AN: "Me" prompted: I'd really like seeing them have a second, 'real' wedding with friends. I've done my best. I have also cut down on the Doctor Who references. Heh. Set about a year after the end of "Going under".

Please let me know what you think? I haven't gotten many reviews for these fics lately, I just want to know if you guys like what you're reading -Dorian


"Surprise!" Hunter and Sebastian stopped short of entering the place Jeff had rented for his birthday party. They were more or less forced to, considering a large crowd blocked their way in. Sebastian wasn't sure, but he thought there might be a hundred people or so. There were green balloons here and there, gold and green streamers were laid out on the two long tables, curling around vases with blue flowers.

"Um-?" Hunter said, looking around, brow furrowed. Sebastian suddenly realized these were people he knew. Well, obviously he'd figured he'd know some of them, he and Jeff had gone to school together after all, but he was quite sure Jeff didn't know his cousins or Hunter's aunt. Then again, she was single...

In the name of your sanity, do not finish that thought.

"Surprise," Shelia repeated, walking up to them.

"You do realize it's Jeff's birthday, and that he was the one to send the invitations?" Sebastian drawled.

"Nu-huh," Shelia grinned, grabbing his chin. "Trent and I sent the invitations. And it's your party." She was wearing feathered green lashes. It was terribly distracting.

Sebastian glanced at his husband. "Close your mouth dear, you'll catch flies," he sassed.

"Happy belated wedding!" Blaine cheered, like he was too happy to contain it anymore.

Someone's been sipping the punch. Sebastian suddenly realized what he'd said.

"Happy belated-?" Hunter began, clearly having had the same thought, but was interrupted, as per usual, by Shelia.

"Well, you guys did this cliché Vegas thing, just the two of you and me," she threw a smug smile at the crowd. "So we thought," she shrugged.

"You've been through hell this past year," Trent said solemnly, handing Sebastian and Hunter a plastic bag each.

"It was time for a fucking party," Jeff winked.

"There's cake!" Blaine beamed. "C'mon!" He bounced off, a sighing Kurt following. Sebastian laid his arm around Hunter's shoulders.

"Okay, who spiked Blaine's punch?" he demanded, smile tugging at his lips. Three hands sheepishly went up.


Sebastian felt completely overwhelmed. Their friends had thought of everything. The food, barbecue and potato salad, delicious wine and champagne. Even clothes. The bags had contained simple, tasteful black suits and green shirts, a wedding gift from Sebastian's cousins.

During dinner, several people had held small speeches, Hunter's aunt Millie becoming really emotional, making most people reach for their napkins as she assured 'her boys' she loved them and was on their kept their champagne glasses full, making it difficult to keep count on how much they's had to drink. Hunter's eyes were a bit glazed over, Sebastian suspected he looked pretty much the same. Sebastian kissed him to a choir of catcalls from the Warblers. The only thing that could possibly have made this night better would be if his dad had been there. Shelia had printed a picture of Samuel, setting the framed photo next to Sebastian.

Overwhelmed. Yeah.

"Time for the vows!" Shelia, the toast master, exclaimed.

Sebastian would have liked a bit more of a warning. Well, in all fairness Kurt had discreetly muttered in Sebastian's ear one hour ago, but as they'd been kinda busy, Sebastian really didn't have any idea what to say. They were ushered to stand up, facing each other. Sebastian cleared his throat, suddenly glad for the amount of champagne he'd had.

"You are one of the most stubborn people I know and you steal my socks, don't think I haven't noticed." He mock-frowned, making Hunter roll his eyes. "I can't imagine a life without you", he said simply, looking seriously at his husband, squeezing the hand in his. "You're the-" he searched for words then grinned. "You're the Ianto to my Jack. No, you're the River to my Doctor," he decided.

Hunter snorted. "Thank you sweetie," he snarked, making their audience snicker.

"Seriously though," Sebastian continued. "I love you. I'm so glad I've got you and you've got me and we'll look after each other." He kissed him chastely on the lips.

"Even though I steal your socks," Hunter acknowledged.

"Yup, despite that." Sebastian kissed him again because he looked very kissable, had in fact looked that way for, well, years. Hunter kissable Clarington. Clarington-Smythe.

Maybe I should drink some water?

Hunter took a deep breath. Sebastian suddenly felt nervous.

He looks so serious. Brace yourself, Bas.

"When I was waiting for you to wake up at the hospital," Hunter began, gently stroking his hand with his thumb, "I had a lot of time to think. And I realized that the thing I regretted wasn't us fighting. It was not coming out sooner, treating you like shit to be honest." Sebastian shook his head, Hunter ignoring him. "And I just wanted the chance to show you that-" Hunter made a searching gesture with his free hand. "That I really do love you. And we were lucky 'cause you're fine," Hunter's voice trembled a bit, Sebastian could see people wiping their eyes in his peripheral vision, himself blinking hard, unprepared for this. Hunter usually wasn't very big on emotions, and Sebastian could tell he was a bit uncomfortable, the champagne probably helping him find his courage. Sebastian took the speech as the gift it was. Hunter had pushed himself so hard this past year to show Sebastian he wasn't ashamed of him, even in situations like this, when it made him slightly uneasy. "And I'm so fucking grateful everyday for that," he cleared his throat, swallowing thickly. 'Cause, you know, I can't really imagine my life without you either." Sebastian wiped a tear from his cheek, sliding his arms around his waist, hugging him.

IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou. Hunter kissed his hair softly before adding, "and I promise, even when we're both a hundred years old, I'll still steal your socks."


The tables had been moved to the sides and the lights had been lowered to make room for a dance floor. Hunter had managed to drag Sebastian through some kind of waltz, morphing into a nice slow dance.

"Now, as everyone here knows there was love at first sight between the happy couple. Sunshine and rainbows and promises of eternal devotion," Trent began to general laughter. He stood in the middle of the empty dance floor, cheeks bright red, hands shoved in the pockets of his black blazer.

"Just like Sebastian and I have been the best of friends since day one," Kurt cut in, making everyone laugh again.

"Okay, so maybe that's not how it happened," Trent amended as Jeff, wearing a Dalton uniform, ran onto the 'stage'.

"Mr Smythe, so glad you decided to grace us with your presence," Blaine snapped, also stepping forward, sadly not wearing his Dalton Blazer.

"My pleasure, sir," Jeff, 'Sebastian', drawled, smirking.

"I'd like to introduce you to Hunter Clarington," Blaine, supposedly playing the role of their old principal, said. Nick stepped forward, also wearing the uniform. "The new Captain of the Warblers."

Sebastian laughed as a loud "DUN DUN DUUUN!" sounded.

"Charmed," 'Sebastian' drawled as they shook.

"Very," 'Hunter' said in the same tone.

"Days became weeks," Trent said, "and it became obvious to us all that they were meant to be-"

"Mortal enemies," Pete, another Warbler, filled in.

"Alright, this is Hunter Clarington," 'Sebastian' informed the Warblers. All of them were on stage now, all of them wearing the oh-so familiar blazers. "Apparently I'm not a great leader, so he'll take the position while I disobey everything he says." That line caused a couple of snickers. Hunter nudged Sebastian, raising his eyebrows. Sebastian maturely blew him a raspberry.

"Hello," 'Hunter' said, glaring at 'Sebastian'.

"They were unsure of each other at first, then one day..." Trent trailed off. 'Sebastian' turned against 'Hunter', frowning.

"What is this feeling, so sudden and new?" he began singing.

"I felt the moment, I laid eyes on you," 'Hunter' continued.

"My pulse is rushing." They began walking around, glancing at each other.

"My head is reeling."

"My face is flushing."

"What is this feeling?" they chorused. "Fervid as a flame. Does it have a name? Yes..." They turned sharply against each other. "Loathing. Unadulterated loathing." Sebastian, along with everyone else, burst out laughing.*


"You're not supposed to choke your spouse with the cake," Hunter glared, wiping cake off his face with a napkin. They had retreated to the bathroom after cutting the cake, Hunter having gotten a large piece smeared all over his face by his loving husband. Said husband was leaning against the sink, munching on another, un-demolished piece.

"It's tradition!" Sebastian insisted. "You're just mad I was quicker," he grinned, hoping the moment had been captured by several cameras. Scooping a piece of cake from Hunter's chin he popped it into his own mouth. "Mmm, chocolate," he said, eyes sparkling.

"Fuck you," Hunter sulked.

"Later, 's rude to leave too early," Sebastian said between chews, making Hunter roll his eyes.

"You went there. Of course you went there."

"'course." Sebastian tried to lick some whipped cream off Hunter's cheek only to be thwarted by Hunter shoving the remaining piece of cake in his face.

"Whoops?" he offered unapologetically. Opening the taps he bent over to wash his face.

"I love cake," Sebastian grinned, completely unruffled, chewing with his mouth open, trying to capture the crumbs before they reached his suit. Following Hunter's example, he too splashed some water on his face, wiping it off with a paper towel.

"You're beginning to sound like Blaine," Hunter remarked dryly as they exited the bathroom.

"I LOVE EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE," Sebastian exclaimed, arms in the air.

"Glad to hear it," Shelia, just walking by, said, giving him the thumbs-up.


They didn't leave in a carriage pulled by six white horses. They didn't ride off into the sunset or got whisked away on a magic carpet. They didn't even leave in a blue box.

As it turned out, those things weren't needed for a happily ever after.

*What is this feeling? - Wicked.