus force him to bounce with the song, enduring the torture for another four songs. Actually, their original stuff was really good. It was relatable, had a good beat, and whether he wanted to admit it or not, the front man was just damn hot. Must be the fiery hair. He was about ready to try and get away from the front when a familiar tune started to play. He blinked and blushed a little as the blond and red head started to move in unison drawing all eyes to their hips.

The band was playing A Change of Pace and the red head was definitely getting into the song, body moving so you had no choice but to stare and want him. Roxas' jaw dropped a little as his eyes roved over the man, finally coming to rest on his face. He hadn't noticed the lovely sharp lines, the interesting marks on the man's cheeks, or the fact that he had to most beautiful emerald eyes he had ever seen. He was shocked to feel like he had the red head's full attention as the chorus started, his entire body freezing while the singer seemed to stare down at him.

"I've been waiting, you've been dreaming of everything I'm talking about …"

Axel sang to the crowd, reveling in the energy they were giving off, and returning it in every motion, every note he sang. He dropped to his knees and looked down at the front, glancing at each face. He finally came to one that seemed just stunned. The small blond was clearly there with relatives since he saw two more pairs of blue eyes that glittered in the lights. They might be in the shadows now, but those eyes definitely shown through regardless. But the one seemed shocked that they were playing this song and that look was so cute. It was almost innocent with the wonder showing through on the blond's face.

He let his voice go down another notch or two, now singing to the blond just to see if he could get the kid to look uncomfortable. Sadly, the shock was just too strong and it didn't happen. Yet. Maybe in a few songs they could do something just as enticing and he could see what reactions he could get out of the crowd. Now, it was time for something a little slower, a little more somber to shake things up.

Over the next hour, Roxas was shocked to enjoy the spattering of original songs in with the obscure band covers that obviously few knew. Not only that, but Ventus was right; they were very diverse, going from slow and somber, putting true heart and pain into some of those songs, to just plain rocking music. The last song of the night would ascertain that everyone would want more of them. Once again, Axel wanted to be wanted, hands roaming over his own body. Not only that, but Demyx, the blond guitarist, showed his talents by dancing with the red head while playing flawlessly.

"I get off on you getting off on me,

Give you what you want,

But nothing is for free.

It's a give and take kind of love we make,

When your line is crossed,

I get off!"

Yeah, this band knew what they were doing to inspire so many different moods in such a short period of time. As the song ended, you just knew that they had done that on purpose, Axel and Demyx forcing the crowd into a tizzy with that last song and sending them home wanting. It almost completely ensured that the people would come back for another performance.

Roxas was certainly interested in seeing more.

As the crowd began to disperse, Sora nudged his dumb-struck cousin. "Fucking awesome, huh, Roxy?" He asked, once more preparing himself for a violent reaction due to the nickname. The blond simply nodded, shocking his twin and cousin. He loathed being called Roxy, yet his attention had walked away in skin tight black pants to the backstage area. That had to be the best show he had seen ever.

Sora caught Ventus' gaze and smirked. The bubbly twin shared the smile and spoke, "I think someone definitely got off. He always had a thing for red heads." The pair laughed until Roxas returned to the present and shot them both dirty looks. He hated to admit it, but they were right. Like everyone else, he was hooked and would be eager to attend the next show they would be putting on.


Author's Note : I don't feel like this was my strongest first chapter. I'll be starting another KH story as well and hope that one of them come out really well. Wish me luck!