Disclaimer, I don't own Harry Potter nor any other series in this story. If you thought I did, you may be a bonehead.

Hey, yeah,

Look, the kid is staying here, sorry. As good a things as I've heard about some of your graduates (I've heard great things about that Bellatrix woman) and about your facilities (Really, how many schools can you find next to an Acromantula colony? 3, that's how many, I checked), I think it would be better if my son stayed at home. You know, learned the tricks of the trade from his old man.

But thanks anyway, guys.

Hunson Abadeer

Dictated, but not read

"...But I will see what I can find out from HIM concerning Mimi's whereabouts." Aku, the Shogun, er...The Shoguness of Shadows, spoke sternly to her daughter, "Right now, I want you to stay here, understand?"

"My lo-My Lady," Demongo said, bowing...or bobbing, from the doorway, "Lord Abadeer has arrived with his son."

Standing behind the floating demon-soul was a messy haired bespectacled boy of twelve, dressed in a maroon suit and bolo tie with cowboy boots.

"Hello, Lady Ikra," The boy greeted with a small smile, "Hello, Chi."

"Greetings, Harry," The shapeshifter nodded to the young prince, "I shall leave you two to your devices, while I speak with your father." She said as she headed out the door, pausing only for a moment, "Demo, stay with the children and keep them out of trouble."

"Yes, my lady."

Harry watched the ruler of the dark metropolis leave before turning to see his hostess with her back mostly to him, texting rather angrily.

"Is there something wrong, Chi?"

The dark princess growled something too softly for the boy to hear.


"Why won't she answer!?" The future Shoguness roared, her form shifting into a reptilian beast as a new tail swept out, knocking the surprised Harry's feet out from under him

"My lady, please calm down," Demo cried, floating close, "Your emotions are affecting you, um, looks."

"What are you talking about?"

"Wow, Chi," Harry said, a little in awe, "When did you learn to do that? Dad hasn't even begun to teach me shapeshifting, yet."

"What are...you..." Chi finally caught sight of herself in a mirror behind Harry, "Is that...Me?"

"Congratulations, my lady," Demo said, "It seems you have taken your first step in the art of Shape-Shifting."

Chi wasn't listening, stepping over the other Underworld Heir to get a closer look in the mirror, her face slipping back into it's normal, human-like shape, "Sugoi," She breathed quietly, only broken away when a small, pink and gold Derringer pistol was lifted in front of her face.

"This is yours, isn't it, Chi?"

Scowling, she quickly grabbed the pistol and spun, putting the barrel to Harry's forehead, "What are you doing with my things?"

Smiling nervously, Harry answered, "I found it in the driveway and fixed it. I thought it was yours."

Taking a moment, Chi realized it was the same gun the Lord of Fire Hell had bitten in half.

"Che," Chi scoffed, turning away from the boy to put her weapon away.

"I apologize, lord Harry," Demo approached, "Lord Him arrived without his daughter, and my lady has been distressed because of it."

"Oh," Harry said, sounding downcast, before sighing, "Well, maybe I can help. I could probably find Mimi."

"What!" Chi asked, suddenly in the boy's face, "How?"

"M-My sister," Harry stuttered, blushing from the princesses close proximity, "Marcy visited last week and she taught me how to Scry for folks. If you have anything of hers and a large bowl of water, I could find her, maybe even open a portal if she's in the underworld."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Chi yelled emptying out a soup bowl and throwing it at him. As he caught it just before hitting his face, she retrieved a lock of hair from inside her kimono.

"Right," Harry smiled, placing the bowl in front of the mirror, waving a hand over it as it filled with water from an unseen source. Dropping a few hairs into the bowl, he muttered, "Manifesto...Locus...Quaerebant...Daemon!"

The water took on an eerie green glow, as did the boy's Bolo tie, as the liquid swirled, the bowl's bottom disappearing as they saw a small room. It wasn't a cell, as it seemed to comfortable, posters and pictures too angled to see right. But some snores, as well as length of pitch black hair, could be found from under the bed.

"THERE SHE IS!" Chi yelled, "Quick, open the portal!"

"But we don't know where that is yet, it could be dangerous and-"

"Open the portal!" She yelled again.

"My lady, the young lord is correct, we must-" Demo was cut off when a flame-tipped tail smacked him out of the air as a tyrannosaur-like Chi grabbed Harry by his suit-coat.

"Open the damn portal!"

"O...-kay," Harry said, camly and in no way caught between scared and blushing from the girls proximity. Setting himself so the bowl was between him and the mirror, he waved a hand towards the full length mirror, "Speculi, Sint Semitae Meae."

Ripples danced across the mirror as it became like water, showing the room in the pool instead of Chi's room. The Dark Princess dashed through the mirror, forgetting to release Demo or Harry as she dragged them through the quickly closing portal.

As Harry shook off the feeling of vertigo, he found Chi holding a familiar looking...Human?

"Oh, my love, what have they done to you, to cast you into such a weakened state and-"


"Crap," Harry grit his teeth, standing quickly.

"Well," Chi said, "Open the portal."

"I can't since you took me away from the scrying pool, I need to see both ends to open it between mirrors."

"What the heck?"

Both heirs turned to the doorway to see...A Skeleton in football gear holding a food tray?

He seemed just as surprised, the room silent, save for the intruder alert system, until the boy skeleton saw Mimi, unconscious, in Chi's arms.

Apparently assuming the worst, his football gear shifted into an overcoat, the hood's shadow over the glowing-eyed skull giving them an impression of where they had ended up.

As the boy, now recognizable as a Reaper, growled something unintelligable, Harry realized this was probably not going as well as Chi hoped.


Marceline groaned in sheer boredom. She'd come all the way to the Nightosphere, only to find her brother had been dragged away on business by their dad.

Marceline floated idly around the palace balcony, looking out over the madness of her father's realm, until a portal ripped open nearby. Expecting her brother and father, Marceline was surprised when a pair of young girls and a small soul-ball dropped through.

"What the flip?" The vampire queen looked quizzically at the group as the portal closed behind them, spitting out a skull at the last second, a sort of skull she could recognize from her youth.

When the odd feeling of vertigo wore off, Chi, still clinging to her unconscious love, found herself looking up at a blank faced, grey skinned woman, holding a skull.

"This," Marceline began, "Is a skull of a guard of the Castle of Grim. Now I could probably make a joke or two about how screwed you are if you pissed off Mandy the Bitch Queen, but the only thing that I can think right now is a question. And keep in mind, I'll kill you if you lie." She pointed out, her eyes turning red, "Where is my brother?"

Scoffing at the audacity of the woman, Chi glared at her, "Do you know who I am? I-" Anything further was cut off as a strong hand slapped her across the room and into a wall, knocking her away from Mimi.

Shocked, if only for a moment, Chi clutched her cheek before her flames truly ignited, her form shifting to a tyrannosaur-like visage, "You foolish wench, I'll-"

Again, Chi's tirade was cut off, this time by a very large, very angry bat-like monster, who wrapped her hand around the heir of Aku, squeezing tightly.

"Now you listen, you scum sucking, spoiled little bitch," Marceline growled deeply, "I could kill you any time I want, I could cripple you and make you watch as I drain your little friend dry of anything red in her body and leave her as a husk for the crows. I could break you and cast you into a pit of the most vile, evil and monstrous demons you could imagine and never have a second thought about it." The bat creatures grip lessened, if only a little, as she continued, "The only reason I don't kill you where you are is because my little brother may have just given his life to save your sorry asses, and if there's even a chance of him being alive, then I have to hurry, but know this," The creature hissed as it returned to her normal form, eyes still glowing an eerie red, "If my brother is dead, then you will live, and I will make sure every moment you do so, from here to eternity, is nothing but pain and horror like you can't even imagine." And with that, the Vampire Queen took to the skies, leaving a fearfully shaking Chi behind.


Mandy, the Bride of Death, looked at the gray skinned teen that had just burst through her castle doors with a great deal of annoyance.

"Why the fuck is it apparently so easy for children to break into my damn castle?"

Ignoring the question, Marceline Abadeer, Princess of the Nightosphere and Queen of Vampires, reached to her back and, for the first time in a long, long time, gripped her Axe-Bass, and held it as it was meant to be held, as a weapon, cast from the condensed madness of the most evil and depraved souls and forged in the fires of damnation, the weapon giving off a bloody glow.

"Mandy," Marceline growled, her hair waving like serpents as her eyes glowed to match her axe, "I'm here for my brother, and if I have to carve you up like a turkey, then so be it."

Rolling her eyes slightly, Mandy drew her pistols, spitting out a cigarette.

As the smouldering ashes hit the ground, the battle began.

A.N. And a Harry Potter/Grim Tales crossover. Kinda had the thought of Harry having an unrequited crush on Chi, but couldn't get it in as much as I would have wanted.