A/N: I'm really sorry for this being late! I know some of you wanted a short sequel to this, so here it is! I hope it concludes the story nicely though. :)

I also want to thank those who've reviewed the first chapter! I'm sorry I couldn't do this sooner, but really, thankyouthankyouthankyou and I'm glad you liked it! :)

"Oh my God! My eyes!" Both said in unison, before Scorpius, realising that they weren't exactly being quiet, clapped a hand over Rose's mouth. She turned around and gave him a pointed look. Sheepishly, he let go and they inched behind a tree. Thankfully, their parents hadn't seemed to have heard them.

"I take it back," Rose said finally, leaning against the trunk. On second thought, even if she wished for her mother's happiness, she didn't really want to see a live display of her wish come true.

Meanwhile, on the stone bench, Draco and Hermione were actually quite aware of their surroundings.

Malfoy lifted his head from the juncture of Hermione's neck and shoulders and smirked at her.

"I take it I'm not the only one who has heard their grand exclamations?" he whispered in her ear, Hermione's hair effectively blocking their children's view of them.

"Nope," she murmured back in amusement, using a finger to trace the smile on the blonde's lips. She straightened up on the bench, removing her other hand from his hair, and shot a deliberate glance at the tree they knew Rose and Scorpius were hiding behind. A frantic scuffle; then nothing.

"You know, if you wanted to spy on us, you could have been a lot more quieter," Draco said conversationally in the direction of the tree.

Something sounded like one of the two students just jumped a foot in the air.

"But- but we weren't spying on you!" Scorpius sputtered, finally emerging from the thicket of leaves, some stuck in his hair.

"And the last time we checked, you," Rose piped up, gesturing wildly at the pair on the bench, "were spying on us!"

"Ah, then both parties are guilty as charged. How will we ever face each other for the rest of the school year?" he stated casually, and the reality sunk in for Rose and Scorpius. Their eyes widened and they slowly backed away, back into the thicket of bushes. Draco and Hermione were still their teachers, after all.

Hermione elbowed her partner.

"Stop it, Draco! You're scaring them," Hermione chided, although the laughter in her voice betrayed the otherwise stern warning.

"What have we done?" Rose whispered to Scorpius in horror, voice trembling. "They've gone absolutely loony!"

"With perfectly functional hearing, if you must know. By the way, we've got extra food if you'd want to join us for lunch," Hermione raised an eyebrow, gesturing to the small picnic basket beside the bench and they were met with instant rejection.

"Um, no thank you. We've got, uh, we've got- what was it we've got, Scorpius?"

"- Potions homework!"

"Yeah, you know, that essay. Got to go!" With that, the pair took off in the direction of the castle.

"Guess what?"


"I didn't assign any potions essay this week." Malfoy smirked, and they lapsed into silence. They were now sitting on the grass and facing the lake, picnic basket placed not too far away from them.

"I'm not too worried about them telling the rest of the school population about it; they're probably scarred for life," the brunette said after a while. "And, well, as far-fetched as it sounds, this can be an example of inter-house unity."

There was no reply from Draco, and she turned around suspiciously to find him already rummaging through the lunch basket.

"Hey! That was mine, you know!"

"You don't want that sandwich, then?" He used the hand that was not already holding onto a sandwich (purportedly Hermione's) to point at one sitting in the picnic basket.

"Nope." Hermione frowned.

"Good. More for me—hey!" Draco exclaimed as the sandwich he was holding was whipped out of his hands, and he lunged for Hermione, sending them both tumbling into the grass.

"You know, there's something better than that sandwich," he tempted, one arm wrapped around Hermione's torso while the other made a grab for the slices of bread. He didn't give her a chance to reply as his lips descended upon hers.

She didn't notice that her sandwich was, thereafter, missing.