Author's note: A request for Annie pregnant. Not sure how good I can do this, because it seems really outside of character, but I will give it a try while I maintain plausible deniability, let me know what you think. Also, if any of you follow Chris on Twitter, he is an adorable dad. (and if you don't follow Chris you should, best Twitter celeb ever).
The briefing had gone on an incredibly long time under the lights of the bullpen and Annie hadn't eaten anything yet. She had been standing for close to 90 minutes when everything went a little bit squiggly. She tugged on Auggie's arm and slid his hand down to her waist, leaning a little of her weight against him as she breathed in through her nose and tried not to pass out.
He squeezed her side and she nodded, her hair rustling against his shirt. It was amazing the non-verbal clues they could share considering he couldn't see her. Joan finally wrapped up and the group disbanded in a cacophony of disparate conversations.
"You alright?" Auggie asked quietly.
"Yeah, I just didn't eat anything this morning, my blood sugar is off," she brushed off his concern.
"Well go sit down before you fall down and I will get you something to eat," he poked her but stayed right beside her until she was seated at her desk.
Sure enough he returned with oatmeal and orange juice and a banana.
It was afternoon before Annie unearthed the bottom of her in box and decided to pop in and check on Auggie. The Tech Ops team were typing and tapping away, Stu was at Auggie's desk looking at algorithms and Barber was at his own desk munching on Doritos.
"Hello Boys," Annie greeted with a smile.
"Hello Annie," the trio returned.
"Auggie, I need…" Annie stopped as the nausea overwhelmed her.
Stu had never seen someone go from smiling to green quite so quickly. Before anyone could respond she was back out the door.
"What just happened?" Auggie asked concerned.
"She went white, then green then gone Man," Stu reported.
"Time for the blind guy to accidently walk into the ladies room again," Auggie sighed and followed after her.
Luckily she was alone in there, Auggie could hear her attempting to control her breathing.
"You OK?" he waited outside the stall.
A flush and the door opened.
"Yeah, that was so weird. I was fine and then I was really not fine," she rinsed her mouth out as Auggie found some paper towels, he wet them and held them cool against the back of her neck.
"Thanks," she smiled against his chest as she snuggled there for a second.
"Do you still feel sick?" he asked as he stroked her hair.
"No," she shook her head but made no move to step back.
It was 3:00 in the afternoon and Annie was starving. She and Auggie had eaten lunch at 1:30, there was no reason for her to be this hungry, but she seriously wanted to eat a tub of ice cream and a box of cookies and a bag of chips all at the same time.
She held strong for another 30 minutes, but then she made her way to the one person she knew would be able to help her out.
"Eric? You have any snacks in here?" she took advantage of Auggie's absence while he briefed Joan on something to weasel some snacks from Barber.
"For you Annie, anything," he opened a drawer in his desk that looked like a mini 7-11.
She wanted it all but settled for a package of chocolate-covered pretzels that would satisfy the salty-sweet craving.
"You rock Barber," she slapped him a high five.
"Don't I know it," he joked and returned to his screen.
Halfway through Thursday's briefing Annie looked up just as Auggie ran his tongue over his bottom lip and she almost moaned out loud. She tried very hard to listen to the update on the drug cartel in Paraguay that Joan was droning on about, but all she could really think about was Auggie.
Later that day, her mind still awash with the image of Auggie's tongue and as a reward for finishing a rather lengthy translation for a fellow agent she sent Auggie a message.
"Meet me in SC143 – A" was all it said.
Auggie had to think about where exactly SC143 was, but finally realized it was a small conference room on the 4th floor. When you date a spy you take a little subterfuge as the norm, so Auggie logged off his session, grabbed his cane and told the guys he would be back soon.
"Getting the bling guy lost in the building isn't as funny as it might….mmmmpf," Annie didn't even let him finish his sentence she was on him as soon as he shut the door.
"I want you so bad," she managed between kisses.
"Not that I don't applaud the sentiment, but we are at work," his words said cautious but his hands were more on the adventurous side as they skimmed along the waistband of her skirt.
"We are in SC143, the only non-surveilled room in the building, despite that we should probably err on the side of quiet," she whispered the last bit in his ear and felt him shiver under her fingertips.
"How do you know that?"
"It's a thing I know, I know things," she was losing coherency at this point as she pushed him into one of the office chairs around the conference table.
"I know we talked about Allen's tonight, but I am so tired I don't think I can keep my eyes open," Annie strolled into Tech Ops around 7:00 pm.
"That's fine actually, I think we need to talk about something and Allen's isn't exactly the perfect spot for that."
"Everything OK?" she sounded concerned.
"I am just fine, let's get out of here," he suggested.
Settled at home with leftover take out and iced tea Auggie decided to broach the topic he was hinting at earlier.
"So, I watched a lot of Cosby Show as a kid and well, my mom is an obstetrician," Auggie started randomly and his hands were actually moist with sweat.
"Annie, so far this week you have been light-headed, nauseous, ravenous, insatiable - my favorite by the way- and exhausted. You have been blessedly on US soil for over 6 weeks during which time you have slept in my bed every single night. I may not get to run around with the bad guys like you do, but I am still a spy. The intel I have gathered this week has me wondering…."
"If I'm pregnant? Yeah, I am wondering that too," Annie's voice sounded small.
"Hey, you OK?" he reached out and found her chin, which he knew was down and tipped her face up so at least she could look into his eyes.
"Timings not great, but would it ever be for a spy. What do you, um, how do you, wait…are you?" she struggled to find the words.
"I love you Annie and I believe we can handle anything mother nature throws our way. Am I petrified at the idea of a baby? Yep, but we'll figure it out."
"Yeah?" she smiled.
"Hey, I always wondered about your mom. After she had 5 kids did she just say, you know what, I could do that and switch places with the doctor?" Annie laughed.
Auggie smiled, "No I am pretty sure she went to med school."
"Probably," she shrugged and leaned over to kiss him, but yawned halfway there.
"Time for bed Miss Walker," he smiled again and kissed her.
"You'll make a great Dad."
The End