Hey, hey, hey people, I am back with the sequel. And I am here with the one and only…Where's my co-writer gone? *Searches for co-writer*

Kate: When did we have a huge stage put in?

Seren: Uh, we didn't?

Oh, I know what's going on. *Walks over to mic* HELLO CAST OF ALMIA! We have kept most of you, some of you we have had to let go and we miss you, please say goodbye to the co-workers who are leaving.

Cast: *Goes and says goodbye to most background people*

But now, we have the biggest surprise for you. INTRODUCING! THE ONE, THE ONLY, MY CO-WRITER RILEY SKY!

*Stage turns around and a girl with red hair in a Ranger cosplay uniform's left on a platform*


Keith: This, is how our slow deaths begin.

Kate: Suck it up.

Seren: HI SKY! You need to sign this.

Sky: *Looks at HTF*

Me: *Nods head*

Sky: *Quickly reads over it before getting a devious smirk and signing it*


Keith: Which couples?

Kate: The following couples;

Vatonage shipping

Measure shipping

Who's On Top Tonight shipping

Sven: Can't we change the name of that?

Wendy: Yeah, it sounds weird.

Kate: Where was I? Oh yeah.

Camera Face Shipping (Seren and Kellyn for those who don't know it)

And possibly Oblivia Shipping (Ben and Summer)

Sky: Plus maybe a little of what I call VienShipping (looking at you, Crawford and Luana!) Can't wait to get started writing! I can make Seren say mushy things.

Seren: I thought we were friends?

Sky: From now on, I'm the writer and you're a worker, but outside this we can all be friends.

Me: We're one big happy family, aren't we?

Cast: *Nods sacredly*

Me: Cool, so erm, what's the summary for this thing anyway?

Sky: Hell if I know.

Keith: Shall I just read this? *Holds up piece of paper*

Me: Yeah why not.

Keith: Alright, chain, whips, gags, candles, lighters-

Kate: This sounds like a shopping list.

Seren: A kinky shopping list.

*Ben appears*

Ben: GIVE ME THAT! *Disappears*

Kate: I'm not even gonna ask.

Kellyn: Here, this is a summary;

Weeks after operation Brighton, Kate, Seren, Rythmi, Isaac Keith and Kellyn thought they'd have time to relax, right? WRONG! In a different Region a new evil awakened. And now, our dear Rangers not only have to put up with rampaging pokemon, but illusions and, and, well if i told you what else it'd ruin the surprise. But the biggest question is; what's with all the Unown showing up all over the place? Well, things can't be worse than Operation Brighton, right?

Seren: That's long.

Sky: Just do a disclaimer already.

Cast: HTF and Riley Sky do not own pokemon; they own the idea and nothing else.

Seren: Except HTF, she owns me and Camera Face Shipping, ENJOY!

Me: Why do I feel like we should say something else?

Sky: Shh, the story's starting.

Katherine Atreya Jones; Almia's finest. Saving the world from evil with the help of her friends;

Rythmi Laya Song, a perky blonde operator who got along with everyone she saw.

Isaac Tobias Coleman, a smart blonde who loved to tinker with machines and create things that, some would say, could defy the laws of physics.

Kellyn Joe Brown, a perky brunette, who had an obsession with his face, just a slight smidge on it could drive him crazy. Despite his obsession, he was a very well trained Ranger.

Seren Alaura Redfern, a lovely girl with black hair, she loved to take pictures at the most inappropriate times. Some would deem this as a weakness, but it was just something she did. Despite this fault, she always came through for her friends.

Lastly, there is Keith Atreyu Dazzle, son of a mob boss who tried to take over Almia (and the world). Keith was a lot happier since his father had been defeated in Operation Brighton. He spoke a lot more, but he always seemed to get nervous around a certain brunette girl.

The six teens stood in the grand hall of the Ranger Union, laughing with three other friends of theirs, Raisha, Sven and Wendy. Each had helped out in Operation Brighton in their own way.

Operation Brighton, a large operation that took place around a month ago. Almia and the world would have been in terrible danger if not for this one operation to save it. Darkness would've filled the earth, lives lost; fear struck in the hearts of all; but thanks to the rangers, peace reigned once more.

"Operation Brighton was a month ago and we're still celebrating," Wendy sighed as she looked out the window to the night sky.

"Not necessarily a bad thing." Kellyn shrugged. "I'm loving the newspaper shots they took of us."

"Did you really have to take your shirt off last time?" Seren sweat dropped.

"Ah but they got more readers after that, didn't they?" Kellyn winked.

The group sighed, shaking their heads. Keith chuckled before following Wendy's gaze out the window. Don't get him wrong, he was glad everything was over, but he couldn't help feel something, somewhere, was terribly wrong.

And he was right.

Far off, in another region, trouble was stirring. Sinnoh's mountains were being struck by harsh blizzards. Hail pelted from the dark clouds as wind fiercely blew across the deep snow. No sunlight peaked through; it was as dark as midnight up there.

Something seemed very off. Even the pokemon living up there could sense there was a problem. Mt. Cornet was never like this. Pressure clung to the air, making it heavy. It grew more dense higher up. The worst of it was above the swirling storm clouds; Spear Pillar.

For hours, black and purple electric shocks were dancing in mid-air. They seemed to revolve around a particular spot in the very center of the ancient ruins. And once the build up of energy was at its highest peak...it began.

Pillar Spear began to shake viciously. Thunder boomed. Bolts of lightning hit the mountainside in a fury. Some of the pillars crumbled to little pebbles from the intense power. It was then a tiny little dot formed on the ground. At first, nothing more than a tiny little dot.

But it grew bigger. Clouds swirled around the mountaintop faster. The black dot expanded, forming into a pool of darkness. A thick bog poured from it and flooded the area. Pokemon nearby shivered in fright, hiding. Even the braver ones growled but knew to keep their distance.

The electricity cackled more as something started to emerge from the black. A shadow slowly rose. It started to climb from the darkness and back onto the surface. The black dripped off the body that started to form.

"It's been too long." The figure muttered. "I'd almost forgotten what the wretched place was like. Or...what light is..."

Pokemon stared in horror at this strange being. Terror paralyzed their hearts.

"No matter. Soon enough, my dreams will be reality again. Victory shall be mine. THE DARKNESS WILL SEIZE THIS WORLD YET AGAIN!"

The silhouette laughed as lightning struck behind him, at the darkness from which it ascended. Pokemon fled the scene with horrified expressions. But while they knew what happened, the world had no idea the horrors that were unleashed.

Sky: There we go! First chapter written by the two most epic writers in history!

Seren: *starry eyed* It's like a scene from a movie!

Sky: *puts on director shades* What I was going for.

Rhythmi: Where'd HTF go?


Rhythmi: *Face palm* Don't tell me Keith pushed her in that black pool.

Keith: WHAT? It's called self defence!

Crew: *face palms*

Sky: Alrighty then, I'll go rescue her. But we'll be back with the next chapter real soon! Full of more epic stuff and action! With your favourite comedy characters too!

Cast: Please review and we'll see you soon. REVIEW!