I'm writing this story instead of Wolf Warriors because I don't think the other one will work... hope you enjoy this one though xx

Chapter 1

'Come on Mikey we're gonna be late!' Leo shouted to his little brother who was still in his room saying goodbye to his beloved cat, Klunk,

'Bye baby, behave for April,' Mikey cooed, 'I'M COMING!' Mikey shouted back to his brother as he ran out of his room. The turtles and Splinter had been invited to the Battle Nexus for the Damio's birthday,

'I'm here' Mikey gasped when he ran up to his family,

'You took your time' Raph growled,

'The Battle Nexus champion is always fashionably late' Mikey laughed,

'Come on guys lets just go before Mikey annoys Raph too much' Donnie said as he rolled his eyes.

Splinter wrote a few symbols on the ground and started muttering, with a flash the portal opened and the family walked through. They arrived in the statue room, Mikey looked around and saw his.

'Hehe hey hansom' Mikey whispered to it so that his brothers wouldn't hear.

'Follow me please' The Damio boomed, Mikey was about to follow when he saw a strange creäture walk towards him,

'H-hello' It said,

'Hey' Mikey replied nervously,

'Is that you?' It asked as it pointed to the statue,

'You bet! My names Michelangelo, but you can call me Mikey' Mikey laughed as he shook hands with the strange creäture,

'I have the same name as my family' It said as it pointed to a group of creatures that all looked the same, 'We are called Rondos'

'Nice to meet ya Rondos' Mikey laughed then looked around him, 'Aww great, i have no idea where I'm staying.. this is gonna take a while'

'It is alright Michelangelo, we will help you find your family,' The Rondos chased after Mikey and walked him to the Damio's place,

'Here is where you stay I believe' One of the Rondos said

'Yeah I guessed that.. but which one?' Mikey asked,

'Hey Mikey, Where have ya been?' Mikey turned around to see his family walking towards him, they hadn't been in their room yet because they had been looking for him.

'Sorry, i ended up chatting to some people' Mikey laughed, He looked round to see them backing away and disappearing into a bush,

'Come on then' Leo smiled as they made their way to a guest house.

'COOL!' Mikey gasped as he walked into the house,

'There are only two bedrooms so you four will share a room' Master Splinter said as he entered one of the rooms,

'It'll be just like when we were little' Donnie smiled as he followed his brothers into their room. The four Turtles unpacked their things and spent the afternoon relaxing. The party was that night but they were going to stay for a week.


When night-time came the turtles and their Sensei went to the Damio's palace. Mikey saw the Rondos walking in. They went straight to the grand hall, there was a huge chandelier and lots of party ribbons. The hall was still being set up, one of the workers walked up to the Hamato family,

'Hello, can any of you help us? We need to paint the ceiling before the Damio comes, The idiot over there tried to add a few details in but completely messed it up!' The man was stressing and saw that everyone in the family looked at Mikey,

'Yeah I'll do it, but i haven't got any paint' Mikey smiled,

'It's ok we have quick drying paint' The man smiled as he dragged Mikey over to the ropes, He set them up so that Mikey could be lifted close to the ceiling,

'We need it to look like this!' The man showed Mikey a badly drawn picture of the sky,

'Cool, i can do that' Mikey laughed as he was lifted up closer to the ceiling with some paint. The people in the hall stopped what they were doing and watched in awe as Mikey painted the ceiling, His family smiled up at him as the hall went completely silent but Mikey didn't notice, he was too busy concentrating. He took his art very seriously. After an hour and a half Mikey was finished and the ceiling looked beautiful. The sky and clouds looked very realistic and the sun's rays were outstanding, The whole hall applauded Mikey as he was lowered down onto the ground. Everyone carried on with what they were doing when Mikey was half way down, Nobody noticed the shadow that was creeping towards the men holding the ropes. The Turtles heard a yell from the left and watched in horror as Mikey started to swing, He looked around to see three shadows attacking the men that were keeping him safe.

'Aww Shell' Mikey groaned as he watched the men being slaughtered, He looked down to see his family with pale faces. 'Over there!' Mikey shouted down to them and pointed at the shadows. His family knew that it would be too late to help Mikey so they ran around the hall trying to find soft material for Mikey to land on. They set it up and hoped it would be enough, They looked up at the youngest in fright when they heard a shot go off and Mikey yell. Mikey had lost a lot of safety ropes but now he was being shot at.

'Come on give me a brake' Mikey frowned, one of the bullets hit a rope and it snapped easily. Mikey came tumbling down, another shot was heard but this time Mikey shouted out of pain rather than fright. He hit the soft pillows that his family had set up for him and held on to his shoulder.

'Mikey! are you alright?' Leo asked as he helped the youngest out of the pillows. Mikey looked up to see the shadows still there,

'Yeah i'm fine' Mikey smiled, and saw that his family gave him a look that said: Don't-lie-to-us,

'Let me see your shoulder' Donnie sighed, He asked on of the men for a knife and they brought it quickly.

'Why do you need a knife?' Raph asked as he sat Mikey down,

'You'll see' Donnie replied as he took the knife. He stuck it into his brothers wound, Mikey yelled in pain and his family looked at Donnie in anger and disbelief,

'What are you stabbing him for!' Raph growled,

'Hold on... almost...got...it...yes' Donnie smiled as he pulled the bullet out and wrapped it up.

The rest of the party went on with out any strange events, Everyone had a great time and people kept coming up to Mikey and talking to him about his art skills. Mikey thoroughly enjoyed the attention, he ended up doing portraits for a few people. By the end of the night Mikey was exhausted and his wrist hurt.

The turtles arrived home before Splinter because their Sensei wanted to stay at the party and catch up with a few old friends. The three eldest went to sit on the couch and the youngest went to the kitchen.

'Hey Mike, Didn't you eat enough at the party?' Raph asked,

'Yeah but the dishes need washing from earlier' Mikey replied as he put the water in the bowl. Mikey was soon singing 'Walking on sunshine' And his brothers were listening and giggling. Mikey was half way through the dishes when he heard the window being opened. He kept singing as he turned around. He saw six black shadows walking towards him, they leaped onto him and pinned him to the floor.

Mikey's brothers heard the noise and came running but by the time they had reached the kitchen Mikey was gone,

'Where is he? what happened?' Donnie asked as they searched the kitchen,

'LOOK OVER THERE!' Leo pointed, they saw six dark shadows carrying a squirming shape that was shouting at the top of its lungs. The three brothers jumped out of the window and after their brother.

'HELP! LET GOOOO!' Mikey shouted angrily before being dropped onto the ground, 'OW! HEY, GET OFF OF MEEEE!' Mikey felt a piece of fabric being placed over his beak, he knew that it had chloroform on it, 'NO! NO, HELP!' Mikey shouted and eventually went limp, The shadows tied him up in rope and dragged him along the ground.

Leo, Raph and Donnie watched as their brother went limp,

'What did they do to him?' Donnie asked worriedly,

'I don't know, but I don't like it' Raph growled angrily, How dare they hurt his baby brother!

'We have to help him, it looks like they're taking him to their own dimension' Leo said as he quickly and quietly followed the shadows, They watched as a portal appeared and the creäture were lit up,

'Hey those are the Rondos, Mikey was talking to them at the party!' Donnie gasped.

'Come on' Leo whispered as they walked through the portal into the next dimension.

Poor Mikey... please review xx