AHHHHHHHHHHHH You guys are so awesome! I now have 100 followers for the story which is exciting and 74 favorites! I also have 83 reviews! Thank you so much for the support everyone! I appreciate it so much! Ok since I'm pretty sure every single person who reviewed said they wanted an epilogue, I shall do it! So I hope you enjoy. I've had the idea of this for a one-shot but I decided to tie it in with this story. Enjoy the very last chapter of Fairy Tail High School Host Club. Really.


Epilogue: The whole nine yards


I stared down at the little stick in my hand in surprise. "Well I definitely did not see this one coming." I mumbled. Yes, the little stick in my hand was indeed a pregnancy test, and it did say positive. It's been a couple of months since Natsu proposed to me and we had a small wedding with just family and friends. It was really the greatest day of our lives. I honestly don't think I had ever seen Natsu smile that brightly. Though Gray did tell me that he was a nervous wreck before the ceremony. But now it was my turn to be a nervous wreck. The two of us haven't really discussed having children yet because we've only been married for three months. So I was scared as to what his reaction was going to be. I heard the front door to our house slam shut and some things being tossed onto the table in the kitchen.
"Luce? Are you home?" His sweet voice echoed throughout the empty house. I took a deep breath and threw the stick in the trash, washed my hands, and walked out into the living room.

"Ah there you are!" He came up to me and hugged me tightly placing a kiss on my lips. I smiled wearily at him and gave a small hi. He frowned and grasped my arms gently.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He questioned. I shook my head. "Natsu, you may want to sit down for this." I whispered. His frown only deepened in concern. Once he placed himself on a cushion, I sat in front of him on the table and grasped his hands.

"I'm pregnant Natsu." I said looking away from him in shame. The room was silent only making me more nervous.

"Are you serious?" He questioned. I looked back at him to see the biggest grin take over his face. "I can't believe this! It's great!" He said picking me up and twirling me around. I laughed loudly and told him to set me down. He did and gave me an extremely passionate kiss.

"This is amazing Luce! How far along are you?" He questioned placing his hands on my slim stomach. I smiled and did the same.

"About a month I believe. I'll have to go to the doctor and get a checkup to make sure." I said. Natsu suddenly picked me up in his arms and started to head towards our bedroom. "Natsu put me down this instant!" I squealed. He set me down on the bed and climbed on top of me with a loving smile.

"What are you doing?" I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck. He started to trail kisses over my exposed skin.

"Celebrating." He growled.


Natsu was shifting constantly in his seat, his leg shaking up and down in anticipation.

"Would you calm down Natsu? It's just a checkup; they aren't even going to do anything to you." I said. He just glared at me and crossed his arms. Natsu has always had this thing about being in doctors' offices and hospitals, he absolutely despised it.

"What are you going to do when I have the baby? Stand out on the sidewalk and wait till I get to go home to see your child?" I questioned. He looked at me in shock.

"NO! I would never do that! Of course I will stay by your side through the whole thing." He said. I smiled and nodded, knowing he was going to give that answer. At that moment, the door opened to reveal Dr. Shylock.

"Hello Mrs. Dragneel. How are you doing today?" She asked sitting down in the chair next to the examination table.

"I'm doing great; I can't wait to see how our baby is doing." I looked over at Natsu who took that cue to stand up and stand beside me. I grasped his hand in mine and looked back at the doctor. She smiled and started to get the equipment ready. She squeezed the gel onto my exposed tummy that had the tiniest little bump, barely even noticeable. I shivered. "Wow that feels weird." I said. She laughed and turned on the ultrasound. I stared at the screen in anticipation.

"Well you definitely have something in there; the baby is about the size of a kidney bean." She said. I tried searching for it, hoping to see what she was talking about.

"I can't see it." I whispered frowning. Natsu also stared at the screen. He pointed to something small and round.

"Is that the baby?" He questioned. Dr. Shylock nodded. I felt warmth spread throughout my body. "That's it Natsu. That's our child." I whispered kissing his hand that was grasped in mine. The tears trailed down my cheeks.

"Yep, it sure is." He said quietly.


Everyone was chatting happily, laughing at jokes that were cracked here and there.

"So Lucy, Natsu, how's the married life treating you?" Levy asked taking a bite of her burger. Gajeel currently had an arm wrapped around her waist possessively. I blushed and looked at Natsu who only grinned.

"Well we actually have something to tell you all." I stared at all of my friends. Who knew I would have gotten this far, and it was all because of Natsu. I had met these great people, who were now staring at me in anticipation. Mira, Erza and Lisanna practically had sparkles in their eyes, probably already suspecting the subject, Cana, Juvia, Wendy and Levy were grinning at us like maniacs, while all the men, Elfman, Laxus, Gray, Gajeel, and Loke, were just casually eating while looking at us. Though I think I saw Loke crying earlier at how 'his princess got taken away from him.' Because of Natsu, my true love, I had an amazing life, and we were now going to be bringing a new one into the world soon.

"I'm pregnant!" I squealed. All the girls jumped up and hugged me squealing so many things left and right. I laughed and hugged them all back. Natsu suddenly yanked me away from them.

"Hey take it easy, I don't want you fools hurting the baby." He said. I laughed and slapped his arm. "Stop being so overprotective." I said. Levy grasped my hands.

"I can't believe you guys are going to have a baby! What do you want? A boy or a girl?" She questioned. I looked down at my stomach and rubbed the still barely visible stomach.

"Well, it doesn't really matter to me, but I kind of hope we have a girl." I said. A noise came from Natsu causing us all to look at him.

"I don't want to have to worry about boys going after my baby girl! So I would rather have a boy." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"That's your reasoning? Come on Natsu that's ridiculous." I muttered. Erza soon piped in. "When do you actually find out the sex?" She questioned.

"When I'm about eighteen weeks along, so in about a month and a half. Don't worry; I will let you all know what it is." I said.

"Have you two thought of names." Mira asked. I looked at Natsu. "No I haven't really thought about it yet since we've had so much going on." I said. Natsu squeezed my hand.

"Actually, I have. If it's a girl I want to name her Layla, if it's a boy, Luke." He said. I looked at him in surprise. "You want to name the baby after my mom?" I questioned, feeling the tears build up. He nodded.

"I think it's only right that we do." He said kissing me on the lips. I hugged him tightly and kissed him back with as much passion.

"GET A ROOM!" Gray yelled. We both gave him the finger while still kissing with everyone laughing around us.


I sat up in bed and shook Natsu awake. He groaned and turned around. "What is it hun?" He grumbled. I bit my lip.

"Do we have any chocolate milk and pepper jack cheese?" I questioned. He sat up also and turned on the light. He looked over at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Say what now?" He questioned. I glared at him. "I said, do we have any chocolate milk and pepper jack cheese?" I questioned. He frowned and shrugged.

"I don't know, why?" He asked. I rubbed my round belly and groaned. "It's what the baby wants I guess. This is the cravings part of pregnancy Natsu." I said. He sighed and stood up walking towards our door.

"Where are you going?" I asked standing up also. He sighed. "To see if we have the milk and cheese." He said shuffling out of the room and into the kitchen. I decided to follow him. I found him bent over looking into the fridge.

"Well, I can make some chocolate milk for you, and we have a little block of pepper jack." He said holding up the package. I took it from his hands and started to munch on it whole.

"You know I could have sliced it." He said. I shrugged and continued to eat while he stirred up some chocolate milk for both of us. He sat across from me at the table, staring at me in amazement.

"Get used to this because I having a feeling this baby is going to have your appetite so I'll be eating a lot." I said slurping down my milk. Usually I would have cringed at the thought of this combination, but my stomach was only growling for more.

"I guess so. Seems like it's going to like spicy things also." He said taking a piece of cheese and chewing on it. I glared at him.

"Don't you dare touch my food!" I growled. He flinched away and got up to get a different kind of snack. He came back with some goldfish.

"So are you going to keep waking me up at two in the morning for cravings?" He questioned munching on the little fish. I shrugged.

"We'll have to wait and see." I said finishing the block of cheese. "But at least it'll give you practice for when the baby actually comes." I said. He gulped.

"The baby is going to be up at night?" He questioned. I stared at him. "Are you serious? Natsu come on! I thought you would know this stuff?" I questioned. He shrugged.

"I've never really learned about babies." He said. I sighed. "Well I guess I'm going to have to get a book for you to read." I said.

"Oh great a book." He grumbled.


"How can you not know what the sex is?!" Levy questioned loudly at my husband. He flinched and shrugged.

"I don't know I kind of want it to be a surprise for me. Lucy knows though." He said. I was practically beaming right now because I got to find out the sex of our baby. Natsu being the stubborn one didn't want to find out until the baby was actually born. There was also something else he didn't know that was a huge surprise.

"Well I wanna know! Natsu go away! I want to hear this!" She said. But instead I just whispered it into her ear.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE HAVING-"LEVY!" Natsu said loudly. She stopped what she was saying and laughed sheepishly.

"Hehe, sorry. I forgot." She said.

Natsu and I were currently in the music room of our house. He was playing the violin while I was sitting on the couch listening to him. He sighed happily and placed his violin down.

"I hope our baby will learn how to play the violin." He said sitting next to me and wrapping and arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sure she will." I said, but immediately covered my mouth. Natsu stared at me in surprise. "Did you just say she?" He questioned. I shook my head. "No you're hearing must be going bad." I said laughing nervously.

"We're having a girl?" He questioned. I couldn't hold it anymore. "WE'RE HAVING A GIRL!" I said wrapping my arms tightly around him. He kissed my head.

"I can't believe I'm going to have a little baby girl." He whispered. "Well actually you're going to have a little boy also." I said. He stared at me in bewilderment.

"Huh? Wait how can you be having twins? I only ever saw one baby." He said. I laughed. "You weren't paying attention well enough. The doctor also said that the two heartbeats are healthy." I said.

"Well I always though she meant your heart and the babies!" He said standing up. I frowned. "Are you not happy that we are having twins?" I questioned standing up also. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"It's not that, I'm just worried because we were only expecting one baby, not two. What if we can't do this Luce?" He questioned. I grasped his hands.

"Natsu, we are going to be fine ok? It can be scary, but we will pull through ok?" I said giving him a peck on the lips. His frown soon turned into a bright smile


"How the hell do you do this?!" Natsu yelled in frustration glaring at the instructions in his hands. I giggled and turned back to the walls.

"Calm down hun, you'll get it." I said. He growled and stayed quiet for a bit. I was painting the walls of the baby room while Natsu was currently trying to put together the white crib. I laughed as he kept grumbling random things under his breath. I stepped back to look at my work. Since we were having a baby girl and boy, we decided to go with pale green and pale yellow. So I had painted the base green and then taped some circles around and then painted over the green with the yellow. So now it was yellow with green polka dots.

"What do you think Natsu?" I questioned. He looked up from the crib and smiled. "It looks great!" He said. I smiled and sat down in the rocking chair that we had placed in the corner next to the large window. I sighed and rubbed my tummy which was very round now.

"Don't over work yourself ok?" He said picking up a screwdriver and giving me a stern look. I saluted to him.

"Aye." I said taking a sip of my lemonade. As he was working, Natsu started to sing quietly to himself, it was the same one he sang that fateful night at the karaoke place. I suddenly felt a random jolt hit my stomach. My eyes grew wide.

"Natsu! Keep singing!" I said excitedly. He gave me a weird look but continued to sing. Once again there were two little jolts to my stomach.

"Come here! The babies are kicking!" I said. His eye grew wide and he popped up from the floor and ran to me. I grasped his hands and placed them on my stomach.

"They aren't doing it now." He said sadly. "Sing then. They seem to really like their daddy's voice." I said lovingly. He did, and once a few words left his mouth, they immediately started to kick at my stomach. I almost thought he was going to burst with joy. His eyes were practically sparkling with excitement like a child on Christmas day.

"How does it feel?" He questioned looking at me. I shrugged. "Really strange, but wonderful." I said rubbing my stomach. Just knowing that there are two lives growing inside of me was wonderful. Natsu kissed my belly and went back to work.

"I can't wait to see them." I whispered.


"Thank you guys so much for throwing me a baby shower!" I said sitting down on the couch while being surrounded by all of my friends, presents, and Grandine. She was sitting right next to me holding me hand.

"Of course dear, you need as much baby stuff as you can get since you're having twins." She said. I laughed a grabbed the first present. Once everything was opened and wrapping paper was everywhere, I started to organize through my things. I had gotten multiple outfits for both of the babies, packages and packages of diapers, many little hangers, a few toys, a diaper dispenser, some binkies and bibs, and as a joke, condoms (curtsy of Cana).

"Thanks everyone! I'm sure I will use every single thing I got for sure. I can tell that these two are going to be a handful." I said. They all laughed and started to clean up the trash.

"So Lucy, I've been meaning to ask you, who's going to be the god mother?" Cana asked. That suddenly got everyone's attention. Mira jumped at me and gave me the puppy dog eyes.

"Uh, well I haven't really thought about that yet." I said nervously. "But you need a god mother." Levy said also joining Mira in the puppy dog eyes.

"What about me?!" Wendy asked loudly. I smiled at her. "Wendy you're going to be the Aunt, you can't be a god mother." I said. I looked back at my friends and sighed.

"Ok fine, I'll pick, but you can't be sad or mad if it's not you ok? I will go with Levy because she was my maid of honor." I said. The blue haired girl jumped up in victory. Mira just pouted.

"Well I guess that's fair enough." She grumbled standing up. "Who's the god father?" Lisanna asked. I shrugged. "I think it's going to be Gray." I said. Juvia immediately perked up at the sound of her fiancé's name.

"LOVE RIVAL!" She yelled. I winced and shook my head. "You've got the wrong idea Juvia! I love Natsu, not Gray." I said. She just glared at me. The room grew quiet after a while.

"So Lucy," Cana started, setting her drink down. "How's Natsu in bed?" She questioned causing all of us to blush.


"Only one more month, how are you feeling?" Natsu questioned handing me a plate with a large sandwich on it. I took it happily and started to munch on it.

"I'm feeling good, how are you holding up?" I questioned. He shrugged. "I don't really know I'm really nervous to become a dad. I honestly never saw myself doing something like this. I always thought I was going to be alone forever." He said. I grasped his hand in mine.

"Don't worry Natsu, I'm sure you are going to be an amazing father. You are a great person and I've seen you with kids, you always can make them laugh." I said. He smiled. "I have no doubt that you will be a great father." I said. He pecked my lips and nuzzled his head into my neck.

"I love you Luce." He mumbled. I sighed and placed my chin on top of his head. "I love you too Natsu."


"GET THIS DAMN BABY OUT OF ME!" I screamed clutching my husband's hand in a death grip. He was whispering sweet words into my ear, but I couldn't even hear it because I was focusing on the immense pain of a baby coming out of me.

"Ok Lucy, one more push!" Dr. Shylock said. I yelled loudly and pushed as hard as I could. I fell back onto the pillows when I heard the crying of the baby.

"Congratulations, you have a baby girl." She said holding it up. I smiled faintly and grasped Natsu's hand tightly.

"Ok, here comes the boy." She said. I took a deep breath and pushed again. Fortunately Luke came out fairly easy. I sighed and collapsed. Natsu kissed my forehead and wiped away the hair that was stuck to my face.

"You did great honey." He whispered. I glared at him. "Yeah you're the one who put the damn things in me yet you didn't do anything!" I said. He chuckled.

"What are you going to name the babies?" The nurse asked holding a clipboard. I looked up at Natsu, telling him to do the honors.

"Well the boy will be Luke Igneel Dragneel. And the girl will be Layla Rose Dragneel." He said. She nodded and walked off.
"Ok Mr. and Mrs. Dragneel, here's Layla." The nurse placed her gently in my arms. I felt the tears falling down my cheeks.

"She's so beautiful." I whispered stroking her forehead. "She has your eyes." Natsu whispered staring down at our daughter. I looked up at him and kissed his lips.

"And here is Luke." The nurse was about to hand him to Natsu but he shuffled away. "Uh no I don't think I'm quite ready to hold a baby." He said. I laughed lightly.
"Come on Natsu, he's your son, just hold him like I'm holding Layla." I said. He cautiously accepted Luke into his arms.

"Whoa this feels weird." He whispered staring down at the little baby. I smiled, he looked so happy, like the perfect father.

"Now, Luke hasn't opened his eyes yet, but he is awake. Don't worry about that he just seems to be sensitive to the light, so he will eventually open them." Dr. Shylock said. Natsu stared down at Luke and brushed his cheek with a finger.

"Hey Luke, why don't you open your eyes for daddy?" He cooed quietly. I felt more tears of happiness rush to my eyes. I definitely got the right guy. Natsu gasped.

"Hey little guy, I'm your daddy. I love you so much." He whispered kissing Luke's forehead. I looked down at Layla who was curled up and asleep.

"Natsu, do you want to hold Layla now?" I questioned. He turned to me and nodded. He placed Luke in my lap and carefully picked up his baby girl. I brought Luke into my arms and stared into his dark brown eyes, his were a shade darker than Layla's. Natsu sat down on the bed and looked at me.

"We're finally parents." I whispered. He smiled and looked back at Layla. "Yep, indeed we are." He said. "Hey if they stay like this, the whole parenting thing can't be that hard right?" I scoffed and shook my head. "Whatever you want to think Natsu." I said.

YAY! I hope you enjoyed that. It's full of NaLu goodness! Yeah I was running out of ideas so that's why Month 8 is so short. Also I apologize if anything is incorrect, I've never experienced child birth, but! I have recently held a newborn baby. It was a pretty amazing feeling :) Ok so I'm going to do a shout out to everyone who reviewed so here we go! (keep in mind these are the people who reviewed when I actually finished the story so please don't feel bad if your name isn't up here. I know all of those who have reviewed :D and I would go through all of those names but there are so many! But know that I love all of you who reviewed and I know you're there and thank you all so very much for supporting me through my re-edit :D







Minni Mi



Rose Tiger




Annie Blackheart XD





Tazumi Hanako












Derpy Walrusness




Chiharu Himeji



B. Embella
