
Chapter song: 2.20 Boy by Suicide Sports Club

~Tuesday- Day 1~

You probably don't know me, in fact, I'd be utterly shocked if you did. Anyway, my name is Harry Potter and I'm going to be enrolling at H.E.A.D., formally known as Hogwarts Elite Academy of Diplomacy. It's a rich kid 'politics of upper class' school, but me and the other 0.5% of the student body are hardship transfers. Not even one of the people in that 0.5% have a penny to their names, obviously including me.

I currently live in Ohio with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. Oh, you're probably wondering 'Oh, Harry, why don't you live with your parents?' The answer is quite simple, really, they're dead. As a door nail, in fact. They died in a car crash when I was a baby, I was in the car but I survived. Lucky me, huh? Didn't know them much, so not a lot to miss. Anyway, beyond the cynicism.

I have a pet ferret named Castiel, he's white and I love taking him everywhere. He's the best. Shit, getting off topic again. Anyway, I'm leaving here today so I can transfer. It may be the first day and all but I'm a junior and everyone knows each other, the chances of me befriending anyone are zero to negative ten. Maybe I can befriend a teacher or something. Wow. I'm really desperate, aren't I?

Anyway, right now I'm packing the last bits of clothes (and what few material things I own) and putting it in a large trunk. It's a big trunk that my aunt Petunia found in the attic because she didn't want me taking one of their expensive luggage sets. She told me it 'gave more space to use a trunk, anyway'. I hate to admit it but she's right.

I was able to fit all of my clothes(which wasn't much), what few books I owned, as well as my marble chess set my father had left to me. The only thing they left to me besides a picture frame of them two by a beautiful fountain. I envied the never-ending happiness they'd shown in the photo. The days I didn't exist. It may be vice versa now but I feel no relief. They still left me alone with the devil's kin.

I closed the trunk and cursed, I'd forgotten Cas' cage. I open it again and collapse the cage within the trunk, careful to keep the chess set protected. I called out to Cas and he climbed up my arm and rested on my shoulders.

I hear loud, blaring honks, prolonged, and painful to my ears. My uncle Vernon is getting impatient.

"Coming!" I yell, getting irritated, out the window.

I drug the leather trunk down the stairs and it clunked loudly down every step.

"Keep it down, would ya?!" my bully of a cousin bellowed.

My aunt Petunia pushed him away slowly from where I was, whispering that I was leaving so her "Dudley-kins need not to worry about that freeloading brat". It's funny considering I'm the only one to did anything- I did the cooking, I did the cleaning, I did the bankbooks- it's pathetic.

I slid quietly into the passenger seat in the back. Castiel hid quietly in the neckline of my hoodie, they didn't know about my little pet, that of which I was glad. They would've killed him, sold him, or something else inhumane. He sniffs my neck and I try not to laugh, it tickles due to the wetness of his nose and the occasional nips on my neck. I won't miss the Dursleys, I don't think I ever will.

Once we reach the bus station, I expect my uncle to kick me out without saying a word but I'm not so lucky.

"Don't mess this up, boy. This is your last shot."

I nod, "Yes, uncle Vernon." and exit the car, walking to the ticket machine. His car couldn't leave fast enough.

I got my ticket and sat on the outdoor benches, bits of broken metal sticking up into my jeans. (Don't get me wrong, it hurts like hell, but worse has happened.) I check my watch, my bus should be here any minute. I look up and there's the bus! I run up to the loading dock and it almost runs me over. A guy manually opens the door, a tall, pimpled, lanky guy, and ushers me in. I get on the bus and an old guy mumbles a greeting. The bus is practically empty and I take a seat in the front, behind the driver.

There's the occasional snoring but no noises otherwise. Once it's nightfall, everyone except the driver, the lanky guy, and I remain on the bus.

The ticket collector smiles, "It'll be a while, get some sleep. You're heading to Hogwarts Academy, right?"

I nod.

"The closest station is a half mile away from it, you have to walk from there."

I nod again and lean against the window, praying for sleep.

As presumed, I was not so lucky. I stayed awake for the rest of the night. Once it'd gotten to a while before midnight, I left the bus and walked towards my new school. Luckily, the bus driver (with his creepy ventriloquist dummy) had a map of the route to the school.

I walk leisurely towards the sign by the bus stop where they eventually let me off. A small metal sign, hidden by vines from the Mesozoic era block my view. I frown, moving around it and I see the small emblem of Hogwarts. Maybe it'll give directions? No such luck, only a large "9 3/4 miles to Hogwarts blah blah blah" sign.

It has an arrow pointing straight ahead. I guess I go that way. I turn on my heel and drag the trunk along the dirt road. The ticket guy on the bus calls out to me, "Before you go, take this." he hands me a wheeled dolly for my trunk. I put it under the trunk and turn around to thank him, but the bus is gone. Weird.