Disclaimer – it fairly fucking obvious that I don't own Naruto or much else. This should be pretty self-explanatory


An hour of security scans, air locks and tedious walking had led the three men to one last corridor. It led to a single prison cell under the ANBU headquarters. Minato Namikaze headed the group with Jariya of the sannin to his right and Hatake Kakashi on the left.

This was the first time Minato had been to the cell since it had been made. A cold sweat began to form on all their foreheads as they reached the cell. The light was dim but they could see the occupant of the specially constructed cell. In cased in hardened concrete walls and two feet of solid reinforced glass was a boy no older than fourteen.

Minato's heart was pounding in his chest as he gazed upon the figure. The boy stood completely naked with his head hung low so that his messy blonde locks hid most of his face and the emotion that it held.

Next to a small air locked door in the glass was an intercom. Minato reached forward and pressed the small button on the communication device. "Naruto" Minato spoke the words echoing off the walls. "Naruto" there was no response. "Son" the boy lifted his head slightly but not enough to show his face.

"You are not my father" the chilling voice echoed from the intercom and down the corridor.

Jariya handed his Hokage a file which he opened and began to read. "When you were born there was a lot of discussion about what to do with you. There was a vote which resulted in you being placed under the care of Shimaru Danzo. He went against orders with the experiments he conducted on you. You received a life sentence for the thirty-two jounin level ninja that you were seen murdering." Minato read the words from the file the way a teacher would, strict and clear.

The boy now identified as Naruto gave an almost whisper level snort of laughter.

"That was three years ago and you've been here ever since. I'm here on behalf of Konoha to offer you parole."

Naruto looked up and at the same time flicked on the lights. The Konoha representatives gazed upon the boy that was known for taking down the ANBU Root stronghold. He seemed human for the most part but it was clear there was something else in him. He wore no clothes so they could easily see the claws adorning both his hands and his feet. He threw his head back to show a more pointed, narrowed face than that of a human. Fangs replaced teeth, ears were pointed and blue eyes with pupil slits that held an intimidating calm fury.

"In three months the chunin exam will be held in Konoha. For the first time a secondary tournament will be held, an arena style fight between jinchuuriki from all over the elemental nations. Konoha needs a demon to put in that fight and since our last jinchuruki had her demon removed we need you. I am offering possibly the only chance you'll ever get to leave this cell all in exchange for a simple fight."

The cell was three times the size of a normal one. It had a bed, a training area and a book shoot that supplied reading material on a daily basis. There was no mess or personal items which gave the illusion no one lived there. In fact the only evidence of occupancy was the occupant himself.

"Maybe I like it here" Naruto said, his voice chilling the three seasoned ninja. "Maybe I'd prefer my life in a cage then live as slave to your village."

Minato guessed this was merely a bluff but he had to tread lightly, he needed his son's cooperation. He could play nice guy or bad guy; both had just as much chance of failing. He sighed and picked his play. "This is probably your only chance to ever leave this place. Either way you'll still be a prisoner, it's just if u cooperate you may get to see the sun again. This offers expires now, you decide yes or no."

Naruto smiled devilishly showing his glistening fangs. "What are the terms?"

Minato let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding. He wasn't saying yes but it was a clear sign he was considering. "You will have your chakra severely limited, you must follow a strict curfew, round the clock ANBU escort, movement restrictions and follow all orders given to you by myself." Minato finished by placing a bundle of white fabric in another slightly smaller air lock in the glass, presumably usually used for food.. The sound of doors closing and air being removed echoed through the corridor. "Put it on if you want out."

The blond picked up the clothing to find it was a very big, loose jacket covered in seasls. He narrowed his eyes at the Yondaime. "Demons don't wear clothes, especially garments that are meant specifically to supress the chakra of the wearer."

"You're only half a demon so it's the human side of you that needs to wear clothes. The bottom line is you don't come out till it goes on, I can't allow you to keep your current level of chakra." Minato was still playing bad cop.

The hanyou snarled in anger, his pride had been damaged a lot today but it was to be hurt a whole lot more. Naruto pulled the white jacket over himself and slipped his arms into the incredibly long sleeves. It hung incredibly loose to the point that the bottom of the jacket reached the floor. The seals on the inside of the jacket glowed and in blink of an eye the loose clothing tightened to the point that that it became a strait jacket. His arms were pulled close to his body and round his back, and the part that hung low clung to his legs to form makeshift pants. His huge reserves of chakra dwindled to barely a trickle and a string of swear words echoed off the concrete walls.

Minato had spent close to a year making that straight jacket. Seals smaller than the naked eye could see were intertwined within the fibres themselves. "You fucking arsehole" the juvenile demon roared.

Minato showed no fear as he stepped into the air lock. A siren sounded as one door closed and another opened. Naruto looked up with hate filled eyes; a rush of air blew towards the older blonde who batted it away. He said nothing as he removed a paper seal from his signature cloak. Pulling down the front of the straight jacket, he placed the slip of paper on his son's bare chest. "I want you to swear an oath of loyalty to me, as a demon you cannot break your word."

"Fuck off" Naruto spat trying to break free of his father's grip.

"Make the oath or I leave now and you spend the rest of your sentence in that straight jacket." Pride was an important thing to a demon and Naruto's barely remained. Caught between a metaphorical rock and hard place he made the oath through gritted teeth.

"I Naruto, swear an oath of servitude to Namikaze Minato." After all a demons word may have been as strong as a Kage but Naruto was only half a demon. The human side's word was only as strong as the human; he could easily go against his father's orders. Pressing a finger against the seal it glowed blue, when Minato removed the paper the seal had been imprinted to his skin. The seal was simple consisting of the Uzumaki signature swirl surrounded by interlocking chains with an anticlockwise swastika in the middle. Only a few seconds later the seal faded leaving no evidence of what had happened. After making the oath Naruto didn't feel any noticeable effects from the intricate seal but he knew something about him had changed.

"Congratulations" the Yondamie Hokage said stepping back and letting the fabric of the straight jacket cover his chest again. "You're now free. Kakashi will escort you to your new residence were you will meet your handler and settle in. His name is Yamato and specializes in supressing demons; he'll finish explaining the rules and regulations concerning your parole as well as accompany you at all times everywhere you go."

"You took away my fucking arms. Is this prick gonna wipe my arse too."

Minato couldn't help but smile at his son's antics. "Those cameras have been watching you for every second you've been in that cell. Every action has been documented and assessed. I know those claws are deadly and have to be restrained. I know you have excellent control of the shape and nature of your chakra to the point that it is an extension of yourself. You've been left enough chakra so as to maintain a fairly normal lifestyle but not enough to viciously slaughter the good people of my village."

In truth Minato had spent many hours watching the recordings of Naruto training within his cell. He possessed such great discipline in his training that it was no wonder he had almost flawless control over his chakra. Naruto had refined his chakra to that point he could expel it from his body, solidify it and the use it as a weapon, a shield or to interact with other solid objects like a second pair of hands. This was an ability that both impressed and scared the Hokage, a lot.

"Also one last thing, once you've settled in I would like you to come have dinner at the Hokage residence. I think you need to meet the rest of your family."


That's it. I've had this idea for a while and thought I'd try it out find inspiration for my other stories. Let me know what you think. Also the name will probably change.