Hi! It's been a while! I decided that it was high time I did something about this story and actually finished it, so I'll be rewriting this story by myself. :) It won't be too different, but I'll make a few changes in the details.
Chapter 1
Fuyumi POV
It's was a beautiful day, sun shining, birds chirping, not a cloud in the sky. A perfect day for three girls to have a picnic in a park...
Even if those girls are a yankee, a physic, and a girl with ripped black skinny jeans and a black paint-splattered T-shirt.
"So how've you been Fuyumi, anything interesting going on?" Uo asked, while munching on a sandwich.
"Yes, I would very much like to know what has happened to you since we last saw each other." Hana remarked.
"Oh, nothing much, I finally got the money to buy a small apartment a few blocks from where I work." I replied
"That's awesome, but aren't you too young to live on your own." Ou said
"Hey, I'm almost 16 I think I can handle it. Plus Tohru's been living in a tent! She's only a year older than me you know!" I retorted as I grabbed a rice ball from our picnic basket
"We actually just saw Tohru, she's living with some boys from our class Sohma was their last name I think..." Hana said calmly
"SHE'S DOING WHAT!" I yelled
"Don't worry, they're..." Hana tried to reassure me, but I wasn't listening, I mean, would you? If someone as important to you as Tohru is to me did something like that WITHOUT TELLING YOU! AND THEY'RE SOHMAS! I quickly asked Hana for directions and dashed off. Leaving my friends to clean up the mess we had made.
"Tohru's going to flip out when she sees her." I could hear Uo say.
I shook my head. I didn't have time to question them, I had to find Tohru.
I stood in front of Sohma house. I decided to sneak up to the front porch to take a peak of what was going on inside. What I saw was shocking two boys, one with orange hair and the other with purple hair, were basically trying to smash each other to pieces with crazy-looking karate moves. Tohru and a man with black hair are just standing back looking worried. What the heck were they DOING? Was this NORMAL? And why was Tohru just standing there? Didn't she want to stop them from killing each other? Tohru's never been one for violence… I had so many questions and… Not one for knocking I decided to do the polite and respectable thing.
Kick down the door
The door shattered into millions of pieces, scattering bits of wood and paper all over the floor. I quickly hopped over the debris and over to Tohru. I took a deep breathe; I would speak to her slowly and calmly…
"TOHRU WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE LIVING WITH A BUNCH OF GUYS!? I'VE BEEN FUCKING WORRIED ABOUT YOU AND YOU DON'T HAVE THE FUCKING SENSE TO TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE LIVING! THIS IS WORSE THAN WHEN YOU WERE LIVING IN A TENT!" I yelled. The three guy's jaws dropped. They probably hadn't ever seen anyone talk to Tohru like that before. But when someone pisses me off, they're gonna get yelled at, even if it's someone I really care about.
"Who the hell are you?" The orange one said. I sent a glare his way.
"I should be asking you the same question." I snarled
"And why did you break down my door?" The one with back hair asked staring at the remains of it, crestfallen. I looked at Tohru she kept trying to get a word in, probably to explain who I was, but they were too busy questioning me to notice. Finally, I had had enough
"Stop asking questions and look for a second! Can't you see Tohru wants to tell you something?!" I shouted. They turned to her.
"Yuki, Kyo, Shigure, I'm sorry I haven't told you, I was planning to but it just never came up." Tohru than glanced over at Fuyumi
"You see, that girl standing there… is my sister Fuyumi."
"Wh-what!" Kyo said
"Let her finish." I said, my voice dripping with annoyance. She then turned to me.
"And I'm sorry Fuyumi; I know you must get really worried about me sometimes you being my younger sister and all…"
"Younger sister? I thought it was the other way around" Yuki, Kyo and Shigure thought in unison.
"I hope you aren't too mad at me..." She choked out, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. I pretty much tackled Tohru into a monstrous bear hug. I hated seeing my big sissy upset.
"Um... Ms. Fuyumi, do you mind giving us an explanation? Why didn't Tohru just go to live with you?" Yuki asked calmly. Again, must I explain EVERYTHING! These three really are stupid...
"We didn't want to bother our grandfather with both of us when our mother died so we decided to live separately since we couldn't afford a house big enough to fit two people, because of this Tohru started living in a tent and I stayed with a family friend until I could afford an apartment. Now I work part-time at the business she owns." Yuki nodded, satisfied with this explanation
"And how old are you, my beautiful flower?" Shigure asked flashing me a perverted grin. I went over to slap Shigure for flirting with me but tripped over a chunk of wood on the floor and crashed into Shigure, Kyo, and Yuki who were standing next to each other.
Shigure, Kyo, and Yuki turned into a dog, cat, and rat. Tohru face turned from joy to panic as she tried to cover for her three friends
"Oh, there you are Spot... um, Carrots and….Nibbles! I thought I'd lost you guys!" I rolled my eyes
"You're a terrible liar Reuy, I can tell your hiding something."
"N-no I'm not!" Tohru said shakily. I stared at the rat, cat, and dog in front of me, and laughed. They were sending death glares at each other. It almost looked like a scene from the comics I read when I was little.
"Am I dreaming? Or did those three turn into animals?" I asked after I had finally finished laughing
"You're not dreaming" Shigure said, ignoring Yuki and Kyo for a minute to talk to me."You see, whenever we are hugged by a member of the opposite sex or our bodies go under a great deal of stress we transform into animals from the Zodiac. As you can see, Yuki is the rat, Kyo is the cat, and I am the dog."
"One thing he forgot to mention..." Yuki muttered as he grabbed his pants. I whirled around. Trying to keep the image of three guys stark naked from poisoning my mind. Too late.
"Damn I need mind soap..." I muttered to myself.
"What was that?…" Shigure asked grinning
I yanked Shigure's head and stared into his eyes…
"That remark stays between us right?" I whispered in his ear.
He nodded, and I had to stifle a laugh. The Death Glare. It always works.
After that I started checking up on Tohru more often. I didn't trust that Kyo character, or any of the Sohma's really...but...Yuki and Shigure seemed nice, Should I trust them? Will Tohru be safe from him?
Tohru's Cultural Festival was coming up in a few days and since I had part of the day when they had a meeting I decided I was going to help her class think of a stand to make. The class decided on making a rice ball stand, and if you bought three rice balls you'd get a mystery flavored one for free. I thought this was awesome because I would get to make my super-special hot sauce rice balls with chile peppers as the center. I love them, Tohru's favorite flavor is plum.
On the day of the Festival, I set my rice balls on the table and pulled up a chair, all kids who had participated in the stand had to stay, even if they weren't in the class... crazy right? I sat with my headphones plugged in listening to music on my phone, scanning the crowd for my next victims... I mean... customers. After awhile all of my chile rice balls were eaten or thrown in the trash. Only Hana, Uo, and I can stomach more than two, without about a gallon of milk.. Hehe. I read a book for awhile, watched Yuki get fought over by a mod of fangirls. All boring, until something unexpected happened
Momiji came through the door