Vriska was pissed. She just had a fight with her best friend about who the hell knows. And now she was driving home. The lights hit her face one by one. Each lamp post lit her face up. Revealing the scowl and pain on her face. A tear rolled down her face. She wiped it away, and then focused back on the road. The girl pulls into her arpartment parking space. She gets out and starts furiously stomping up to her apartment. "Hey Vris, wanna get a drink late-" "Fuck off, Eridan." She pushed him out of the way. When Vriska got to her door, she pulled out her key and unlocked it, threw her purse on the couch and fell face first on the sofa.

She laid there crying and punching shit for hours. Eventually she got up and walked over to the bathroom. When the light came on, she saw her red face, covered with tears. Her attention fell to the razor on the sink. She picked it up and held it to her wrist, where several other cuts were already there. She made a small cut and took small pleasure on the sharp pain and blood that spilled. She needed some air.

Locking the door, Vriska made her way to the elevator. "So, that's a no?" A middle finger gave him his answer. She pressed the button for up. When it got there, her friend Sollux was on. "Hey Vrithka." "Hi." Sollux was getting off the elevator when he grabbed her wrists. He immediately noticed the cut and the blood. "Vrith, i think you need to get get thome help." "Mind your own fucking business." She jerked her hand away from her friend. "Vrith,". The elevator door shut on his face.

She knew he was right, she would get help eventually. When she was ready. The door chimed and opened up to the roof. Vriska doesn't come up here often, but she needed the cool breeze and wind in her. But she wasn't alone. She noticed another man, also about 18-19, taller than Vriska, with messy, long hair, wearing poka dot sweatpants and a knee long clown shirt. and was also very thin. He was leaning slightly over the edge looking out over the city, smoking. Vriska approached the man and stood beside him, letting breeze roll over her hair and shoulders.

A minute or two went by when the man spoke. "What the motherfuck is up, sis?" Vriska looked at the man and said, "Shit." "Well we all got some shit going on, my names Gamzee." He held out his hand to her. She reluctantly returned the hand shake. "Vriska." Then the scent of what he was smoking hit her. Weed. Ganja. Mary jane. This guy was getting high. "What are you smoking?" She asked. "Some sour diesel. Wanna puff?" "Fuck yes." She grabbed the joiint and took a deep inhale. Holding it in for 30 seconds, she blew the smoke out. Gamzee stood there in awe. "Well shit. You know how to handle your shit."

Gamzee glanced down at her and noticed a small bit of blood flowing down onto the cement. "Umm, shit sister, you seem to be leeking blood." Vriska looked down at the blood, laughed and said "Yeah, shitty day." Gamzee realised what she meant and said "Well I guess you and me are two of a kind." He lifted his bracelets and exposed several cuts. Vriska was surprised but guessed he was in just as much pain as she was. "So what's wrong in your life." "Well shit. Mom walked out on me, Dad worked to much to raise me, have to work at a shitty job to pay for a shitty house. Alot of fucked up happenings. You?" "Almost the same. Never knew my dad, had to care for my mom untill she died recently. I was bullied in school untill I barely finished high school. Moved in here, and I just got in a fight with my best friend."

"Well shit sister, I guess we're both pretty fucked up." He said with a smile. "Yeah," she said taking another hit, "I guess we are." She finished the joint and put it out on the pavement. "Well sis, I gotta get going to bed. I'm up here everynight if you need anyone to spit some feelings at, you know where to catch me." "Sure." Gamzee walked back to the elevator and pressed the button. "You comin'?" "Nah, maybe later. I'm just going to chill here for awhile." "Okay, see you later motherfucker." Vriska giggled. She was really fucking high at this point. "See you motherfucker." She replied to him. He went down the elevator and left Vriska alone. She called Kanaya and apologised. When they were done talking, she hung up and looked outnover the beautiful city. She could get used to this.

The next morning.

It was Saturday. No work. Vriska lifted her head up slightly and looked around. She was in her living room and on her couch/bed. She sat up and looked at the clock 11:53. Damn. She sat up and walked over to the kitchenette. She took a little bit of bacon out of the mini fridge and turned the stove on. She threw some bacon on the pan, and started making breakfast. She made a bit of toast from some of the left over bread, and sat down at her coffee taboe and started to eat when she heard the doorbell.

Vriska got up and walked to the door, opened it and saw Sollux Captor. "Hey Sollux!" She said in an annoyingly high pitched squeak. "Can I come in?" "Sure." She let him in and went back to her couch to continue eating. "Look, latht night hurt. You're hurting yourthelf and your friendth. Pleathe, get thome help." "Look, Sollux, I'm flattered you care so much for me but I'm fine." She grabbed his shoulders, "I swear." "Fine. But I thear if thith ethcalates, I'm getting you help whether you like it or not." "Ok." Then he left.

Finally, some time to herself. She starts to turn on the Tv but puts up her plate first. She lays down on the couch, and turns on the Tv. Crap, crap, meh. So she watched Tv for awhile. At about 5:00 she gets up and goes for a daily jog. Nothing speacial, just a jog around the park with her good friend Nepeta. Vriska meets Nepeta at the park at 5:30 and the two start jogging and talking. "So how's it going with Karkat?" "Great! We got an apartment a week ago! And just one bed." She blushed. "Well that's good. Better than my life." Nepeta stopped, and looked at Vriska. "You're not - umm- cutting yourself anymore. Right?" "Look, Nepeta, I'm not going to lie. Yes. But I'm quitting!" "Vriskers! You know how i feel about this! Please, talk to someone about this!" "I'm fine, let's just jog."

Gamzee woke up in his self proclaimed "shitty apartment." He got up and threw an unclean shirt and his usual sweat pants. Then got up and started making breakfast. The events of last night rung through his head. He liked this girl. It was something about her that made him think about her. He shooknthe thoughts out of his head, and finished eating.

He made his way to the bathroom. He washed his face and looked down at his sink. A razor stared back at him. No. He can't continue this shit. He turned the light off. And watched Tv. He kept staring at the clock. Waiting untill it was time to meet her again. Finally, the clock turned 10:00 Pm. He grabbed a pipe and headed up to the roof.