Hey, guys! It's been a while. I know I said I was not going to continue this story, but Mericcup week was last month and I wrote this little number. I think it's really cute and a great way to end this story.

Now, this is the end, but I'm currently writing a full length Mericcup fic called Legend of the Loch and plan to start a small drabble collection set in the RotBTD universe. So, if you're interested keep a look out for those.

Anyway, on with the story!

Merida shuffled forward in the saddle as Toothless crouched, ready to spring. Hiccup swallowed. Merida's violent curls were everywhere in his peripheral vision, tickling his cheek and his neck, as she wrapping her arms around him.

"R-ready?" He managed, adjusting his grip on the handles of the saddle. He felt her nod, "Okay, Bud. Let's go. Gently."

In retrospect, Hiccup should have known better, but for some reason he really, really wanted this girl to like him, not scare her out of her mind. Then again, he also should have known better than to doubt the Night Fury. If anyone could get her to like him it was Toothless. The dragon was a living breathing chick magnet.

Toothless let out a rumbling growl that sounded suspiciously like a laugh to the Viking boy and in one swift motion he spread his wings and launched into the air, nearly throwing the two teens off the saddle. Merida's squeal rang in Hiccup's ears and she clutched him tighter trying to keep herself from flying backwards.

"Toothless," He yelled over the roaring of the wind. Toothless laughed again rocketing across the sky, rolling and diving through the air and Merida continued to scream. Her yells where drowned by the roaring of the wind in their ears as Toothless broke from the tree line and soared over a sparkling lake. If he hadn't been so preoccupied he would have marveled at the beauty of the place, but Hiccup was too busy struggling to keep up with the dragon as Merida's small hands clutched at his tunic none too gently.

"I'm really, sorry. He's usually not like this," He yelled over his shoulder. "Gods, Toothless, take it easy. She's never even seen a dragon before, come on. No, don't." Toothless roared enthusiastically, pulling up and pumping his wings, climbing into the air. Merida's arms tightened around him as Toothless shot up into the clouds. The dragon leveled out and they were suspended in midair for a moment. Hiccup met Toothless' green gaze for a split second. The Night Fury grinned cheekily at him.

"No. Don't even think about it. Toothless!" The dragon ignored him, folding in his wings, "Toothless! Oh boy, here we go."

Toothless dropped into a break neck dive, cutting through the air with a high pitched whistle. Hiccup closed his eyes, bracing himself, but instead of the terror filled scream he expected from her a wild laughter filled his ears. He looked over his shoulder. Behind him, a silly grin plastered onto her face, Merida whooped with glee. A smiled slowly made its way onto Hiccup's face as he watched her, joining in her laughter. Her blue eyes were wide, filled with joy. Her nose and cheeks were red from the wind, her hair flying behind her like a comet's tail.

She screamed as Toothless pulled up. Hiccup reacted instantly, turning back around and spreading the tail fin as Toothless spread his wings. Toothless leaned to the right, dipping his wing into the water of the lake, spraying the two teenagers with brine. Leveling out, he cruised over the water, letting the teens catch their breath.

A flash of red caught Hiccup's eye and for a moment he thought the water had caught fire somehow. He looked down, watching the surface of the water pass under them. Merida's reflection smiled at him, resting her cheek on his shoulder.

"This 'es amazin'," She said quietly. She looked at Toothless, reaching under Hiccup's arm to rub the dragon's head, "'Ee's amazin'."

Hiccup grinned and shrugged mockingly, "Eh. He's alright."

Merida laughed and Toothless made a rumbling noise deep in his chest and pulled up from the glide gently. They soared above the clouds, dipping and wheeling until the clouds were lined with silver and the sky was painted pink as the sun slowly sank behind the horizon line.