I really hated how American Horror Story Season 1 ended between Violet and Tate. I do understand that what he did was very wrong, but I feel like we should have seen a ways into the future when they had something like a reunion. After all, they are stuck together forever so given the circumstances, holding grudges really wouldn't do any good. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! :)

Tate's diary:

"Good bye, Tate." she pulled away. That was the last time I talked to her. It's been a little over a year. I wanted more than anything to beg her to just take me back at that moment. I really felt like shit for what I'd done, I thought I was just helping Nora but then I fell in love with Violet and realized what a horrible thing I'd done. I tried to fix it, I really did.. but there's no way to fix what I did. I knew that, but it didn't stop me from trying. I hadn't killed anyone in over a year thanks to Violet. We didn't really talk. We saw each other once in a while but we just never said anything. She could hardly look at me now.. How could I ever expect her to forgive me? God I'm such a douchebag. The only people that would talk to me were my mom when she wanted help with something or needed to bitch about her pathetic life, Hayden when she had been thinking about Ben too much and wanted sex that she never got from me, and Thaddeus who didn't talk, just made noises. I've talked to Ben a few times, but he only cares about Vivien. I apologized to her too, she said "Thanks." and then just walked away. Everyone assumes I'm the bad one in this house. What the hell makes them any better than me? Moira seduces men to get whatever she wants. Ben was a lying cheater who committed suicide, and Hayden kills people more often than I do now. I better just stop getting angry about this. It's almost Halloween again. I've been looking at videos on YouTube lately on these really cool Halloween pranks and gathered a few ideas though I might need the twins for a few of them. Hmmm... Better get started now.

Violet's diary:

When I first moved to this house, I actually it might be some sort of adventure. What a bunch of shit. Now I'm stuck here for all eternity. I guess at least I have family here and made a few friends since dying. Chad was cool, weirdly Elizabeth was actually kind of a cool chick who taught me some new hair and makeup techniques. Moira talked to me once in a while too but mainly because her and my mom had become besties. Wow I need some water or something.

Violet walked downstairs and got a glass to get some water. She shut the cabinet and jumped.

"You shitheads almost gave me a heart attack! What the hell?" Violet yelled at the twins. She never talked to them, what could they want?

"Violet, we need to talk to you." Troy said. She sat down at the table across from them.

"What's wrong? You two never talk to me." She replied

"It's Tate.. I know you hate him but-"

"I don't hate him, I love him, I just can't..forgive him."

"Why? We've all forgiven each other, Hell Patrick had a fireplace poker shoved up his ass by that douchebag and he forgave him.. He even tried to make up for it."


"He told Nora he couldn't take your brother away."

"Wait, what? Nora? That bitch that tried to steal my moms baby? He helped her?!"

"No, Violet. Nora was like a mother to Tate. She was always there for him when Constance wasn't, and one day she said she just wanted a baby and that's the only way he knew to help her. He wasn't ever taught wrong from right.. but this was all before he knew you and once he loved you he told Nora their deal was off and tried to fix it even though we all knew, him included, that there was no way to correct what he'd done."

"Oh my God.. Wait. If he told you two to say this I'll beat the shit out of you and him."

"He didn't. We have nothing better to do than learn peoples business around here." Both twins laughed.

Violet got up and walked back to her room and shut the door and just cried. She missed him so badly and wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and tell him she loved and missed him.. but she couldn't. She opened the door and went to the attic.

"Hey Beau." she said quietly. She grabbed the red ball and threw it to him. Beau crawled out and smiled at her. She asked if she could vent to him, and as soon as he nodded she went off about Tate. It must have been an hour before she stopped and realized Beau was now asleep and her voice was sore from so much talking. She said goodbye and went downstairs, she pulled the door up and saw him standing in the hallway looking as gorgeous as ever. His black long sleeved shirt, blonde hair in his eyes and black jeans. They locked eyes and before he could say anything she turned and walked away. It took everything in her not to turn back, but she didn't. Instead she went into the nursery where she knew Chad would be. She smelled his strong scent of cologne. She had her hand on the door handle when she heard him and Patrick in a fight. Then she realized tomorrow was Halloween. She decided she'd be a Gothic princess. Simple with her clothes and tricks she'd picked up from Elizabeth. She lay down and drifted off to sleep.