Superman's PoV

In the Batcave.

"Are you sure?" asked Wally.

"Yes, I am sure." Replied Bruce.

"Well I'm a scientist, and that doesn't look like a cure too me. Why is it purple?"

"Because it is."


This argument between Bruce and Wally went on for three hours while Bruce was trying to make a cure for Scarecrow's fear gas. Throughout all this, the rest of us just stood there, for we didn't feel like getting into the argument. We all know, even Wally, that when you have an argument with Bruce Wayne - he always wins.

"There, it's done." said Bruce.

"Will it work?" I asked.

"Maybe" replied Bruce.

"Maybe!?" we all cried.

"Settle down, it will work, I was kidding." We all let out a big sigh.

"Have you ever been infected by it?" asked John.

"Yes, and trust me, you don't want to be."

And with that said we all went out to look for Scarecrow to stop his big scheme, but what happens next, none of us expected.

"You idiots!" Screamed Scarecrow. "I told you to get the gas ready, not sit on your buts and play cards. Don't you listen to anything I tell you people? I don't think you deserve to call your self henchmen."

"Y..y..y..yes boss." they all stammered. Then they all ran to get the gas ready.

"In just a few more hours my master plan will be set into action, and so far no sign of that cursed Justice League. Of course they do have a slight tendency to show up at the last minute, god I hate that!"

Then Scarecrow stomped off, not knowing if his plan will work or not.