I stand there looking at the old man on his knees. Dog god? This sounds so freaking familiar. I mean, I heard someone from somewhere said that word before. Just cannot put my fingers on it…
The chief of the village spoke, "Dog god? Oh Dog god!" Okay, now I'm confused.
"Bring him over immediately! We finally been saved!" yelled the chief. He was now somewhat relieved from when he heard of a Dog god. Weird. But I'm wondering. Relieved from what? Everyone from the village was cheering and chanting to Kami. But what?
"Uh…excuse me?" Everyone looks at me," What are ya'll relieved from?" The village man walked up from the crowd and who wore nothing but rags and clothing." You see the holes in the fields?" He points toward the crops and I nodded," Well for a while, we have seen crops mysteriously disappearing with huge black holes. We figured it couldn't be any bandits since it leads a low underground tunnel. So we heard from the other villages around here that a man who has dog ears and snow white hair that travels with a witch, a demon slayer, and a perverted monk is powerful enough to solve our problems." And after I soaked up all the words he just said, my heart skips a beat. Especially when he said perverted monk. So I stood there, with my eyes as big as the basketball holes on the ground, and my mouth dropped all the way to the ground literally! That's why I like anime or cartoons…They have funny facial expressions I have to admit.
"Well no time to stand around, let's go get them before they pass through the village!" yelled the chief breaking the dead silence. The crowd cheered in response and ran back through the village. Should I follow? Hell, yeah I will! I'm going to meet somebody special today and I'm so excited and happy! So I ran like nothing before! This is sad, I run so slow in reality but in cartoons I run like Sonic or Road Runner or Speed. SMH…
I manage to catch up with the crowd for when they started to yell," Stop don't go!"
"You with the white hair!"
"Look at those ears. He's not human!" Wow really? Anyway I was in the middle of the crowd about to get to the front of the line until everyone around me was on their knees...bowing toward a man in red kimono. And I was the only one standing in front of them. I swear I looked like a dear in headlights! They all looked at me in awe like I was an endangered species…
"Kagome she dresses like you!" yelled a childlike voice. Oh Kagome! I see her holding the handlebars of her bike looking at me still…weird…awkward… Okay you know that moment when someone stares at you for so long you get somewhat irritated? Well that's how I feel right now and I'm growing sick of it!
"Take a picture, it lasts longer!" I yelled through the silence. And then I look back down at what I'm wearing, and looked at what Kagome's wearing. Yep, I have to do some explanation… But when my eyes gaze upon some amber ones, I was like OMFG! I would be like any fan girl, just go up there and jump on him and kiss all over him. Not like the horny ones which they would hunch on his leg or grind up on him (too risky!). I leave that to the fan fictions to do their jobs at that… Heck screw this if you meet one of your favorite characters in person, what would you do?
A. Scream like a chimpanzee?
B. Act regular and normal?
C. Go up there and hug the shit out of him?
Well guess what Ima do? Yep, hug the shit out of him! I jumped over the villagers backs and landed right on InuYasha. Of course he screamed a little since I shocked him but I just have to hug the main character of the anime show!
"OMG I just hugged InuYasha! Ooh let me touch those ears!" I put my hands on the top of his head and grabbed those cute adorable ears! I just rubbed, and rubbed, and ribbed, and rubbed, and rubbed!
"Get off of me you wench!" He yells in frustration of me on top of him. He can't deny that me rubbing his ears feels good.
"And look at your hair it's so white and long!" I grabbed his hair which was sprawled all over the ground and touched it. "But you need some shampoo, conditioner, a flat ironer and you're hooked my friend." I said patting his shoulder getting off of him.
"InuYasha do you know her?" A monk says walking up towards me. I ain't stupid! I watch this show! I know his little trick of touching your butt and ask you the most ridiculous horny question," Will your bear my child?" So I quickly turn around with my hand on my butt so he won't touch it.
InuYasha answer while getting up from the ground," Do I look like I know her?" With an angry expression on his face.
"Well you are so beautiful. Will you-" Miroku said until he stops suddenly when a green eyed monster was staring at the back of his head. I wanted to laugh my butt off!
"Ha looks like Miroku is whipped! Haha!" I laughed. "Even if you finished that sentence I would've kicked you in the 'egg rolls' as Japanese would call it. And then you wouldn't be asking people to bear your child. Because I would've kicked you so hard, even you can't make children!" After all that, it ended with me showing my pretty white straight teeth and him turning blue from what I said.
And then my attention was on Kagome. I could tell she was thinking about me. Not in that way you little perverts out there! I'm talking about how I got here? Did I come through the well? And most importantly how did I know your names?
"Kagome, what you been up to! I mean, everybody knows where your skirt has been up to!" And that little smart comment made Kagome look down at her skirt." Hey honey booboo, look up. Answer me, why do you wear skirts that look like panties? Might as well wear booty shorts and a short top that covers half of your stomach and call it a day! And what really pisses me off about you? You cannot fight worth a damn! When I saw Kikyo frontin you like that, I thought you would knock her out but nawl, cry like a little girl you are!" I yelled. Sorry I have to get this out of my chest. Kagome was blushing red. I can't tell she was mad or ashamed. Well she should be, Ima teach her how to knock that bitch out…Before I will…
"Kagome so you know this girl?" Asked Shippo who was in her bicycle basket. He is so adorable especially his bushy and fluffy tail! And his eyes, so big and green! I grabbed him by his tail (which feels so good) and pulled him into a hug.
"You're so adorable!" I complimented him. I could tell the little boy was blushing and gave me a hug.
"I can't forget Sango and Kirara!" I ran over there and scooped Kirara up to my shoulder while she cuddle me with her two tails brushing against my skin. And I gave Sango a hug too.
"You keep Miroku in check because everyone knows you have feelings for him." She blushed feeling uncomfortable.
"Now could you tell me what the hell is going on? And who are you?" InuYasha yelled impatiently.
"Well, well don't get your panties in a knot here InuYasha! Give me time! And these villagers need to speak with you!" I said signaling the villagers to speak.
"SAVE US DOG GOD, WE BEG YOU!" they all said in unison. InuYasha was giving them the WTH look which almost made me laugh.
"What dog god?" Kagome asks.
A man sat up and spoke, "Honor the dog god."
Then another one," honor the dog god."
And then one more," Honor the dog god."
And the next thing I know I'm standing here looking at InuYasha sitting at the steps getting fanned by two women with practically the whole village bowing down to him yelling," Honor the dog god".
Anna: Hey I told you all this will be longer than last chapter!
Soleanna: I told you all she keeps her promise!
Anna: yeah that was my confrontation to the Inu gang.
Soleanna: yeah I know. And you are so stupid I can't stop laughing! You, rubbing his ears, and jumping on him like that. I thought you would choose B, keep calm but instead you chose C! Hug the shit out of him! Hahaha!
Anna: Well if you met your favorite character you would've hugged him too! Right?
Soleanna: (Gives her an irritated face expression) Anna, you know what happened between us. Hell, we practically stand each other!
InuYasha: And I still can't stand you now!
Soleanna: If only I have the power to sit you, it'll be right now!
InuYasha: Oh yeah? Make me!
Anna: Soleanna did you..?
Soleanna: Do I look like a priestess?
Anna: definitely not! You don't look or act holy at all! (Soleanna and Anna get to fussing)
Kagome: Well as Soleanna says, while they are over there acting dumb slow and stupid, review, follow, and favorite! See Ya!