Sorry for the long radio-silence but I have the worst writers block on this story. I have rewritten this chapter multiple times so now I am just gonna' post it and see how you like it.

I also want to once again specifically thank Densilou for the inspiration for this chapter, without you this would never have been written and your enthusiasm and encouragement is a constant source of inspiration. This one is for you!

Devotissimo suo(yours truly)-Bahlen




Three words Deeks never before truly had been able to apply when describing his life until now. Never before had he been so completely wrapped-up in these feelings. Never before had he been so wrapped-up in a woman. Never before had he been so wrapped-up in her. Well the last part wasn't entirely true, he had always been captivated by her, from the moment they met, until now, he was still as amazed if not even more by then woman resting her head in his lap.

As so often over the last month Deeks couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he looked down on the beautiful figure below, sprawled out on the couch intently watching Titanic for what must have been the thousand time, not that he was counting. The corner of his lips tugging upwards as they now so often did when he looked at his beautiful partner, his mind still trying to comprehend and getting accustomed to the unrealistic feeling of happiness that now coursed through his body. How he of all people had been blessed with such a gift, blessed with the woman beneath him. This intoxicating woman who had given herself to him as completely as he had to her, the last month marking a new era of their relationship. Even as it was a different kind of connection than they previously had it still held the essence of their previous partnership. The banter, jokes and playfulness still held a prominent part as they found their way in their new roles as more than just partners in work, but also in life.

Now that the 'thing' finally had been aired and the bottled up feeling that they both had been carrying for so long at last been allowed to make their presence known and expressed through a sweet mixture of words and actions over the last month, they both had never been happier.

Confessing their love for one another in the rather blatant and un-orthodox manner that they did had changed their dynamic, not negatively but only in a way that Deeks could describe as positive. They were more open, both more willing to share their concerns, their problems and fears with one another, not only when talking about work but also their feelings.

There was a new openness about them both that initially had stunned them both, but now looked upon as gift, neither of them forced to carry their burdens alone anymore but able to share the weight with one another. Something that neither of them had experienced in years.

They were different people than they had been a month ago, but at the same time they were still as they always had been, and Deeks loved it. The jokes and playfulness never left them as their relationship progressed. They bantered at home like they did at work, jabbing at each other and having fun while pushing the other to test their boundaries.

The difference was that those moments were now mixed with ones with a crushing depth as they opened up to one another, sharing the joys and burdens that they both were carrying, a denudation of their feelings and a statement of the trust that they had put in one another. Those were moments he knew that they both treasured above all else and which lingered in their minds long after the echoes of their voices died out. Neither of them pushing the other but offering their support when needed and sharing the joy when it was to be had.

Although it had only been a month it might as well have been a year, for in the short period, during this solitary month, they had become each other rock. Each other's solid ground when the storms riled up the waters and the waves tried to swallow them, always having the other to lean on, pulling them safely back to shore. Something that they both treasured and something that they never before had even known they needed, but now couldn't imagined being without.

They made each other happy to extents that neither of them had experienced before, and Deeks sure as hell wasn't going to let that go, and he knew that Kensi wouldn't either.

Still smiling at his thoughts and especially ones that were making their way to forefront of his mind as he thought back on the day they had just had had, Deeks leaned down catching the attention of his astonishing partner sprawled out on the couch beneath, a sight he never grew tired off. Looking deep into her eyes as he drove their faces closer, one inch at a time, his eyes sparkling with happiness and burning with longing as he took in the extraordinary sight below. Light confusion playing across the beautiful face of his lover, friend and partner which quickly turned into approval as he captured her lips with his. His upper lip meeting her bottom and vice versa as they kissed.

It was slow, gentle, and sensual, filled with emotions and longing, something that still happened no matter of how many times their lips met. It only seemed to increase in intensity as they grew even more intimate, not just physically but emotionally as well, something, if judging by Kensi's low moans into his mouth, was greatly appreciated by them both.

Gradually ending the kiss, leaving a few gentle pecks on her lips and the one last of the tip of her nose, Deeks drew back from Kensi's lips so that he once again could capture her hazel eyes with his. She had clearly been taken aback by the kiss, her breath heavy as Deeks once again found himself smiling at the sight below, enjoying the view of his partner's slightly confused but happy face and the effects that he had on her and she on him, his own breath equally laboured after their little moment.

As Kensi regained her breath she with clear amusement and joy in her voiceasked;

"Not that I'm complaining because you can do that as often as you like, but may I ask what brought on this very pleasant interruption to", she actually had to return her eyes to the TV before she seemed to remember the movie they were watching, and then focusing her gaze back up on him before continuing, "Titanic? We were just coming to the good parts." She ended, a smile now adorning her face as she looked up at him, joy and amusement prominent in the happy gaze Deeks received.

A smile made its way onto his face while looking down at the woman he loved, amused by her response and happy at the contentment he could see adorning her face, something that never really had been found there before the last month. And what was even more gratifying was that he knew that it was he who had put it there.

Stroking her cheek lovingly while gently placing a solitary strand of hair behind her ear Deeks spoke in a low emotion filled voice while continuingly caressing her face and looking deep into her eyes.

"I guess it was a thank you."

"A thank you?", Kensi asked, "For what?" Confusion showing on her face as she met his warm gaze.

"For everything, Kens. For you being you. The amazing, kind, kick-ass, loving woman that you are. For opening up to me, being there for me when I needed someone to lean on and for giving me your trust as well as guarding mine, no words can tell you how much this means to me. How much you mean to me. And every new thing that I learn about you only makes me fall even deeper in love you. And no one has ever made me happier than you…so thank you, for everything.", Deeks ended. His eyes still locked in a loving gaze with Kensi's which at the end had begun to dampen with tears as his words sunk in. The movie playing in the background all but forgotten as she stood up on her knees, placing one on each side of his legs straddling him while gently cupping his face and giving him a soft kiss that said everything about how much the words meant to her. The gentle press of her lips on his driving him crazy as well as amazed at how such a simple touch could ignite such fire within, causing roaring fires of longing, lust and love of the likes which he had never before experienced. She really was something out of this world.

The kiss slowly ended leaving them both slightly out of breath and looking deep into each other's eyes, gentle smiles adorning their faces. An unmistakable happiness shining from both sets of eyes, both content and filled with joy as they both knew that they finally had found someone worthy of sharing their lives with.

But as so many times before Deeks couldn't resist teasing the beautiful woman in his arms, it was after all only fair considering the amount he had to endure both at work and at home.

"And thank you for letting me teach you how to surf today, especially considering that you spent the most part of it showing of your great assets splashing around in the water with the oh so sexy wetsuit clinging to your body instead of keeping your feet on the board. It really was a sight to behold.", Deeks ended with a wink of his eye and his trademark grin adorning his face.

Kensi leaned down and nestled her face in the nape if his neck, chuckling and shaking her head lightly at the absolutely typical Deeks comment. Comments which nowadays seemed to amuse her more often than the times they drove her crazy, even if the latter still happened often enough.

"Nice way to ruin moment Deeks", Kensi said while leaning back and looking at his face. The amusement in her eyes taking away the sting in her words as she gave him a light slap on the arm before pulling him back for another brief kiss before leaning back. Her back pushed outward and chest pushed forward as she took him in with a mischievous smile and a dangerous glint in her eyes…one Deeks knew all too well meant that Kensi was up to something…and not necessarily something with honourable intentions.

"Well at least it was worth it considering what we agreed upon doing next weekend. You have no idea what I am going to make you do when we go camping because then…I will be calling the shots surfer boy." She ended in a whisper close to his ear, sending shivers down his body which only increased as their heated gazes met. Only a few inches between faces and the electricity that was sparkling between them was so high that it would lead to a power outage if they were closer to an power outlet.

Clearing his throat Deeks cocked his eyebrow at her, a small smile playing on his lips as his hand slowly started caressing Kensi's thighs and slipping under her shirt to caress her stomach, feeling goosebumps form on the skin beneath his fingertips. Kensi's breathing picking up as they got more adventurous and slowly started moving upwards.

"And what exactly are you planning on making me do sunshine? Is it something I can start to practice on right away or is something special required?", he ended huskily with a flaming look watching Kensi who by now was breathing heavily due to his ministrations. Her eyes closed and her panting breath interrupted by a small moan as Deeks deft fingers found their way in beneath her bra, working the soft flesh underneath.

"Yes," Kensi breathed out, her words breathless as her body responded to the soft caress of Deeks touch, "we need a lake and a lot less clothes to make it a reality." Kensi ended. By now her mind seemed had surrendered and succumbed to the need pulsating through her body, lost all other thoughts only focusing on the gentle touches he provided as she pushed her chest forward seeking even more contact.

As Deeks started kissing his way up from her cleavage to her neck, sucking hungrily on the skin which so generously was offered by her as she leant her head to the side, her body melted against his. Her arms hanging loosely around his neck and her body pressed against his as he continued his ministrations, the only sounds traveling through the living room being the long forgotten movie and their shared moans as they continued the onslaught of kisses.

"Well I can't do much about the lake but…" Deeks withdrew his hands and let them travel southwards, settling them on Kensi's ass he pushed her body flush against his as he stood up, carrying her weight in his arms, Kensi's legs instinctively wrapping themselves around his waist securing herself against him, relishing the closeness of their bodies. "I know just the thing to make up for it." He ended, carrying Kensi off to the bedroom.

Setting her carefully down on the bed he softly told her to wait as he disappeared into his bathroom, for the first time being able to use the newly purchased decorations her specifically acquired for the woman in the room next door. Filling the tub with hot water and lighting dozens' of candles that he spread across the room of varying colours and size until the room was bathing in a glowing and vibrating light emitted from the small flames swaying tantalizing from side to side in a soft dance. The room seeming to pulsate in the new light as he closed the crane filling the tub and softly called out to Kensi asking her to come join him in the candle lit room. Deeks feeling anxious to hold his partner again and to feel her body pressed against his as they held on to one another like so many nights before.

As the door slowly opened and Kensi stepped in he could see the surprise on her face as she took the room in and the delighted and happy smiled that closely followed making his own lips follow suit. As she laid her eyes on his he smiled gently at her, his owns eyes not leaving hers as he closed the gap between them in the warmly lit room until capturing her lips in a passionate kiss that left them both breathless by its end. Both of their bodies trembling in silent anticipation of what they both know would come only moments from now, but unable to contain the sheer need that they both felt for each other right here, right now, in this extraordinary moment.

"What is all this?" Kensi asked in a hushed voice looking at Deeks lovingly, the surprise seemingly greatly appreciated to Deeks satisfaction.

"This sunshine…", Deeks began while looking at Kensi with such longing and love that it would have burnt through any piece of wood, paper or metal if they had obscured the contact between the two while he slowly removed Kensi's shirt, "Is taking every available moment to be with each other and making memories that none of us will ever forget."

Dropping the shirt in his hands they retracted towards his own neck pulling off the confining t-shirt until they both stood shirtless in front of one another, eyes roaming shamelessly over the others body only fuelling the already raging fire within them both.

"Well if this is the kind of memories we are going to make…I hope that there are many more to come." Kensi ended as their hands started roaming each other's bodies, discarding the remaining clothes clinging to their tightly pressed figures between kisses and caresses that set them aflame to the point of meltdown. A kiss on the neck, a gentle caress along a slender inner thigh, a firm grip of broad shoulders, the many sensations making them gasp for breath as the last pieces of underwear was discarded and they stood pressed against each other skin to skin.

Deeks slowly moved Kensi over to the edge of the bathtub, never losing the contact between their bodies as he placed her in front of him, her back pressed firmly against his chest as he continued to graze her neck and shoulders with his lips before they as one stepped over the edge and lowered themselves into the water. The snug fit pressing them even closer to one another Kensi leaned back against his chest, her head tilted upwards looking into his eyes as she closed her arms around his neck pulling him down to her for a passionate kiss. Sensual, breath-taking and amazing were the only words which could justifiably describe it as they continued, the only interruption being low moans coming from Kensi' as Deeks hands travelled down over her chest caressing the sensitive nubs and flesh.

Both their breaths growing progressively heavier as Deeks hands continued their ministrations before sliding down over his partners taught stomach, the muscles beneath the skin quivering along with the rest as the hands reached the slender inner thighs, at which Kensi let out a soft whimper. Deeks gently tracing his fingers along the contours of her muscles back and forth until he slowly drew them further up, tracing the outlines of her womanhood. Kensi responding by pressing her back even harder against his chest in a desperate attempt to increase the skin contact between them and to make him move things along, her body trembling in pleasure and anticipation and seeming to have run out of patience to wait.

Playing dirty she drew her lips away from his and said something that she by now knew would have the desired effect on him, that would make him give her what she wanted.

"I love you Deeks."

And as those words passed Kensi's lips, he was hers, giving his beautiful partner what her body so desperately seemed to need while murmuring; "I love you too, Kens", into her ear as he entered her gently with his fingers. The body lying against him almost melted in his arms, shuddering and whimpering as he pushed in and out setting a comfortable pace while adding his thumb as Kensi clung to him and intermittently kissed him back as her mind focused on the extremely pleasurable sensations emitting from below the surface of the water.

Deeks continued his administrations, the only sounds echoing in the warmly lit room being Kensi's soft moans and whimpers and his own deep breaths as he pleasured the woman he loved who, if by judging by her reactions, was loving every second of it. This until after a couple of minutes when he could feel her grip on his fingers below the surface flutter and her moans turned into a strangled cry of ecstasy as she reached her peak. Raising her hips with his fingers still embedded within her folds before slumping back down against his body, whimpering slightly as he withdrew his fingers, her whole being shuddering in pleasure.

Lying a minute in silence with Kensi's trembling body pressed against his Deeks heard their breathing slowly returning to normal, The woman in his arms almost humming in satisfaction and contentment as he fluttered kisses over her neck and shoulders. He was though taken by surprise as Kensi quickly turned around and straddled his thighs.

Capturing his face in her hands Kensi leaned in over him, pressing her heaving chest against his creating delicious skin-to-skin friction, kissing him soundly while in-between telling him; "Oh…you are amazing Marty Deeks and you have no idea how much I love you."

Finishing her sentence breathless she didn't even give Deeks a chance to respond as she lifted her hips up and guided his member into her, leaving them both gasping at the incredible sensation as Kensi began rocking and writhing her hips while at the same time moving slowly up and down. Her arms safely wrapped around Deeks neck and lips securely held by his as they together moved, writhed and caressed each other to their peaks. Deeks "I love you even more" lost in the passionate embrace of his partner as the two lovers once more became one in the arms of one another, making yet another memory that they both definitely would remember…

So if you got the time please review and give me your opinion on the chapter and have an awesome day!


E son come d'amor baci baciati. Gl'incontri di due cori amanti amati-(Kisses, when given in love, are, so to speak, the meeting together of two loving hearts)